Federal Register / Vol. 68, No. 106 / Tuesday, June 3, 2003 / Proposed Rules

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33030 Federal Register / Vol. 68, No.

106 / Tuesday, June 3, 2003 / Proposed Rules

livestock industry and U.S. consumers DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 4361; facsimile: (772) 978–6584. You
by helping to prevent the introduction may also view this information at the
of tuberculosis into the United States. Federal Aviation Administration Rules Docket at the address above.
Under these circumstances, the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
Administrator of the Animal and Plant 14 CFR Part 39 William O. Herderich, Aerospace
Health Inspection Service has [Docket No. 2003–CE–03–AD] Engineer, FAA, Atlanta Aircraft
determined that this action would not Certification Office, One Crown Center,
have a significant economic impact on RIN 2120–AA64 1895 Phoenix Boulevard, Suite 450,
a substantial number of small entities. Atlanta, Georgia 30349; telephone: (770)
Airworthiness Directives; The New
703–6082; facsimile: (770) 703–6097.
Executive Order 12988 Piper Aircraft, Inc. Models PA–31, PA–
This proposed rule has been reviewed 31–300, PA–31–325, PA–31–350, PA–
under Executive Order 12988, Civil 31P, PA–31T, PA–31T1, PA–31T2, PA– Comments Invited
Justice Reform. If this proposed rule is 31T3, and PA–31P–350 Airplanes
How Do I Comment on This Proposed
adopted: (1) All State and local laws and AGENCY: Federal Aviation AD?
regulations that are inconsistent with Administration, DOT. The FAA invites comments on this
this rule will be preempted; (2) no ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking proposed rule. You may submit
retroactive effect will be given to this (NPRM). whatever written data, views, or
rule; and (3) administrative proceedings arguments you choose. You need to
will not be required before parties may SUMMARY: This document proposes to
include the proposed rule’s docket
file suit in court challenging this rule. adopt a new airworthiness directive number and submit your comments to
(AD) that would apply to all The New the address specified under the caption
Paperwork Reduction Act
Piper Aircraft, Inc. (Piper) Models PA– ‘‘ADDRESSES.’’ We will consider all
This proposed rule contains no 31, PA–31–300, PA–31–325, PA–31– comments received on or before the
information collection or recordkeeping 350, PA–31P, PA–31T, PA–31T1, PA– closing date. We may amend this
requirements under the Paperwork 31T2, PA–31T3, and PA–31P–350 proposed rule in light of comments
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 airplanes. This proposed AD would received. Factual information that
et seq.). require you to install an inspection hole, supports your ideas and suggestions is
conduct a detailed visual inspection of extremely helpful in evaluating the
List of Subjects in 9 CFR Part 93
the rudder torque tube and associated effectiveness of this proposed AD action
Animal diseases, Imports, Livestock, ribs for corrosion, and, if corrosion is and determining whether we need to
Poultry and poultry products, found, replace the rib/rudder torque take additional rulemaking action.
Quarantine, Reporting and tube assembly. This proposed AD is the
recordkeeping requirements. result of reports of rudder tube Are There Any Specific Portions of This
Accordingly, we propose to amend 9 corrosion. The actions specified by this Proposed AD I Should Pay Attention
CFR part 93 as follows: proposed AD are intended to detect and To?
correct corrosion in the rudder torque The FAA specifically invites
PART 93—IMPORTATION OF CERTAIN tube assembly and rudder rib, which comments on the overall regulatory,
ANIMALS, BIRDS, AND POULTRY, could result in failure of the rudder economic, environmental, and energy
AND CERTAIN ANIMAL, BIRD, AND torque tube. Such failure could lead to aspects of this proposed rule that might
POULTRY PRODUCTS; loss of rudder control. suggest a need to modify the rule. You
REQUIREMENTS FOR MEANS OF DATES: The Federal Aviation may view all comments we receive
CONVEYANCE AND SHIPPING Administration (FAA) must receive any before and after the closing date of the
CONTAINERS comments on this proposed rule on or proposed rule in the Rules Docket. We
1. The authority citation for part 93 before August 11, 2003. will file a report in the Rules Docket
would continue to read as follows: ADDRESSES: Submit comments to FAA, that summarizes each contact we have
Central Region, Office of the Regional with the public that concerns the
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1622 and 8301–8317;
21 U.S.C. 136 and 136a; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 7 Counsel, Attention: Rules Docket No. substantive parts of this proposed AD.
CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.4. 2003–CE–03–AD, 901 Locust, Room How Can I Be Sure FAA Receives My
2. In § 93.427, paragraph (c)(4) would 506, Kansas City, Missouri 64106. You Comment?
be revised to read as follows: may view any comments at this location
between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday If you want FAA to acknowledge the
§ 93.427 Cattle from Mexico. through Friday, except Federal holidays. receipt of your mailed comments, you
You may also send comments must include a self-addressed, stamped
* * * * *
electronically to the following address: postcard. On the postcard, write
(c) * * * ‘‘Comments to Docket No. 2003–CE–03–
(4) The importation of Holstein steers, 9-ACE–7-Docket@faa.gov. Comments
sent electronically must contain AD.’’ We will date stamp and mail the
Holstein spayed heifers, Holstein cross postcard back to you.
steers, and Holstein cross spayed heifers ‘‘Docket No. 2003–CE–03–AD’’ in the
from Mexico is prohibited. subject line. If you send comments Discussion
* * * * * electronically as attached electronic
files, the files must be formatted in What Events Have Caused This
Done in Washington, DC, this 29th day of Microsoft Word 97 for Windows or Proposed AD?
May, 2003. ASCII text. The FAA has received several reports
Peter Fernandez, You may get service information that of rudder tube and rib corrosion on
Acting Administrator, Animal and Plant applies to this proposed AD from The Piper PA–31 Series airplanes. The area
Health Inspection Service. New Piper Aircraft, Inc., Customer surrounding the rudder torque tube
[FR Doc. 03–13838 Filed 6–2–03; 8:45 am] Services, 2926 Piper Drive, Vero Beach, assembly and rudder rib does not have
BILLING CODE 3410–34–P Florida 32960; telephone: (772) 567– a means or access to inspect in this area

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Federal Register / Vol. 68, No. 106 / Tuesday, June 3, 2003 / Proposed Rules 33031

and neither means nor exits for water to The FAA’s Determination and an How Does the Revision to 14 CFR Part
drain out. Explanation of the Provisions of This 39 Affect This Proposed AD?
Proposed AD On July 10, 2002, FAA published a
What Are the Consequences if the
Condition Is Not Corrected? What Has FAA Decided? new version of 14 CFR part 39 (67 FR
47997, July 22, 2002), which governs
Corrosion in the rudder torque tube After examining the circumstances FAA’s AD system. This regulation now
assembly and rudder rib could result in and reviewing all available information includes material that relates to special
failure of the rudder torque tube. Such related to the incidents described above, flight permits, alternative methods of
failure could lead to loss of rudder we have determined that: compliance, and altered products. This
control. material previously was included in
—the unsafe condition referenced in each individual AD. Since this material
Is There Service Information That this document exists or could develop is included in 14 CFR part 39, we will
Applies to This Subject? on other Models PA–31, PA–31–300, not include it in future AD actions.
PA–31–325, PA–31–350, PA–31P,
Piper has issued Service Bulletin No. PA–31T, PA–31T1, PA–31T2, PA– Cost Impact
1105, dated September 4, 2002. 31T3, and PA–31P–350 of the same How Many Airplanes Would This
What Are the Provisions of This Service type design; Proposed AD Impact?
Information? —the actions specified in the We estimate that this proposed AD
previously-referenced service affects 2,269 airplanes in the U.S.
The service bulletin includes information should be accomplished registry.
procedures for: on the affected airplanes; and
What Would Be the Cost Impact of This
—Installing an inspection hole in the —AD action should be taken in order to Proposed AD on Owners/Operators of
rudder skin; correct this unsafe condition. the Affected Airplanes?
—Performing an inspection for
What Would This Proposed AD Require? We estimate the following costs to
corrosion; and
accomplish this proposed installation of
—Installing/repairing with the rib/ This proposed AD would require you inspection and drain holes and
rudder torque tube assembly to incorporate the actions in the inspection of torque tube and associated
replacement kit. previously-referenced service bulletin. ribs for corrosion:

Total Total cost on U.S.

Labor cost Parts cost cost per operators

3 workhours × $60 per hour = $180 .................................................................................. $10. $190. 2,269 × $190 =

We estimate the following costs to tube assembly that would be required determining the number of airplanes
accomplish any necessary corrosion based on the results of this proposed that may need such repair/replacement:
repairs/replacements of the rib/torque inspection. We have no way of

Labor cost Parts cost cost per

16 workhours × $60 per hour = $960 ...................................................................................................................... $800. $1,760.

Regulatory Impact under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not The Proposed Amendment
a ‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT
Would This Proposed AD Impact Accordingly, under the authority
Various Entities? Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44
FR 11034, February 26, 1979); and (3) if delegated to me by the Administrator,
The regulations proposed herein the Federal Aviation Administration
promulgated, will not have a significant
would not have a substantial direct proposes to amend part 39 of the
economic impact, positive or negative,
effect on the States, on the relationship Federal Aviation Regulations (14 CFR
on a substantial number of small entities
between the national government and part 39) as follows:
under the criteria of the Regulatory
the States, or on the distribution of Flexibility Act. A copy of the draft
power and responsibilities among the PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS
regulatory evaluation prepared for this DIRECTIVES
various levels of government. Therefore, action has been placed in the Rules
it is determined that this proposed rule
Docket. A copy of it may be obtained by 1. The authority citation for part 39
would not have federalism implications
contacting the Rules Docket at the continues to read as follows:
under Executive Order 13132.
location provided under the caption Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
Would This Proposed AD Involve a ADDRESSES.
Significant Rule or Regulatory Action? § 39.13 [Amended]
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
For the reasons discussed above, I 2. FAA amends § 39.13 by adding a
certify that this proposed action (1) is Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation new airworthiness directive (AD) to
not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ safety, Safety. read as follows:

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33032 Federal Register / Vol. 68, No. 106 / Tuesday, June 3, 2003 / Proposed Rules

The New Piper Aircraft, Inc.: Docket No. Model Serial Nos. (b) Who must comply with this AD?
2003–CE–03–AD. Anyone who wishes to operate any of the
(a) What airplanes are affected by this AD? PA–31P .......... 31P–1 through 31P– airplanes identified in paragraph (a) of this
This AD affects the following airplane 7730012. AD must comply with this AD.
models and serial numbers that are PA–31P–350 .. 31P–8414001 through 31P– (c) What problem does this AD address?
certificated in any category: 8414050. The actions specified by this AD are intended
PA–31T .......... 31T–7400001 through 31T– to detect and correct corrosion in the rudder
8120104. torque tube assembly and rudder rib, which
Model Serial Nos.
PA–31T1 ........ 31T–7804001 through 31T– could result in failure of the rudder torque
1104017. tube. Such failure could lead to loss of
PA–31, PA– 31–2 through 31–8312019.
PA–31T2 ........ 31T–8166001 through 31T–
31–300, PA– rudder control.
31–325. (d) What actions must I accomplish to
PA–31T3 ........ 31T–8275001 through 31T–
PA–31–350 .... 31–5001 through 31– 5575001. address this problem? To address this
8553002. problem, you must accomplish the following:

Actions Compliance Procedures

(1) Install an inspection hole in the rudder skin Within the next 100 hours time-in-service In accordance with The New Piper Aircraft,
for the rudder torque tube assembly. (TIS) after the effective date of this AD, un- Inc. Service Bulletin No. 1105, dated Sep-
less already accomplished. tember 4, 2002.
(2) Visually inspect the rudder torque tube and Prior to further flight after the installation re- In accordance with The New Piper Aircraft,
associated ribs for corrosion. quired in paragraph (d)(1) of this AD and Inc. Service Bulletin No. 1105, dated Sep-
thereafter at intervals not to exceed 12 cal- tember 4, 2002.
endar months.
(3) If corrosion damage is found, replace the Prior to further flight after any inspection re- In accordance with The New Piper Aircraft,
rib/rudder torque tube assembly. quired in paragraph (d)(2) of this AD where Inc. Service Bulletin No. 1105, dated Sep-
corrosion damage is found. tember 4, 2002.

(e) Can I comply with this AD in any other DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR This document gives the times and
way? To use an alternative method of locations that the Colorado program and
compliance or adjust the compliance time, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation proposed amendment to that program
follow the procedures in 14 CFR 39.19. Send and Enforcement are available for your inspection, the
these requests to the Manager, Atlanta comment period during which you may
Aircraft Certification Office (ACO). For 30 CFR Part 906 submit written comments on the
information on any already approved
amendment, and the procedures that we
alternative methods of compliance, contact [CO–033–FOR] will follow for the public hearing, if one
William O. Herderich, Aerospace Engineer,
FAA, Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office, is requested.
Colorado Regulatory Program
One Crown Center, 1895 Phoenix Boulevard, DATES: We will accept written
Suite 450, Atlanta, Georgia 30349; telephone: AGENCY: Office of Surface Mining comments on this amendment until 4
(770) 703–6082; facsimile: (770) 703–6097. Reclamation and Enforcement, Interior. p.m., m.d.t. on July 3, 2003. If requested,
(f) How do I get copies of the documents ACTION: Proposed rule; public comment we will hold a public hearing on the
referenced in this AD? You may get copies of period and opportunity for public amendment on June 30, 2003. We will
the documents referenced in this AD from hearing on proposed amendment. accept requests to speak until 4 p.m.,
The New Piper Aircraft, Inc., Customer
m.d.t. on June 18, 2003.
Services, 2926 Piper Drive, Vero Beach, SUMMARY: We are announcing receipt of
Florida 32960; telephone: ( 772) 567–4361; a proposed amendment to the Colorado ADDRESSES: You should mail or hand
facsimile: (772) 978–6584. You may view regulatory program (hereinafter, the deliver written comments and requests
these documents at FAA, Central Region, ‘‘Colorado program’’) under the Surface to speak at the hearing to James Fulton
Office of the Regional Counsel, 901 Locust, Mining Control and Reclamation Act of at the address listed below.
Room 506, Kansas City, Missouri 64106. 1977 (SMCRA or the Act). Colorado You may review copies of the
Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on May proposes revisions to and additions of Colorado program, this amendment, a
27, 2003. rules about land use definitions, alluvial listing of any scheduled public hearings,
David R. Showers, valley floor application contents, permit
and all written comments received in
decisions, soil surveys, permit review
Acting Manager, Small Airplane Directorate, response to this document at the
Aircraft Certification Service.
criteria, requests for formal hearings on
minor permit revision application addresses listed below during normal
[FR Doc. 03–13792 Filed 6–2–03; 8:45 am]
decisions, bond release procedures, business hours, Monday through Friday,
BILLING CODE 4910–13–P culverts and bridges, sedimentation excluding holidays. You may receive
ponds and other treatment facilities, one free copy of the amendment by
topsoil handling, mulching and soil- contacting the Office of Surface Mining
stabilizing practices, revegetation, Reclamation and Enforcement’s (OSM)
normal husbandry practices, and prime Denver Field Division.
farmland. James F. Fulton, Chief, Denver Field
Colorado also proposes a Division, Office of Surface Mining
memorandum of understanding (MOU) Reclamation and Enforcement, 1999
between the Division of Minerals and Broadway, Suite 3320, Denver,
Geology and the State Historic Colorado 80202–5733.
Preservation Officer.

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