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Text of the question

Question Type Text for option 1

Question Text Question Type Option 1
(default is Multiple Choice) (required in all cases
except open-ended &
draw questions)

Which of these is the largest

planet in
Which of the Solar
these System?
celestial bodies Multiple Choice Earth
are planets?
Name any one of the two moons Checkbox Venus
of Mars
What would you do in outer Fill-in-the-Blank Phobos
space? Open-Ended
How of you
are these is your
feeling favorite?
today (Draw Poll Stars
7. emoji) such as Draw
_______________________ and
cooperation is not bred in the
bone. RECIPROCATE Fill-in-the-Blank
8. Fred hopes his painting will _______________________ his fame. So far, he's painted about two hundred as he believes
9. Falling coffee prices have _______________________ many Third World economies. POOR
Both of the fight sides have agreed on a temporary _______________________ just to let the civilians safely leave the pla
Men are less likely to suffer phobia than women, but attempts by either men or women simply to ________ them can exace
3. The upper layers of Earth's oceans have cooled ________ over the past two years, even though the planet as a whole is
I don't care if you'd had too much to drink. Your behavior last night was quite ________ (DEFEND)
5. Some of the results are ________ but others have shown an association between mobile phone use and cancer. (CONT
7. In fact, those who practise meditation with any________ see their doctors less and spend, on average, seventy per cent
9. There was a heavy ________ yesterday afternoon which completely ruined the church Garden Party (POUR)
10. The ________of the Roman fortifications was one of their prides during the war. (VULNERABLE)
2. His family suffered from his ....................... EXPEND

. There's nothing worse than the ...................................... of being stuck in a traffic jam. FRUSTRATE

5. The government's....................................... approach has brought criticism. COMPROMISE

6. Afterstood
1.She listening
his sad story, the old woman shook her head .......................... . SYMPATHY
_________, so I had no idea at all
what she was thinking (EXPRESS)
10. They never dare to leave their only child .................for even a moment. ATTEND
3. I don't think you should have any ____________marks in your PhD dissertation.
2. There are so many swear words in
this article that I think it's__________.
Don't forget to give the door an _____ as well as a coat of gloss paint. COAT
1. He was discovered to have been ______ company funds. PROPERTY
Her insolent words ______ to be an ill-natured girl. SPEAK
4. The WWF works tirelessly on a ________never-ending list of projects, all of which help us to protect the diversity of life. (
She hopes to ______ her success as a model into an acting career. LAY

You may be eligible for a ______ grant for your university course. DISCREATION

Some________ disease is one poured
_______commentators that will gradually deteriorate the functioning of any one part in your body. GENERATE
scorn on this decision, claiming that
an actor would not have the right
toffee-nose to present an arts
programme on TV. NOSE
6. I'm a bit of a_____________, so I can spend all day agonizing over which choice of two words to use. (PERFECT)
8. Jack got in a lot of trouble
for_________-breaking school rules.

5. At weekends, early morning phone calls can be so ______ because it is the time when people sleep late. (STARTLE)

9. The _____ of this document is wrong! There's no page 13. (PAGE)

10. The general director was blamed for his ______ of the company's business. (HANDLE)

3. His contribution to medical science was outstanding laying the foundations for research by the scientists who would follow
4. Cigarettes, coffee and alcohol and other (addict) ................ are known to have an adverse influence upon human health.
9. Tax exemption only applies to those with ..................... status. (resident)

1. Be careful. You may be ________ to put all your eggs in one basket. (ADVICE)
1. The cancellation of the ccase resulted from the ________ in court of the defendant resulted in. (APPEAR)
1. I've never met such a strong girl. Her energy seems ________. (EXHAUST)

Students hate their classmates who get ________ treatment form their teachers. (PREFER)
1. The educational program we are launching is to ________ teenage girls in rural areas. (POWER)
1. A list of ________ events for the autumn is being prepared. (COME)
7. Doesn't she know that her good result will make her parents ________ proud of her? (MEASURE)

1. She was the only visitor ________ into the sick room. (ADMISSION)
. She was charged with being disorderly and ____________. (INTOXICANT)
8. They exchanged ____________ for a few minutes before saying goodbye. (PLEASANT)
Text for option 3 Text for option 4 Text for option 5
Text for option 2
Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5
(optional) (optional) (optional)
(required in all cases
except open-ended &
draw questions)

Mars Mercury Jupiter Pluto

Neptune Uranus Pluto

Planets Comets

s painted about two hundred as he believes they will also ensure his popularity. MORTAL
nomies. POOR
just to let the civilians safely leave the place. ARM
omen simply to ________ them can exacerbate the problem. (REGARD)
ears, even though the planet as a whole is warming up. ( SIGNIFY)
______ (DEFEND)
een mobile phone use and cancer. (CONTRADICT)
and spend, on average, seventy per cent fewer days in hospital. (REGULAR)
e church Garden Party (POUR)



hich help us to protect the diversity of life. (SEEM)

y one part in your body. GENERATE

ce of two words to use. (PERFECT)

me when people sleep late. (STARTLE)

research by the scientists who would follow in his (foot)..................

an adverse influence upon human health.

dant resulted in. (APPEAR)

al areas. (POWER)

of her? (MEASURE)
The correct option choice
Time in seconds
(between 1-5).
Correct Answer Time in seconds
(optional, default
Leave blank for "Open-
value is 30 seconds)
Ended", "Poll", "Draw" and

4 20
1,2,3 45

Link of the image
Image Link
Explanation for the answer

Jupiter is a gas giant made primarily of hydrogen and

helium. Unlike terrestrial planets that have solid
surfaces, gas giants like Jupiter don't have a well-
defined solid surface, allowing them to accumulate
more mass in a gaseous form. This composition has
allowed Jupiter to grow significantly larger than
planets with solid surfaces.

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