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There question of whether abortion should be

legalized is a complex and deeply personal one.
Advocates argue for legalization to ensure
women’s reproductive rights and access to safe
medical procedures, while opponents often
emphasize the sanctity of life. Studies show that
a 24% of maternal mortality is caused by unsafe
abortion, the legalization of abortion ensures
that women have access to safe and regulated
healthcare services, reducing the risks
associated with unsafe procedures. We believe
that women should have the right to make
decisions about their own bodies without
government interference.
To make it short, how do you give a better life
to the children, where in fact you didn’t give
your life a better living? There’s nothing wrong
with abortion as long as you process it clearly
and safely, you should not worry. Women have
the right to decide what to do with their bodies.
Abortion is safe when carried out using a
method recommended in the medical field and
the doctor is appropriate to the pregnancy
duration and and has the necessary skills to
perform it with the least amount of risk possible.


•The Bible holds significant moral weight for many people, but
it’s not universally accepted as the basis for laws in secular
societies. The law should be logical and factual, not formed by
believes and faith. So, while the Bible may form individual
beliefs, it’s not necessarily the sole basis for legal decisions in
diverse Societies.
•There are times where abortion is needed. These are the times
where the mother’s body is weak and cannot carry the child. If
she chooses to have the baby there is a great chance of them
both dying. When this happens, should we imprison and fine the
mother for choosing to save her life than sacrifice both of her
and her child’s life?
•A big part of the reason why parents become abusive to their
child is the lack of parenting skills. The lack of parenting skills
is often because they are still not ready to have children.
Legalizing abortion ensures that they will have enough time to
learn these skills and will greatly lessen the amount of parents
that become abusive.

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