Eca Mid-1 Important Questions

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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Regulation: R20 Academic Year: 2021-22
Branch: ECE Year & Sem: II-II

1. a) Draw the equivalent circuit of hybrid-model and derive the expression for hybrid -π
impedance in terms of low frequency h-parameters?
b) With hybrid-π equivalent circuit, derive the expressions for hybrid conductance’s
and capacitances.
2. a) Draw approximate equivalent hybrid П model for the calculation of the short circuit
CE current gain and derive the same.
b) Draw the hybrid-π model of common emitter configuration and describe each
component in the π-model.
3. a) Derive for the Current Gain of hybrid – Π model of CE amplifier with Resistance
b) Derive the equation for voltage gain bandwidth product for CE amplifier.
4. a) Derive the expression for fT of a transistor. (Remaining frequencies also)
b) If a Transistor has a value of β=50 and Collector current of 10mA, determine the
value of Emitter Current and Calculate the value of α of the Transistor.
5. a) Derive the expression for voltage gain of a common source FET amplifier with and
without source resistance included in the circuit.
b) State and explain Miller’s theorem.
Draw the circuit for CASCODE Amplifier. Explain its working, obtain overall values
of the circuit in terms of h-parameters.
6. a) Compare the three types of coupling methods used in multistage amplifiers.
b) Derive expressions for overall voltage gain and overall current gain of a two stage
RC coupled amplifier.
7. a) Draw the circuit diagram, equivalent circuit of a Darlington pair and derive
expressions for overall voltage gain and input impedance.
b) Explain about Boot-strap follower?
8. a) Explain the concept of feedback with block diagram. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of negative feedback?
b) Show that bandwidth increases in negative feedback amplifiers.
9. a) State and explain bark hausen criterion.
b) Draw the circuit diagram of a current series feedback amplifier, Derive expressions
of input & output impedances, Gain, feedback factor?
10. a) Explain current shunt, voltage shunt, current series, voltage series feedback
b) What are the different types of feedback amplifiers? Give their equivalent circuits.
Compare negative feedback with the positive feedback?

1. In the CS amplifier RL=5KΩ, RG=10 MΩ, μ=50 and rd = 35 KΩ. Evaluate voltage
gain, input impedance and output impedance.
2. A CE amplifier is drawn by a voltage source of internal resistance of 500Ω and load
impedance of 800Ω. The h parameters hie = 2kΩ, hre = 2X10-4, hfe = 50, hoe = 25μA/V
and compute AI, RI, AV and RO using exact analysis.
3. A common source amplifier uses a MOSFET with the following parameters
gm=1.5mA/V, rd=40kohms, Cgs=3pF, Cds=1pF, Cgd=3.2pF. The value of
Rd=200Kohms. The amplifier operates at 30KHz. Find Voltage gain, input resistance,
output resistance and input capacitance.
4. Three amplifiers of gain 20dB, 30dB and 40dB are connected together. Find the overall
gain in dB and in normal units.
5. Two FET based amplifiers with gains of 40 dB are cascaded together. Find the overall
gain. Also find bandwidth of the overall circuit, if individual lower and higher 3 dB
frequencies are 40 Hz and 40 kHz respectively.
6. An amplifier has a voltage gain of 600, f1=200Hz, f2=400Khz and a distortion of 20%
without feedback. Determine the amplifier voltage gain and Df when negative feedback
is applied with feedback ratio of 0.01?
7. An amplifier requires an input signal of 60mV to produce a certain output with negative
feedback to get the same output the required signal is 0.5V. The voltage gain with
feedback is 90. Find the open loop gain and feedback factor.
8. An amplifier has an input resistance of 200 K ohms, with certain negative feedback
introduced in the above amplifier the input resistance is found to be 20 M ohms and
overall gain is found to be 1000. Calculate the loop gain and feedback factor.
9. An amplifier has a gain of 50 with negative feedback. For a specified output voltage, if
the input required is 0.1V without feedback and 0.8V with feedback, Compute β and
open loop gain.

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