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eNIT No. 19 of 2014-15 of SE,SWC,SS,PWDte. & Tender Ref. No.

in the website - WBPWD/SS/SE-SWC/NIT-19/2014-15


Office of the
South End Dak Bunglow Road, Narampur, Midnapore, Paschim Medinipur
Phone No. - (03222) 276125, Fax No. -(03222) 276125, e-mail id -

Memo No. 566 / 8G Date - 25.03.2015


The Superintending Engineer, South Western Circle, Social Sector, Public Works Directorate on behalf of the Governor of West Bengal invites e-Tender
for the following work(s) from the eligible Contractors as detailed in the table below. [Collection (downloading) and Submission (uploading) of Tender can
be made online through the website only].

S Name of the work Estimated Amount of Cost of Period of Name & Address of Eligibility of
l Amount put to Earnest Money Tender Completio the concerned Tenderer
. Tender to be deposited Documents n Division
N (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs.) of the
o work
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 (Tender Title in the website - WBPWD/SS/SE-SWC/NIT-19/2014-15/SL-1/two_storied_building _for_office_ of_Superintending_ Engineer
Proposed Construction of Rs.7381685.00 Rs.147634.00 Rs.2505.00 180 Days Executive Engineer, Bonafide
two storied building for the per set Vidyasagar Contractors
office of the Superintending (Not to pay for having credential
University Division,
Engineer, South Western participating in not less than 40%
e-tendering. Social Sector,
Circle, Social Sector, of Estimated
P.W.Dte. with three storied But, the P.W.Dte., South End amount put to
successful Dak Bunglow Road,
foundation within in the tenderer Tender of similar
campus of Social Sector, Narampur, P.O.- nature of works
will have to pay Midnapore, District-
P.W.Dte., Midnapore in the during within last five
Dist. of Paschim Medinipur. execution of
Paschim Medinipur. years atleast one
Formal work in a single
Agreement) Tender for Civil
works with
experience of
Electrical works.
2 (Tender Title in the website-WBPWD/SS/SE-SWC/NIT-19/2014-15/SL-2/Balance_Work_Construction_New_Stadium_With_Boundary_Wall_Nayagram_Paschim
Balance Works for Rs.5751163.00 Rs.115023.00 Rs.2505.00 90 Days Executive Engineer, Bonafide
Construction of New per set Vidyasagar Contractors
(Not to pay for having credential
Stadium with the Boundary University Division,
participating in not less than 40%
Wall at Nayagram in the e-tendering. Social Sector,
of Estimated
District of Paschim But, the P.W.Dte., South End amount put to
Medinipur. successful Dak Bunglow Road,
tenderer Tender of similar
will have to pay Narampur, P.O.- nature of works
during Midnapore, District- within last five
execution of Paschim Medinipur. years atleast one
Formal work in a single
Agreement) Tender

As per P.W.D., W.B.'s Notification No. 199-CRC/2M-10/2012 dated 21.12.2012, the intending tenderers shall not pay the cost of tender documents
for the purpose of participating in e-tendering, but, the successful tenderer will have to pay the cost of tender documents during execution of
Formal Agreement.
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) is to be remitted by the Tenderer as mentioned in column no. 4 of the table for List of Work(s) in the shape of Demand
Draft / Banker's Cheque issued from any Nationalised Bank in favour of the Executive Engineer, Vidyasagar University Division, Social Sector,
P.W.Directorate payable at Midnapore.
Refund of EMD : The EMD of the unsuccessful Tenderers deposited in favour of the concerned Executive Engineer will be refunded by the said Executive
Engineer on receipt of application from Tenderers as per relevant Govt. Rules.

2. Intending Tenderers should download the Tender Documents from the website directly with the help of Digital Signature

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eNIT No. 19 of 2014-15 of SE,SWC,SS,PWDte. & Tender Ref. No. in the website - WBPWD/SS/SE-SWC/NIT-19/2014-15

3. The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) should be remitted by the intending Tenderers as mentioned in column no. 4 of the table for List of Work(s)
through Demand Draft / Banker's Cheque issued from any Nationalised Bank in favour of the Executive Engineer, Vidyasagar University
Division, Social Sector, P.W.Directorate payable at Midnapore. The instrument (Demand Draft / Banker's Cheque) towards the Earnest Monery
Deposit should be submitted as soft copy (scanned copy of the originals) during uploading of e-tender alongwith other tender documents. The first
lowest (L1) bidder shall submit the original instrument physically with his acceptance letter to the office of the Superintending Engineer, South
Western Circle, Social Sector, Public Works Directorate, South End Dak Bunglow Road, Narampur, Midnapore, Paschim Medinipur within 7
(seven) days from the date of issue of the acceptence letter. Failure to submit the original instrument physically with his acceptance letter as
mentioned above may be construed as an attempt to distrub the tendering process and dealt with accordingly leaglly including blacklisting of the
4. In case of partnership firm(s), the pledged instrument(s) must reflect the name(s) of the firm as well as the name(s) and address(es) of the
partner(s) who is/are authorized to pledge the same as per valid partnership deed(s) for claiming EMD exemption.

5. Tender is to be submitted (uploaded) in Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal. Both Technical Proposal and Financial Porposal should be
submitted duly digitally signed by the Tenderer through the website as per the 'Date & Time Schedule' stated in Sl.
No.16. of this N.I.T. (Details of which has been narrated in 'Instruction to Bidders').

6. Eligibility criteria for participation in tender :

i) Intending tenderers should produce credentials of similar nature of completed work of the minimum value of 40% of the estimated amount put to
tender during 5(five) years prior to the date of issue of the tender notice; or,
ii) Intending tenderers should produce credentials of 2(two) similar nature of completed work, each of minimum value of 30% of the estimated
amount put to tender during 5(five) years prior to the date of issue of the tender notice; or
iii) Intending tenderers should produce credentials of 1(one) single running work of similar nature which has been completed to the extent of 80%
or more and value of which is not less then the desired value at (i) above;

In case of running works , only those tenderers who will submit the certificate of satisfactory running work from the concerned Executive
Engineer, or equivalent competent authority will be eligible for the tender. In the required certificate it should be clearly stated that the work is
in progress satisfactorily and also that no penal action has been initiated against the executed agency, i.e., the tenderer.

Other terms and conditions of credentials:-

a) Payment certificate will not be treated as credential;
b) Credential certificate issued by the Executive Engineer of equivalent or competent authority of a State/ Central Government , State/
Central Government undertaking, Statutory /Autonomous bodies constituted under the central / State statute , on the executed value of
completed/ running work will be taken as credential.(G.O.No.04-A/PWDO/10C-02/14 date 18.03.2015 of PWD).
Amount of Final Bill ,Estimate Amount , Date of commencement, Date of completion of the work and detail communicational address alongwith
contact number of the Client should be submitted by the Tenderer.[Non-statutory Documents].

iv) The prospective Tenderers shall have in their full time engagement experienced technical personal, the minimum being one Civil Engineering
Degree holder and one Civil Engineering Diploma holder. [Non-statutory Documents]

v)All categories of prospective Tenderers shall have to submit valid and up to date Professional Tax receipt Challan, VAT Registration Certificate,
Income Tax Return Acknowledgement Receipt, PAN Card issued by Income Tax Department, Voter ID Card and Trade Licence in respect of
the prospective Tenderer. [Non-statutory Documents]

vi) Where an individual person holds a Digital Signature Certificate in his own name duly issued to him against the company or the firm of which
he happens to be a director or partner, such individual person shall, while uploading any tender for and on behalf such company or firm,
invariably upload a copy of registered power of attorney showing clear authorization in his favour, by the rest of the directors of such company
or the partners of such firm to upload such tender.
The Power of Attorney shall have to be registered in accordance with the provisions of the Registration Act, 1908.[Non-statutory Documents]

vii) Neither prospective Tenderer nor any of the constituent partners had been debarred to participate in any Tender by the P.W.D., P.W.(R)D &
P.W.(C.B.)D, Housing Department, W.B. during the last 5 (five) years prior to the date of this NIT. Such debarring will be considered as
disqualification towards eligibility. (a declaration in this respect has to be furnished by the prospective bidders as per prescribed format). [Non-
statutory Documents]

viii) In case of Proprietorship and Partnership Firms, the Tax Audit Report under I.T.Act in 3CD Form and in case of Private Limited Company, the
Audit Report under Companies Act is to be furnished alongwith Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account for the last 5 years (year just preceding
the current financial year will be considered as year –1 ) including all schedules forming the part of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account.
The Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account should be in favour of applicant. No other name alongwith applicant's name in such enclosure will
be entertained.[Non-statutory Documents]

ix) The partnership firm shall furnish the Registered Partnership Deed and the Company shall furnish the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and
Article of Association (AOA.) [Non-statutory Documents]

x)Registered Un-employed Engineers’ Co-operative Societies / Labour Co- operative Societies are required to furnish the following documents : -
[Non-statutory Documents]

a) Current "No Objection Certificate" from the Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
b) Supporting documents showing area of operation.
c) Bye-laws duly approved by the Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies.
d) Name with address and signature of the present Board of Directors of the Co-operative Society.
e) Minutes of last Annual General Meeting and Audit Report of the Co-operative Society with the evidence of submission of the same to the
concerned Authorities.
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eNIT No. 19 of 2014-15 of SE,SWC,SS,PWDte. & Tender Ref. No. in the website - WBPWD/SS/SE-SWC/NIT-19/2014-15

xi) The prospective tenderers should own/ lease/ arrange the required plant and machinery. List and conclusive proof of machinery in working
condition shall have to be submitted. (Non-Statutary documents)

xii) The prospective tenderers or any of their constituent partner shall neither have abandoned any work nor any of their contract have been
rescinded during the last 5 (five) years. Such abandonment or rescission will be considered as disqualification towards eligibility.

xiii) Joint Ventures will not be allowed.

xiv) A prospective Tenderer shall be allowed to participate in the job either in the capacity of individual or as a partner of a firm. If found tohave
applied severally in a single job, all his applications will be rejected for that job.
A prospective Tenderer (including his participation in partnership) shall be allowed to participate in a single work as mentioned abovein the
List of Work(s).

xv) No conditional / Incomplete Tender will be accepted under any circumstances.

xvi) The Working Capital shall not be less than 15 (Fifteen) percent of the amount put to tender out of which minimum 10% shall be of applicant's
own resource. [Non Statutory Documents (Financial Statement)]

xvii) The available Bid Capacity [to be calculated on the basis of prescribed format (ITB, Section - B, Form - II)] of the prospective Tenderer shall
not be less than the amount put to tender. [Non Statutory Documents (Financial Statement)]

7. Agencies shall have to arrange for required Plant & Machineries, store of materials, labour shed, laboratory etc. and land for creation of the same at
their own cost and responsibility.

8. The prospective Tenderer shall establish field testing laboratory equipped with necessary instruments and technical staff according to the
requirements of works to be executed.

9. Work Order or Payment of work will be depended on availability of fund. Intending tenderers may consider this criteria while submission of Tender
and quoting their rates.

10. Bid shall remain valid for a period not less than 120 (One Hundred Twenty) days after the dead line date for Financial Bid / Sealed Bid submission.
Bid validity for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Tender Accepting Authority as non-responsive.
If any tenderer withdraws his offer before Bid validity period without giving any satisfactory explanation for such withdrawals, he may be
disqualified for submitting tender to this Circle, Division and Sub-Division under this Circle for minimum period of 1(one) year and legal action
will be taken against him.

11. No Cement and Steel materials will be issued to the Contractor Departmentally.

12. The Tenderer, at the Tenderer’s own responsibility and risk is encouraged to visit and examine the site of works and its surroundings and obtain all
information that may be necessary for preparing the Tender and entering into a contract for the work as mentioned in the Notice Inviting Tender,
the cost of visiting the site shall be at the Tenderer’s own expense.

13. The Superintending Engineer, South Western Circle, Social Sector, Public Works Directorate reserves the right to cancel this N.I.T. due to
unavoidable circumstances and no claim in this respect will be entertained.

14. The intending Tenderers shall clearly understand that whatever may be the outcome of the present Invitation of Tender, no cost of
Tendering shall be reimbursable by the Department. The Superintending Engineer, South Western Circle, Social Sector, Public Works
Directorate reserves the right to reject any Tender or all Tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever and is not liable for any cost that
might have incurred by any Tenderer at any stage of Tendering.
15. Date & Time Schedule

Sl. Particulars Date & Time

1. Date of Publishing of NIT online through the website 25-03-2015

2. Date and Time for downloading of Tender Documents from the Start 25-03-2015 at 18:30 hrs.
website End 09-04-2015 at 12:00 hrs.

3. Date and Time of Submisson of Tender through the website Start 25-03-2015 at 18:30 hrs End 09-04-2015 at 12:00 hrs..

4, Date, Time and Place of Opening of Technical Bid through the 09-04-2015 at 12:30 hrs.
website at office of the Superintending Engineer, South Western Circle,
Social Sector, P.W.Directorate, South End Dak Banglow Road,
Narampur, Midnapore, Paschim Medinipur.

5. Date, Time and Place of Opening of Financial Bid through the Will be notified after Technical Evaluation of the participated
website Tenderer(s).

Note : If the dates fall on holidays or on days of bandh or natural calamity, the dates defer to next working days.

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eNIT No. 19 of 2014-15 of SE,SWC,SS,PWDte. & Tender Ref. No. in the website - WBPWD/SS/SE-SWC/NIT-19/2014-15

16. All Tenderers are requested to be present at office of the Superintending Engineer, South Western Circle, Social Sector, P.W.Directorate, South
End Dak Banglow Road, Narampur, Midnapore, Paschim Medinipur during opening of the Tender to observe the tender opening procedure. The
Superintending Engineer, South Western Circle, Social Sector, Public Works Directorate may call Open Bid/Sealed Bid after opening of the said
tender to obtain the suitable rate further, if it is required. No objections in this respect will be entertained raised by any Tenderer who will be absent
at the time of opening of Tender. No informal tenderer will be entertained in the Bid further.

17. Security Deposit : In respect of sucessful Tenderer, the Earnest Money on acceptance of Tender shall be converted as a part of the Security Deposit.

The successful Tenderer who deposited Earnest Money @ 2% of the amount put to the Tender, balance of necessary 10% (Ten percent) Security
Deposit shall be realised by recovering from the progressive bill @ 8% (Eight percent) of the amount of each such bill.

In all cases the amount of recovery of the Final Bill will be so adjusted as to make the total amount of Security Deposit equivalent to 10% (Ten
percent) to the value of work so executed.

18. Unless otherwise stipulated all the works are to be done as per General Conditions and General Specifications in the “Departmental Schedule”
which means the relevant PWD (W.B.) Schedule of Rates for the working area including upto date addenda and corrigenda, if any, published by
Public Works Department, Government of West Bengal. For Road & Bridge works, “Departmental Schedule” means the relevant PW(R)D
Schedule of Rates for the working area including upto date addenda and corrigenda, if any, published by Public Works (Roads) Department,
Government of West Bengal. The project should be executed as per IS CODE /IRC/MOST/MORTH standards regarding the quality of materials
and various item of works.

19. Deduction of Income Tax from the Contractor's Bill will be made as per Govt. rules.

20. Labour Welfare Cess @ 1%(one percent) of the cost of construction works will be deducted from every Bill of the selected agency. Vat, Royalty &
all other Statutory levy/ Cess will have to be borne by the contractor as per Govt. Rules and the rate in the B.O.Q. inclusive of all the taxes & cess
stated above.

21. Deduction of Tax shall be made as per provision of the W.B. VAT Act, 2003 with up to date amendments.

22. The Agency will be liable to maintain the work at working portion at the appropriate service level to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge at
his own cost for a period of Security Period from the date of completion of the work. If any defect/damage is found during the period as mentioned
above, the Agency shall make the same good at his own cost. Failure to do so, penal action against the Agency will be imposed by the Department
as deem fit. The Agency will have to quote his rate considering the above aspect. Also the sucessful Tenderers shall have to execute the work in
such a manner so that appropriate service level of the work is kept during progress of work and the period of Security Period from the date of
successful completion of the work to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge may be considered towards release of “Security Deposit”.

23. In case of ascertaining Authority at any stage of application or execution of work necessary registered power of attorney is to be produced.

24. Principal Machineries / equipments which must be possessed by own/Leased as per "ITB, Section - B, Form - IV". [Non Statutory Documents]
A) List of Plants and Machineries:
i) Tilting Drum mixer 230-280 liter capacity with Hopper-2 nos.
ii) Dewatering pump (5 HP. capacity)- 1 nos.
iii) Internal or immersion vibrators-2 nos.
iv) Hoist (Passenger/ materials)- 1 nos.
v) Steel reinforcement Cutting & Bending Machine-2 nos.
vi) Steel shuttering material -300 sq.m.
vii) Floor grinding machine-1 nos.
B)List of Equipment for :
1. Balances:
a) 7kg. to 10kg. capacity ,semi-self indicating type – accuracy 10gm.
b) 500 gm. Capacity. semi-self indicating type – accuracy 1 gm.
2. Sieves: as per IS 460-1962.
a) IS sieves - 450 mm internal dia, of size 40 mm, 25mm,20mm 12.5mm,10mm,4.75mm, complete with lid and pan.
b) IS sieves-200mm internal dia (brass frame) consisting of 2.36mm, 1.18mm,600 microns , 425 microns,300 microns,212 microns,150
microns 90 microns, 75 microns, with lid and pan.
3. Equipment for slump test- slump cone ,steel plate, tamping rod , steel scale ,scoop.
4. Dial gauges, 25mm traval- 0.01 mm / division least count – 2 nos.
5. Graduated measuring cylinders 200 ml capacity- 3 nos.
6. Emamel trays (for efforescence test for bricks).
a) 300 mm x 250mm -2 nos.
b) Circular plates of 250 mm dia -4 nos.
7. Cube Mould 12 nos.
8. Compression testing machine
9. Others as per requirement.
C) Field Testing Instruments:
1. Steel tapes -3m.
2. Vernier callipers .
3. Micrometer screw 25 mm gauge.
4. A good quality plumb bob
5. Spirit level, Minimum 30 cms long with 3 bubbles for horizontal vertical.
6. Wire gauge (Circular type) disc.
7. Foot rule.
8. Long nylon thread.
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eNIT No. 19 of 2014-15 of SE,SWC,SS,PWDte. & Tender Ref. No. in the website - WBPWD/SS/SE-SWC/NIT-19/2014-15

9. Rebound hammer for testingconcrete.

10. Dynamic penetrometer.
11. Magnifying glass.
12. Screw driver 30 cms long.
13. Ball pin hammer, 100gms.
14. Plastic bags for taking samples.
16. Earth resistance tests (for Electrical D ivision )
17. Megger (for Electrical Division)
18. Others as per requirement.

Original document of own possession of the aforesaid machineries is to be furnished if required by the Tender Inviting Authority.

25. a. During scrutiny, in respect of the NIT, submitted documents original copy to be produced for physical verification (if require) , if it is come to
the notice to the Tender Accepting Authority that the credential or any other papers submitted by any Tenderer found
incorrect/manufactured/fabricated, that tenderer will not be allowed to participate in the tender without any prejudice and legal action will be taken
against him.
b. Before issuance of the work order, the Tender Accepting Authority may verify the credential and other documents of the lowest tenderer if found
necessary. After verification, if it is found that such documents submitted by the lowest tenderer is either manufactured or false in that case, work
order will not be issued in favour of the tenderer under any circumstances and legal action will be taken against him.

26. If stipulations of various contract documents at variance in any respect, one will override the other (only so far as these are at variance) in order of
precedence are given below :-

i) NIT
ii) Special Terms & Conditions
iii) Form No. 2911(ii)
iv) Technical Bid
v) Financial Bid

27. In case of inadvertant typographical mistake found in the specified Price Schedule of Rates, the same will be treated to be so corrected as to
conform with the relevant P.W.D. (W.B.) Schedule of Rates of Building, Sanitary and Plumbing and / or technically sanctioned estimate.

28. Arbitration will not be allowed. Clause No. 25 of Conditions of Contract of W.B.Form No. 2911(ii) has been ommited as per P.W.D. Notification
No. 558/SPW dt. 13.12.2011.

29. No Mobilisation Advance and Secured Advance will be allowed.

30. Adjustment of Price (increse or decrese) vide Notification No. 23-CRC/2M-61/2008 Dated - 13.03.2009 and Notification No. 38-CRC/2M-61/2008
Dated - 20.04.2009 shall not be applilcable. Since B.O.Q. for the works under this N.I.T. is based upon the Schedule of Rates of Public Works
Department for Building , S and P works with upto date Addenda and Corrigendum, the tenderers shall quote their rate (percentage above / below /
at par) accordingly considering that no escalation and / or price adjustment will be allowed by the department thereto under any circumstances.

31. Canvassing in connection with the tender is strictly prohibited in the Tender submitted by the Contractor.

32. Site of work and necessary drawings may be handed over to the successful Tenderer phase wise. No claim in this regard will be entertained.

33. The successful Tenderer will have to submit 7(seven) sets for Sl.No.1and 5(five) sets for Sl.No.2 of all the Tender Documents alongwith BOQ in
connection with this Tender in hard copy within 7 (Seven) days from the date of receipt of Letter of Acceptance of the Tender (through e-
Tendering System or otherwise). Failure to do so will be liable to termination/rejection of Tender with forfeiture of Earnest Money without any
reference to the Contractor. Tender Documents are to be collected from the concerned Division on payment of cost for the same.

34. The successful Tenderer will have to start the work as per the work order to commence the work.

35. Successful Tenderer will be required to obtain valid Registration Certificate & Labour License from respective Regional Labour Offices where
construction work by them are proposed to be carried out under the West Bengal Building & other Construction Works’ Act, 1996 and the Contract
Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act,1970 and the same should be submitted to the Engineer in Charge.

36. The Successful Tenderer shall have to comply with the provision of (a) the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act,1970 (b) the Apprentice
Act,1961 and (c) the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (d) the West Bengal Building & other Construction Works’ Act, 1996 and the Notifications
thereof or other laws relating thereto and the rules made and orders issued thereunder from time to time. Failure to do so will be treated as breach of
contract and the Superintending Engineer, South Western Circle, Social Sector, Public Works Directorate may in his discretion cancel the contract.
The contactor shall also be liable for any liability arising on account of any violation by him of the provisions of the Acts and rules made
thereunder time to time.

37. The contractor shall not be entitled for any compensation for any loss suffered by him due to delay arising out for modification of the work, due to
non-delivery of the possession of site and / or modification of drawing and design.

38. Prevailing safety norms has to be followed by the successful Tenderer during execution of the work so that LTI (Loss of time due to injury) is zero.

39. Guiding schedule of rates : For Building Works : Schedule of rates of P.W.D.,W.B. with effect from 01.07.2014 for Building, Sanitary & Plumbing
works, materials and labour along with up-to-date corrigenda and addenda.

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eNIT No. 19 of 2014-15 of SE,SWC,SS,PWDte. & Tender Ref. No. in the website - WBPWD/SS/SE-SWC/NIT-19/2014-15

40. The eligibility of a Tenderer will be ascertained on the basis of the documents submitted by a Tenderer in support of eligibility criteria. If
any document submitted by a Tenderer is either incorrect / manufactured / fabricated or false, his Tender will be out rightly rejected at
any stage and legal action will be taken against him.

41. The Tenderer has to given one undertaking that he will engage Supervisor for execution of Electrical works who posses Valid Electrical
S.C.C. Part No. 1,2,3,4,5,6A,6B,7A,7B,10 &11 issued by Licencing Board, Government of West Bengal (for Sl. No.-1) .
N.B. – Following changes have been made in the SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS .


1. Special condition TOR STEEL TOR STEEL
for building As manufactured by M/S India Iron & Steel, M\S Hindusthan Steel or An steel materials should conform
works Page-23 other, manufacturers under License from M/S Tor-IsteG Steel to IS: I786- 2008 & produced by
Sl-L(ii) Corporation of Luxemburg conforming to IS: I786- 1966 with Primary Steel Producers of India
Amendment No. I of August 1968 and Amendment No. 2 of December, as certified by the Ministry of
1970 &1985 or to I. S. 1139-1966 with Amendment No. 1 of August, Steel, Govt. of India.
1968 and Amendment No. 2 of1970 & 1985 & as per IS: 800-2007.

2. Special condition NOTES : No Departmental materials will be

for building a) All diameters of steel reinforcement (except 6 mm dia. M. S. rods) as issued.
works Page-24 necessary to be issued by the Department will be of High Yield strength
Sl-S(Notes) deformed Bars (i.e. Tor Steel).
b) Tor steel or Mild steel rounds actually required for the work shall be
issued in length as available instocks. The recovery shall be on the weight
calculated on the basis of length issued and the standard sectional weight
for the particular diameter. Cut pieces of steel materials left surplus on
completion ofwork shall not be taken back if the same be considered
unsuitable for utilisation in other works.
Wastage on account of such non-acceptable cut pieces will be entirely to
contractor's account and such cut-pieces may be disposed of by the
contractor after obtaining prior written approval of the
concerned Superintending Engineer.
c) The issue rate for Cement includes the cost of Containers.
d) Stone metal and chips of any size as required will have to be arranged
by the contractor and cost will be deemed to have been included in the
rate of respective items.

Superintending Engineer
South Western Circle, Social Sector, Public Works Directorate.
Govt. of West Bengal.

Memo. No. 566 /12/ 8G Date – 25.03.2015

Copy forwarded for information and wide circulation through his office NOTICE BOARD to –

1) The P.A. to the Principal Secretary, Public Works Department, Govt. of West Bengal.
2) The P.A. to the Engineer-in-Chief & Ex-officio Secretary, Public Works Department, Govt. of West Bengal.
3) The P.A. to the Joint Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal,P.W. Department.
4) The P.A. to the Joint Secretary, Govt. of West Bengal, Department of sports, Block-B, 5th floor,N.S. Building,Kolkata-1.
5) The Chief Engineer (HQ), Social Sector, P.W. Directorate, Nabanna, Howrah.
6) The Chief Engineer, Social Sector, P.W. Directorate, 5th Fl., Block - A, N. S. Buildings, 1, Kiran Shankar Roy Road, Kolkata, PIN – 700001.
7) The Chief Engineer, West Zone, P.W. Directorate, City Centre, Durgapur, PIN – 713216.
8) The District Magistrate, Paschim Medinipur District.
9) The Zilla Sabhadhipati Paschim Medinipur Zilla Parisad.
10) The P.A. to the Joint Secretary, Finance (Budget) Department, Govt. of West Bengal, Writers' Buildings, PIN – 700001.
11) The Executive Engineer, Vidyasagar University Division, Social Sector, P.W.Directorate.
12) The Secretary, Contractor's Association, Paschim Medinipur District..
13) The Estimating Section, South Western Circle, Social Sector, P.W. Directorate.
14) This Office Notice Board.

Superintending Engineer
Signature Not Verified
South Western Circle, Social Sector, Public Works Directorate.
Govt. of West Bengal.
Digitally signed by DHIMAN SAHA
Date: 2015.03.25 15:45:39 IST
Location: West Bengal
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