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Name: Breviana Jessel S.

Toledo Level 5- Generalizing

Course& Year: BTVTED-GFD 2B1 1. In one statement, generalize your
Course Code/ Title: GFD 24 Lecture understanding about the lesson,” Tucks,
Gathers, Ease and Shirring”.
Tucks, gathers, ease, and shirring are
GROUP 6- Level 1-6 Questions
like a secret code for sewers. They allow
TOPIC: Tucks, Gathers, Ease and you to transform fabric to achieve
Shirring different looks and functionalities in your
clothing creations.
Level 1- Remembering
Level 6- Creating
1. What are tucks, gathers, ease,
and shirring in sewing? 1. Imagine you're designing a
simple outfit. How would you use
In sewing, tucks, gathers, ease, and
tucks, gathers, ease, or shirring
shirring are like magic tricks for fabric.
to make it interesting and
They allow you to add fullness, control
comfortable? Draw or describe
fit, and create different styles in your
your design and explain why you
made those choices.
Level 2- Understanding
Imagine a comfy jumpsuit with subtle
1. How do easing and gathering tucks near the shoulders for a touch of
differ from each other in sewing? detail. The waist would have a gently
gathered section to create a flattering
Easing is like gently stretching or
silhouette, and the sleeves would end in
shrinking fabric to fit a new size, while
shirred cuffs for a combination of style
gathering cinches excess fabric into a
and ease of movement. This design
smaller area using stitches, like creating
uses these techniques to create a
a pretty little puff.
garment that's both visually interesting
Level 3- Applying and comfortable to wear.

1. Your little sister's favorite dress is GROUP 6- Level 1-6 Questions

too tight around the waist, and she finds
TOPIC: Gender Stereotypes and Their
it uncomfortable to wear. How could you
use tucks, gathers, ease, or shirring to
adjust the dress so that it fits her better Level 1 - Remembering
and she can wear it comfortably again?
Question: What are gender
To make my sister's dress comfy again, I stereotypes?
could add some extra wiggle room at
Answer: Gender stereotypes are like
the waist with tucks or shirring.
pre-written scripts for how people should
Level 4- Analyzing act based on their gender. They're
widely held beliefs about what's typical
1. How tucks, gathers, ease, and
for men and women.
shirring are different from each other
and how they change clothes look and Level 2 - Understanding
Question: Why do gender stereotypes
Tucks are like little folds sewn in place, exist in the first place?
gathers are like controlled bunches of
Answer: Gender stereotypes are like
fabric, ease distributes extra material
echoes from the past. They come from
smoothly, and shirring uses stretchy
traditions, cultural expectations, and
thread to create smocked sections.
what society has always "done" when it
Each technique adds its own unique
comes to gender roles.
touch to how a garment looks and feels.
Level 3 - Applying
Question: Imagine you own a clothing
boutique. You notice some guys are shy
to try on clothes others might think are
"for girls." How can you make your shop
feel welcoming to everyone, regardless
of those stereotypes?
Answer: To make your shop a safe
space for everyone, you could display
clothes in a way that's not separated by
gender, offer help to all customers
without assuming what they like, and
show a variety of people wearing
different styles in your ads.
Level 4 - Analyzing
Question: How do gender stereotypes
affect clothes design? Do they reinforce
old ideas about gender roles, or can
they be challenged?
Answer: Gender stereotypes can limit
fabric choices (like only using soft
fabrics for women's clothes), color
palettes (think pink for girls, blue for
boys), and styles (dresses for girls,
pants for boys). But designers can also
break these stereotypes with creative
clothing that lets people express
themselves freely.
Level 5 - Generalizing
Question: Can you sum up what you
learned about gender stereotypes and
their impact?
Answer: Gender stereotypes are like
invisible walls that limit people and
create unfair advantages for some over
others. They can affect people's
choices, opportunities, and even their
feelings about themselves.
Level 6 - Creating
Question: Design a project to raise
awareness about the harm caused by
gender stereotypes in your community.
Answer: Let's create a series of
workshops where people can talk, see
art that challenges stereotypes, and
even have a fashion show celebrating
all kinds of gender expression! This
could help people understand each
other better, accept differences, and feel
empowered to be themselves.

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