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Castellon, Alexandra Nicole M4 - Activity 1: Family Tree of Elias and Ibarra

BSA2A September 30, 2023

1. Family tree must be in drawing; you need to picture it and upload in the submission
bottom of the said tasks. No digital drawing. Again, it’s a DRAWING.
2. You need to explain the necessary information of your drawing particularly of the
 Background of the family
 Education
 Blood line
3. Plagiarism result, reference and or sources of your work is also included in the
4. No submission of tasks to comment or inbox of the canvas.
5. Please follow the instruction. No score will be given for not following the instruction.

Family Tree of Crisostomo Ibarra

Don Pedro Eibrramendia

 Crisostomo's great-grandfather.
 an affluent Tagalog-speaking Spaniard.
 traded cash, jewelry, and clothing to buy a whole forest.
 began the family of Elias' woes.

Doña Eibaramendia
 Crisostomo’s great - grandmother.
 A Mestiza Filipino

Don Saturnino Ibarra

 Crisostomo's grandfather.
 the person responsible for San Diego's development.
 devoted all of his time and energy to farming.
 was described as a cunning and ruthless man.
 their last name was shortened to "Ibarra".
 a Mestizo from Spain.

Doña Ibarra
 Ibarra's grandmother
 a teenage girl from Manila

Don Rafael Ibarra

 The Crisostomo's father.
 loved by the people of the community for his compassion and friendliness.
 Because of Father Damaso's charges of heresy and rebellion, San Diego's richest man
committed suicide in prison.
Doña Ibarra y Magsalin
 Crisostomo’s Mother
 A Filipina

Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin

 Ibarra y Magsalin, Don Rafael's and Donya's son.
 A Spanish Mestizo.
 Europe-based schooling for seven years.
 has an open, romantic, and liberal mind.
 influenced by his European education, which inspired him to advance society.
 By the time the novel ends, he has been branded a subversive heretic.
 His views on revolution and reform began to resemble Elias'.

Family Tree of Elias

 Elias' grandfather.
 worked as a bookkeeper for a Spanish merchant in Manila.
 He was falsely charged by Don Pedro with setting a warehouse on fire.
 When he saw his wife ill and without any assistance or care, he killed himself out of desperation.
 Elias' grandmother.
 a prostitute at the time Ingkong was accused
 a mixture.
 falsely charged with murder.

Older Son of Ingkong and Impo

 turned into a bandit known as a "Tulisan"
 feared by all for his retribution

Father of Elias
 went somewhere where no one would recognize him to get away from the foes.
 worked in a wealthy man's Tayabas family.

Mother of Elias
 heir to a wealthy family.
 kept Elias' father in the dark about her pregnancy.
 after knowing about Elias' father's past, refused to wed him.

 He was born in Manila to a wealthy family.
 a renegade nomad and criminal who is incensed by the Spanish government's and Catholic
church's hegemony over the Philippines.
 He and his identical sister used to lead comfortable lives.
 trained in Manila.
 The Indio.

 Elias' twin sister.
 vanished one day, only to be found on the Calamba Lakeshore with a knife buried in her breast.
 trained in Manila.

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