Common Caller Behavior

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Common caller behaviors

1. Chatty customer
- This type of callers wants to talk about everything under the sun.
- They will slow your productivity and make other callers waiting too
- In order to handle these callers, call center agents should always go
back to the topic without being rude or indifferent.
- and that is chatty customer.

2. Know-it-all: A know-it-all
- can also be defined as someone who has an opinion about
everything. They are very confident about their views, but they don’t
really listen or consider other people’s points of view.

3. An irate person
- is defined as someone being extremely angry, someone who is
almost at the point of being uncooperative and demeaning. Those
who have encountered irate people can attest to this fact and the
challenge of de-escalating the situation makes it even more difficult.
- In Phone Interaction: They uses cursive words, shouts to make
his/her point, demands to speak to a supervisor and most of the time
bangs the phone down when requests are not granted.
- The irate customer is:
Someone who has been passed around different departments without
getting a resolution.
Someone who has issues that have happened over and over again.
Someone who has not been treated right.
- A good definition for an irate customer is someone who has lost their
temper and arrived at “the point of being uncooperative and

4. Elitist Type of Customer

- is a type of customer considered superior by others or by themselves
as in intellect, talent, power, wealth or position in society. Elite status
classification made by a company or organization for their clientele as
Preferred Customer. It comes with a benefits that are not available to
general public. Elite Customers don’t like dealing with frontline agents
as they think that the problem they are facing are too special or
complex for frontline agents to handle. Like for an example in a bank,
they issued Gold card, Priviledge card or VIP card to Preferred
clients. They are given express lane. They do not have to wait of fall
in line. They are always attended immediately by a supervisor or
bank manager. This type of client have a good investment in the
company and treated as VIP. It means showing the customer how
important they are in the business by interacting in a friendly ,helpful
and positive way.

5. Friendly
- From my experiences, I believe that most Americans are very
welcoming, sociable, and good-natured, and are very polite people.
Contrary to my own experience, I have heard several accounts from
my friends who have said that they encountered rude behavior.
However, I believe that these cases are very rare and such occasions
are outliers amongst all the extremely friendly and well-mannered
Americans. In every society there will always be people who are very
courteous and friendly and others who are not as friendly.

The American culture

Philippine BPOs cater largely American customers. It is imperative to know
and understand their Western culture so that we can communicate

1. Straight to the point

- Americans are usually direct communicators. They are usually talking
clearly, honestly and explicitly to come up very frank and straight to
- Generally, they prefer a direct and straightforward approach so that
they can be understood correctly and clearly, to show and explain
well their true intentions.
- Added to that, in a professional world, being straight forward, honest
and authentic are ways and means of achieving productivity and
- However, Americans are mistaken to be impolite because of being
too frank and sometimes could easily hurt those who are very
2. Future Orientation
- Americans focus on the future rather than the past or the present.
Everything that is being done today is to reach a goal at some point in
the future. Change is embraced and welcomed.

3. Informality
- American are less formal. The like small talk, direct and
straightforward. They want to be address on their first name. They
also believe in equality.. Speaking casually with a customer exhibits
camaraderie and can sometimes uncover shared interests. Let the
conversation flow. Informal chatter gives the customer the feeling that
they are making decisions too, not just being told what to do. It
encourages a free exchange of ideas creates a healthy environment.

4. Time conscious
- Americans place a high value on punctuality. If you make plans with
someone, you should be there when you say you will. Three to five
minutes early is even better, because it shows that you are really
looking forward to spending time with the other person. Most people
will allow five or maybe ten minutes late, but more than that is
considered bad form. Not showing up at all–called “standing
someone up”–is considered very rude and, unless you have a very
good reason, the other person may never want to make plans with
you again.

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