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Are we lonelier than ever?

1. Read the statements and say if they are true for you.
• I have fewer than six close friends.
• The number of friends I have has changed over the years. I have more friends
now than in the past.
• My life wouldn’t be fulfilled without my friends.

2. Write the nouns for the words below.

a) intimate e) permanent
b) close f) stable
c) reject g) anxious
d) isolate h) withdrawn

3. Discuss how the nouns you wrote in ex. 2 might be connected to loneliness
and friendship.

4. Discuss the questions.

• Do we really need physical closeness in order to not feel lonely?
• Do you agree that some reasons why people are lonely are the risk of being
rejected and the necessity to deal with conflict?
• How might social media contribute to our loneliness?
• Have you noticed that a lack of friends is a growing problem in your country?
• Have you ever missed your friends? When? What happened?

5. Discuss which of these things you do with friends and what feelings they
evoke in you. Would you add any other activities to the list?
• laugh together • listen to the same music over and
• share family news over again
• tell each other things you worry • watch films together
about • act stupid together
• eat food from the same plate • talk to each other every day

Copyrights by ESL Brains

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