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The Use of Diethanolamine as a CO2 Absorbent in was take the Determination coral

reef age in Barrang Lompo Island Spermonde Islands Through Measurements of 14C
Activity By Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) Method

Jumianti Bunga Matande *, Muhammad Zakir and Alfian Noor

Radiation Chemistry laboratory, Science Faculty, University Hasanuddin,
Campus UNHAS Tamalanrea Makassar, 90245
E-mail: *, Mobile: 085 396 934 171


Research on the use of diethanolamine (DEA) as a CO2 absorbent in was take the
determination coral reef age in Barrang Lompo Island, Spermonde Islands through measurements of
C activity by liquid scintillation Counting method (LSC) was carried our. Coral reef sample of the
island Barrang Lompo at coordinates 5 ° 06 '49 " LS 119 ° 25' 20" BT with a dept of 3-4 meters from
the sea surface. Coral reefs (coral reef) is an ecosystem that live on the water in the form of limestone
formations (CaCO3). Sample preparation is done physically and chemically. Chemical preparation of
coral reef sample was using 30% H2O2 continued with HClO4 mixture and H2O2 30% and the last with
a solution of HCl to produce a clean sample with a weight reduction of 16.318%. Carbonate samples
separated as CO2 by reaction with 10% HCl and absorbtion by diethanolamine to produce carbamate
compounds with 62.236% efficiency. Total carbon in the sample solution is obtained through a 1,709
gram reduction methods before and after absorption. Radiocarbon dating method is based on
measuring the specific activity of the samples obtained from the results of the count Liquid
Scintillation Counting (LSC) Hidex 300 SL, which is 7.938192 dpm/gC. The specific activity of the
age of the coral reefs are estimated 5425.452 year.

Keywords: Spermonde Islands, Barrang Lompo Island, Coral Reef, Liquid Scintillation Counting
(LSC), radiocarbon dating.

1. INTRODUCTION about 40 kilometers with a maximum

Indonesia is one of country that has depth of 60 meters [2].
a largest sea, with an area of see more than Spermonde Islands is known by
75%, which is 5.8 million square many islands people as an island
kilometers [8]. The sea of Indonesia is rich sangkarang consisting of ± 121 islands. As
by marine biological resources, which is had noted by Moll (1983), in these islands
containing more than 400 coral reef have coral diversity levels were quite high
species [6]. because there are 78 genera and sub-
Spermonde Island is one of genera, with a total of 262 species [10].
Indonesia's richest sources of biodiversity Coral reef has a very big role,
that is at coordinates 4 27'00 '' - 5 29'00 '' because the coral reef ecosystem directly
latitude and 119 2'00 '' - 119 33'00 '' BT. affects the entire life at sea and the beach
This position shows this island in south in the region. Coral reefs are formed of
Strait of Makassar or on the southwestern limestone CaCO3, has many benefits
side of the peninsula South Sulawesi primarily as a place to live, where the
(Spermonde Shelf), regardless of Shoal development of marine life, feeding
Sunda. Spermonde exposure width of the (feeding ground), where the rearing and
mainland (mainland) towards the West growth (nursery grounds) and spawning

(spawning ground) for a variety of marine so that the resulting electrical pulses
life. Beside of that the important coral proportional to the energy of radioactive
reefs as coastal protection from particles [11].
degradation and abrasion and can record Amine compounds are most often
all the activities, habits or behavior of used as an absorbent in the absorption of
earthquakes in the past to determine its age CO2 is an alkanolamine compound.
. Alkanolamine compounds classified into 3
Determination of the age of the groups: primary amines (eg MEA),
coral reefs in the waters has a big benefits secondary amines (DEA) and the tertiary
in the geography learning source for amine (TEA) [4]. Based on research
example to trace and learn the formation conducted by Rahmaniah (2014) and Kim
stone shaping in the beach and is also used et al. (2013), states that one of the amine
to determine the age radiocarbon surface compound ever tested that DEA is more
water real [12]. effectively used as absorbents when
Reefs age can be determined by the compared with the MEA and TEA because
method of radiocarbon dating. Dates based it has a CO2 absorption efficiency is
on the existence of carbon isotope (carbon- greater.
14) contained in living organisms that will
dissolve when these organisms died with a 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
half-life of 5730 years [3]. Tool
Radiocarbon dating method is a The tools are used in this study
calculation method based on the include: glass tools commonly used in the
calculating activity 14C that is still laboratory, erlemeyer, beaker glass, petri
contained in a sample. Values obtained dish, pumpkin spray, burette, pipette scale,
from the calculation of 14C activity is then pipette volume, pipette, flask, beakers,
converted to the age after it is compared bulb,stirrer, hotplate, a suite of tools
with the standard. Broadly analysis absorption, impinger, absorption column,
process 14C that at the sample of the count tool LSC Hidex 300 SL, vial
example preparation, sample census, the scintillator, Ruler, stative, mortal, gloves,
estimated sample 14C activity, age baskets, oven and hammer.
determination of samples and reporting of
age of the sample [9]. Material
Enumeration is done through a The materials are used in this study
method of LSC (Liquid Scintillation are: 10% HCl, 6 N HCl, 1 N NaOH,
Counting), samples containing diethanolamine (DEA) 30%, HClO4 1 N,
radionuclides dissolved or suspended in a 30% H2O2, AgNO3 0.5 M, Marble as
solution of scintillator (cocktail) that fits background material, silica gel , HP N2
inside the glass or plastic vial. Radioactive gas, coral reefs, Aqualight scintillator,
particles in the sample is dissolved in a filter paper, aluminum foil, tissue and
solution of scintillator will grow with aquades.
molecules of the solvent causes the solvent
molecules become excited and this causes Time and Place of Research
the scintillator molecules emit photons. This study was implemented
The photon will be detected by the PMT starting in May 2016 in the Radiation

Chemistry Laboratory Chemistry
Department, Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences University of

Research procedure
Sampling Coral Reef
Sampling is done is Island Barrang
Figure 1. Design Tool CO2 absorption of
Lompo, District Ujung Tanah, Spermonde
samples of coral reefs
Islands, Makassar at coordinates 5 ° 06 '49
"latitude 119 ° 25' 20" East.
During the absorption process,
there will be hot. After a saturated aqueous
Samples laundering Coral Reef
solution reached temperature gradually
Laundering is an early stage in the
decreases to return to room temperature.
preparation of the sample before
After the absorption process is complete,
destruction or separation carbonate
the solution formed is included in the 20
mL glass vial and added scintillator.
a. Physical washing (washing Early Stage)
Schema tool CO2 absorption of samples of
b. Chemical washing (washing Phase
coral reefs can be seen in Figure 1. The
solutions before and after the absorption
process is weighed to determine the mass
Sample pretreatment Coral Reef
change is happening.
Each piece of dry coral reef that
had weighed, crushed with a mortar up
Sample enumeration Coral Reef
into a fine powder. For the preparation of
Sample enumeration by adding 2
the analysis of the content of 14C in the
ml of the sample into a vial containing 15
sample, prepared the sample container
ml of scintillator and then shaken until
filled with 40 grams of sample and reacted
homogeneous. Then the sample is
with HCl 10% up calcium carbonate
enumerated with the LSC Hidex 300 SL
completely reacted. In these reactions will
for 24 hours with five repetitions.
be generated CO2 through the following
Data analysis
CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + CO2
N2 Gas High Purity (HP) supplied
The tool calibrated using
to the CO2 absorption suite of tools. CO2
calibration standard solutions tools work
gas is then channeled to the impinger
according to instructions until later showed
containing absorbent alkanolamine is
that the instrument has been calibrated
Diethanolamine (DEA), while continuing
with out the printing (system normalized).
to N2 gas flowed HP. 14
C standard solution cassetteholder are set
out in accordance with the serial numbers
listed above then chopped vial following
the instructions of the existing work on the
tool. Filled measuring conditions in

accordance with the instructions on the
appliance. Vial that had contained a
homogeneous solution scintillator and
sample inserted into the cassette holder
and placed in a position of enumeration.
Old enumeration arranged in advance that
for 24 hours. START button is pressed and
wait until the enumeration is completed
and the results will be printed on paper
(print out). Figure 2. Sample of coral reef

Absolute Age Calculation Samples laundering Coral Reef

Age calculation coral reefs done Washing the sample is done in two
using the following formula: stages, the physical and chemical washing.
In this way the natural contamination
found in samples of coral reefs can be
eliminated, thus resulting corals appear
Information : white due to the loss of impurities and
A = radioactivity isotope 14C in the sample carbon source on the sample surface.
Ao = radioactivity isotope 14C at the time Impurities are missing can be determined
of the plant or animal life (15.3 dpm / gC) by calculating the difference between the
(Libby, 1960) dry weight of the sample before and after
t1 / 2 = half-life = 5730 years washing and loss of impurities at 16, 318%
ln 2 = 0.693 as shown in Table 1.

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1. Data reef weight ratio Barrang

Lompo Island Spermonde Islands before
Taking Sampling and after the washing process.
Sampling was carried out on the
island of coral reefs Barrang Lompo Weight Weight %
Spermonde Islands at a depth of 3-4 Before After Weight
meters from the sea surface with the aid of Sample Laundering Laundering Samples
SCUBA divers. (g) (g) Missing
Lompo Barrang Island is one of a Coral 34.417 28.801 16.318
cluster of islands in the S permonde was reef
administratively located in District Ujung The washing process of washing
Tanah Makassar South Sulawesi province the sample consisted of physical and
with an area of 19 hectares. chemical leaching have different functions.
At the physical washing, samples of coral
reefs washed using running water and
flushing is done with aquades, this
washing is able to remove stains or
impurities that are easily lost attached to

the surface of coral reefs such as soil and CaCO3(s)+ HCl (l) CaCl2(s)+ CO2 (gas) + H2O (l)
mud. While the chemical leaching process
which starts from soaking the samples in a The next process is CO2 gas flow
mixture (1: 1) 30% H2O2 and NaOH 1 N through the tube impinger contains filter
and ultrasonic for 10 minutes, was able to paper that has been poured AgNO3,
eliminate stains attached to the narrowest intended to adsorb excess acid produced
impeccably reefs. Samples of coral reefs during the reaction between CaCO3 and
ultrasonic to accelerate the washing HCl 10% occurred, while the silica gel in
process by giving vibrations to the base the next impinger tube serves to adsorb
and walls of the sample container during excess water.
the washing process takes place, while In the absorption column, gas CO2
soaking the samples in a mixture of acid- will be absorbed by Diethanolamine
base second (1: 1) H2O2 30% and HClO4 1 (DEA). Diethanolamine which is a
N capable of removing residual organic secondary amine compound will react
stains that brown/yellow stick coral polyps absorb gas CO2 produces carbamate
that cannot be lost on the first immersion. compounds. In this process, not all the
Perklorid acid use in the second immersion CO2 gas that flowed into the solution
can dissolve 5-10% of the sample weight Diethanolamine capable arrested
Adkins (2002). It is therefore only done characterized by the CO2 gas bubbles that
soaking of about 2 minutes. pass through the surface of the absorbent
The last process in the chemical solution. The reaction is as follows:
leaching is a sample immersed in 10 mL of
6 N HCl for ± 30 seconds. Soaking is done CO2 (g) + 2 R2NH (aq)  R2NCOO− (aq) +
to reduce the CO2 absorbent modern R2NH2+ (aq)
adsorbed on the surface of the sample (R = -CH2-CH2-OH)
during the washing process. Carbamate compounds that are
formed will be measured by Liquid
Pre-treatment Sample. Scintillation Counting (LSC), is aims to
The main arranging reef is a determine the amount of activity 14C. To
carbonate. Carbonates found on coral reefs know the amount of CO2 that is absorbed
can be separated by reacting with HCl in 8 mL absorbent, can be determined by
10% in 5 grams of powder samples in a determining the total karbon.Perhitungan
round-bottom flask. The sample used in total carbon can be found in appendix 4.
the form of a fine powder obtained by The number of CO2 is successfully
grinding using a mortar. The form of these absorbed 1,709 g while the total of carbon
samples resulted contact space between present in a sample of 0.09322 g. DEA
HCl 10% with the sample becomes more capability as an absorbent to absorb CO2
widespread and the reaction that occurs gas can be determined by calculating the
can be fast. When samples of coral reefs efficiency of absorption through the
reacted with HCl 10% will generate CO2 calculation shown in Appendix 5. Based
gas. The reaction that occurs between on the results of these calculations
calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid obtained by the DEA absorption efficiency
are as follows: of 62.236%.

Sample enumeration Coral Reef Table 2. Results of Enumeration Data for
Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) Determining Optimum Time Shredded
Hidex 300 SL was instrumental in samples Barrang Lompo Island Coral Reef
detecting β particles emitted from the Spermonde Island with LSC Device Hidex
sample C. Samples containing 300 SL in the time range of counts from 1-
radionuclides in liquid scintillation 150 minutes.
counting method is dissolved or suspended Sampel
in a solution of scintillator (Scintillator Shredded
solution or cocktail) that fits inside the No. Time CPM DPM TDCR
glass or plastic vial. Scintillator material is (Minutes)
a material that would emit photons when 1. 5 55,600 100,370 0,553
radiation interacts with the particles. In the 2. 15 61,660 105,830 0,582
enumeration process takes 8 mL of sample 3. 30 58,130 99,100 0,586
and 12 mL of scintillator were mixed into 4. 60 58,630 98,880 0,592
a 20 mL vial. The process of mixing the 5. 90 58,120 98,650 0,589
sample solution and the scintillator, 6. 120 57,270 97,600 0,586
avoiding contamination by free air 7. 150 57,380 97,370 0,589
containing CO2-free. Enumeration with
LSC Hidex 300 SL carried out over a According to the table 2 can be
period of 1-240 minutes. Analysis of the seen enumeration results on samples of
samples by this method involves a coral reefs from the 15th minute until the
scintillator solution that will collide with 60th minute decline. But in the 90th
the excited molecules to the solvent. At minute of 14C activity values ranging
this point the energy will be released in the achieve stability. 14C activity value which
form of photons or light flicker. Flicker of fluctuates due to the effects of chemical
light has a certain wavelength and when it glow (chemiluminescence) when counting
reaches the layer fotokatode in PMT takes place and the instability of the phase
(Photo Multiplier Tube) releases electrons between the scintillator carbamate solution
from the layer. The electrons will be at the beginning of the process of
reproduced by dinode-dinode contained in enumeration. Phase instability caused by
PMT and eventually these electrons will be the effects of the blackout (quenhcing).
collected at this anode in the form of Blackout effect is a shift in the
electrical pulses. A sample census carried fluorescence spectrum toward lower
out in two phases, phase optimum time energy. The greater the blackout happened,
determination enumeration and the stage then the fluorescence spectrum
of determining the value of the average increasingly towards lower energy. CPM
value of enumeration sample at the impairment occurs because the number of
optimum time. The following data is nuclei decay during certain time intervals
the result of the determination of the decreased exponentially. The decline in the
optimum time of enumeration of activity value of CPM a sample proportional to the
14C contained in the sample can be seen in decline in value of DPM but inversely
Table 2. proportional to the value TDCR samples.
If made in the form of graphs, the ratio

between the CPM and DPM of the time it Sample
will look like in figure 3. Shredded

1. 90 58,830 98,670 0,596

2. 90 58,500 99,220 0,589
3. 90 58,570 99,870 0,586
4. 90 61,060 101,840 0,599
5. 90 59,460 99,740 0,596
Mean 59,284 99,868 0,5932
Based on the above table, the value
of the average CPM sample is 59.284; the
Figure 3. Graph relations DPM and CPM average value of 99,868 and DPM average
sample results reefs against time value TDCR is 0,5932. The same
Determining the optimum time to treatment was also carried out against the
determine enumeration best time value background that the enumeration marble 8
produced DPM and have efficient value mL and 12 mL vials scintillator was added
enumeration (TDCR) stable as a sign that and then chopped with LSC tool Hidex
the sample enumeration process walk up. 300 SL. Here are the results for the
In the minutes to 30-90 value of the determination optimum time chopped
activity of 14C begin to achieve stability. background.
The cause is physical and chemical Table 4. The enumeration results Data for
conditions sample solution with scintillator Determination of Optimum Time
is stabilized. 14C activity rate stability is Shredded Background with LSC device
essential to gain an exponential graph Hidex 300 SL in a span of chopped 5-240
chopped. From the table it obtained a minutes.
sample of enumeration optimum for 90 Background
minutes, with a value of 98.650 DPM, shredded
CPM at 58.120 and TDCR value of 0.589. No. time CPM DPM TDCR
the samples then enumerated repeatedly (minutes)
during the optimum time. The results of 1. 5 64,400 115,200 0,559
the count at the optimum time is used to 2. 15 62,330 109,760 0,567
calculate the specific activity of 14C in the 3. 30 60,060 102,590 0,585
sample. The following data enumeration 4. 60 59,130 102,990 0,574
results samples at the time of enumeration 5. 90 57,030 99,440 0,573
optimum for 90 minutes with 5 repetitions 6. 120 57,250 97,930 0,584
can be seen in Table 3. 7. 150 57,180 98,060 0,583
Table 3. Data from sample enumeration 8. 180 57,360 100,710 0,569
Barrang Island Coral Reef Islands Lompo 9. 210 56,040 95,640 0,585
Spermonde with LSC Device Hidex 300 10. 240 56,910 97,310 0,584
SL at the optimum time of enumeration for
90 minutes with 5 repetitions.

Optimum background count values Background enumeration is done to
from the table above that the shredded for get the value of Disintegrations Per Minute
90 minutes. Values obtained at the time of (DPM) 14C in samples obtained based on
enumeration for 90 minutes is a value the difference of the value of DPM sample
CPM background amounted to 57.030 and DPM background value. The use of
values DPM optimum amounted to 99.440 the results of the background enumeration
and the value TDCR optimum at 0.573. herein is intended to find out the
These results are then used to determine contribution of radiation from liquid
the average value of the background scintillation counting environments that
activity at the time of enumeration are not sampled. As described earlier, the
optimum 90 minutes. Results chopped results of the background chopped also be
background when made into shape of the used as a correction factor to the count
graph will look like Figure 4. samples.

Data analysis Determination of Specific

Activity Sample Coral Reef.
The specific activity of samples of
coral reefs can be determined from the
range of the result of chopped Counts Per
Minute (CPM) samples against the result
of enumeration background generated as a
correction factor to the results of chopped
samples divided by the efficiency of the
Figure 4. Graph relationship results DPM
enumeration Triple To Double
and CPM background against time.
Coincidance Ratio (TDCR) are converted
The data is the average value of the
into units of Disintegration Per Minute (
background activity at the time of
DPM), divided by the total levels of
enumeration optimum 90 minutes can be
carbon in 8 mL of sample was mixed with
seen in Table 4.
12 ml of scintillator. From the explanation
Table 4. Data average value of
to do the determination of the specific
background activity by LSC Device Hidex
activity of the sample. The specific activity
300 SL at the optimum time of
of the average (US) samples from the
enumeration for 90 minutes.
calculation of disintegrations per minute
(DPM) per unit carbon future samples can
be seen in Table 5.
Table 5. The average 14C Sample
Originally Island Coral Reef Barrang
1. 90 56,540 99,460 0,568
Lompo Island Spermonde Island.
2. 90 57,520 99,790 0,576
C- As AS
3. 90 56,880 98,370 0,578 Sampl DP 14C
total (DPM/g
4. 90 56,450 99,010 0,570 e M
(g) C) life*
5. 90 56,830 99,010 0,573
Coral 1,70 0,0932
mean 56,844 99,128 0,573 7,938192 15,3
reefs 9 2

Based on data from a sample census 2.The age of coral reefs from the Barrang
results in Table 5, shown specific activity Lompo island, Spermonde Islands which
of 14C in samples 7,938192 dpm/gC. is calculated based on the equation of
Calculation of the sample activity coral radiocarbon decay rate is 5425.452 year.
reefs can be seen in appendix. Activities
obtained indicates the magnitude of the REFERENCES
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