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1. Should we consider A. Bonifacio as the First President of the Philippines?

or why not?
We should consider Andress Bonifacio as the first president of the Philippines since he
was the one who established the secret group, KKK, a revolutionary organization that
unites Filipinos into one solid nation with a common goal of gaining independence from
Spanish rule.
2. Is the Tejeros convention, a convention of status quo and discrimination?
Tejeros convention originally took place to have a meeting and discussion between the
two factions of KKK, the Magdiwang, which is led by Andress Bonifacio’s brother in-law,
and the Magdalo, which is led by Emilio Aguinaldo. These two factions were in rivalry
despite having one goal, and this is supposed to be settled during the Tejeros
Convention. The main purpose of the convention was to discuss about a new revolution
government and to determine the leader of the said government. This is when the first
election began. Despite its main purposes, Tejeros Convention is a status quo and
considered discriminatory in nature. To begin with, the Magdiwang faction was
comprised of people from the poorer section of society while the Magdalo was
composed of people from the richer section of the society or the ilustrados. A
manifestation of discrimination, division of men based of social classes. Secondly,
Aguinaldo won the election and Andres Bonifacio was positioned to be the Director of
Interior, however Daniel Tirona questioned Bonifacio for his position saying that he is
not suited for the position since Bonifacio was uneducated. Lastly, there was reports
saying that the election was cheated and manipulated, and the ballot was rigged in
favor of Aguinaldo.

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