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Name: Maricel V. Dela Torre. Year & Section.

: 1st Year BSENTREP 1A1

1. One time I demonstrated a negative attitude was during a weekend Proposal Business for Entrep
subject with a group mates , We had a great brainstorming session and sketched out some cool ideas.
However, when it came to implementing a business proposal. Nung ipapasa na namin ang proposal ay
na didn't work the files sa laptop nang classmate ko. when we making it handle turns and accelerate
realistically. The lines of code I wrote just weren't working, and no matter how many times I clicked the

Frustration started to gnaw at me. Instead of taking a deep breath and asking for help, I retreated into
myself. My replies to his questions grew shorter, and I let out heavy sighs whenever I encountered
another error files. The atmosphere in the room turned thick with my negativity. We ended up making
slow progress, and by the end of the weekend, the Business proposal was far from due date.

2. A time I showcased a positive attitude was during a particularly challenging environmental science
presentation video. The topic, river ecosystems, was vast and intricate. At first, the sheer amount of
information felt overwhelming. Images of a jumbled 3D mess in our presentation and a monotone
lecture droning on in my voice filled my head.But instead of succumbing to panic, I decided to take
action and begin filming and researching approaches to discuss the topic effectively.

My first step was to break down the material into smaller, more manageable chunks. I focused on key
events, figures, and turning points, creating a clear timeline for the presentation. Next, I researched
creative presentation methods. I explored incorporating interactive elements like timelines, and even
short video clips. Practicing my delivery beforehand became crucial. I'm Rehearsing my self in front of a
mirror or even recording myself helped me refine my pacing, add emphasis where necessary, and
ensure my voice projected clearly.

3. Previously, I hadn't given much thought to the challenges faced by people with disabilities.
Accessibility wasn't something I actively considered in my daily life, and the concept of limitations felt
distant. This all changed the day I stumbled upon the online profile of Amado BinwagDulnuan , a
talented artist without arms.

Amado Binwag Dulnuan's story immediately captured my attention. His journey as an artist, despite the
limitations imposed by his mental illness, was a testament to sheer willpower and unwavering passion.
What truly struck me, however, was the incredible artwork he created, including The Harvest .Seeing
such artistry flourish despite the challenges completely changed my view on limitations. This encounter
instilled a deep appreciation for the power of resilience within me. Amado Binwag Dulnuan's story
became a source of inspiration, demonstrating that limitations can be overcome with determination and
a creative spirit. It also shifted my focus from limitations to abilities. Instead of dwelling on what
someone can't do, I began appreciating the unique talents and perspectives each individual brings to the
table. More importantly, this experience motivated me to be more mindful of accessibility in my own
creations. Whether I'm designing a website, writing a blog post, or even just having a casual
conversation, I started considering how to make things inclusive and user-friendly for everyone,
regardless of ability. It's a small change, but one that can make a big difference in fostering a more
inclusive and equitable world. Encountering Vincent van Gogh's work wasn't just about appreciating art;
it was a powerful lesson in empathy, resilience, and the importance of focusing on abilities. It's a
reminder that human potential knows no bounds, and that even the most seemingly insurmountable
obstacles can be overcome with the right mindset.

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