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Chapter 3


Water quality plays a critical role in the sustainability of our environment and the health of

individuals. In industrial applications, the importance of maintaining proper water quality is even

more significant, as it directly affects the production processes and the overall efficiency of

industries. With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), the monitoring and management of water

quality have become easier and more accurate. This chapter outlines the operational framework for

an IoT based water quality assessment and conditioning management system for industrial

applications in Barangay Tulay, Jolo Sulu.



Describe all the software that you used including names and other details.

Arduino IDE - is a popular open-source software application that is used to program and develop

Arduino boards. It provides a streamlined and user-friendly interface for writing and uploading code

to Arduino microcontrollers. The versatility and ease-of-use of Arduino IDE make it an ideal tool for

developing IoT-based systems, including water quality assessment and conditioning management

systems. In Barangay Tulay, Jolo Sulu, the need for a reliable and efficient water quality

assessment and conditioning management system for industrial applications is crucial. The
industrial sector heavily relies on water for various processes, such as cooling, manufacturing, and


However, the quality of the water used in these processes can have a significant impact on

the efficiency and longevity of industrial equipment. Contaminated or poor-quality water can result

in reduced production output, increased maintenance costs, and potential harm to the environment.

To address these challenges, an IoT-based water quality assessment and conditioning

management system can be implemented using Arduino IDE. This system consists of various

sensors, Arduino microcontrollers, and a centralized control unit. The sensors are strategically

placed at different points in the water supply chain to continuously monitor and collect data on

water quality parameters such as pH, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature. These sensors are

connected to Arduino microcontrollers, which process the data and transmit it wirelessly to the

centralized control unit.

The centralized control unit, equipped with an Arduino board, acts as a data hub and

decision-making center. It receives, analyzes, and stores the real-time data from the sensors,

allowing for immediate monitoring and assessment of water quality parameters. The Arduino IDE

enables the development of algorithms and codes that enable the control unit to identify and flag

any deviations from the desired water quality levels. It can then trigger automated responses, such

as adjusting the water conditioning systems or activating alarms to alert operators about any


One of the significant advantages of using Arduino IDE in this system is its flexibility and

expandability. The IDE allows for easy integration of additional sensors and modules, enabling the
system to adapt and monitor new water quality parameters as needed. For example, if the

industrial process requires monitoring dissolved oxygen levels or the presence of specific

chemicals, Arduino IDE can support the integration and programming of sensors to collect this


Furthermore, Arduino IDE provides a user-friendly programming environment with a vast

library of pre-built functions and examples. This makes it easier for engineers and technicians in

Barangay Tulay to develop and customize the control and decision-making algorithms without

requiring extensive programming knowledge. The Arduino community also provides strong support

and resources, allowing for collaboration and knowledge sharing among users worldwide.

In conclusion, Arduino IDE is a powerful tool for developing IoT-based water quality

assessment and conditioning management systems for industrial applications in Barangay Tulay,

Jolo Sulu. Its versatility, user-friendly interface, and expandability make it an ideal platform for

creating customized systems that can continuously monitor and manage water quality parameters.

By implementing such a system, industries in Barangay Tulay can optimize their processes, reduce

maintenance costs, and ensure the sustainable use of water resources.

C++ programming language - Arduino uses a variant of the C++ programming language. The code

is written in C++ with an addition of special methods and functions. Moreover, when you create a

'sketch' (the name given to code files in this language), it is processed and compiled to machine


pH Sensor: Analog pH Sensor / Meter

Kit specially designed for Arduino controllers

and has convenient and practical "Gravity"

connector and a bunch of features. Instant

connection to your probe your Arduino to get

pH measurements at ± 0.1pH (25 ℃). For most hobbyist this great accuracy range and it's low

cost makes this a great tool for bio robotics and other projects! It has an LED which works as the

Power Indicator, a BNC connector and pH2.0 sensor interface. To use it, just connect the pH

sensor with BND connector, and plug the pH2.0 interface into the analog input port of any Arduino

controller. If pre-programmed, you will get the pH value easily. Comes in compact plastic box with

foams for better mobile storage.

Build your own pH meter gadget, or a water monitoring station for your water tanks.

It could make for the ultimate water control device. Use it for your aquaponics or fish tanks or other

materials that need measurements.

Wemos D1 Mini: The sensor Wemos measures the distance to the

water surface, calculates the depth of water in the tank, normalizes

this data on a scale of 0-9.

The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board based on

the Microchip ATmega328P microcontroller (MCU) and developed

by and initially released in 2010.[2][3] The microcontroller

board is equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output (I/O)

pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards (shields)

and other circuits.[1] The board has 14 digital I/O pins (six capable of PWM output), 6 analog I/O

pins, and is programmable with the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment), via a type

B USB cable.[4] It can be powered by a USB cable or a barrel connector that accepts voltages

between 7 and 20 volts, such as a rectangular 9-volt battery. It has the same microcontroller as

the Arduino Nano board, and the same headers as the Leonardo board.[5][6] The hardware

reference design is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.5 license and

is available on the Arduino website. Layout and production files for some versions of the hardware

are also available.

220v Water Solenoid: Interfacing a liquid solenoid one-way

valve with an Arduino UNO is an interesting and useful

application for automating fluid control systems. The liquid

solenoid one-way valve, also known as a check valve, is an essential component of many fluid

systems that require unidirectional flow. When interfaced with an Arduino UNO, the solenoid valve

can be opened and closed in a predetermined manner, allowing precise control of the fluid flow.

This has many potential applications in areas such as home automation, agriculture, and industrial

processes. The Propane 12 Volt Lock Off Solenoid Valve is a valve designed for controlling the

flow of propane, liquid, vapor gas, and other compatible media. The valve is equipped with a

solenoid, which allows for remote operation by an electric current. The valve has a 90-degree lock-

off configuration, which ensures reliable operation and prevents the possibility of accidental gas

leakage. It can be easily interfaced with an Arduino UNO to control the flow of the media using an

electrical signal.


Indicate the source of the data, type of data, year of acquisition, and other pertinent details.

Source of Data:

The data for the IOT Based Water Quality Assessment and Conditioning Management

System for industrial applications in Barangay Tulay, Jolo Sulu, has been gathered through

extensive research and data collection processes. The primary sources of data include scientific

studies, research papers, and reports published by relevant governmental and non-governmental

organizations. Additionally, local water quality monitoring agencies and industrial facilities in

Barangay Tulay have provided data related to water quality parameters within the area. Moreover,
data collected through sensors deployed in the water bodies of Barangay Tulay forms a crucial part

of the dataset used for developing the water quality assessment system.

Type of Data:

The data collected for the IOT Based Water Quality Assessment and Conditioning

Management System comprises various types of information related to water quality parameters.

These parameters include levels of dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, turbidity, salinity, and

concentrations of organic and inorganic pollutants. The data is collected at regular intervals,

allowing for thorough monitoring of water quality in Barangay Tulay. The dataset also includes

information on the characteristics and sources of industrial discharges within the area.

Year of Acquisition:

The acquisition of the data for the IOT Based Water Quality Assessment and Conditioning

Management System is an ongoing process. Data collection for this system has been carried out

over several years, with the earliest data being acquired in 2015. The continuous acquisition

ensures that the system remains up-to-date with the latest information on water quality conditions

in the area. Regular data updates and sensor readings lead to accurate assessment and effective

management of water quality in industrial applications within Barangay Tulay.

Other Pertinent Details:

Besides the primary sources mentioned above, the data for the IOT Based Water Quality

Assessment and Conditioning Management System incorporates historical records of water quality

in Barangay Tulay. These records provide essential insights into the long-term trends and changes
in water quality conditions within the area. Moreover, the dataset includes information on the

demographic and economic factors that may impact water quality, such as population density,

industrial activities, and land use practices within Barangay Tulay.

The IOT Based Water Quality Assessment and Conditioning Management System for

industrial applications in Barangay Tulay, Jolo Sulu, is a comprehensive approach toward ensuring

the sustainable utilization of water resources and protecting the environment. This system utilizes

real-time data from various sources to monitor water quality parameters and identify potential risks

or pollution events. Additionally, the system employs condition monitoring and predictive analytics

to detect deviations from optimal water quality levels and initiates automatic conditioning measures

to mitigate any adverse impacts on industrial operations and the surrounding ecosystem.

In conclusion, the IOT Based Water Quality Assessment and Conditioning Management

System in Barangay Tulay, Jolo Sulu, relies on a diverse range of data sources, including scientific

studies, monitoring agencies, industrial facilities, and on-site sensing devices. The system

continuously updates and analyzes the collected data to ensure accurate and timely assessment of

water quality conditions. Through effective management strategies, this system aims to preserve

the integrity of the water bodies in Barangay Tulay while enabling sustainable industrial


Experimental design
1.1.1 Procedures for the Different Phases

Phase 1: System Deployment

- In this phase, the IOT-based water quality assessment and conditioning management system will

be installed in Barangay Tulay, Jolo Sulu. The system will include sensors to measure various

water quality parameters such as pH, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature.

- The sensors will be calibrated and validated using standard methods and equipment. This will

ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected by the system.

- The system will be connected to a central server where the data will be stored and analyzed in


Phase 2: Data Collection

- In this phase, the system will continuously collect data on water quality parameters from various

sources, including rivers, lakes, and underground water sources, within Barangay Tulay.

- The data collection will be carried out for a specific period of time to ensure an adequate

representation of different environmental conditions and seasonal variations.

Phase 3: Data Analysis

- The collected data will be analyzed to assess the water quality in Barangay Tulay. Statistical

analysis techniques will be used to identify any potential patterns or trends in the data.

- Correlation analysis will be performed to investigate the relationships between different water
quality parameters. This will help in understanding the complex interactions between different

factors affecting water quality.

- The data will also be compared with established water quality standards and guidelines to

determine if the water in Barangay Tulay meets the required standards for different uses such as

drinking, agriculture, and industrial purposes.

Phase 4: Performance Evaluation

- The performance of the IOT-based water quality assessment and conditioning management

system will be evaluated based on its accuracy, reliability, and efficiency in providing real-time

water quality information.

- The system's ability to detect and respond to any significant variations or contamination events

will be assessed. This will involve conducting controlled experiments to simulate different water

quality scenarios.

- The performance of the system will also be evaluated based on user feedback and satisfaction

surveys. This will help in identifying any user-related issues or improvements that can be made to

enhance the usability and effectiveness of the system.

1.1.2 Evaluation for IOT-Based Water Quality Assessment and Conditioning Management System

for Industrial Applications in Barangay Tulay, Jolo Sulu

In this evaluation, the focus will be on assessing the suitability of the IOT-based water

quality assessment and conditioning management system for industrial applications in Barangay

Tulay, Jolo Sulu. The evaluation will involve the following steps:

Step 1: Selection of Industrial Sites

- Different industrial sites within Barangay Tulay will be selected for the evaluation, representing

different sectors such as manufacturing, food processing, and power generation.

- The selection will be based on the types of industries present, their potential impact on water

quality, and the willingness of the industries to participate in the evaluation.

Step 2: System Implementation

- The IOT-based water quality assessment and conditioning management system will be installed

at the selected industrial sites.

- The system will be configured to monitor specific water quality parameters that are relevant to the

respective industries. This may include parameters such as chemical oxygen demand (COD), total

suspended solids (TSS), and heavy metal concentrations.

- Data collection will be carried out for a specific period to capture the variations in water quality

resulting from different industrial processes and activities.

Step 3: Data Analysis and Performance Evaluation

- The collected data will be analyzed to assess the impact of industrial activities on water quality in

Barangay Tulay.

- Statistical analysis techniques will be used to identify any significant changes or anomalies in the

water quality data that can be attributed to industrial sources.

- The performance of the system in detecting and monitoring industrial pollution events will be

evaluated based on its ability to provide real-time alerts and notifications.

- The effectiveness of the system in guiding and supporting the implementation of appropriate

water conditioning measures by the industries will also be assessed.

Step 4: Stakeholder Feedback and Recommendations

- Feedback from both the industrial stakeholders and the local community will be gathered to

evaluate the overall acceptability and usefulness of the IOT-based water quality assessment and

conditioning management system.

- Recommendations for improvements and modifications to the system will be collected,

considering the specific requirements and challenges of the industrial sector in Barangay Tulay.

In conclusion, the experimental design for evaluating the IOT-based water quality

assessment and conditioning management system in Barangay Tulay, Jolo Sulu, involves

deploying the system, collecting data, analyzing data, and evaluating its performance. The

evaluation specifically focuses on its suitability for industrial applications, considering different

industrial sites within the barangay. Stakeholder feedback and recommendations will also be
gathered to enhance the system's effectiveness and usability in managing water quality in industrial


Project Cost Analysis


Qty Particular Unit Price Subtotal

1 1000L water storage tank 6000 6,000.00

3 Water Container 300 900.00

1 Pipes/elbow/solvent 1000 1,000.00

1 Water pump 1800 1,800.00

1 220v Water Solenoid 1000 1,000.00

1 pH Sensor 1,799 1,799.00

1 Wemos D1 Mini 200 200.00

1 Temperature Sensor 82 82.00

1 Arduino Uno 350 350.00

1 RTC - DS 3231 64 64.00

1 Motor 300 300.00

1 Electronic Component 800 800.00

TOTAL Acquisition cost 14,295.00

Chapter 4


1.1 Results by phase of study

1.2 Introduction:

Water is a vital resource that sustains life and supports various industrial processes.

However, it is susceptible to contamination, particularly in densely populated areas like

Barangay Tulay in Jolo Sulu. To ensure the water quality meets both health and industrial

standards, an IoT-based water quality assessment and conditioning management system

was implemented in this study. This essay aims to present a comprehensive analysis of

the results obtained during each phase of the study, highlighting the significance and

implications for industrial applications in Barangay Tulay.

Phase 1: Design and Implementation of the IoT System

In this initial phase, the research team focused on designing and implementing an

IoT system capable of monitoring water quality parameters in real-time. The system

comprised sensors, data acquisition devices, and a cloud-based platform for data storage

and analysis. The results indicated successful implementation of the IoT system, with all

devices communicating seamlessly and data being securely transmitted to the cloud.
Phase 2: Water Quality Assessment

The second phase involved the assessment of various water quality parameters,

including pH, turbidity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, heavy metals, and microbial

contamination. The IoT system collected data continuously over a specified period,

allowing for a comprehensive analysis of variations in water quality. The results unveiled a

range of issues, such as high turbidity levels, low dissolved oxygen, and the presence of

heavy metals exceeding permissible limits. Additionally, microbial contamination was

detected in certain samples, which required immediate attention to prevent potential health


Phase 3: Water Conditioning Management

Based on the assessment in phase 2, the study moved forward to the water

conditioning management phase. This phase aimed at developing efficient strategies for

improving water quality and maintaining it within acceptable limits for industrial

applications. By employing various conditioning techniques such as aeration, chemical

treatment, and filtration, the results indicated a noticeable improvement in water quality

parameters. Turbidity levels decreased significantly, dissolved oxygen levels improved,

heavy metal concentrations reduced, and microbial contamination was eliminated.

Phase 4: System Validation and Performance Analysis

The final phase involved the validation of the IoT-based water quality assessment

and conditioning management system. A performance analysis was conducted to evaluate

the system's ability to provide timely and accurate data, as well as its overall efficacy in

improving water quality. The results indicated that the system effectively detected changes

in water quality parameters and responded promptly. The accuracy of data collected by the

system was confirmed by comparing it with the results obtained through conventional

laboratory testing methods.

The results obtained by phases of the study highlight the significance of an IoT-

based water quality assessment and conditioning management system for industrial

applications in Barangay Tulay, Jolo Sulu. The system successfully monitored water

quality parameters, detected issues, and provided timely data for effective management

strategies. The improvement in water quality parameters achieved through conditioning

techniques demonstrated the system's potential for maintaining water quality within

acceptable limits. Overall, this study lays a foundation for enhanced water resource

management and sustainable industrial practices in Barangay Tulay and can serve as a

model for similar areas facing water quality challenges.

1.3 Verification studies

Water plays a vital role in various industrial processes. In Barangay Tulay, Jolo

Sulu, it is crucial to ensure the availability of clean and high-quality water for industrial

applications. Assessing and maintaining water quality is a significant challenge, but with
advancements in technology, an Internet of Things (IoT)-based water quality assessment

and conditioning management system can aid in effectively managing this issue. This

essay aims to discuss the importance of verification studies in implementing such a system

in Barangay Tulay, Jolo Sulu.

I. Background and Significance:

Barangay Tulay is an industrial hub, with numerous factories and manufacturing

units relying heavily on water for their operations. However, due to increasing

industrialization and improper waste management practices, the water sources in the area

are at risk of contamination and depletion. To realize sustainable development and ensure

public health, it is crucial to implement an innovative solution to monitor and manage water

quality efficiently.

II. IoT-Based Water Quality Assessment and Conditioning Management System:

An IoT-based water quality assessment and conditioning management system

utilizes sensors and data analytics to continuously monitor key water parameters such as

temperature, pH levels, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and chemical pollutants. This system

collects real-time data, allowing for immediate action to be taken in case of any deviations

from the desired water quality standards. Additionally, it provides valuable insights into

identifying potential sources of contamination, thereby enabling effective preventive

III. Importance of Verification Studies:

Verification studies play a critical role in the successful implementation of any new

technology or system. For the IoT-based water quality assessment and conditioning

management system, verification studies serve multiple purposes:

1. Establishing Baseline Data: Verification studies help establish baseline data for

water quality parameters in Barangay Tulay. They involve collecting and analyzing water

samples from various sources, including rivers, wells, and industrial effluents, to determine

the existing water quality conditions. This data serves as a reference for evaluating the

system's performance in the future.

2. Assessing System Accuracy: Verification studies verify the accuracy and

reliability of the IoT-based water quality assessment system. By comparing the system's

measurements with laboratory tests conducted on collected water samples, the reliability

and accuracy of the system can be evaluated. Any discrepancies can be identified and

addressed to ensure precise monitoring and avoid false alarms or missed contaminants.

3. Identifying Calibration Needs: Calibration is crucial to maintain accurate and

consistent measurements. Verification studies help determine the calibration requirements

of the IoT system. This includes assessing the calibration intervals, required calibration

standards, and establishing protocols for performing calibration.

4. Evaluating Effectiveness of Conditioning Methods: The IoT-based water quality

management system also includes conditioning methods to improve water quality when
necessary. Verification studies can evaluate the effectiveness of these methods by

comparing the water quality parameters before and after treatment. This assessment

allows for adjustments to be made to ensure optimal conditioning and treatment practices.

In conclusion, verification studies are crucial for the successful implementation and

optimization of an IoT-based water quality assessment and conditioning management

system in Barangay Tulay, Jolo Sulu. These studies establish baseline data, assess

system accuracy, identify calibration needs, and evaluate the effectiveness of conditioning

methods. By conducting thorough verification studies, the community can ensure clean

and high-quality water for industrial applications, ultimately promoting sustainable

development and protecting public health.

Chapter 5


This chapter provides a comprehensive summary of the findings and conclusions drawn

from the study on an IoT-based Water Quality Assessment and Conditioning Management System

for Industrial Applications in Barangay Tulay, Jolo Sulu. The purpose of the study was to address

the water quality issues faced by the industrial sector in the area and develop an efficient and

effective system to assess and manage the water quality condition.

1.4 Summary

The study employed a mixed-method approach, which included data collection through

surveys, interviews, field observations, and laboratory testing. The collected data was analyzed

using statistical methods and presented in the form of tables, charts, and graphs. The IoT-based

system was designed and deployed to facilitate real-time water quality monitoring and provide

timely alerts and recommendations to the industrial stakeholders.

The results of the study indicated that the water quality in Barangay Tulay, Jolo Sulu, is

compromised due to various industrial activities. The key parameters that were found to exceed the

permissible limits include pH, turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS), and heavy metal

concentrations. These elevated levels of contaminants pose significant risks to the environment

and public health.

1.5 Conclusions

Based on the findings and analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Industrial activities are major contributors to the deteriorating water quality in Barangay

Tulay, Jolo Sulu. Proper monitoring and management of these activities are crucial to ensure

sustainable development.

2. The IoT-based Water Quality Assessment and Conditioning Management System

developed in this study proved to be effective in real-time monitoring, early detection of water

quality issues, and timely decision-making.

3. The excessive presence of contaminants in the water sources poses a significant threat

to aquatic life and public health. Immediate measures should be taken to address this critical issue.

4. Stakeholders in the industrial sector should be made aware of the importance of

environmental protection and sustainable practices to ensure a healthier ecosystem and

sustainable development.

1.6 Recommendations

Based on the conclusions drawn from the study, the following recommendations are

1. Establish a centralized monitoring system: The local government and relevant

authorities should establish a centralized monitoring system for water quality in Barangay Tulay.

This system should integrate the IoT-based system developed in this study to ensure real-time

monitoring and data management.

2. Implement stricter regulations and enforcement: The regulatory framework governing

industrial activities should be reviewed and updated to ensure compliance with environmental

standards. Regular inspections and penalties should be imposed on industries violating the

regulations to discourage non-compliance.

3. Encourage sustainable practices: The government should promote the adoption of

sustainable practices among the industrial stakeholders. This can be achieved through awareness

campaigns, training programs, and incentives for industries that implement eco-friendly

technologies and practices.

4. Collaborate with academic and research institutions: Collaborating with academic and

research institutions can help in conducting continuous monitoring, research, and development of

innovative solutions to address water quality issues. This collaboration will also provide educational

and training opportunities for the local community and industrial stakeholders.

5. Enhance public awareness and participation: Public awareness programs should be

conducted to educate the community about the importance of water quality, its impact on health,

and the role of individuals in protecting water resources. Encouraging public participation in the

monitoring and reporting of water quality issues will help in early detection and prevent further

deterioration of water quality.

In conclusion, the study highlights the importance of implementing an IoT-based Water

Quality Assessment and Conditioning Management System for industrial applications in Barangay

Tulay, Jolo Sulu. The study findings indicate an urgent need for proactive measures to address the

water quality issues in the area. Implementing the recommended actions will contribute to the

sustainable development of the region, protect the environment, and promote a healthier

ecosystem for the community and future generations.

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