Alzate - Theo Demands of The Church

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Alzate, Jessa Marie A.


A. What kind of Church Pope Francis is bringing us to build?

Pope Francis is leading efforts to build a Church that embodies the values of

mercy, compassion, and inclusion. He emphasizes a Church that is humble, servant-

minded, and close to the poor and marginalized. Through his leadership, Pope Francis

seeks to create a Church that is more open, transparent, and engaged with the

challenges of the modern world, while remaining rooted in the teachings of Jesus

Christ and the Gospel message of love and justice.

B. How do you feel about the current state of the Church? Elaborate your


For me, the current state of the Church is characterized by both strengths and

challenges. While it continues to serve as a source of spiritual guidance, community,

and social justice advocacy for many, it also faces issues such as declining

attendance, internal divisions, and credibility concerns. Our Church is navigating

complex societal shifts, technological advancements, and evolving cultural norms,

prompting discussions and reflections on its relevance, mission, and future direction.

C. What do you think is the demand of the Church, especially among the

young people? Cite three and explain.

Among young people, there is a demand for a Church that is authentic,

relevant, and inclusive. Firstly, young people seek authenticity from the Church,

desiring genuine expressions of faith and integrity from its leaders and institutions.

Secondly, they demand relevance, expecting the Church to engage with contemporary

issues such as social justice, environmental sustainability, and human rights. Finally,

young people desire inclusivity, wanting a Church that welcomes and affirms people

from all backgrounds, cultures, and identities, including LGBTQ+ individuals and

marginalized communities. Addressing these demands requires the Church to listen

attentively to the voices of young people, adapt its approaches to meet their needs,

and embody the values of authenticity, relevance, and inclusivity in its teachings and


D. What contribution can you make for the Church to grow, improve and


As an Ignatian student, I can contribute to the growth of the Church by

embodying the principles of Ignatian spirituality in my daily life and interactions. This

includes fostering a deep sense of discernment and reflection, seeking God's will in

all things, and striving for a life of service and solidarity with others. By engaging in

spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and reflection on Scripture, I can deepen

my relationship with God and become a more effective witness to the values of the

Gospel. Additionally, I can actively participate in my faith community, supporting and

encouraging others in their spiritual journey and working together to build a more just

and compassionate society.

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