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Name: Joaquen S. Carpio Jr.

Course: The teaching of Composition

Program: MALL-1

Topic: The State of Political Polarization in the Philippines

Patriotism and Nationalism: Leaping the hurdles amid Political Polarization

Political polarization is defined as the divergence of individual’s stand on a

given issue, policy, or person based on their identification with a particular political
party. In Philippine context, politics is being played vigorously between people and
political parties and factions. These leads to toleration, disagreements, and
Ideally, the formation of political party is to bring people together with the
same ideas, interest and ideology as people partake in an election through offering
various programs and platforms, once identified leaders are elected into positions. It
is also desired that after exercising the right to suffrage, as a way of hearing people’s
voices, everything will fall back to its place. It is where citizens will support the
winning and elected officials and disregard political deviations for the welfare of the
However, it is the contrary that is happening in the Philippines. It will be
observed that every after elections, instead of supporting the elected officials, leftist
and the ones in the position will indulge color-coding system which greatly affects
how the country is being manage. This goes to say that if you are a supporter of the
ruling government, you are more likely to enjoy the privileges of being in one political
party with them. On the other hand, non-supporters of the administration will play as
the observer and look out to the shortcomings of the government.
At one point, having oppositions in a certain country is a sign that democracy
is active and working. They will serve as some watchdogs to the irregularities and
inconsistencies of the present administration. Thus, they will be observant in
performing their duties and responding, whether it is being performed according to
they pledged before the constitution.
On the other hand, pro-government individuals also have a role in a way how
politics is played in a certain country. They would, of course, resort to giving their all-
out support and praises their bet without even criticizing and evaluating if these
officials are upholding integrity, honesty and transparency in the duration of their
term. Pro-government will be turning a blind eye to the problems and unresolved
issues of their candidate.
This case is rampant and evident in the Philippines. One concrete example of
this is the widespread opposing views of “Dilawans” of Aquino supporters and
“Uniteam” of Duterte and Marcos party colors. The endless fight between these
supporters’ fuels and worsen political polarization rather that solve and/ or dump it.
This creates a wider gap between Filipinos especially when issues remain unsolved
from one administration to another administration.
On the flip side of the coin, if you do not belong to any of these colors you will
be branded as irresponsible individual. If you are neutral when it comes to politics,
your sense of being a Filipino citizen will be in question. So, anyone will be force to
choose a side where they believed their interest and rights are being supported.
Looking at this situation in a balance perspective without the influence of any
political party colors, we can infer that both parties and other dominating parties in
the country are at fault. They must reflect and question the sense of patriotism and
nationalism that they have for the country. It is also good to understand the real
purpose of having political parties which is to prioritize the best interest of the nation.
The ruling administration and its supporters should bear in mind that after
election, it should be the welfare of the country that must be given importance.
Instead of prioritizing party-colors when it comes to the distribution of the country’s
resources such as financial supports, aids and services that the government could
offer to its citizen. Leaders must be reminded that once elected as an official, they
stand for the voices of the whole citizen and not just as voices and puppet for the
Similarly, the supporters of the opposition should embody sportsmanship
when it comes to politics and support the elected official whether or not they are in
the same political party. It is good to be observant with the inconsistencies and
irregularities of the administration, however, it will do better if solutions and
recommendations are offered in tackling and solving the problem of the country. It
will helpful we could offer alternative solutions with the problems that concerns us in
a non-partisan perspective.
“My loyalty to my party ends where my loyalty to my country begins,” were the
immortal quotable lines of former president Manuel L. Quezon, a statesman, and the
second president of the Republic of the Philippines as quoted in the book Inside Asia
by John Gunther.
These lines are meant to be embodied within the heart and mind of every
Filipinos as we traverse towards the ever-changing societal and political landscapes
of our country. Upholding patriotism and nationalism should be our utmost priorities
in times where the country is in the middle of societal turmoil brought about the by
differing political views, beliefs and factions. Sadly, its essence is slowly deteriorating
and being thrown down the drain as it hurdles toward political survival.
As citizens of the country, let us all be a critic who could offer possible
remedies and be vigilant with the undemocratic and unconstitutional act of the
government officials. Let is break the chain and norm of political polarization. After
all, the real essence of democracy can be measured beyond the yellow, red and
green colors of politics.

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