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1. Indicate the incorrect answer:

a. A courteous style should always be maintained in business writing.
b. It is unimportant to make a few spelling mistakes in our writing.
c. The first words of a piece of writing are very important in order to capture the attention
of the reader.
d. The last words of a piece of writing are important in order to leave the reader's mind with
the key idea of the piece of writing.

2. I have produced a sample letter and I need it to incorporate a number of fields from
a list in Excel to send it to different recipients. The next thing I need to do in Microsoft
Word is:
a. Go to: Edit>Insert fields.
b. Go to: Correspondence>Start mail merge.
c. Go to: Edit>Model Letters
d. Go to: Format>Page>Combination.

3. RTF is a format that:

a. Allows you to enrich the text a little, e.g. by making it bold, underlined...
b. Is a file with a text to which no formatting has been applied.
c. It includes alphanumeric data separated by commas.
d. It was created by Adobe.

4. OpenOffice allows you to create fillable forms in PDF format:


5. What a macro does is... _____ when you press, for example, a combination of keys.
(Only one answer is correct)
a. Stores the data we have in a table for use in other applications.
b. Download templates from the Internet
c. Memorise a series of steps that you will then execute all at once.
d. Maximise a window.

6. What are the requirements for a software to have a General Public Licence? (3
answers are correct)
a. The freedom to modify the program.
b. The freedom to improve the program.
c. The freedom to distribute copies of the program.
d. Freedom to use the program only for certain defined purposes.

7. Image banks can be either paid, free or free of charge. True or false?
8. If we would like to create a website for an educational institution, the most
recommendable type of domain would be:
a. .org
b. .edu
c. .eu
d. .com

9. Which programme does each file extension belong to?

.accdb → Microsoft Access
.docx → Microsoft Word
.odt → OpenOffice Writer
.ods → OpenOffice Calc

10. A document is considered readable when... _____ both typographically and

a. It is simple and easy to understand.
b. It has texts of category.
c. It is agreed among the members of the department.
d. It is developed to a high standard.

11. The best application for creating graphs is a spreadsheet.


12. OpenOffice can be used on Linux, Windows or Mac computers. True or false?

13. To exclude a term from our search in a search engine such as Google, we must
write that term in inverted commas.

14. The hexadecimal colour code consists of:

a. 3 pairs of digits
b. Random combination of symbols and digits
c. 2 digits
d. 2 pairs of digits

15. Organisational charts, by their layout, can be: (Several answers are correct, they
should all be ticked)
a. Associated
b. Vertical
c. Circulars
d. Schematic
16. The most used office suite in the world is OpenOffice?

17. What type of graphs are ideal for showing trends? (2 answers are correct)
a. Area
b. Bars
c. Lines
d. Circular

18. Double-sided printing is never recommended for business documents:


19. A template is designed to...

a. Create web pages in a simple way.
b. Save a document in multiple formats.
c. Have a document ready to be filled in or customised later and when opened, obtain a
copy of the document, leaving the original intact.
d. Facilitate the sending of documents containing graphics.

20. Macros in Microsoft Word are inside the tab:

a. References
b. Insert
c. Tools
d. Programmer

1. The synthesis of what the project is aiming for, the purpose of which is to
communicate to the whole project team in a few sentences where they are heading is:
a. The mission
b. The vision
c. Objective
d. Scope

2. EDT (WBS) stands for:

a. Work Breakdown Structure
b. Task Dysfunction Structure
c. Task Breakdown Structure
d. Task Diversification Structure

3. The person who will make use of the product we have finished with the project is:
a. The sponsor
b. The user
c. The project manager
d. The customer
4. Some of the benefits of applying project management in companies are: Mark the
WRONG answer
a. Increased customer satisfaction
b. Rigidity in decisions
c. Improved competitiveness
d. Being able to identify workloads.

5. Well-coordinated and planned teams deliver products in less time and probably with
higher quality.

6. The delimitation that the results of our project will have (what the project will do and
what it will not do) are:
a. The value
b. The mission
c. The scope
d. The objective

7. The person who receives the product of our project and the one who pays for it is:
a. The general manager
b. The client
c. The sponsor
d. The project manager

8. In a change control plan these 2 documents will be required:

a. Change request form and approved change log.
b. Change classification record and list of requested changes.
c. Change request form and list of requested changes.
d. Change request form and list of changes denied.

9. The Project Management Institute (PMI) was created in the United States to promote
a particular project management methodology in:
a. The 1980s
b. The 1960s
c. The year 2003
d. In 1978

10. It relates what each part of the project needs to know in the communications plan.
Tasks to develop → Team members.
Final reports → Almost all stakeholders
Economic reports → Managers

11. What do we call the products of a project?

a. The graphs that accompany the reports.
b. It is a way of referring to the people who work on it.
c. What it produces, whether it is something tangible or intangible, such as a new service.
d. It is the control documents of the same.
12. Which of these questions helps us to define the project's mission?
a. Who will work on the project?
b. Why have we been commissioned to manage this project?
c. Where will the project take place?
d. What do we want to achieve?

13. Which document contains the process for informing all stakeholders?
a. The Risk Plan.
b. The timetable.
c. Final report.
d. The communications plan.

14. Before starting the project it is a good practice to get a... _____ to support the
a. Verbal authorisation
b. Licence from the Town Hall
c. Telephone call from the president of the company
d. Letter of authorisation

15. As project leaders we must get the support of a senior manager who will be the...
_____ of the project.
a. Customer
b. Supplier
c. User
d. Sponsor

16. The one who pays for the project and receives the project's products is the... _____
of the project.
a. Client
b. Management
c. Boss
d. User

17. If we are project leaders... _____ if we want to earn the respect of the team.
a. We need to keep a bit out of the work.
b. We must be authoritarian.
c. We should limit the information we offer.
d. We must know the project in depth.

18. Although the risks listed here are all the risks we think may occur, it is good to have
this list prioritised by the likelihood and impact of each one.

19. With the management programmes we can set up several calendars in addition to
the standard one.
20. The default dependency type set by the management programmes is Start to End.


1 What do these concepts of filmic time correspond to?

Condensation → A lot of action happens in a short time.
Flashback → A jump back in time.
Ellipsis → There is a significant jump in narrative time.

2. What effect does each resource have on the transition between scenes?
Chaining → One shot fades out as the next one appears.
Cut → One shot replaces the previous one without any transition.
Sweep → Lateral movement that makes the targets indistinguishable.
Fade → The image darkens to black.

3. Rapid lateral movement that causes targets to become indistinguishable is called


4. The recording of a shot from the moment the camera starts filming until it ends is a
_____ within the film.
a. scene
b. sequence
c. shot
d. nightmare

5. What do these concepts of filmic time correspond to?

Simultaneity → Two real times are projected alternating.
Appropriateness → Filmic time is equivalent to real time.
Distension → Real time is subjectively extended over objective time.

6. A one- or two-page description describing the characters, actions and main issues
of the film is called:
a. Synopsis.
b. Treatment.
c. Idea.
d. Synopsis.

7. A jump back in time is a _____ in the film.

a. plane
b. leitmotif
c. ellipsis
d. flashback
8. Which of the following is not a popular video format?
a. AVI.
b. MPEG.
c. ROV.
d. MOV.

9. Which of these formats can't you use to upload a video to YouTube?

a. MP4.
b. AVI.
c. ASF.
d. 3GP.

10. To which company does each video format belong?

MOV → Apple
AVI → Microsoft
FLV → Adobe
RM → Real Networks.

11. The opening situation, where the main characters and the initial action are
introduced, usually accounts for more than 50% of the screening time.

12. When one shot fades as the next one appears, we are talking about a _____ to link
the scenes.
a. sweep
b. chaining
c. cut
d. fade

13. Within the editing phase is the work of:

a. Editing of shots and choice of scenery.
b. Image editing and sound editing.
c. Sound editing and shot editing.
d. Casting and script editing.

14. What are the phases of the production process?

a. Mediation and editing.
b. Editing and anticipation.
c. Recording and editing.
d. Anticipation and recording.

15. What equipment do we need, as a minimum, to produce an audiovisual

a. Professional mixing desk and camera.
b. High gain microphones and editing software.
c. Camera and editing software.
d. Speakers and professional mixing desk.
16. Which of these shots is usually used to introduce scenes?
a. General shot.
b. Close-up.
c. American shot.
d. Site plan.

17. The longest running time of a film is taken by the...

a. denouement.
b. introduction.
c. trailer.
d. plot.

18. A pan in film is the movement in which the camera _____

a. does not move but it is the lens that will zoom the action in or out a. does not move but it
is the lens that will zoom in or out a. does not move but it is the lens that will zoom in or out.
b. is rotated on the same axis to cover a scene horizontally or vertically.
c. it rotates following the movement of the character.
d. it covers a scene until it is shown in its entirety.

19. Which of these is not a video codec?

a. XviD.
b. DV.
c. DivX.
d. Videoshift.

20. A shot that replaces the previous one without any visual transition is a cut.


1 In Google Calendar events we can set a reminder to notify us in advance by email


2. Pop-up windows are very eye-catching, and it is advisable to include them on

corporate websites.

3. When uploading a file to Google Docs you can choose: (There is one correct answer)
a. scan it.
b. makes it private.
c. duplicates it.
d. prints it.
4. Match the function with the web 2.0 tool you would use.
Access virtual offices. → Electronic certificate
Make a web page with an online editor. → Google Sites
Create a shared spreadsheet. → Google Sheets
Create shared events. → Google Calendar.

5. The creator of Facebook is called: (There is one correct answer)

a. Mark Zuckerberg.
b. Bill Gates.
c. Martin Bloomberg.
d. Marc Sugarbird

6. There are different levels of access in Google Drive:

a. Edit, comment and read.
b. All answers are correct.
c. Read, review and comment.
d. Edit, comment, and review.

7. If we want to embed a visitor data collection on a Google Sites web page, we can use:
(There is one correct answer)
a. A presentation.
b. A form.
c. A database.
d. An enumerator.

8. Organic Law on Personal Data Protection entered into force in Spain in:
a. 2010
b. 1995
c. 2001
d. 1999

9. To access a public body such as the tax office and verify my identity online I need to:
(There is one correct answer)
a. a digital certificate.
b. an encrypted code.
c. a digital authority
d. a scanned signature.

10. What type of questions can you choose to write texts in a Google Forms form?
(There are two correct answers)
a. Paragraph text.
b. Override boxes
c. Text.
d. Text in grid

11. The most popular voice-over-Internet utility available today is TelegramIP:

12. Which of these mobile devices can synchronise with Gmail? (There are two correct
a. Android.
b. Facebook Phone
c. Toshiba line.
d. iPhone.

13. In cloud computing you need _____ to be able to work with the files. (There is one
correct answer.)
a. a very powerful computer
b. a specific programme installed on your computer.
c. a great deal of computer knowledge
d. Internet access

14. Changes made to Google applications are not automatically saved:


15. What actions can I perform with a Gmail message? (There are three correct
a. Mark as read.
b. Highlight.
c. Upload to the cloud.
d. Mark as unread.

16. What is the main service offered by each company?

Facebook. → Social Network
Google. → Webmail
Skype. → Internet telephony
Dropbox. → Virtual Storage.

17. Which functions are very useful to save time in Google Sheets spreadsheets?
(There are two correct answers)
a. Copy and paste.
b. Insert flowcharts.
c. Auto Fill.
d. Drag and Paste

18. Which of these functions can be used in Google Docs documents? (There is one
correct answer)
a. Search and replace.
b. Pivot tables.
c. Audios.
d. Solving mathematical calculations.
19. Which of these tools do you identify with web 2.0?
a. Facebook.
b. Google Korner
c. Blogs.
d. Gmail.

20. Nowadays there is a trend called _____, which aims to work with files directly in the
browser, without the need to have the application on the local computer. (There is one
correct answer)
a. reading from the cloud
b. cloud hosting
c. cloud computing
d. cloud sharing


1The e-invoice or electronic invoice is a document:

a. digitised in the format approved by the legal standard.
b. in Spanish.
c. legal.
d. elegant.

2. The second storage tier of Rack2-Filer is called Library. True or false?


3. Viruses do not practically attack Unix-based systems True or False?


4. Which of the following requirements are indispensable in a legal invoice? (There

are two correct answers).
a. Invoice number.
b. Signature.
c. Stamp.
d. NIE of sender and receiver

5. According to a study by the Association for Information and Image Management

(There are two correct answers).
a. users send and receive an average of 133 emails per day.
b. 7.5% of documents are lost.
c. computer users lose an average of 2000 neurons every time they sit down in front of a
d. a document is photocopied an average of 3 times.
6. Which option will we use to select multiple sheets in Rack2-Filer?
(There is only one correct option).
a. Multi-sheet selection.
b. WorkArea selection.
c. Multisheet selection.
d. Contiguous selection.

7. An indispensable element of Document Management is to have _ in the office.

(There is one correct question).
a. a photocopier
b. a scanner
c. a printer
d. a stapler

8. The following tips may help in organising the folders in which files will be stored:
(There are three correct answers).
a. Use descriptive names for the folders.
b. First create the folders and then think about the layout of the structure.
c. Design the folder structure before creating the folders.
d. Especially in the root folder do not create too many branches.

9. Which of these are advantages of a GDS (there are three correct answers).
a. Immediate transmission of data.
b. No computer equipment is required.
c. Reduction in the use of paper.
d. Speed in locating documents.

10. The Rack2-Filer programme is an application based on a document database. True

or false?

11. A common task in Document Management is _ of documents (There is one correct

a. digitisation
b. destruction
c. physical storage
d. crumpling

12. We should ask a document management programme for

(There is only one correct answer)
a. be learnt to operate it without the need for external training.
b. be cheap.
c. always be free software.
d. generates documents quickly and enable them to be distributed.

13. The first storage tier in Rack2-Filer is called Root Library True or False?
14. What does the acronym SGD stand for (there is only one correct answer)?
a. We only generate documents.
b. Document Management System.
c. Dual Management Software.
d. Documentary Grading System

15. Which of these formats are admissible for electronic invoices (there are three
correct answers).
a. AVI
b. PDF.
c. XML
d. JPG.

16. The computer that will store all the documents in its database is called (There is
one correct answer).
a. client.
b. server.
c. hard disk.
d. scanner

17. The MySQL database is software (There is one correct answer).

a. authored.
b. rental.
c. proprietary.
d. free.

18. Match the term with its functionality

Rack2-Filer → Main programme interface.
Execute OCR in the file cabinet → Convert scanned texts into recognisable texts.
WorkArea → Intermediate file storage window.

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