PART 5 (Autoguardado)

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Home Changes

Dear Will,

I hope you are well. So, I have finally returned to Thailand after three years away in the UK. It is amazing to be back
in Bangkok after long. I have really missed the place. The traffic is still pretty bad, but they
improved the subway system. So, it’s easier to get around.

Last night, I went out to a nightclub my friends. The music was better than it used to be. It was a great
night out. My parents sold their house, so we are outside the city. It is quieter at night before, and it is
only a two-minute walk to the subway.

I am staying here a month and then going to Japan for a year to work as an English Teacher. I hope you
can make to Bangkok one day.

All the best,



Book Review
"Join Me" by Helen Wheeler and Jackie Townsend
When I first heard that my two favourite authors were going to write a book together, I was
really excited. Now I have read the book, and although I found it enjoyable to read, I think

that of the authors writes better on her own.

The story was a young woman who hires a man to become her boyfriend in order
to get her dream job. She did this after finding out that the boss preferred to hire

people were married or in a relationship as he considered them

reliable. But to be honest, I found the situation rather unbelievable, as I don’t think bosses can

select employees that way these days. I not tell you what happened as that

would spoil the story for you. I’ll just say that I was reading the book, I predicted
what would happen. However. my prediction was wrong, and the ending was a pleasant




1) Read the text below. Decide which word A, B, C or D best fits each gap.

Baden-Baden is a spa resort in Germany. Its 1)…. is as old as Europe itself. For thousands of years the hot spring
water, which has a 2) …. of up to 38.8 degrees Celsius, has gushed out of the Florentinerberg Mountain. It was the
Romans who first 3) …. the health-giving properties of the waters, and in 213 AD the emperor Caracalla 4) …. a bath
from marble and granite. The 5) …. of such baths can still be seen today in 6) …. Baden-Baden. The new baths and
spa centre are 7) …. the Friedrichsbad, and were 8) …. opened in 1877. At that 9) …. it was the most modern spa in
Europe, and today boasts a worldwide tradition as the best resort of its 10) …. on the Continent. Today people 11) ….
the baths for two main reasons: medical needs or 12) …. relaxation. Experts claim that the waters stimulate blood
circulation and 13) …. the body’s natural resistance to disease. All treatments 14) …. place under medical
supervision. For people who 15) …. wish to relax there is also a wide range of sports, 16) …. indoor and outdoor.

1. A) history B) account C) narration D)biography

2. A) warmth B) heat C) temperature D) fever
3. A) discovered B) invented C) surprised D) located
4. A) began B) raised C) built D) started
5. A) pieces B) remains C) rest D) leftovers
6. A) current B) modern C) latest D)recent
7. A) labeled B) called C) headed D) entitled
8. A) once B) then C) soon D) first
9. A) season B) term C) time D) age
10. A) figure B) kind C) element D) pattern
11. A) visit B) inspect C) stay D) look
12. A) general B) common C) broad D) usual
13. A) extend B) grow C) prolong D) increase
14. A) happen B) get C) have D) take
15. A) simply B) easily C) clearly D) justly
16.A) all B) end C) too D) both

2) Read the cloze passage below and choose the best answer!
Jeans have become one of the most worn pieces of clothing in the world. Everybody …(1)… them, from the rural
farmer to the urban lawyer and from models to housewives. But why have jeans become so …(2)…? You’ll get many
answers. For some people they look cool, for …(3)… jeans are simply comfortable. Jeans were first designed …(4)…
durable trousers for farm workers and miners in the states of the American west. A Nevada tailor, Jacob Davis, had
the idea of using copper bolts at the corner of the pockets to make them stronger. They became popular …(5)… and
soon many people bought them.

1. A) are wearing B) was wearing C) wears D) will wear

2. A) popular B) expensive C) infamous D) outdated
3. A) the other B) the others C ) another D) others
4. A) with B) by C) as D) for
5. A) vaguely B) slowly C) comfortably D) instantly

3) Read the text and decide which word A-D Best fits each gap 1-16.


Planning a holiday can be a very frustrating 1) ……. . Going off on holiday is also a time of great excitement for all 2)
……. family. There are so many things to take into account when planning a holiday. It often 3) ……. after a long
period of discussion several months before, when for about three weeks every 4) ……. booklet and prospectus is 5)
……. up at the local travel agent’s. There are sometimes so many of these they need to be brought home in a 6) …….
bag. They are then gone through 7) ……. by one every evening for about three weeks. Places are chosen by the 8)
……. of the very attractive photographs and 9) ……. to location. Everybody has their say, prices are 10) ……. and lists
are made. Finally it all 11) ……. down to a choice of perhaps three places. It becomes almost impossible to 12) …….
two of these and 13) ……. what will certainly provide the family’s next holiday. But the miracle eventually 14) …….
place, and late one evening after much argument agreement is 15) ……. . It is with a sigh of considerable 16) ……. that
next day the holiday is booked.

1. A) day B) experience C) experiment D) suggestion

2. A) of B) a C) in D) the
3. A) presents B) comes C) passes D) appears
4. A) approximate B) absolute C) available D) additional
5. A) picked B) selected C) chosen D) lifted
6. A) carriage B) transport C) porter D) carrier
7. A) each B) every C) one D) single
8. A) sight B) look C) air D) face
9. A) allowing B) approving C) agreeing D) according
10. A) compared B) composed C) rivalled D) resembled
11. A) restricts B) limits C) narrows D) tightens
12. A) depart B) eliminate C) dispose D) rid
13. A) rest B) remain C) reside D) leave
14. A) forms B) fits C) takes D) makes
15. A) arrived B) received C) ended D) reached
16. A) relief B) breath C) help D) rescue

4/ Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 Penny was losing, but she didn't give in / at / on. She tried really hard and won the match in the end.
2 When he was young, Tom avoided thinking for /about / to getting a job. He preferred to have fun!
3 You really should make / do / go an effort to meet people and go out more.
4 One way of dealing over /with/ at problems at school is to discuss your concerns with a teacher.
5 Amy will never get a job if she just waits for/ at / over somebody to give her one.
6 Listen to the advice of older people. It's the best way of making / having/ doing the right choices in life.
7 If you can't find the job you want, show / be/ have patient and wait until the right opportunity comes along.

1. B
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. D

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