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Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience

1. About myself, which college, what I am currently doing

2. Why MTech, why not MS. Anything you say, they will prove that you have to do MS. But it doesn’t matter, just say I will think over it.


1. What are your favourite subjects?

Mine was Algo, DB and DBMS

2. Consider an array of size n, having numbers from 1 to n+1, How do you find missing number?
A discussion about this followed by pseudo code algo

3. Asked about what I am doing in current job

4. For the above problem consider a database, what are the columns you will take?

5. How many Normal forms do you know?

6. Explain all of them using above DB example

7. What is the best data structure to store DBs? And why?

8. Difference between B and B+ trees.

6/10/2019 19:23:28 Swati 6/10/2019 2 Thanks and Bye. They asked me to take the eclairs chocolate.
Firstly,they asked me some questions regarding my project
2) question based on proof of Bayes theorem
3)which scheduling algorithm is used in OS like windows, Linux,..
4)How does the performance of round robin vary if you vary the time quantum
6/10/2019 22:08:53 P.Sanjay 6/10/2019 4 5)how do you convert sjf scheduling algorithm into priority based scheduling
Panel 4 ,serial 2
1.ask me to introduce myself.
In introduction i tell them
Data structure
+why mtech ?
2.they ask me which advance algorithm as per you?
ME:hash (they ask alot in depth)
+properties of hash?
+ time complexity of hash function ?
+ which function hash use?
+collision methods

3.then in dbms
+They ask what's concurrrency?
+Why we need it?
+ what is consistent and inconsistent?

6/11/2019 10:49:26 Akanksha dewangan 6/11/2019 4 *At the end they ask me how many interviews had u faced .
1.How do you implement snake and ladder in one D array?
2.what all data structures used in OS?
3.How do you implement Redo and Undo in GUI ?
4.what is Marshalling ?(since I had mentioned computer networks as fav sub)
5.Draw the graph of y=x then y=logx
6.osi layers
6/11/2019 14:18:24 Meenu 6/11/2019 2

6/11/2019 17:20:24 Abhishek Sharma 6/11/2019 3 Overall good experience, I can I'm hopeful that I will clear it out, they asked with introduction, then they asked me about my fav subjects and asked few questions on them, few questions on linear algebra and statistics (very basic), my inter
Firstly they ask me introduce yourself.
I have AIR 352 in 2018,then thay asked me why i haven't join any institute with good answer was I m from general category.
Then they ask me about my offers ,I told them I m in waiting list of iit kanpur ms.
Preference MTech or MS..and why?
Technical question are as follows:-
1. What is trie data structure?
2. Write a code to generate a random number(without using inbuilt rand function)
3.what is gaussian surface?
4.what is normal distribution.draw it's graph and write it's equation and proof that this is the correct equation?
5.what data structure is used for snake ladder match? would u generate random number (1-6) in snake ladder problem.write code.
7.implement snake ladder problem...
6/11/2019 17:48:17 SHARAD SHUKLA 6/11/2019 3
Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience
Asked to write c/c++/java (not python) code for merging two sorted arrays.
Asked what are random numbers
Asked how will you tranform a random number generator with range 0 to 1 to a random number generator from range A to B
6/11/2019 19:40:37 DK 6/11/2019 3 Asked what is gaussian,normal ,etc distributions
My interview went for quite some time and I don't remember all the questions, listing down a few that I do
1. Introduce Yourself
2. Asked me how would you define what rank of a matrix was, after that they asked questions related to rank of matrix such as - Applications of finding rank, Can you find rank of matrix by using columns and by using rows and is there any
3. How rank of a matrix can determine nature of solutions to a system of linear equations.
4. What do you mean by system of linear equations and given a System of linear equation Ax = b. Is there a trivial solution when the system is non homogeneous?
5. How would you calculate the inverse of a 100x100 matrix in a computationally efficient manner.
6. Merge sort vs quicksort. Worst case of quick sort
7. Write Recurrence for worst case of quick sort and solve it.
8. Why do many systems perform quicksort over mergesort even when quicksort has worse case time completely
6/11/2019 20:43:23 - 6/11/2019 4 9. Probability that given n numbers are already sorted
Interview went as follows:
Come sit. They asked, from which place are you from? Name? So, a brief introduction followed.
Then I told, I had experience working with SAP. So, they asked, what work you used to do in it.
6/11/2019 21:24:03 Vishwesh Vinchurkar 6/10/2019 2 Then they asked, what security measures you take while developing in SAP? How do you handle session of a user with transaction in SAP? Then, they asked process synchronization, how it is achieved in SAP? Then, they asked what top
6/11/2019 22:31:30 RandomPerson 6/11/2019 1 Honestly, it didn't go alright for me. I had 2200 gate rank and they asked why it was low and i mentioned I didn't prepare a whole subject(CN) which reflected bad on me. Then i was questioned on DS. Started with sorting a string in O(n). I m
I had done 3 projects during my BE. 1 project on machine learning , 1 project on cryptography and 1 android application. I had also published research papers on these projects. I had made 3 seperate files for my projects. In each file I had

Q1) Passed in 2018. What u did for one year?

Q2) What will you do if you dont get here?

Q3) What are your favourite subjects?

Q4) Why ds and algo are your favourite subjects.

Q5) Write down 5 properties of Queue data structure. What are the properties which make data structure Queue?

Q6) What is convolution in CNN?

A: Answered

Q7) In your project synopsis you have mentioned about various types of neural networks. Out of those what is RBF.

Q8) What is apk file. What does A P K stand for?

Q9) How do you decompile an APK file?

Q10) If you decompile a .class file will you get the source code as it is.

Q11) Do u get the entire source code when you decompile apk file.

Q12) Draw the graph of y=x^2

Draw the graph of y=sin(x)

Overall the interview was not as expected. They didnt ask questions on project but asked things which I had not studies/ not done in project.
6/12/2019 7:14:54 Rohan Vaidya 6/10/2019 3 Expecting a miracle!
Find kth element from end in linked list.
6/12/2019 13:27:51 Shanu Gandhi 6/12/2019 3 Find if 2 elements sum to a specific value in array . (They told me to write code on board).Graphs of log and y=x . Their intersection and curves if log 2x log3x.
1. Introduction
2. Why mtech what all things you have done in last one year
3 on an avg what lpa(package) can you get after joining iiith
4.which subjects you want to study further in mtech
5.As I mentioned about DS, they asked which DS I dont like
I said trees, (I didnt say graphs intentionally :p)
So they asked which algos you know about trees
Write algo for tree traversal
6 derive complexity of above algo you cannot use masters theorem and all
7. Any other subjects do you like,
8. What type of solution is test and set
What are semaphores what is mutex
9 implementing mutex is software or hardware solution
10. Any hardware solution you can use instead of mutex
6/12/2019 14:16:02 Swati 6/12/2019 4 Then asked to leave with chocolate
Extend binary search algo to ternary search, how to find mid1 and mid2 in ternary search, show the recursive formula and solve its time complexity
6/12/2019 14:36:27 A 6/12/2019 4 If we don't know the size of data, how to do binary search on the data?
Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience
Q1. Where are you from?
Q2. You are a 2018 passed out, so what u did last year
Ans. Prepared for GATE only
Q3. Which subjects you are good at?
Ans. Linear Algebra, DS, ADA
Q4. What is a rank of a matrix?
Ans. It's the dimension of vector space spanned by the column vectors of a matrix.
Told me u used a lot of heavy words, can you explain with simpler terms.
Then I explained the geometrical interpretation of rank
Q5. Given a m×n matrix, m>n what will bethe rank and why?
Ans. Rank<=n and explained using geometrical representation.
Q6.Which algorithms you have studied and liked?
Ans. Dynamic Programming algorithms like MCM, LCD,SS, Fibonacci Series.
Q7. Write a program for subset sum problem.
Ans. Wrote the recurrence relation on board and explained each case.Asked a few questions related to that.
Q8. What is the best code you have written.
Ans.Explained one problem I did on codechef
Q9. Please write the code for same.
Ans. Sorry sir it was long back I forgot the exact problem also.
Q10. If u have a 32 bit prpcessor, what does 32 bit represent?
Ans. Each register is of size 32 bit and we can process data only 32 bits at a time.
Q11. How many addressable units will be there?
Ans. 2^32( but not sure if it's correct)
Q12. What is the relation between data bis and address bus and idf we send some data to external device, how will it identify whether it is data or address?
(Was thinking for few seconds when they told me to take the chocolate and leave)
6/12/2019 19:56:49 Aditya Tiwari 6/12/2019 2 Also asked me about the campus placement offer I had.
Overall it didn't go well. I will share the questions here.
1. About my project from my resume which I managed to answer
2. How is redo /undo implemented in excel, word application etc?
3. How to delete kth node from the end of linked list?
6/12/2019 20:40:43 Manoja Rajalakshmi 6/12/2019 3 4.Draw graph of y=x, y=log x, y=mod log x.
There were 5 interviewers.
Firstly, they asked my name, gate rank, passing year. Then they asked about my favourite subjects. The questions were on CN, DBMS, DSA, Probability. Why Mtech?
Overall experience was good.
6/13/2019 1:05:30 Surabhi Gupta 6/12/2019 2
1. They checked my marks sheet and said, are you the topper of your class?
Ans: yes
2. What's ur name & when u have graduated?
Ans: Random & 2018
3. What did you do after graduation?
Ans: Gate & a part time job on sloving questions
4. What type of questions u got?
Ans: Algo, DS, OS
5. What are the topics u used to solve?
Ans: Finding time complexity from Algo, Linkedlist from DS, GATE level questions from OS
6. Go to the board and write code for "Find a submatrix of order m*m whose elements some is near to k in a matrix of order n*n"?
Ans: I started writing code, they stopped me and just asked to tell the logic I have told a brute force approach they asked can you improve it, I said yes I can by using dynamic approach
7. So why is dynamic programming?
Ans: I said about optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems
8. So will there be any overlapping sub problem in above question ?
Ans: I said yes and told the procedure and I walked to write optimal substructure and I said I can't!
9. They asked about Fibonacci?
I wrote Recursive approach, Iterative, Memoization technique
And they asked to convert recursive Fibonacci to dynamic and I tried they stopped me to sit
10. Now they started on MS, why Mtech why not MS?
And: a random answer which made them laugh
11. They said we will give you MS you can get good CGPA and they will guide me and they will pay me
Ans: No sir, i want March
12. They said the course structure of MS as 3/4 course works and thesis after 6 months?
Ans: No sir I'm not interested in doing MS
13. They said you'll have a good MS here... They said courses too like AI, ML...?
Ans: Sir I'm interested in Data science only
14. They said that they have DS in MS?
Ans: ok sir, thank you
6/13/2019 9:38:55 Random 6/12/2019 1 They didn't give me a chocolate which made me cry!

6/13/2019 11:11:19 Lokesh 6/13/2019 2 First told to introduce my self. Then they started with programming question "You have give the set {A,B,C} first tell the no. of palindrome string of length n can be generated(told) then write code to print all those strings(tried but couldn't do
Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience
I entered
They asked me about myself
Some general discussion
Asked me my fav subject
I said DS, OS, CN
Fav DS?
Linked list, trees
Ok. There is an array of characters. Sort in but in O(n) time
Counting sort
Space complexity?
Constant sir (26 ints)
So u can use it on numbers to get O(n) complexity to sort?
Yes, if upper bound for numbers is given
Cool. Can u sort numbers using only stacks?
Are you sure
As per my knowledge no sir😅
Go to the board. Take a random input and try sorting it using stacks only
Did it.
You can also do it with 2 stacks instead of 3😄
Oh yes sir😛
Did u study graph theory
You know graph coloring?
Yes. Explained
What's bipartite graph
Ok u said u can partition graph into 2 sets such that there exists no 2 nodes in same set where there is an edge. Take this as example (gave a graph with 2 nodes and no edge) Is this bipartite?
How. This graph is 1 colorable. You said bipartite graph are 2 colorable
Oh yes this is not bipartite
Are u sure?
You are given 2 sets A and B. How ll u find intersection using program
Devised an algo
Analyze it's time complexity
Did it
What if I do it like this(suggested another approach)
Yes this ll also work.
Analyze it's time complexity
Did it
What do u think which is better?
Both r same almost sir asymptotically
Kk.. What's ur pref. First mtech then ms
Yes sir
Have this chocolate (They offered chocolate to everyone from a plate full of eclairs)
6/13/2019 11:17:34 Gaurav Chaudhari 6/10/2019 1 Thank u sir 😁
Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience
Entered a room where 4 panelist were sitting.
1. Show me your docs!
2. You passed in 2016 so what are you doing since then ( asked whike I was struggling with my documents, as I don't want to show my project report)?
Me : sir, I am working since then.
3. What is your job profile?
Me: Told
4. Since you passed 3 years ago. Do you remember anything from core subjects.
5. about to say then next ques have you given gate?
Me : yes sir
6. Whats your score and rank.
Me: told.
7. What are your favourite subjects
Me: Data structures and algo
8. If I give you many strings and you have limited memory, how will you sort it.
Me: sir,divide it in small chunks solving chunks recursively.
9. Oh you mean divide n conquer. What is it space complexity?
Me: O(n)
10. Can you do in constant space.
Me(thinking) next question say you have 1000 numbers and memory for 10. How to do it. Was saying something still they stopped me and said say you have a long string of DNA.
Me : sir, we can group for each alphabet( did a small mistake here by saying 26 as they were changing question then corrected to 4). Then they asked me to go on board and try by giving an actual string.
Me: strted by reading each character and increasing count.
11. Itna phchne me itna time laga.
12. Another fav subject
Me : TOC and DBMS
13. What is FSM.
Me : explained by drawing transitions.
14. What is DFA.
Me: told
15. What is normalization
Me: told
16. Why we use it and how?
Me: explaining them by doing 1 NF 2NF, but they were not satisfed (as I saw)
Next ms and mtech discussion
17. What are your hobbies:
Me: writing
18. Can you say computer can write.
Me: no, as they have to enter into state and halting problem is undecidable.(all laughed)
19. When u have such a good brain then y not MS?
Me: sir, i don't know my research area.

6/13/2019 11:39:41 Himani Bhardwaj 6/10/2019 1

Q1. Introduce Yourself
Q2. You are 2018 passout what you are doing from last one year
Q3. You have gate rank 558 what offers you have ?
Q4. Have you paid iiitB fees ?
Q5. Why you have not applied for MS anywhere ?

Technical Questions -

Q1. One String is given you have to find the repetition of character in string .
Q2. Two strings are given One is rotation of Another eg . S1- ABCDE S2- EABCD . Efficient algo to confirm this .
Q3. Draw graph of y=1/x

6/15/2019 22:53:52 Kavish Agnihotri 6/13/2019 3 Interview lasted for 15-20 min .
There were 3 interviewers in the room
I entered and they offered me to have a seat.
1 Asked my name and year of graduation.
Told 2018.
2 Then asked what you did in last one year
Told about gate preparation and pgee.
3 They asked about the offers(Ms and mtech) I got as my gate rank is 673 in gate 2019.
told about the offers I got .
4 They asked about my favorite subjects
Told DS and os.
5 asked what are different types of ds I know
Named all I knew about
6 asked about heap data structure basic operations
7 asked about heap sort implementation
8 asked about how to implement snake and ladder game using data structure.
Tried to answer and they seemed to be satisfied after some time
9 asked about the different properties of a process that are stored
10 asked to explain round robin process scheduling algorithm

They told the interview is done and instructed me to collect my documents folder.
Asked me to have a toffee at last
6/16/2019 0:41:24 Rishabh 6/11/2019 3
Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience
1. General intro questions (Where are you from, from which college have you done BE, tell us about yourself)
2. Which subjects do you like? (I said OS and DSA)
3. Which interesting programs have you written in OS? (I said I'm not sure if they're interesting, but I've done simulations of techniques like disk and cpu scheduling, paging, etc)
4. Something like "how does an OS provide its services", although the panel member had phrased the question differently, I don't remember what he said exactly, so initially I didn't understand and explained what an OS does (intermediate
5. Give some examples of system calls (fork, exec, for processes, open close read write for files, etc)
6. Name a C library which does not use system calls
(I couldn't answer, but after the interview I realized it's probably math.h, cause it doesn't need any memory or i/o management)
7. Explain the process of compiling and running a C program (explained conversion to object files, linking static libraries, loading, etc)
8. Which language did you write those simulations in? (Java)
9. Explain how a Java program is run (javac converts to bytecode, interpreted by JVM, etc)
10. How to implement a stack using a queue? Write pseudocode for push and pop, such that they call enqueue and dequeue, and don't manipulate any pointers (since that's the solution I gave first) [I got stuck at this question after giving a
11. Do you know what's a transitive relation in Discrete maths?
12. Suppose you have 2 transitive relations R and S, then from R union S and R intersection S, which one is transitive? (Tried, but got stuck, so sir at the end said it's intersection)
They said that's all, and asked me to take a toffee

I thought my chances were low because I messed up in a couple of questions, especially the easy stack one, but I got selected for MTech CSE
6/19/2019 10:30:16 Shivani H 6/10/2019 4 So maybe they probably also consider other things for selection, like PGEE marks (which were not revealed), bachelor's degree CGPA and college rank (cause this was good for me, I spoke about it in the intro)
1. General Questions
2. Tell me about yourself
3. Why MS?
4. Which subjects you have prepared
5. Deadlock problem solving
6. How will you identify that deadlock has been created
7. Which data structure you will use to identify deadlock
8. Which algorithm of graph will help to detect deadlock (cycle) and write it's pseudo code
9. Mean,mode and median questions
6/19/2019 14:55:36 Jeet Vora 6/13/2019 1 10. Draw any one graph of one to one function
1) Tell me about yourself
2) Mtech vs MS
3) What properties should activation function have ?
4) Do gradient descent (on white board with function provided)
5) What is momentum (in neural network)
6) Can we use 100 hidden layer in neural network & how to resolve that ?
7) What is rank of matrix & intuitive proof of rank of product is less than minimum of individual matrix (some subspace discussion)
8) Can singular Matrix(nxn) have rank less than n ? :)
9)In DP is subproblems also minimised (take example of shortest path)
6/19/2019 14:58:42 Singular Matrix 6/12/2019 1 10) Sort arrays using queue (no code)
There were four interviewers in the room. It started with me introducing myself.
1. Favorite subjects-Ds and TOC
2. What information would be needed to represent a circle on a computer?
3. Give conditions for two circles to be intersecting each other.
4. Languages I work in- Java
5.Write code to merge two sorted arrays.
6. Asked about inheritance in Java.
7. Define Turing machines.
8. Describe type 0 languages in layman terms.
They told me to take an ecclairs as I was leaving the room.
6/19/2019 15:02:53 Aman Dev Nautiyal 6/11/2019 3 Overall I wasn't very hopeful of selection after the interview since I thought I could do better. Got the offer letter yesterday. ;D
Prof :
1. Why, why not Ms?
2. Do you have any siblings,what he/she is doing?
3. Did graduation from which college
4.(my graduation is from Nit raipur) so asked jee mains rank?
5.Why took a year Gap?
6. Gate rank and score?
7.why iiit Hyderabad? Is iiit Hyderabad my 1st choice or backup plan?
8. Favorite subjects?
Then they asked me to rub white board
Prof 2:
1. Given an array with ascending number at even index and descending number at odd index,you have to sort the array

Prof 3:
1.Deadlock detection is better or deadlock prevention?
2.tell Any deadline avoidance algorithm
3. Tell any deadlock detection algorithm

Prof 1:
Draw a graph for y=e^-|x|
And tell whether it is bijective or not?

6/19/2019 15:23:32 Nausheen Khan 6/11/2019 1 Finally asked me to take toffee and wished me good luck😁
Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience
1. Why do you want not ms?
I told my reasons but with every reason they gave counter to join ms
2. Your fav subjects?
I told OS, data structure and Algorithms.
3. Which is your favourite data structure?
I told linked list they ask any other I told Stack
They ask me to sort elements in an array using stack
4. What is thread? Two threads of different process can share data ?
5. Commands like pipe,rest I don't remember
I only knew pipe command rest I told them I don't know the answer
6.What is inode ?
I told the answer
7.What is b+ tree? What b stand for in b+ tree?
I explain b+ tree but I told them I don't know what b stands for in b+ tree
8. What is IPC(interprocess communication)?
I explain message passing and shared memory
9.What is rank of the matrix?If one of the eigen value is 0 than what is the rank of the matrix?
I gave the answer
10.What other options you have ?

Just be relax and have confidence if you don't know the answer just tell them..They are very helpful..

6/19/2019 16:31:09 Amrit Sahai 6/12/2019 1
I gave the worst interview of my life when I should have given the best. I pretty much never gave any quality or satisfactory answer. They asked me about my project and did not go in depth about it. I was also asked to introduce myself bef
I1:- How will you sort the given string in ascending order?
I1:-Tell me different methods to do so. Tell me about it's time and space complexity.
I2:-What is time complexity?
Define it.
What is 'n' in complexity?
I1:-Questiom on string matchings
I3:- Mostly asked simple questions on Graph theory.
Then he asked me to prove few simple things in graph theory and they said I am done.
I1:- Asked about family and tried to convince me to take MS and asked about gate rank.
Then they said take a chocolate and said interview is over.

6/19/2019 19:11:27 Ashish Kempwad 6/10/2019 1 P.S:- I couldn't answer many of the questions asked. Even my gate rank was bad(5k nearly).They weren't satisfied with my answers. I was damn sure I won't make it. I was totally sure I won't be selected but guess what result came and I w
Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience
Interviews for Panel 3 students was being taken at the Kohli research Block. There were 4 interviewers in the room. As I entered, they offered me to have a seat and one of them took my file and viewed it completely. Then the series of qu

1) Whether I am a fresher or Pass out ?

2) About my College and city
3) Did I liked my college ?
4) Asked about my areas of expertise....said OS and DS. No questions from OS were asked throughout the interview.
5) What Data Structures have you used ?
6) Tell me different types of data structures.
7) How to implement a queue from a single stack?
8) How to find the kth element from last in an array?
9) Same question for a Linked List.
10) Asked about Graphs.
11) Tell me two ways to represent a graph.
12) Do you know about Facebook ?
13) Discussed its graph structured implementation.
14) With reference to Facebook graph Structure, can you tell which
implementation would be better.... Adjacency List or Matrix ?
15) How many indices would be there in your Matrix representation ?
16) With Reference to Facebook, what will the indices of the matrix represent in
the Actual World ?
17 ) Give me a situation where Adjacency Matrix representation would be better
to use and a situation where Adjacency List would be better .
18) How to find the kth largest element in an array using bubble sort only ?
19) How to find it without any sorting ?

Till here I answered, as much I could, after this I thought the interview over.
suddenly, one of the interviewer again opened my file and saw my NPTEL C programming Certificate, and said....Okay since you are among top 1 Percentile in India, lets discuss about C. Things got interesting after this :

20) What is a Line ? ( I was confused...How can this be related to C ???)

21) For making a line, what minimum values do I need ?
Ans. I said we need 2 points to make a line.
They asked Are you sure ? said Yes.

22) Okay, Write equation of a line

Ans.Wrote ..y = mx + c.

23) What can u observe...So If I give you only the slope and intercept values, Can you make a line from these two things ? You said 2 points, that means 4 values ie.. x1, y1, x2 , and y2. ...Understood Now ?
Realized my mistake and agreed. Now I was able to think how was it related to C.

24) Write a C program to check whether two lines will intersect or not , given data about 2 lines and basically explain about the if condition you will use in your program ?
Ans. Thought for a while and said we can check the equality of the slopes of the two lines, If they are equal means lines will be parallel and hence will never intersect.

25) Write the If condition.

Ans.Wrote...if(m1==m2) , They asked are you sure ?Again said Yes..

26) Okay, what will be the data type of the slope ?

Ans.Thought about slope = tan theta.... said : int or float. They asked me to tell one thing either int or float ? I said Float.

27) See the if condition you have written and asked me to think about it again. whether float can be used as a data type for slope or not ?
Ans. Thought for a while and said, Float will lose some values internally, and it might happen that the compiler will show unexpected behaviour. So float is a bad choice for slope. They Said. Ok

28) The prof who had asked question 7, again asked me about it . As I got stuck in it the first time, I could not reverse the elements using a single stack. I conveyed the same thing to him. He asked, what effect will recursive implementation

After this, they concluded the interview and offered me Eclairs chocolate.
Overall in my interview I got stuck many times and could not answer many questions like ques 14, 16 17...etc. I almost had no hopes. Interview lasted about 20 minutes and was almost like a rapid fire round. The interviewers are highly ex

6/19/2019 22:24:05 Aditya Mohan Gupta 6/10/2019 03 Surprisingly, Received offer letter for Mtech CSE on 18th June 2019.
1. Brief Introduction
2. Why do you want to join IIIT Hydrabad?
2. Favourite Subject : Data structure and algorithm
3. Write a code to implement stack using array : I did on board
4. How can you represent line on in computer efficiently ?
: i said using slop and constant in
y = mx + c
5. Three scenarios about line intersection
: I explained with equations.
6. How can you represent ractangle in Computer?
: I got confused and said using two points, They give me hint but I couldn't get.( Right answer was three points ) then they said it's okay and ask me to leave.
6/19/2019 23:02:37 Dharmesh Gusai 6/10/2019 2 I prepared my whole vacation for this but nothing was asked from preparation. Just be calm and give answer politely and easily. Fourtunatly I got selected.
Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience
Interview started just after the lunch, before me 10 students were already interviewed in panel #4. In interview room I was greeted by Shatrunjay Rawat sir (I1), Naresh Manwani sir (I2) and Prasad Krishnan sir (I3).Lets for sake of convenie
I1 : tell us something about yourself and your work in past company
me: told them about my school, graduation and internships. As my work is related to Voip and networking, I1 got interested and initiated a formal discussion over network routing protocols (RIP and OSPF), throughout the conversation I did
I1 : (specific to my work experience) why your company needs to maintain the call sessions(routes to different SIP endpoints) over mediaserver (called SBCs), why not rely on underlying network architecture.
me : it is used for packet synchronization and maintaining the voice quality. also started discussion over packet switched network and circuit switched network
I2 : tell us about college project
me : it was on sentiment analysis over book reviews using naive bayesian classifier
I2 : write bayesian theorem on board and explain it in details with proper annotations
this question marks the start of white-board session with professors and stayed till the end of the interview. wrote the theorem and explained it thoroughly.
I2: rewrite equation with multiple event conditions and explain what naive term means.
glad that they don't asked me to prove it
I3: find the largest cycle in directed graph
me : used the modified DFS with backedge detection and loop summation to solve the problem.
I3: dry run the algorithm on random graph
I3: why you don't used BFS and whats the difference between BFS and DFS.
it can also be done though BFS but need to maintain a explicit queue for depth traversals.
At last I1 asked I2 and I3 whether to ask more questions which they mutually disagreed.
6/19/2019 23:21:57 Tushar Abhishek 6/11/2019 4 finally got chocolate and MS CSE :)
The interview did not go well AFAIK.
Mine was the first number post lunch. Number 16.
All 3 prof were cool had a smile on their faces. I greeted them and
they asked me to introduce myself. Bla Bla, (I had done a MRND course
which will be held at IIITH every year, I told them about that in the intro)

Prof 1 - Later the prof asked me to explain my project's input

I explained.
I missed a minute detail, prof was very amicable was trying to help me
get to the answer after some hassle i arrived at it though.
I did a project on HCR on a language which I dint know which led to little
funny environment(for them not me ;) ). They did not even ask me how my project works
I was worried at that point. moved to prof 2

Prof 2 - He asked about my fav subs. I replied OS n TOC, he immediately

asked me to explain about TM, I started with typical textbook def,
he stopped and asked me to explain it to a normal guy (non CS guy like
where is it used, just like semaphores real life example) I was struck
then I gave some justifications some details. Meanwhile, he moved to a CFGs,
I was vexed at that point as he was not accepting textbook defs and just told him CFG
nothing but something that does not need context to reduce or derive. He asked
"So Natural langs are not CF then?"
I replied no, as context is important when it comes to natural languages.
Prof 2 session was good, though his question were storming all
I understood is he wanted a non-textbook def (a more general approach)
he also asked me to give an example of CFG's use in real life just like
the way we use semaphores in real life situations, I could only give him a single
example - it can be used to find whether a given string belongs to that language or not,
more generally used in a compiler syntax analysis.

Prof 3 - He asked me a simple question and said that this is the last
question of the interview, he asked to find max sum pair in a given array
I answered it wrote some pseudo code.

I understood at that point it was not my best, so I asked them some time
so that I can explain my project in detail for which they replied "no need,
dont worry take that toffee and leave"(with a smile on their face).
I thought I lost it.

For some reason unknown I got a seat for MTECH CSE. While leaving I asked
them for MS they said they would consider, hope I get it converted while
6/19/2019 23:24:16 Dhawal 6/12/2019 3 my session in clg.
6/20/2019 0:52:12 Astitva Srivastava 6/10/2019 1
Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience
Before starting the interview experience let me tell you about my background.

I am an Electrical engineering graduate from a NIT and wanted to pursue CS.

So, I took a drop and prepared for gate CS...However, as things did'nt go well on the D-day I was pretty disappointed and was searching for colleges which could provide me with the opportunities I was looking for.

I had applied very selectively and did'nt had any offers prior to this interview and was pretty tensed beforehand as this was the last option.

I had appeared for the written test on 28 April. Aptitude section was of medium level with questions on Comprehension, Basic C, standard Aptitude questions.
Technical was of easy level with many questions repeated from gate.
I had attempted all the questions as there was no negative marking.( 70% accuracy)

Now, coming to the interview...I was alloted Panel 1 and serial no.4 on 12 June . I was prepared with Data Structures and Algorithms, Linear Algebra and OS.

There were 3 interviewers in the panel.P1,P2 and P3.

P1: Looked at my application and asked why cs.
Me: Told the prepared answer....However, he was'nt convinced and wanted to know more about me...even he went on to my family details to know the psych behind my decision.
Meanwhile P2 and P3 had taken my folder and my final year thesis work(EE domain), and were going through it ...They seemed impressed by my profile.

I had filled Mtech as my 1 and 2 preference and MS as 3 prefernce...They inquired about my career goals and were strongly suggesting for MS program.

P2: He asked if they could question me on CS subjects and started with Linear Algebra.

Basic questions related to rank,eigen values & vectors, dependency, inverses followed .

Later a question on array was asked regarding approach for finding the number which is repeated odd no. of times in array given all other elements are repeated even no. of times. I replied with hashing as one approach , he wanted single

Later discussion regarding MS program followed and I was very skeptical and was saying that I will think about the program. They were suggesting you have mathemeatical background so should pursue MS.

It was 30 min interview...However for 20 mins discussion was only about my profile and MS . I wasn't asked much from technical side.

After the interview I was in a mixed state about how the interview went and had started looking for jobs in the meantime to prepare for the worst.

On evening of 18 June , results were announced and I was shortlisted for MS program in CSE. FINALLY RELIEVED!!!!

My inferences from my experience is that for selection you should have atleast one among :
1) Good Profile
2) Good Technical Knowledge.
3)Maths matters a lot so prepare it well alongwith a couple of technical subjects.

6/20/2019 9:02:09 VIVEK KUMAR 12/6/2019 1

6/20/2019 9:17:23 Manish Chetwani 6/12/2019 1 0
1.Tell me abt urself
3.What are ur favourite subjects
4.On work experience:How processes evolve in BPM
5.On work experience:How version control is done in BPM
6.Find kth node from end in LL
7.Longest code ever written and what was the program
8.Appropriate Data structure for Snake and Ladder game
9.Write the structure of the node in above game
10.What is the size of the node in above game
6/20/2019 10:32:27 Sangam D Patil 6/10/2019 3 Selected !
Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience
Q= questions or inputs by the faculties.
A: answers given by me
Q: from which college you did your graduation.
Q: they knew my college and said we have many alumni from your college, and asked few questions to comfort me.
Q:subjects which you like?
A:ada ds DBMS and os
Q: on which OS have you done coding?
Me:Without thinking much I said windows.
Q: which types of problems?
A:reader writer , producer consumer.
Q: what are the system calls used in reader writer problem?
A: fork, exec
Though it was wrong , these system calls are used in Linux not windows. They pointed this there itself.
Q:they asked me write one code (I don't remember)
A: I told them I have not made such codes.
Q : write down the code for height of the tree.
A: did it correctly
Q: what is the time complexity
A: told correctly.
Q:write the recursive equation
A: wrote it wrong , they again helped me, but I was not able to write the correct equation
Q: they again asked me about my fav subjects.
A: again told them those four subjects.
Q: you don't like mathematics?
A: I have always been interested in solving maths problems(but now I had a strong feeling that my interview was not going well)
Q: Which section you like.
A: coordinate geometry
Q: they all laughed
Q: tell us something from engineering mathematics.
A: matrices and calculus
Q: just give me the relation when AX=B will have infinite solution , unique solution, no solution
A: told them through rank
Q: is it possible that this system has finitely many solution. That is between infinity many solution and unique solution.
A: not possible, gave them the reason
Q: can you please prove it on the board.!
A: tried but I couldn't do it.
Q: they told me the approach.
Q: asked about my preferences of course. And then asked me to leave.
My interview went for about 15 mins.

6/20/2019 10:42:08 Harshit Pandey 6/10/2019 4

Professor- P

P) Which year passout you're?

ans) 2017,
P) what you did after that?
ans) Worked after that for a year in CTS, for initial 5 months as java developer, then as Information Security Engineer.
P) Ok, so you're interested in Information Security, what kind of algorithms you've implemented?
ans) No, sir i haven't implemented any such algorithm, i was working on already made software Know as DLP(Data loss prevention) which is used to protect organization critical informations, through different methods like writing regular ex
P) what's ur fav sub?
ans) Data Strucuture and Algorithm.
* Only this question's answer made my selection into IIIT hyderabad.
P) Take sorted array, and a given value X, find K nearest no. of it
ans) first find the ceil or floor of the given value X using binary search, note down its index. then use Two Pointer concept of array to find the k nearest no.
* as i prepared very hard this subject, i was able to solve easily at that instant even though i didn't solved it earlier. (Told time complexity n all in details)
P) Any other Subject you like?
ans) DBMS
P) what is 2pl, what are pros & cons?
ans) it solves serilizabilty, but deadlock is still not solved.
P) no of max & min tupples in mxn join
ans) fumbled in this, but they helped me to arrive to the solution.
P) You'd not like to do MS right?
ans) yes sir i would take Mtech CSE only.

--- Selected for Mtech CSE

6/20/2019 12:00:12 Abhishek Gorisaria 8/5/1994 1
Quesations were
Which year pass out ? I said 2018
What were u doing for 1 year? Gate preparation
Which subjects hav u prepared? Ds and DBMS
Sent me to board
1.How will u detect if there is a cycle or loop in given linked list?
2. In given array find if sum of any 3 element subset is same as any 2 element subset ?
Little bit discussion on it asked about time complexity of the solution I gave
3. Write equation of circle
4. Eqn of line
5. Eqn of rectangle
6. Relation between slope of two parallel lines n two perpendicular lines
7. How will u reverse a given string
8. Write the entire program header files n everything for reversing string with no errors
9. Why ms is ur 3rd preference
10. The project u mentioned have u actually implemented it ?
I explained my project n showed actual set up picture in my project report
Ps: I was last 2nd candidate interviewed around 8:30 p.m. waited almost entire day lost my energy but it's ok if u get stuck like this be positive ask ur fellow mates about what ur panel is asking u will get a little bit idea of quesn they are ask
6/20/2019 12:13:12 Abc 6/13/2019 2 Prepare programming questions well
Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience
My rank was 280. They asked me if I have any other choices. I said yes I had offer from iit guwahati and there is a 70-30 chance of hyderabad and guwahati.
They asked me what do we call chance in maths and asked me a few questions about probability which I was not comfortable answering.
Then the asked me a bijective function from N to Z.
6/20/2019 16:35:44 Sakshi sharma 6/13/2019 4 Lastly they asked me to explain to them any question from this year gate paper . I could not remember a single question. My interview it go very well but I was selected. I guess they majorly focus on your approach and communication skills
You should know the subjects in depth. I mean everything you have learnt in GATE preparation,you should know how each and every concept you learnt has its application in real life in real world.
You should have good grasp on data structures and algorithms(very very important)
Now I am listing the questions they asked me:-
1.Can the OS run without data structures
2.Three ways in which a string can be reversed
3. Real life application of semaphores
4.Does process have a data structure?
6/20/2019 17:14:30 Amit Padaliya 6/10/2019 3 I was not shortlisted.
which year did u passout btech in?
sir i passed out btech in 2016.
gate rank?
what are u doing currenty?
working in bsnl as a jto.
can i ask u on telecom?
no sir..pls ask from cs itself..
which sub in cs?
discrete maths,ds
what's bijective function?
told its one to one and onto function.
what is one to one and what is onto?
in which language u code?
how will u find nos with given sum in array?
told recursive relations of subset sum problem but they told some termination conditions were missing.
seemavlike u have not practised recursive programs...which is the toughest recursive code u have done?done tower of hanoi?
yes sir,done tower of hanoi.
during btech.
what was ur btech project?
it was to find min set of dominating nodes in a graph.
what is dominating set?
how did u find that set?
told that with the help of bfs...etc..
how did u take the input graph?
adjacency list sir.
what is adjacency list?
how can u find degree of a node from adjacency list?
told that by counting its neighbors which is present in adj list. can u find cycle in a graph?
that also we can do using bfs sir.
if we get any back edge in bfs means there's a cycle...showed the diagram on board.
how can u find shortest distance between 2 nodes in a graph?
bfs sir
we start bfs from first node and when we encounter target node we stop. the no of levels between them is the shortest
how can u find largest distance between 2 nodes?
largest distance won't be defined if we have a loop. how will u find largest cycle in a graph?
i tried some ways but they were not satisfied...while i was thinking of some other approach they said its ok. rub the board.
so u work in bsnl,if i come to u as leased line mpls customer what will u tell me?
sir i am posted where we look after landline so don't have idea about leased line.
so u know everything about landline?
I didn't say anything..
he many exchages in your city?
how much area can xchg cover?
not sure sir..
ok take a toffee from the tray and u can leave.
Got selected for MS by Research program at IIITH. :)
Extra Things i figured out from the interview process: Do computer networks network security part and tell that as one of ur fav subjects if possible, it might increase your chances of getting csis if not cs.
6/20/2019 21:13:41 Shraddha 6/12/2019 2 They aSked me a lot from btech project, which i answered as well, therefore maybe they chose me for MS, so do your project well if you want MS.
Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience
With little tension entered the room
There were 3 people and other one came after some time
Interviewer:Tell me about yourself
Interviewer:what is the fees of your college?
Me:said..and I said I was receiving 100percent scholarship on merit.
Interviewer 2 and 3: looking my certificates and project report.. Carefully..
Interviewer:ohk what subjects are you perfect in?
Me:OS, ds and algo, dbms
Interviewer:explain busy waiting and how it can be solved?
Me:wrote a while loop critical section and explained busy waiting and used semaphores to explain how can we prevent busy waiting by using queue
Interviewer:what is merits and demerits in paging.?
Interviewer:explain deadlock?
Interviewer:why do we have both prevention and recovery?
Me: I was saying answer he interupted me few times.
Interviewer:If 2 sets are given subtract both sets.. Write an algorithm for that. And mention timecomplexity for bruteforce and other.. Explain why and what is better..?
Me:wrote an algo.. They were little satisfied
Interviewer 4:can you draw an NFA that has substring as 00.
Me:drawed DFA on the board but they asked why did you draw dfa when I asked nfa?
Me:sir, if problem is too small then drawing dfa is easy rather than drawing nfa and dfa
Interviewer:take a string and explain how it works?
Interviewer:where is deadstate.?
Me:I drew and explained where is deadstate.. They look satisfied as they all noded heads

They said you can leave..

They did not offer me choco

Finally, iam selected for mtech, cse

6/21/2019 8:45:30 Sai rohith areti 6/11/2019 1

Please find my preparation and interview experience on this page:
6/21/2019 14:10:37 Akshay Bankar 6/13/2019 3 Thank you.
P: Panel Members, I: Me

P: Your Preference
I: MS by Research
P: Which subject ?
I: Algorithms
P: Calculate a^x
I: Told the basic approach, optimized it with O(logn)
P: Complexity of multiplying 2 binary no's
I: Could not come to a solution
P: What is space and time complexity trade off ?
I: Told
P: Why we sometimes in real time prefer O(nlogn) algorithm rather than O(n)
I: Said may be space of O(n) is more.
P: No space is same.
I: Thinking....
P: Asked what is mathematical defination of big O ?
I: Told f(n)<=cg(n)
P: Than they asked the value of n before which O(nlogn) performs better, they gave me the value of constants for O(n) c was 1000 and for O(nlogn) c was 10.
I: Solved.
Hardly 10 mins in Room.
6/26/2019 23:36:53 Rishabh Maheshwary 6/11/2019 4 (Selected)
I went inside the room and then they started asking questions like -
1. Introduce your self, since I was 2018 passout, they asked me what I was doing in 2019.
2. What are your favourite subjects, I said OS, Algo, and DS.
3. They asked me, do you know real time, then about multiprogramming and difference among them.
4. What is false sharing.
5. Explain memory hierarchy, I explained then they asked about latency.
6. You have to compute c= a+b, what steps your computer program will follow.
7. Given dual core processor and both processor wants to access the memory how it would be performed, and collision resolution techniques.
8. Given an array and a number x you have to find three closest number to that number, furthur what if given number is not present in the array, time complexity of the algo and which sorting algo would you prefer.
9. Rank ( A+B ) is greater than rank(A) or rank(B).T/F Justify.
10. By just seeing the matrix how would you find rank of matrix.
11. Why mtech why not MS.
I would suggest prepare algo and ds thoroughly and one or two subjects apart from this. Drive your interview by yourself speak only what you know, don't try to fool them and try to coin new terms in your explanation so that they can ask w
All the best !!
6/30/2019 17:01:12 Aditya Gupta 6/11/2019 1
Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience

Interviewer 1- asked about the subjects for which I was prepared

Me- told data structure and algorithm
Interviewer 1- asked me how many types of data structure I know
Me - told
Interviewer 1- asked me to explain how to make queue work as stack and then to make stack work as queue
Me- explained
Interviewer 2- asked me to tell any subject other than data structure and algorithm
Me- database
Interviewer 2- have you ever worked with any database
Me- yes SQL server
Interviewer 2- what are stored procedure
Me- told
Interviewer 2- how to call a stored procedure from data link layer
Me - was explaining to first define the connection string in config file
Then use them in function within data link layer
Interviewer 2- (by interrupting) what if we don't define connection string in config file
Me- in that case in the definition of every function we have to define the connection string for connecting database and calling the stored procedure
Interviewer 2- as you told that you have experience in .net forget about that and tell me how to call stored procedure by using any language other than .net
Me- I can't recall that right now because i have got training in .net only in this company and the project is also in .net so right now don't remember to how to call sp using a different language
Interviewer 2- can we download SQL server for free
Me- yes
Interviewer 2- what is nosql
Me - when there are very large number of users to use any application then big database like mongodb or nosql is used.
Interviewer 2- why can't we use SQL server instead of nosql if we increase the size this database
Me- I know that sql server uses indexing to search the records within the database but nosql will be having some better approach
Interviewer 2- what approch
Me- silent and smiling 😅
Interviewer 2- what is hashing
Me- told
Interviewer 2- then isn't hashing uses indexing
Me- yes it uses
Interviewer 2- then why can't we use hashing for nosql
Me - smiled and told that I will search for it.
Interviewer 3- suppose you have an integer array of size n and you have to find out first and second largest element in that array , what approch will you use
Me- better to first sort the array
I3- which sorting algorithm and with what time complexity
Me- either merge sort or quick sort with complexity nlogn
I3- think for better approach
Me - after thinking for a while told them to first declare a Max element and compare it with each element so now the complexity will be n
I3- smiled and told that's it for now and then told me to take a chocolate.
Me (murmured) - that's it
I2- (listened and said )we want to go home also na
Me- (little serious and said) yes I can understand that pain.😓
Then everyone started laughing
I took the chocolate and then left.
7/6/2019 1:19:11 Puja 6/13/2019 3 (Selected 😌)
Timestamp Name Date Panel number Experience
My interview was among the last four five candidates of the panel.Also my panel was taking a sort of detailed interview and candidates started creating panic on the Whatsapp group which according to me was useless.Here I have two sug
As I went to the interview cabin,four panelists were siting to take the interview. Let's call them I1, I2, I3 and I4.

I1 - started having a glance on my documents file and told others that I have a good gate rank following which..
I2 - since you've a good gate rank, you might have got offers from other institutes as well, right?
Me - I told them about my offers from IITB(GNR), IIITD(AI), IIITB(CSE) and NITK(CSE).
I2 - then why IIITH?
Me - told them about the zenith institution has achived and how one of my senior studying in IIITH tells about the coding and cse culture.
I2 - May I know the name of this senior? And is she passed out or still studying?
Me - I told them about this.
I2 - Your inspiration to do M.Tech. / M.S.?
Me - Mentioned my reasons for the same.
By this time I1 had left the room saying she had some work,which kind off took me back.
I2 - What are the 2 subjects you prepared for?
Me - I'm INTERESTED in Data Structures and Algorithms.
I2 - Asked I4 to ask questions from these subjects.
I4 - Do you know Dynamic Programming? When and why is it used?
Me -
I4 - Can you use DP in fibonacci?
Me -
I4 - Can you write the code for it?
Me -
I4 - What are optimal substructures?
Me -
I4 - What are optimal substructures in the above program?
Me -
I4 - Given a matrix and a target, check if there exists a pair such that its sum is equal to target. Write a code for it.
Me -
I4 - Can it use DP? If yes,how?
Me -
I4 - Said alright, stood up and went out the room.
Me - I was highly discouraged and felt my interview had slipped off my hands.
I3 - What are the other subjects you prepared for?
Me - OS, DBMS, TOC..
I3 - He continued asking me on algorithms..
Given two unsorted arrays, union them in the least time complexity.
Me - Gave a solution which did not convince I3 and he pointed to the flaw in my solution. I then gave it another shot which was what I3 was looking for.
I2 - Alright so you want to pursue M.Tech / M.S.?
Me - M.Tech. Sir!
I3 - (Referring to the application form I had filled) But you mentioned in your SOP that you're interested in research?
Me - I said it was Feb when I filled the application(I2 and I3 started laughing "han tab laga nahi hoga yahan tak aaoge?") and I did not had this conversation with my parents then. Though interested in M.S. as I want to be a lecturer, I ca
I2 - Okay! So your motive to do M.Tech.?
Me - Better job opportunities for the above reason and obviously self growth.
I2 - You must have got job offer after your B.Tech?
Me - Yes
I2 - Then why are'nt you taking that up? Also,which company are you placed in?
Me - Mentioned the reasons and the name of the company.
I3 - Do you have the offer letter?
Me - I do not have a hard copy but I can show you the mail.
I3 - No, that's okay.
(I will suggest to keep the hard copy of any such offers you have)
I2 - Do you know Digital Electronics?
Me - Sort of sir!
I2 - What is a diode?
Me -
I2 - Let's come to Computer Architecture...Do you remember the instruction set?
Me - ummm....
I2 - I did not ask anything from pre-school that you're taking so much time to memorize?(both laughing)
Me - I got the answer by then.
I2 - Okay we're done, it was a good interview.

I was left in dilemma - on one side I was told that my interview was good and on the other there were walk outs by the interviewers, I was made fun off and I did not get a chocolate which I thought was a sign of selection.

7/9/2019 12:48:13 Smriti Agrawal 6/10/2019 1 However, it was not so,I got selected into M.Tech. CSE and I'm joining the institute.(excited!!!!!)
There were four interviewers. 1st interviewer asked for my file.
1.Whats your name
2.Where are you from
3.After seeing my gate rank 1st interviewer asked your rank is more than 10,000 in exclamation-> I said yes.
4.Then asked my favourite subjects. - >Data Structures and TOC.
5.What are all data Structures? ->I named few
6. Can you tell me more - >answered.
7. Kth element from last in linked list. -> (no of elements - K +1) Answered with these logic.
8.Then asked i am giving you teo pointers, solve with it. - >Couldnt answer.
9.Then another interviewer asked, how to find kth largest element given n no of elements.->answered
10. Give me some more efficient answer->Gave 2-3 solutions but it didn't worked for them.
11.Then the 4th interviewer the one sitting with mac asked about TOC.
11.1 Tell me about Turing machine.
11.2 Chomsky hierarchy
11.3 Cfg, Pda
11.4 Recursively enumerable language
->Answered almost all.

7/11/2019 18:54:42 Jay vora 6/10/2019 3 Didn't got selected. I thought my interview went nice. But don't know what interviewers wanted. Nevertheless was a good experience.

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