English Grade 3 Unit 11 Lectures

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Lecture 1: Past form of verb and prepositions

Recap/Refresh your knowledge:

(2 minutes)
 Teacher will ask students to recall what they have learnt about verb ‘be’ past form in grade 3 (English
book 3 page 58)
SLO(s): Teaching Aids:
 Identify and use the structure of simple past  CSS English Book 3
tense for completed actions, with or without
mention or specific time.
 Recognize and use words e.g., with, in, over,
at, from, into, and, out, of.
Islamic Perspective:
(2 minutes)
They said: we hear and we disobey. Surah Al-Baqarah verse93
Pre-reading question(s): Vocabulary/Keywords:
(2 minutes)  Will be taken from the book
 What is main verb?
 What is preposition?
Skill(s): Grammar

Main Lesson/Development:
(20 minutes)
 Teacher will tell students that ‘the main verb is important verb in the sentence, the one that
typically shows the action or state of being of the subject”.
 Teacher will tell students that ‘second/past form of verb is used to show completed actions in simple
past tense’. Teacher will give examples: She laughed at her joke, We played cricket, He baked cake
Activity: Teacher will show sentences with blanks having main verbs in simple present form and students
will fill the blanks with appropriate main verbs in simple past form.
 Teacher will ask students to open book page 92 and do Q5.
 Teacher will also tell that words like with, in, over, at, from, into, out, of etc. shows position of things
with reference of other things.
 Teacher will ask students to open book page 92 and do Q6.

(10 minutes)
 Teacher will tell students to do Q#4on page 83. Teacher will distribute worksheet for practice.
Homework/links: Wrap-up:
 For homework, students will write few (2 minutes)
sentences using main verbs simple past We covered up SLOs:
tense.  Identify and use the structure of simple past
tense for completed actions, with or without
mention or specific time.
 Recognize and use words e.g., with, in, over, at,
from, into, and, out, of.

Pre-reading question(s):
 What is main verb?
Ans: ‘The main verb is important verb in the sentence, the one that typically shows the action or state of
being of the subject’.
 What is preposition?
Ans: Prepositions are position words that tell us something about the position of nouns.
Q#4on page 83.
Q: Write few sentences using main verbs simple past tense.
She cooked rice.
We played hockey.
Police caught the thief.
Ammar won the match.
He ran fast.
Lecture 1: Grammar (preposition)
School Name: ______________________________________________________
Class: ___________ Date: __________________ Worksheet# ________________
Student name: ______________________________________________________







Lecture 2: Weak forms

Recap/Refresh your knowledge:
(2 minutes)
 Teacher will ask students to recall what they have learnt about common and proper noun and weak
forms in grade 2 (English book 2 page 116 and 97
SLO(s): Teaching Aids:
 Pronounce the weak forms of “a” and “the”  CSS English Book 3
in simple phrases and of “be” in contractions.
 Classify nouns as common and proper noun.
Islamic Perspective:
(2 minutes)
O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allāh, even if it be against
yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allāh is more worthy of both.Surah An-Nisa
Pre-reading question(s): Vocabulary/Keywords:
(2 minutes)  Will be taken from the book
 What do you know about common and
proper noun?
 What is a weak form word?
Skill(s): Pronunciation skill
Main Lesson/Development:
(20 minutes)
 Teacher will tell students that common name of people, places and things are called common noun like
girl, country, book and names of special/specific people, places and things are called proper noun like
Fatima, Canada, Quran.
 Teacher will ask students to do Q#4 on page 92.
 Activity: Teacher will divide class in pairs. One student will write common naming words and the
other will write particular name for the same common naming word. e.g. city: Lahore, country.
Pakistan, person
 Teacher will tell students that, “When a syllable is not important in a word or unstressed, it becomes the
weak form of a word”. A weak form never ends a sentence. We usually use weak forms when we use
grammar words, such as position words, joining words and articles. If a word has a weak form it does
not mean that we will always use weak form.
 Teacher will tell students that contractions are shortened words we add apostrophe to combine two
words into one. Forms of be can be shortened like is-‘s, am-‘m, are-‘r, etc.
 Teacher will ask students to open book page 91 and read weak form ’a’, ‘the’ and ‘be in contraction’
 Activity: Write a bunch of sentences randomly on the board. Divide the class up into two teams
and one student from each team comes to the board and say sentence, saying weak form ’a’,
‘the’ and ‘be in contraction form’. The team with more correct pronunciations will win.
(10 minutes)
 Teacher will then tell students to do Q#4 on page 92. Teacher will provide worksheet in printed form
for practice.
Homework/links: Wrap-up:
 Teacher will tell students to make sentences (2 minutes)
using ‘be’ forms. We covered up SLOs:
 Students will practice sentences at home and  Pronounce the weak forms of “a” and “the” in
notice the weak forms. simple phrases and of “be” in contractions.
 Classify nouns as common and proper noun.
Pre-reading question(s):
 What is a weak form word?
Ans: “When a syllable is not important in a word or unstressed, it becomes the weak form of a word”.
A weak form never ends a sentence. We usually use weak forms when we use grammar words, such
as position words, joining words and articles. If a word has a weak form it does not mean that we will
always use weak form.
 What do you know about contractions?
Ans: Contractions are shortened words we add apostrophe to combine two words into one. Forms of
be can be shortened like is-‘s, am-‘m, are-‘r, etc.
Q#4 on page 92.

Home Work:
Q: Make sentences using ‘be’ forms. Practice sentences at home and notice the weak
She’s going to school.
They’re playing cricket.
We’re Muslims.
He’s writing a letter to his friend.
You’re going to Karachi.
Lecture 2: Grammar (simple past tense)
School Name: ______________________________________________________
Class: ___________ Date: __________________ Worksheet# ________________
Student name: ______________________________________________________


Ahmad opened the door. (open, opened)








Lecture 3: Reading
Recap/Refresh your knowledge:
(2 minutes)
 Teacher will ask students to recall what they have learnt about ‘Vegetable kingdom’ in grade 3 (English
SLO(s): Teaching Aids:
 Apply strategies to comprehend questions for  CSS English Book 3
tenses in a variety of the following question
types, factual, personal response, interpretive.
 Use pre-reading strategies to predict some
words that might occur in a text by looking at
Islamic Perspective:
(2 minutes)
He causes to grow for you thereby the crops, olives, palm trees, grapevines, and of all the fruits.
Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought.Surah An-Nahl verse11
Pre-reading question(s): Vocabulary/Keywords:
(2 minutes)  Will be taken from the book
 Do you like plantation?
 Have you ever participated in plantation?
Skill(s): Reading and Writing.
Listening and speaking.
Main Lesson/Development:
(20 minutes)
 Teacher will ask students to look at the pictures on book page 87, 88, 89 and predict the text and words
that might occur in the text.
 Teacher will ask students to read book page 88. Teacher will tell the students meanings of difficult
words and help students in understanding the text. Students will underline or highlight difficult words.
 Teacher will ask students while reading question: Who is the in charge of botanical garden ?
 Teacher will help further if students find any difficulty in understanding text. Then teacher will ask
students to answer comprehension Q1 part a, b, c, d.
 Teacher will correct student’s answers for comprehension and they will write their answers on
 Activity: Project on book page94.
Practice/Worksheet: Teacher will tell students to do Q1a, b, c, d on notebook. Teacher will distribute
worksheet for practice. (10 minutes)
Homework/links: Wrap-up: (2
For homework students learn dictation words and minutes)
make meaningful sentences (Q2 book page 90). We learnt today:
 Apply strategies to comprehend questions for tenses
in a variety of the following question types, factual,
personal response, interpretive.
 Use pre-reading strategies to predict some words
that might occur in a text by looking at picture/title.
Pre-reading question(s):
 Do you like plantation?
Ans: Yes, I do like plantation.
 Have you ever participated in plantation?
Ans: Yes, I participated in plantation when my father was adding more plants in our house garden.
Q1 part a, b, c, d.
Project on book page94.
Q2 book page 90
Lecture 3: Reading and comprehension
School Name: ______________________________________________________
Class: ___________ Date: __________________ Worksheet# ________________
Student name: ______________________________________________________
The first steam engine was built nearly 200 years ago.

The trains, which have large and heavy engine, use diesel.

The Japanese electric train, which is called bullet, is the fastest train in the words. It can
travel three hundred kilometers per hour.

Lecture 4: Reading Comprehension

Recap/Refresh your knowledge:
(2 minutes)
 Teacher will ask students to recall what they have learnt about ‘question words’ in grade 3 (English
book3 page71)
SLO(s): Teaching Aids:
 Apply strategies to comprehend questions for  CSS English Book 3
tenses in a variety of the following question
types, factual, personal response, interpretive.
Islamic Perspective:
(2 minutes)
He causes to grow for you thereby the crops, olives, palm trees, grapevines, and of all the fruits.
Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought.Surah An-Nahl verse11
Pre-reading question(s): Vocabulary/Keywords:
(2 minutes)  Will be taken from the book
 Who is the in charge of botanical garden?
 What are Hamna’s duties as a member of
Green club?
Skill(s): Reading and Writing.
Listening and speaking.
Main Lesson/Development:
(20 minutes)
 Teacher will ask students to look at the pictures on book page 87, 88, 89 and predict the text and words
that might occur in the text.
 Teacher will ask students to read book page 89. Teacher will tell the students meanings of difficult
words and help students in understanding the text. Students will underline or highlight difficult words.
 Teacher will help further if students find any difficulty in understanding text. Then teacher will ask
students to answer post reading questions: Can you explain what a botanical garden is? Have you ever
visited a botanical garden?
 Teacher will ask students Comprehension Q1.part e. Teacher will help students for writing answer for
Q1 part e in notebooks.
 Teacher will ask students to open book page90 and answer MCQS given for Q3.
Practice/Worksheet: Teacher will tell students to do Q1: part e, and Q3. Teacher will distribute worksheet for
practice. (10 minutes)
Homework/links: Wrap-up: (2
For homework students will write answers for pre- minutes)
reading, while reading and post reading questions. We learnt today:
 Apply strategies to comprehend questions for
tenses in a variety of the following question
types, factual, personal response, interpretive.
 Use pre-reading strategies to predict some words
that might occur in a text by looking at

Pre-reading question(s):
 Who is the in charge of botanical garden?
Ans: Mr.Rafique is the in charge of botanical garden.
 What are Hamna’s duties as a member of Green club?
Ans: Being a member of Green Club, her duties are to focus on the plantation and spread awareness
about it.
Q1.part e
page90 MCQS given for Q3
Write answers for pre-reading, while reading and post reading questions.
Pre-reading question(s):
 Do you like plantation?
Ans: Yes, I do like plantation.
 Have you ever participated in plantation?
Ans: Yes, I participated in plantation when my father was adding more plants in our house garden.
While-reading question(s):
 Who is the in charge of botanical garden?
Ans: Mr.Rafique is the in charge of botanical garden.
 What are Hamna’s duties as a member of Green club?
Ans: Being a member of Green Club, her duties are to focus on the plantation and spread awareness
about it.
Post-reading question (s):
 Can you explain what a botanical garden is?
Ans: An establishment where plants are grown for scientific study and display to the public is called
botanical garden.
 Have you ever visited a botanical garden?
Ans: No, I have not visited any botanical garden yet.
Lecture 4: Reading and comprehension
School Name: ______________________________________________________
Class: ___________ Date: __________________ Worksheet# ________________
Student name: ______________________________________________________
Lecture 5: Listening and speaking
Recap/Refresh your knowledge:
(2 minutes)
 Teacher will ask students to recall what they have learnt about express likes and dislikes in grade 3
(English book3 page28)
SLO(s): Teaching Aids:
 Demonstrate conventions and dynamics of oral  CSS English Book 3Wr
interactions in groups to express joy, sadness and
Islamic Perspective:
(2 minutes)
[The Most Compassionate. taught the Quran, created human,[And] taught him eloquence. Surah Ar-
Rehman verse1-4
Pre-reading question(s): Vocabulary/Keywords:
(2 minutes)  Will be taken from the book
 What are basic social courtesies?
 How do you express your feelings like joy,
sadness and anger?
Skill(s): Grammar skill

Main Lesson/Development:
(20 minutes)
 Teacher will tell students that Excuse me, Please, Thank you, May I are basic social courtesies. These
are polite and well-mannered speech words.
 Teacher will tell the students we use phrases like ‘I enjoyed, I could not enjoy, etc.’ with basic social
courtesies to express feelings.
 Activity: Teacher will divide class in groups of three.
 Each group will come in front of the class and will express all three emotions i.e. joy, sadness and
 All the students will participate.
 Teacher will ask students to do Q7 on book page 93.
(10 minutes)
 Teacher will tell students to do Q7 on page93. Teacher will distribute worksheet for practice.
Homework/links: Wrap-up:
For homework, students will express their emotions by (2 minutes)
writing a few sentences about some event or weather and Today we learnt:
read it aloud in their class.  Demonstrate conventions and dynamics of
oral interactions in groups to express joy,
sadness and anger.

Pre-reading question(s):
 What are basic social courtesies?
Ans: Excuse me, Please, Thank you, May I are basic social courtesies. These are polite and well-mannered
speech words.
 How do you express your feelings like joy, sadness and anger?
Ans: We use phrases like ‘I enjoyed for joy, I could not enjoy for sadness and anger, etc.’
Q7 on page93
For homework, students will express their emotions by writing a few sentences about some event or weather
and read it aloud in their class.
I enjoyed a lot because it was raining outside.
I liked to watch the show it was entertaining.
I could not play because I was thirsty.
I am not happy because my art pieces in exhibition were torn.
I am sad on losing the catch in match.
Lecture 5: Listening and speaking (Express emotions)
School Name: ______________________________________________________
Class: ___________ Date: __________________ Worksheet# ________________
Student name: ______________________________________________________
Lecture 6: Writing
Recap/Refresh your knowledge:
(2 minutes)
Teacher will ask students to recall what they have learnt about ‘Fill in speech bubble’ in grade 3 (English book
3 page 61).
SLO(s): Teaching Aids:
 Write guided short informal invitations to  CSS English Book 3
friends, family members to demonstrate the
use of following conventions: purpose, date
and time, venue, name of addressee and
Islamic Perspective:
(2 minutes)
And Allah invites to the Home of Peace and guides whom He wills to a straight path. sūrat yūnus
Pre-reading question(s): Vocabulary/Keywords:
(2 minutes)  Will be taken from the book
 What is an invitation?
 How do you invite someone on your special
Skill(s): Writing, Listening and Speaking

Main Lesson/Development:
(20 minutes)
 Teacher will ask the students: an invitation is a proposal for others to do something with you. And
while preparing an invitation you try to make sure it is accepted and people join you in your
task/celebrations. Teacher will also tell to family members, friends and teacher we write informal
 Teacher will tell students to bring an accepted response an informal invitation must contain some
information that are called conventions of an invitation. These conventions include: purpose (reason to
celebrate/invite), date and time (when it will be celebrated/done), venue (place of celebration/task),
name of addressee (whom you are inviting), name of sender (who is inviting).
 Teacher will further ask students to fill the blanks of given invitation Q8 Book page 94.
 Activity: Teacher will draw/write an invitation following the modle given on page 94. Teacher will
call students one-by-one to the board to fill in the invitation. Teacher will keep changing the title
of the invitation. This practice will go on till the time all the students are clear with all the
conventions of invitation.
(10 minutes)
 Students will practice the Q8 on page 94. Teacher will distribute worksheet for practice.
Homework: Wrap-up: Today we covered SLO
 Students will write an invitation card to (2 minutes)
friend to invite him/her for a gathering at  Write guided short informal invitations to
home to celebrate success. friends, family members to demonstrate the use
of following conventions: purpose, date and
time, venue, name of addressee and sender..

Pre-reading question(s):
 What is an invitation?
Ans: An invitation is a proposal for others to do something with you.
 How do you invite someone on your special occasions?
Ans: While preparing an invitation we try to make sure it is accepted and people join us in our celebrations. For
family members, friends and teacher we write informal invitations.
Q8 Book page 94.
Students will write an invitation card to friend to invite him/her for a gathering at home to celebrate success.
Ans: Invitation
Let’s celebrate Success together
Dear Friend Saba
Purpose: Come and join me on my result celebrations.
Date: March31st,2022. Time: 4:00 PM
Venue: KFC, Jail Road, Pakistan.
From: Khadeeja
Address: 5th Avenue, Township, Lahore, Pakistan.
Contact No:000011000222

Lecture 6: Writing (Invitation)

School Name: ______________________________________________________
Class: ___________ Date: __________________ Worksheet# ________________
Student name: ______________________________________________________

Dear Basit

On 5th January

at Star Hotel, DHA, Lahore

at 5 p.m


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