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Conclusion Considered Swift’s masterpiece, Gulliver’s Travels is the most brilliant as well as the most

bitter and controversial of his satires. Written in a matter-of-fact style and with an air of sober reality, the
work defeats oversimple explanations. Is it essentially comic, or is it a misanthropic depreciation of
humankind? Swift certainly seems to use the various races and societies Gulliver encounters in his travels
to satirize many of the errors, follies, and frailties that human beings are prone to. The warlike,
disputatious, but essentially trivial Lilliputians in the first section and the deranged impractical pedants
and intellectuals in the third segment are shown as imbalanced beings lacking common sense and even
decency. The Houyhnhnms, by contrast, are the epitome of reason and virtuous simplicity. However,
Gulliver’s own proud identification with these horses and his subsequent disdain for his fellow humans
indicates that he too has become imbalanced and that human beings are simply incapable of aspiring to
the virtuous rationality that Gulliver has glimpsed.

Conclusion 2 The author’s novel Gulliver’s Travel is a masterpiece. Many aspects of this novel are
intertwined. As it deals with various political allegories, it is a political allegory. It is a thrilling story. The
novel is a travelogue because it deals with travel from beginning to conclusion. The novel is referred to
as a comic novel because it contains humorous or comedic themes. The novel is a sarcastic work of art
since it mocks human vices. In short, the novel succeeds in conveying what the author intended. From
whatever aspect, a reader can appreciate the novel heading.

What made me choose this book was the title itself: "Gulliver Travel". From the very first lines it
fascinated me and made me want to know the great journey mentioned at the beginning of the first
chapter. Also, the words used by the author piqued my interest for what would follow.

Gulliver’s Travels is considered Swift’s masterwork, and it is both the most brilliant and the most harsh
and problematic of his satires. The work defeats oversimplified explanations by writing in a matter-of-
fact format with an aura of serious reality. Swift appears to parody many of the faults, foibles, and
frailties that humans are prone to through the numerous cultures and societies Gulliver meets on his
travels. The warlike, disputatious, but fundamentally inconsequential Lilliputians in the first section, as
well as the insane unrealistic pedants and scholars in the third, are shown as unbalanced beings devoid
of common sense and even decency. The Houyhnhnms, on the other hand, are the ideal of logic and
virtue. However, Gulliver’s pride in these horses and later contempt for his fellowmen suggest that he,
too, has become imbalanced, and that humans are just incapable of achieving the moral reason that
Gulliver has seen.

What made me choose this book was the title itself: "Gulliver Travel". From the very first lines it
fascinated me and made me want to know the great journey mentioned at the beginning of the first
chapter. Also, the words used by the author piqued my interest for what would follow.

Ceea ce m-a determinat să aleg această carte a fost titlul în sine: "Gulliver Travel". Încă de la primele
rânduri m-a fascinat și m-a făcut să vreau să cunosc marea călătorie menționată la începutul primului
capitol. De asemenea, cuvintele folosite de autor mi-au stârnit interesul pentru ceea ce va urma.

Gulliver's Travels' main idea is the inherent amusement of human tradition and habit, as well as the
relative nature of ethics and society dependent on historical precedent.

Ideea principală a călătoriilor lui Gulliver este amuzamentul inerent al tradiției și obiceiului uman,
precum și natura relativă a eticii și a societății dependente de precedentul istoric.

Gulliver's Travels (28 October 1726 ) is an adventure story involving several voyages of
Lemuel Gulliver, a ship's surgeon, who, because of a series of mishaps en route to recognized
ports, ends up, instead, on several unknown islands living with people and animals of unusual
sizes, behaviors, and philosophies, but who, after each adventure, is somehow able to return to
his home in England where he recovers from these unusual experiences and then sets out again
on a new voyage.
Călătoriile lui Gulliver este o poveste de aventură care implică mai multe călătorii ale lui
Lemuel Gulliver, un chirurg al navei, care, din cauza unei serii de ghinioane în drum spre
porturi recunoscute, ajunge, în schimb, pe mai multe insule necunoscute care trăiesc cu
oameni și animale de dimensiuni, comportamente și filozofii neobișnuite, dar care, după
fiecare aventură, au o viață lungă. într-un fel, Pentru a se întoarce la casa sa din Anglia,
unde se recuperează de la aceste experiențe neobișnuite și apoi pornește din nou într-o nouă
In conclusion, throughout Swift's Gulliver's Travels, there exists a strong correlation between
physical dominion and determined morality.This correlation is most plain in four specific locales
of the book.First, Lilliput, where physical dominion is not established on either side and thus
neither does the situation have an overarching determined morality.Next, Brobdingnag,where
Swift depicts the giants as more powerful and more moral than humans.Third, Laputa,the
inhabitants of which are more powerful, and thus determined to be more pious, than the
Balnibari below them.And last, the land of the Houyhnhnms, where the horses control
theYahoos, who they see as inferior in every way.Through his writing, Swift is advocating for
aworld without relative, or determined, morality.Relative morality is, well, relative.It is subject to
change based solely on the perspective of the beholder.A world without relative morality is
aworld in which everyone can know the objective difference between right and wrong.By that
standard, one can judge an institution's morality not based on its power, but based on how it
measures up to the objectives set for morality.This is why Swift draws the clear connections
between physical prowess and determined morality in his book,Gulliver's Travels.

Character list:
Lemuel Gulliver

The Lilliputians

The borddingnagians

The houyhnhnms

The yahoos


Moral and Physical power
Society and the state
Truth and Deception

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