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Laws or Act that Best Apply to us Teenagers

What act or law that best describe to us as a teenager? For someone who don't have any
idea teenagers are not yet in our right mind to to know all that is good and bad for us, we
must have someone to guide us or know what's our rights and what defense we could fight
for if we are engage in some activity. It may also look absurd but in this generation, some of
teenagers now are aware pf cruelty of this world that may abused us. Technology is now
more being advance and it may use it against us or use us for their own benefits, as time
goes by a lot of teenagers has been a victim of any crime. Now that we were educated we
will know our rights against the people who took advantage of us.

First act or law that best apply for us teenager is Anti Child Pornography act of 2002 ( RA
9775), we choose this act because of a particular reason and that is if we are engaged or
involved in real or simulated explicit sexual activities. Since we're still called a child, we are
unable to fully take of ourselves from abuse, neglect, cruelty, and exploitation or
discrimination. So when we say anti child pornography, it is obviously that we are been
protected by the law whether it represents in visual, audio, and written combination. And we
agree that this could help us to find or get our justice that we deserve, it may be use as our
security as a teenagers.

In the digital world we live in, keeping it real on cybercrime is mega important for us
teenagers. We're like constantly hanging out online, sharing everything from our weekend
plans to what we had for breakfast. But, like, that also makes us prime targets for cyber bad
guys. That's why we gotta be savvy about privacy settings and not spill all our deets to
strangers. Learning to sniff out those sketchy emails and avoiding online traps is basically
like putting on a digital superhero cape for our personal info.

In conclusion, as teenagers in a rapidly advancing world, it is crucial for us to be aware of

and leverage legal protections that safeguard our well-being. The Anti-Child Pornography Act
of 2002 (RA 9775) stands out as a key legislation designed to shield us from exploitation,
abuse, and discrimination, particularly in the context of explicit sexual activities. Recognizing
that we may not have fully developed capacities to protect ourselves, this law serves as a
vital tool in seeking justice and ensuring our security.

Submiitted by: Ashanti H. Geroy

Angel Febeh Genine

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