Shortcut Keys 2

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Shortcut keys:

Alt+ Tab = Switch between open windows on the desktop.

Shift + Del = Permanently delete an item.

These shortcuts are especially useful for text computation and file managerial activities.

Ctrl +S= Save

Ctrl + O =open

Ctrl + N =New

Ctrl-C = copying.

Ctrl + V = is for pasting

Ctrl + X = is for cutting the content

Ctrl + Z =Undo

Ctrl + A=.Select all

Ctrl + B.=Make bold

Ctrl + U = highlight

Ctrl + Right Arrow = Position the mouse pointer at the beginning of the next Word.

Ctrl + Left Arrow = Position the mouse pointer to the beginning of the previous Word.

Ctrl + Down Arrow = Positions the mouse pointer at the beginning of the next paragraph.

Ctrl + Up Arrow = returns the mouse pointer to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
Function Keys:
F1 = Opens the help menu

F2 = Rename a file

F3 = Opens the search function

F4 = Alt + F4 closes the currently active window.

F5 = Refreshes or reloads the page or document window.

F6 = Ctrl + F6 = Allows you to easily switch

F7 = Spell and grammar check a document

F8 = Select text in Word

F9 = Open Word document

F10 = Ctrl + F10 = Maximize the window in Microsoft Word

F11 = Active or De active screen

F12 = Open “Save As” in Microsoft Word

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