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Initial Stages of Oxide Growth and Pore

Initiation in the Porous Anodization of Aluminum

C. J. Dell'Oca *'1 and P. J. Fleming *'1
Fairchild Semiconductor, Mountain View, California 94040

Ellipsometry studies of evaporated a l u m i n u m films anodized in 0.6M H~PO4
at constant c u r r e n t indicate that the anodic oxide produced is at first homo-
geneous with a refractive i n d e x of 1.62, as found for b a r r i e r anodic oxide
of t h i n film and bulk A1. As the thickness increases, the optical properties
change signifying the onset of pore formation. This occurs at increasing thick-
nesses with increasing c u r r e n t density, however, pore formation always occurs
well before the peak in voltage is reached at constant current. Ellipsometry
indicates that the mode of d e v e l o p m e n t of the oxide prior to pore initiation
is similar to that of b a r r i e r anodic oxides. However, the efficiency of oxide
growth and the electric field required to pass a given ionic current, J, are gen-
erally lower and approach values for b a r r i e r oxides (of thin film and b u l k
A1) only at high c u r r e n t densities. The c u r v a t u r e of the log J vs. E curve is
in the opposite sense to that n o r m a l l y observed for anodic oxides and it is
i n t e r p r e t e d i n terms of cation and a n i o n motion. After pore formation the
efficiency of oxide growth increases and becomes n e a r u n i t y w h e n steady-state
formation conditions are reached. These results appear consistent with the
model that dissolution at the pore bases is an electric field-aided process.

Anodization of evaporated a l u m i n u m films is be- using cross sections and electron microscopy (4). The
coming increasingly i m p o r t a n t in the fabrication of first method assumes that the ionic conductivity of
monolithic, large-scale integrated circuits utilizing alu- the initial film is the same as that of b a r r i e r oxides.
m i n u m metal electrical interconnections where ano- These methods have limited resolution and accuracy
dization provides both improved processing and re- and, i n addition, are destructive and therefore c u m -
liability (1). I n order to arrive at o p t i m u m processing, bersome. In the present s t u d y these drawbacks are
it is necessary to u n d e r s t a n d the anodization properties overcome using ellipsometry. This is a nondestructive
of a l u m i n u m films. I n a previous paper, the b a r r i e r optical technique that is v e r y sensitive to the pres-
anodization properties were studied and found to be ence of and changes i n thin surface layers. Thus, it
essentially the same as those of b u l k a l u m i n u m (2). has been widely used to characterize properties of
The present study is concerned with porous anodiza- thin films (6) including those of b a r r i e r oxides formed
tion. I n particular, the initial stages of oxide growth on b u l k (7, 8) and thin film a l u m i n u m (2).
and the onset of pore formation are q u a n t i t a t i v e l y If the initial film growth characteristics are as have
characterized using ellipsometry. This has not been been presented, t h e n it should be possible with ellip-
done previously for porous anodization of a l u m i n u m sometry not only to determine the growth properties
and the results should be valuable i n a r r i v i n g at the but also to determine the onset of pore formation.
m e c h a n i s m of pore formation. That is, the optical properties of the initial film should
Of the vast l i t e r a t u r e on porous anodization of alu- at first be similar to those of b a r r i e r oxides which
m i n u m , v e r y little deals with initial stages of film have been found to be optically homogeneous (2, 7).
formation. That which does is mostly qualitative be- The advent of pore formation causes a change of optical
cause of the difficulties involved with measuring very properties which should be detectable b y ellipsometry.
t h i n films. The evidence that is presented indicates This t u r n s out to be the case.
that a b a r r i e r l i k e film initially forms, followed b y
pore initiation and porous oxide growth. For example, Experimental
the anodization characteristics, such as the time de- The investigation was carried out with 2 ~m thick
v e l o p m e n t of c u r r e n t at constant voltage (3) or of a l u m i n u m films deposited on t h e r m a l l y oxidized pol-
voltage at constant current, are at first similar to ished silicon wafers by the electron beam evaporation
those observed in b a r r i e r anodizations. Also, direct of 99.999% pure a l u m i n u m u n d e r high vacuum. Films
observations of the surface with electron microscopy deposited u n d e r these conditions have b a r r i e r ano-
indicate that surface roughness occurs after some dization properties which are not detectably different
growth has t a k e n place (3, 4). Thus, the oxide formed t h a n those of b u l k a l u m i n u m (2). The t h i n film is
i n the initial stages of porous oxide growth and that more convenient to use t h a n b u l k a l u m i n u m because
which r e m a i n s interposed b e t w e e n the p o r e - c o n t a i n - a smooth surface suitable for anodization is obtained
ing layer and the metal is often referred to as a b a r - directly without polishing and because photolithog-
rier layer. In this paper, these layers will be respec- r a p h y and etching can be used to precisely define the
tively referred to as the initial film (or oxide) and anodization area.
the pore-free layer. To avoid ambiguity, the t e r m Two types of specimens were used and these are
"barrier" will be reserved to describe oxides formed shown schematically in Fig. 1. One type had a 3.22
in a b a r r i e r anodization. cm 2 anodization area defined using photolithography
The basic difficulty involved with the study of the and etching of a previously formed, 2700A thick, b a r -
initial film is the m e a s u r e m e n t of thickness. Previous rier anodic oxide on the a l u m i n u m film. The other
methods include reanodization in b a r r i e r film forming type bad a circular 10 cm 2 a l u m i n u m area defined b y
electrolyte (5) and direct observation of thickness photolithography and etching of the deposited alu-
* Electrochemical Society Active Member. m i n u m film. A n a l u m i n u m strip 1 mil wide was left
1Present address: Hewlett-Packard Company, Palo Alto, Cali- to connect the a l u m i n u m in the contact area to the
fornia 94304.
Key words: anodization, a l u m i n u m oxide, ellipsometry. anodization area. The strip is of negligible area b u t

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1488 J. Electroche~. Soc.: S O L I D - S T A T E S C I E N C E A N D T E C H N O L O G Y October 1976
..Contact 1400

/ / ~lmil ~. " ~ /
24C 1800"-/

~ ~ / ~lOcmz ; / zooe2
20C V _
Area AIzO3 n.= 1.62+ o.o2 "}100

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the two types of thin film A/deg AI, n =I.3+0.I
aluminum specimens used in this study. k = 6.5+ 0.3
it is sufficiently long to keep the contact area above 16C
the electrolyte d u r i n g anodization. The first type of
specimen was used mostly for kinetic studies while ) I000~
the second type was used for density m e a s u r e m e n t .
No noticeable difference i n oxide growth was noted
b e t w e e n these two surface p r e p a r a t i o n methods.
The anodizations were carried out at c o n s t a n t c u r -
r e n t (regulated to 0.3%) i n a stirred 0.6M H~PO4 i
electrolyte held at 25~ +_ 0.2~ This electrolyte was
chosen because the pore-free portion of the porous
oxide can, depending on c u r r e n t density, be varied
over a substantial thickness range, leading to a more
precise d e t e r m i n a t i o n of film properties. The anodiza- v i
tions were carried out in a stepwise fashion with el- 80 410 4r5 50 5~5
lipsometry m e a s u r e m e n t s made on the surface prior ~/deq
to anodization and after each anodization step. All
ellipsometry m e a s u r e m e n t s were made at 70 ~ angle Fig. 2. EIlipsometry results and fitted curve for anodizatlon of
of incidence using a He-Ne laser unpolarized light aluminum films in 3% tartaric acid (pH of 5.5) at 25~ (2).
source of 6328A wavelength. Other e x p e r i m e n t a l de- Numbers along curve indicate film thickness.
tails are as described i n a previous paper (2).
270 1 5 m A cm -~
Optical properties.--Since the analysis of ellipsom- ~.1300
etry results from the initial film relies heavily on the ,,,',. / - 10 r n A c m - ~
etlipsometry characteristics of b a r r i e r anodic oxide
formed on evaporated a l u m i n u m films, the latter re-
sults are quoted in Fig. 2 (2). This figure presents the
conventional ,~ vs. ~ plot used in ellipsometry, where / , 5mAcrn-~
A and ~ are the quantities d e t e r m i n e d in ellipsometry
and are related to the properties of the film and u n d e r -
lying substrate. The e x p e r i m e n t a l results begin at
210 I/ 2mAcro-21; \A
the point m a r k e d "bare" substrate which represents
the surface of the a l u m i n u m film prior to b a r r i e r I
I 1100
anodization in a tartrate solution. As the surface is
anodized and remeasured at intervals, the experi-
m e n t a l points obtained (denoted b y crosses) trace
A F2200 , ~
out, i n a counterclockwise direction, a n elliptically
shaped curve which e v e n t u a l l y recycles on itself as deg I l
indicated b y the circular points. The curve i n the
figure represents the best fit to the e x p e r i m e n t a l points
indicating a u n i f o r m oxide with an index of refrac-
~/0.0~ -I,000
tion (N ---- n -- jk) of 1.62 on a l u m i n u m having a
~ .,,_._ U n a n o d i z e d /~_
refractive i n d e x of 1.3-6.5.
Surface / n =1.62
As expected, the ellipsometry results characteristic
v /
of initial film growth i n 0.6M H3PO4 are at first
similar to those of b a r r i e r oxides. Figure 3 shows a \ /
superposition of results from various anodization cur-
r e n t densities. The dashed curve i n this figure is the
Y~300 / 7900
ellipsometry curve for b a r r i e r anodization taken from
Fig. 2 and it serves as a reference. The ellipsometry
m e a s u r e m e n t s t a k e n at interva]s d u r i n g porous ano-
dization at first are coincident with the reference 6OO
curve indicating that the initial film has the optical I I I I I I
properties of b a r r i e r films. For sake of clarity, the 40 45 50
e x p e r i m e n t a l points are not shown. Eventually, the /deg
e x p e r i m e n t a l curve deviates from the reference curve
signifying a change in optical properties, i.e., the pres- Fig. 3. Departure from dashed curve representing the homo-
ence of pores. The reproducibility of these results is geneous film in Fig. 2 of ellipsometry results from oxides formed at
good in the region before deviation and for some time various current densities on AI in 0.6M H3PO4.
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after deviation from the reference curve. The repro- 29C

ducibility becomes less good at large deviations, i.e.,
n e a r the ends of the e x p e r i m e n t a l curves.
A q u a n t i t a t i v e analysis of these results is not feasible
because of the complex mode of film growth after
pore initiation. That is, the growth rates of the i n - 250 ..... (_/_
itial and pore containing layers are expected to, re-
spectively, decrease and increase in a complex way.
I n addition, the size and n u m b e r of pores is expected 230
o..,.,,, ,.0~176
to change with voltage u n t i l the steady-state voltage 6~ 120o
is reached in the constant c u r r e n t anodization (4).
A f u r t h e r complication to this picture is that i n 1400 ~Xx~x IIOO)
addition to pore formation at the upper surface of
the growing film, after a while, r o u g h e n i n g of the 190
a l u m i n u m also occurs, effectively changing its optical
properties. deg
A qualitative analysis of the e x p e r i m e n t a l results 170
is instructive and can be made using a simplified model
of growth. I n this model it is assumed that, once the
150 AI /Ooool
pores begin to form, these pores have a fixed size
and they penetrate the growing layer at some fixed / ~ o.o A /
rate. Indicative calculated ellipsometry curves are 130 I /
given i n Fig. 4 and 5. The respective thicknesses at
which pore formation begins are chosen as 500A (Fig. ~\ ,//
\ it
4) and 1000A (Fig. 5) to, respectively, correspond to 110
\ iI
the 2 and 5 m A / c m 2 formation currents. \\ II
The simplest case is one where the pores grow at \\ //
90 -- \x //
a rate equal to film growth. I n other words, the initial
l a y e r r e m a i n s fixed at the p o r e - i n i t i a t i o n thickness.
Optically, this corresponds to a porous layer growing
40 45 50 55
over a pore-free l a y e r of fixed thickness and refrac-
290 deg
Fig. 5. Same as in Fig. 4 but for the case of pore initiation at
1000/~, and layer 2 fixed at 1000~, ( - - A - - A = 5 mA/cm ~- experi-
mental points from Fig 3).

250 tive i n d e x of 1.62. This simple model predicts that

the refractive index of the porous layer must be lower
t h a n that of the b a r r i e r films i n order to obtain ellip-
230 [d-5oo) s o m e t r y curves that deviate on the correct side of
reference curve (Fig. 4 and 5). This behavior is
/ expected since the presence of pores decreases the
210 density of the oxide.
// A pore growth rate less t h a n that of film growth, i.e.,
tI an initial layer that continues to grow at some rate
190 -- after pore initiation, has the effect of moving the
/x, calculated curves i n Fig. 4 and 5 closer to the ref-
deg erence curve. I n the extreme case where only the
17'0 -- initial layer grows (i.e., no pore formation), the ref-
erence curve is regained. A calculated curve which
comes close to the 2 m A / c m 2 results is shown in Fig.
150 -- 4. I n this case, after pore initiation at 500A, a porous
layer of refractive index 1.3 contributes 80% of the
total increase in film thickness.
150 -- One characteristic difference b e t w e e n the calcu-
lated and e x p e r i m e n t a l curves is that with increas-
ing thickness the former t u r n and proceed to pass
II0 -- n e a r the point m a r k e d 0.0A, which represents the
original surface. The e x p e r i m e n t a l results do not have
this t e n d e n c y because as the pores grow, a scallop is
developed i n the a l u m i n u m surface u n d e r each pore
cell (4). The result is a fine grain surface roughness
(600) which effectively changes the refractive index of the
t 1 , .L
70 F , ~ ~ [ , , q I ~ , u
a l u m i n u m and shifts the ellipsometry results.
40 45 50 55
Pore initiation.--As a first approximation, the onset
of pore formation is d e t e r m i n e d from the point where
deg the ellipsometry curve begins to deviate from the
Fig. 4. Calculated ellipsometry curves using a two-layer approxi- reference curve (Fig. 3). This point occurs approx-
mation of film growth after pore initiation occurs at 500~,. i m a t e l y at 600, 1050, 1150, and 1275A, respectively, for
Layer 2 fixed at 500A; . . . . layer 2 contributes 20% of the formation currents of 2, 5, 10, and 15 m A / c m 2. The
total film growth; - - - - - - reference curve from Fig. 1; O O O accuracy w i t h i n which these points can be d e t e r m i n e d
= 2 mA/cm 2 experimental points from Fig. 3; numbers indicate depends on where the deviation occurs on the ref-
total film thickness, d, and bracketed numbers apply to reference erence curve. The sensitivity is higher in the 900-
curve, 1200A region t h a n at the apex of the reference curve.
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1490 J. E l e c t r o c h e m . Soc.: S O L I D - S T A T E S C I E N C E A N D T E C H N O L O G Y O c t o b e r 1976

T h e voltage of pore initiation is d e t e r m i n e d from

the above thickness using a g r a p h of voltage vs.
thickness for the various anodization c u r r e n t densities.
!2S, Aom-, /'
(This figure is p r e s e n t e d l a t e r in the section on g r o w t h
properties.) The i m p o r t a n t result h e r e is that p o r e
initiation occurs well before the p e a k in voltage is
reached in the constant c u r r e n t anodizations. F i g u r e
6 shows the v o l t a g e - t i m e curves which are c h a r a c -
teristic of porous a l u m i n u m anodization and typical
for the p r e s e n t experiments. The onset of p o r e f o r m a -
tion occurs at about 70% of the s t e a d y - s t a t e voltage.
O ' S u l l i v a n and Wood using electron microscopy have
r e p o r t e d for anodizations at 5 m A / c m 2 in 0.4M H3PO4
at 25~ that v e r y m i n o r film roughening is noted after I
40 sec of g r o w t h (4). This is in a g r e e m e n t w i t h the
p r e s e n t results at the same c u r r e n t d e n s i t y in a some-
w h a t m o r e concentrated electrolyte.
The thickness at which the onset of pore f o r m a t i o n
occurs has p r o b a b l y been o v e r e s t i m a t e d to some d e -
gree. This is because the d e v i a t i o n from the reference o'- ' 4~ ' do ' 1~o ' 1;o
TIME (secl
curve occurs slowly with changing film thickness.
Some indications of how slowly can be obtained from Fig. 7. Typical initial film thickness development with time for
the calculated curves of Fig. 4 and 5. If a s i m i l a r various anodization current densities.
estimation of pore initiation is m a d e for these curves,
then the onset of p o r e f o r m a t i o n would be thought to 120
occur at about 600A (Fig. 4) and 1050A (Fig. 5) when,
in actuality, it began at 500 and 1000A, respectively.
However, it is h i g h l y u n l i k e l y that pores are p r e s -
ent and g r o w from the outset of the anodization. This
would r e q u i r e the p o r e - c o n t a i n i n g p o r t i o n of the film
to r e m a i n r e l a t i v e l y insignificant until n e a r the point
of deviation and then almost a b r u p t l y become sig-
nificant. To be insignificant, the p o r e - c o n t a i n i n g l a y e r
should change the r e f r a c t i v e i n d e x of the o v e r - a l l
film b y less than 1% for the formations above 2 m A /
cm 2. I n addition to this argument, the thickness d e -
t e r m i n e d b y e l l i p s o m e t r y was checked at various
"~lOmAcm- 2
points along the 10 m A / c m 2 anodization b y an i n d e -
p e n d e n t m e t h o d utilizing the Tolansky i n t e r f e r e n c e
m e a s u r e m e n t of the height of a silvered step formed 40 ~ m A c m _ 2
in the anodic oxide. These m e a s u r e m e n t s w e r e found
to be in agreement.
Characteristics of initial film g r o w t h . - - T h e charac-
teristics of initial film g r o w t h at constant c u r r e n t in
I r I I I I I I I I I I I
0.6M HsPO4 at 25~ w e r e found to be s i m i l a r to those
0 5 10
of b a r r i e r oxide growth. That is, the thickness in-
THICKNESS xlO -2 (/~)
creases l i n e a r l y with t i m e and the voltage increases
l i n e a r l y with thickness. Typical results are given in Fig. 8. Typical cell voltage development with initial film thick-
Fig. 7 and 8. The thickness was d e t e r m i n e d using ness for various anodization current densities.
e l l i p s o m e t r y and the optical p r o p e r t i e s of b a r r i e r
film (reference curve of Fig. 3). In some cases the a l r e a d y mentioned. These results w e r e g e n e r a l l y quite
thickness was checked b y the i n d e p e n d e n t m e t h o d reproducible.
The efficiency of oxide growth, i.e., oxygen uptake,
and the efficiency of a l u m i n u m consumed d u r i n g the
anodization w e r e d e t e r m i n e d and found to be differ-
ent. The efficiency of oxide g r o w t h is low and increases
with c u r r e n t d e n s i t y of f o r m a t i o n (Table I). The
efficiency is calculated using F a r a d a y ' s l a w for an
oxide of f o r m u l a A120~, and the rate of film g r o w t h
5m,&cm-2 d e t e r m i n e d f r o m the e x p e r i m e n t a l thickness vs. time
curves. A n oxide density of 3 g / c m 3 was used in
these calculations. This is within the r a n g e of values
(2.90-3.2 g/cm3) obtained from our m e a s u r e m e n t s of
d e n s i t y and is a value that has been used b y others
(9). By comparison, b a r r i e r films f o r m e d in a t a r t r a t e
Table I. Efficiency of initial oxide growth in 0.6M H~P04 at 25~

Applied Electric Growth Growth

current field rate efficiency
( m A / c m 2) ( l0 s V / c m ) (A/sec) (%)
, ~ r
TIME (re,n) 2 5.5 fi 43
5 6.74 14 47
Fig. 6. Time development of voltage far porous anodization at 10 7.66 30 51
15 8.2 51 58
various current densities showing the onset of pore formation, 25 8.6 109 74

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Vol. 123, No. 10 POROUS ANODIZATION OF A L U M I N U M 1491

solution at the same temperature, have efficiencies state porous oxide growth is reached in the same
close to 70 and 80%, respectively, at 2 and 10 m A / c m 2 electrolyte (4).
formation (2). While the efficiency of oxide formation The higher ionic conductivity of the initial film
is low, the efficiency of a l u m i n u m used in the anodiza- does not appear to be an artifact of the thickness
tion approaches unity. This was d e t e r m i n e d from cal- measurements. Systematic m e a s u r e m e n t errors in
culations based on the difference in weight from prior thickness do not en.ter because rates of change rather
to anodization to after anodization and removal of t h a n absolute values are used to d e t e r m i n e growth
the anodic oxide. That is, the a m o u n t of a l u m i n u m efficiency and electric field. I n order to observe a
used in the anodization corresponds to that predicted lower field, the initial film thickness must be over-
from Faraday's law for the charge passed. This i n - estimated by a factor that increases with thickness.
dicates that, w i t h i n e x p e r i m e n t a l error, electronic This is highly u n l i k e l y even if it is assumed that
currents are not c o n t r i b u t i n g to c u r r e n t transport pore formation occurs far earlier t h a n estimated. If
through the oxide. Hence, the low efficiencies ob- pore formation occurred m u c h earlier t h a n has been
served for oxide growth occur from the loss of alu- estimated, then it might be expected that the effective
m i n u m to the electrolyte b y oxide dissolution. film thickness for ionic conduction would be less,
The open-circuit oxide dissolution rate i n the elec- hence reducing the r e q u i r e d voltage and leading to a
trolyte was m e a s u r e d and found to be less t h a n 0.2A/ lower estimate of electric field. C o n t r a r y to this is
sec which is insignificant w h e n compared to the rates the fact that the presence of pores effectively decreases
of oxide growth. The effect was f u r t h e r minimized the anodization area and hence increases the effective
b y m i n i m i z i n g the open-circuit exposure of oxide to c u r r e n t density and, i n t u r n , the electric field. Thus,
the electrolyte. Thus, oxide dissolution must be a the measured electric field across the pore-free layer
function of electric field i n the oxide in order to cause is far greater t h a n that of the b a r r i e r films, being
the observed loss i n oxide growth efficiency. This on the order 10T V / c m (4). I n addition, if pores are
is discussed later. present, the qualitative indications (Fig. 4 and 5) are
The growth kinetics of the initial oxide, i.e., the that using the reference curve, ellipsometry would
log of ionic c u r r e n t density vs. electric field, are given u n d e r e s t i m a t e the thickness of the film and hence the
i n Fig. 9. The electric field is obtained from the slope efficiency of oxide growth would also be u n d e r e s t i -
of the voltage vs. thickness curves. The ionic c u r r e n t mated. This would have the effect of b r i n g i n g the ionic
density (dashed curve, Fig. 9) is the applied c u r r e n t c u r r e n t (Fig. 9) closer to the applied c u r r e n t and
d e n s i t y (left curve, Fig. 9) corrected for efficiency of hence lowering the electric field. Thus, it is not clear
growth. The curve on the right i n Fig. 9 represents that early pore formation would lead to an u n d e r -
the growth kinetics for b a r r i e r oxide formed in a estimation of the electric field. I n any event, the pres-
t a r t r a t e solution. It is seen that at high c u r r e n t densi- ent evidence and that from direct observation (4)
ties the growth kinetics of the initial oxide approach almost exclude early pore formation.
that of b a r r i e r oxides. At lower currents, the ionic
Steady-state porous oxide g r o w t h . - - A l t h o u g h it is
conductivity of the initial film is significantly higher
not the i n t e n t i o n of this paper to characterize porous
t h a n that of b a r r i e r oxides. Also, note that the electric
film growth, it was found that the growth rate is
fields are lower t h a n the 107 V / c m which have b e e n
significantly higher d u r i n g steady-state porous ano-
reported to occur across the dense oxide after steady-
dization. That is, after the voltage reaches a more or
50 less constant value u n d e r constant applied current.
i I I i
A typical result for the 10 m A / c m 2 anodization is
shown i n Fig. 10. The thickness of the initial film
0.7 M HsPO4 was d e t e r m i n e d by ellipsometry and b y Tolansky
I Applied Current Density interference m e a s u r e m e n t of step height. The thickness
- - - Ionic Current Density of the porous film was d e t e r m i n e d solely by the latter
method and also b y a mechanical surface profilometer.
The results extend out to film thicknesses beyond 3 #m.

Kinetics of oxide g r o w t h . - - T h e optical properties of
the initial oxide formed in a porous anodization of
a l u m i n u m are similar to those of the b a r r i e r anodic
oxides. The log J vs. E characteristics do appear to be
<[ .; ~j//l'~// / different, b u t this does not necessarily i m p l y a differ-
E /'
- / ent mechanism of ionic conduction. I n fact, it m a y be
argued that these results are consistent with the high
/ field F r e n k e l defect theory of ionic conduction in anodic
/ oxides and the mobility of both oxygen (anions) and
/ metal (cations) ions d u r i n g oxide growth. There is
a body of evidence indicating that both ions are mobile
and contribute to oxide growth at the oxide-electrolyte
/ a n d m e t a l - o x i d e interface, respectively. [For a r e -
view of anodic oxides see Ref. (11) and (12).] Ac-

i //
I' cording to the F r e n k e l defect theory (10), ionic con-
duction occurs b y a t h e r m a l l y activated electric field-
- / i
aided process i n which ions of charge q overcome
energy barriers of height W and have a h a l f - j u m p
(activation) distance of a. The ionic c u r r e n t density
5 7 8 9 then is J = A e -(W-qaE)/~T, with A, W, and qa charac-
teristic of the particular ion species. I n a log J vs. E
E x10-6 (V/cm) plot, each ion c u r r e n t will be represented by a straight
Fig. 9. Constant current kinetics of initial film growth in 0.CM line of slope proportional to the product qa. The two
"H3PO4 at 25~ Curve to the left represents applied current lines will intersect at some point. The total c u r r e n t
density. Dashed curve is the ionic current density. The curve on (sum of the ion currents) will be dominated b y the
t~e right gives the kinetics obtained in the barrier anodization of ion with the lower qa below this point and b y the
AI films (2). ion with the higher qa above this point. Thus, the
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1492 J. Electrochem. Soc.: S O L I D - S T A T E S C I E N C E A N D T E C H N O L O G Y October 1976

incorporation will become more noticeable at higher

I.I - currents. In fact, if i m p u r i t y incorporation occurs with
A1208, it should be expected that at higher currents
t h a n those used in this study the log J vs. E curve
for the initial oxide would tend to curve back in the
direction found for oxides of Ta, AI, and Nb.
Thus it appears that the kinetics of initial film
growth can be analyzed in terms of anion a n d cation
currents. Then, in the linear region, i.e., at low cur-
0.8 rents, the activation or h a l f - j u m p distance should be
calculated for an a n i o n with a valence charge of q =
0.7 ~ PorousFilm --2e for O - - or q = --e for O H - as proposed b y Hoar
and Mo~t (16). The activation distance found is 1.1

:L 0.6
and 2.2A, respectively, which are not unrealistic val-
ues. A n activation distance for cation motion cannot
be obtained because the present data do not reach
high enough c u r r e n t s where p r e s u m a b l y the l i n e a r
0.5 / region for c a t i o n - d o m i n a t e d conduction is found. How-
I I ever, there seems to be a t e n d e n c y toward a line sim-
F- I ilar to that of the b a r r i e r oxide kinetics. Based on
0.4 I
I a metal ion with q of 3e, a n activation distance close
I to 3A is obtained both for b a r r i e r oxides formed on
I thin film (2) a n d b u l k a l u m i n u m (9).
0.3 I
I Pore formation.--The two observations i m p o r t a n t
I to pore formation and growth are the efficiency of
I initial film formation and its increase d u r i n g porous
film growth. Both of these observations are in direct
0.I ,~Inttial Film support of the model that etching at the pore bases
is an electric field-aided process (16). First, although
the efficiency of initial film growth increases with
50 100 15O 200 c u r r e n t density (and hence electric field), the net
TIME(sec) dissolution rate (inefficiency) also increases with cur-
r e n t density or electric field. I n fact, the rate of dis-
Fig. 10. Development of film thickness with time for a 10 mA/ solution increases e x p o n e n t i a l l y with electric field,
cm2 porous anodization in 0.6M H3P04 at 25~ except at the higher c u r r e n t density where the rate
of increase is slower. Secondly, as the porous film
total c u r r e n t will have a curve whose slope increases grows, the electric field across the porous oxide be-
with electric field as is observed in this study. comes m u c h less than across the pore-free layer;
The foregoing a r g u m e n t was first presented (11) therefore, the efficiency of growth should become near
to show the inconsistency of the F r e n k e l defect theory u n i t y since the su/~face dissolution is decreasing.
and the c u r v a t u r e observed for anodic oxides of Ta, I n addition to field-assisted dissolution, it is also
A1, and Nb. The c u r v a t u r e for these oxides is in the claimed that some anion motion is necessary to sus-
opposite sense, i.e., the log J vs. E curve slowly de- tain porous film growth (16). Dissolution requires
creases in slope with increasing electric field, giving high fields. Fields corresponding to 107 V / c m have
a log J cc aE -- pE 2. While n u m e r o u s models have been observed across the pore-free layer for anodiza-
been proposed [see Ref. (11) and (12)], it is not tion in dilute H3PO4 (4). However, from the observa-
k n o w n whether the effect is intrinsic to ionic con- tion of initial film growth, a n i o n - c u r r e n t dominance
duction or whether, as has been proposed (13), caused occurs at lower fields. There are several explanations
by incorporation of electrolyte impurities into the for this a p p a r e n t inconsistency. One is that oxide
oxide. It has been found that the c u r v a t u r e is enhanced c u r v a t u r e tends to increase the electric field at the
for Ta anodized in dilute H3PO4 or more concen- surface of the pore base while the b u l k of the pore-
trated H2SO4, where i m p u r i t y incorporation is more free oxide experiences lower fields. However, i n order
p r o n o u n c e d (12). to explain this in terms of anion and cation electric
If impurities cause curvature, w h y is the c u r v a t u r e field dependent currents, it is necessary to postulate
not noted for the present anodization in H3PO4? P e r - the buildup of space charge in the oxide. A more
haps i m p u r i t y incorporation is much smaller in Al20.~. likely explanation appears to be that of fringing
Or, the effect m a y simply be overwhelmed by the electric fields. That is, ionic conduction takes place
change from oxygen to metal ion c u r r e n t domination. not only as postulated through the oxide s u r r o u n d i n g
However, it is certain that the low efficiencies, p a r - the pore base (4) b u t also for some distance up the
ticularly at low currents, serve to minimize the frac- pore wall. The idea is not unreasonable, w h e n it is
tion of o x i d e - c o n t a i n i n g impurities. If the incorporated considered that ionic conduction t h r o u g h the initial
impurities are, as has been indicated (14), immobile film is observed to occur at fields that are considerably
with respect to the rate of oxide growth, then incor- lower t h a n that effectively across the pore base oxide.
poration of the impurities into the oxide will only Thus, ionic conduction can occur to (or from) points
occur if the m e t a l ion transport n u m b e r , ~m,2 is greater on the pore wall surface which are separated from
t h a n the difference b e t w e e n the efficiency of oxide the metal by distances considerably larger than the
growth and unity. The tm for A1 anodization in H3PO4 thickness of the oxide under the pore base. Proceeding
is not known. However, it is expected to increase from the pore base up the pore wall, the electric field
with c u r r e n t density of formation. For example, for will decrease in some fashion. The decreasing field is
the anodization of A1 in another aqueous electrolyte accompanied by decreasing ionic current which, in
( a m m o n i u m citrate), tm varied from 0.56 at 1 m A / c m 2 turn, has an increasing oxygen ion component. Since
to 0.72 at 10 m A / c m 2 (15). Since both the efficiency this current flow is toward the metal under the pore
and tm increase with c u r r e n t density, the effect of wall, this is exactly what is necessary to build up
the pore wall. I n addition, since the fringing fields
*~tm is t h e f r a c t i o n of o x i d e w h i c h g r o w s at t h e o x i d e - e l e c t r o l y t e also support dissolution, a v a r i e t y of pore shapes n e a r
interface f r o m m e t a l ion t r a n s p o r t . T h e r e m a i n i n g oxide g r o w s at
the metal-oxide interface f r o m o x y g e n i n transport. the pore base are possible depending on w h e t h e r the

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fringing field causes net growth or dissolution at a A n y discussion of this paper will appear in a Dis-
point. cussion Section to be published in the J u n e 1977
T u r n i n g to the m e c h a n i s m of pore initiation, it is JOURNAL. All discussions for the J u n e 1977 Discussion
difficult to reconcile the present ideas of field-aided Section should be submitted b y Feb. 1, 1977.
ionic conduction and oxide dissolution with an oxide
thickness i n s t a b i l i t y resulting in a pore. What is even REFERENCES
more perplexing is that at a given c u r r e n t density 1. See Ref. 1-5 of C. J. Dell'Oca, Thin Solid Films, 26,
pore initiation occurs after a certain oxide thickness 371 (1975).
is reached. Perhaps, at a given c u r r e n t density, a cer- 2. C. J. Dell'Oca, ibid.
tain thickness must be reached before the allowed 3. T. P. Hoar and J. Yahalom, This Journal, 110, 614
local variation in oxide thickness reaches a value (1963).
where the probability of pore initiation is high. Pore 4. J. P. O ' S u l l i v a n a n d G. C. Wood, Proc. R. Soc.
London, Sec. A, 317, 511 (1970).
initiation might occur at the edge of such a region 5. M. S. H u n t e r and P. Fowle, This Journal, 101,
where the gradient in electric field gives rise to a 481 (1954).
v a r y i n g i n t e r p l a y of dissolution, oxide growth, and 6. See, for example, E. Passaglia R. R. Stromberg,
perhaps metal and oxygen ion motion. and J. Kruger, Editors, "Ellipsometry i n the
Measurement of Surfaces and Thin Films," NBS
Conclusions Misc. Pub. 256, Washington, D.C. (1963).
Ellipsometry has been shown to be a useful tech- 7. R. M. Goldstein, R. J. Lederich, and F. W. L e o n -
hard, This Journal, 117, 503 (1970).
n i q u e for s t u d y i n g initial film growth i n porous alu- 8. M. A. Barret and A. B. Winterbottom, i n "First
m i n u m anodization. It can be used to d e t e r m i n e both I n t e r n a t i o n a l Congress on Metallic Corrosion,"
the growth properties and the onset of pore formation. p. 657, Butterworths, London (1961).
The initial films formed i n the course of porous a n o - 9. A. C. Harkness and L. Young, Can. J. Chem., 44,
dization resemble o r d i n a r y b a r r i e r films both optically 2409 (1966).
and in their mode of development. However, the elec- 10. L. Young, "Anodic Oxide Films," Academic Press,
New York (1961).
tric field required to grow these films is significantly 11. W. S. Goruk, L. Young, and F. G. R. ZobeI, in
lower and approaches values for o r d i n a r y b a r r i e r films "Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry," Vol. 4,
only at high c u r r e n t densities. p. 176, P l e n u m Press, New York (1966).
The observations that film dissolution increases with 12. C. J. Dell'Oca, D. L. Pulfrey, and L. Young, in
field, that the efficiency of oxide growth increases "Physics of T h i n Films," Vol. 6, p. 1, Academic
after pore initiation, and that the fields causing growth Press, New York (1971).
13. C. J. Dell'Oca a n d L. Young, This Journal, 117,
are significantly smaller prior to pore formation ap- 1548 (1970).
pear to be i n direct support of the model presented 14. J. J. Randall, W. J. Bernard, and R. R. Wilkinson,
b y Hoar and Mort (16), that the dissolution at the Electrochim. Acta, 10, 183 (1965).
pore base is a field-aided process. 15. J. A. Davies, B. Domeij, J. P. S. Pringle, and
F. Brown This Journal, 112, 675 (1965).
Manuscript submitted Jan. 13, 1976; revised m a n u - 16. T. P. Hoar and N. F. Mott, J. Phys. Chem. Solids,
script received J u n e 18, 1976. 9, 97 (1959).

Line Emission Penetration Phosphors: Preparation

and Cathodoluminescent Properties
S. Ignasiak *,1 and H. Veron 2
Sperry Research Center, Sudbury, Massachusetts 01776

The p r e p a r a t i o n of three rare earth phosphors with onionskin b a r r i e r
layers is described. The n e w materials are l a n t h a n u m oxysulfides and oxy-
sulfates activated with t e r b i u m and in some cases coactivated with europium.
When these phosphors with high dead voltage, and green emission are mixed
with a commercial phosphor, such as YVO4: Eu, a p e n e t r a t i o n phosphor results
which has four distinct colors as a function of voltage i n CRT displays. The
emission from this phosphor system is at all times n a r r o w band.

Several methods have been developed which allow a phosphor poison (5, 6). This coated phosphor is mixed
the generation of multicolor displays on c a t h o d e - r a y with a commercial r e d - e m i t U n g phosphor. W h e n the
tubes (CRT). W h e n the color is d e t e r m i n e d by the m i x t u r e is excited b y a n electron beam, the red emis-
accelerating potential on the electrons from a single sion is visible at low energies, b u t as the energy of the
electron gun, these devices often use several phosphor electrons is increased, the b a r r i e r of the coated phos-
layers either as discrete layers on the face of the CRT phor is penetrated and green light is emitted. The grad-
(1-3) or as layered "onionskin" particles (4). A m o n g ual increase i n green emission with increasing beam
the latter group a practical phosphor m i x t u r e has voltage creates orange, yellow, a n d finally green light.
been developed using a sulfide phosphor with green This particular system has a broad w a v e l e n g t h emis-
emission and an i n e r t onionskin coating or containing sion in the green portion of the visible spectrum a s
* Electrochemical Society Active Member. opposed to the line emission typical of rare earth ions.
1 P r e s e n t a d d r e s s : C o u l t e r Information Systems, Incorporated, Three n e w onionskin phosphors have b e e n developed.
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730.
2 p r e s e n t address: Mitre Corporation, Bedford, Massachusetts They have a b a r r i e r layer and they emit intense n a r r o w
01730. w a v e l e n g t h green light only at sufficiently high a c -
K e y words: l a n t h a n u m oxysulfide, l a n t h a n u m oxysulfate, barrier
layer phosphors, europium, terbium. celerating voltages. These rare earth b a r r i e r phosphors
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