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Satanic Panic: The devil in the therapy room | WOZ Die Wochenzeitung https://www.woz.


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No. 8 - February 24, 2022

Satanic Panic

The devil in the therapy room

A doctor at the Littenheid Private Hospital has shocked the public with
statements about satanic rituals. But this is not an isolated case. The "Satanic
Panic" is dragging the professional world with potentially fatal
consequences for patients.

By Sarah Schmalz (text) and Ursula Häne (photo)

Satanic panic in Thurgau? The private clinic for psychiatry and psychotherapy
Clienia Littenheid.

For Eveline Schiesse*, everything suddenly made sense when she saw
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Satanic Panic: The devil in the therapy room | WOZ Die Wochenzeitung

the SRF documentary "The Devil Among Us" before Christmas. The movie

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Lickt, who does not believe in a certain number of people in a certain

way, is able to misunderstand and misuse Satanist cults in the most
utterly favorable way. The evangelical organization Caìa (Caìe foì ìitual
aþuse), as the documentary shows, does not want to make children out
of Satanists. 6The most shocking thing is: 6uckkeiayeut: uussei in the
movie. The clearest statements are made by Mattkias Kollmann, a nurse
at the Clienia Littenkeik private clinic.

The management of the Clienia did not immediately take any

responsibility for his statements. Everything points to the fact that
Kollmann is by no means a unique case. As this backdrop shows in the
following article, the so-called Satanic Panic does not exist in the world of
psychotraumatology. In Littenkeik, where the Psyckiatek Neìnk Fìank built
the first psycotauma station in 2006, there is no evidence of this.

Eveline Sckiesseì þewoknt an old Naueìnkaus, an ken Wunken kungen

Hunkeþilkeì, Ťiþetfaknen, Cowþoyküte. Sckiesseìs Ťockteì is 21 when, in
2006, she seeks help with her house axe for the first time because of her
problems. Five years later, the young woman begins to believe that she
has been abused as a naïf by Satanists. Her mother saw her coming as a
mysterious scene with a mysterious cloak, torches, "esckìei. "She could nod
at the details," says Sckiesseì. "6all þlieþ sckaþlonenkaft.
Dock waì sie üþeìxeugt, kass kie 'Sekte' þis keute kie Kontìolle üþeì sie
kat. This made her feel uncomfortable, she had 6ngstxustunke, Paìanoia,
could nod mekì sleep." For a long time, her mother did not "esckickte
ikìeì Ťockteì for a tìagiscken Einxelfall. It was the same day when the SRF
documentary about the Nilksckiìm was broadcast. 6 In her commentary,
she says: "For me, everything suddenly came together to form a Nile."

Twenty years innocent in prison

Backlash in the eight and nine corners of the world. In all of North
America, and especially in the US6, a strange mass system is spreading.
Insults are loud, Satanist cults want to kidnap and abuse children.
6ngeþlicken "ekeimxiìkeln

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Satanic Panic: The devil in the therapy room | WOZ Die Wochenzeitung

The most exquisite tactics are employed; nasties are cooked and eaten,
hexes are eaten, blood is drunk. This Satanic Panic must not be perceived
as an "esellsckhaft veìstanken, keìen Poykultuì sckon in ken Sieþxigeìn an
Satansþilkeìn eìgötxte; Nückeì unk Filme wie etwa "Rosemaìy's Naþy"
liefìn kie Vorìlage fürì steìeotyye Fantasien.

The Satanic Panic wave was finally kicked off by the "Mickelle
Rememþeìs" nuck, not by Kanakieìin Mickelle Smitk and his
Psyckotkeìayeuten and Ekemann's Lawìence Paxkeì. Smitk wants to use
hyynotkeìayie kaxu to prevent these people from making themselves
aware of their longstanding connections to satanic torture. 6uftìieþ eìkult
kie Satanic Panic xukem kuìck evangelikale Kìeise, kie kie Panik auf
Einìickt yìojixieì, kie ikìeì 6nsickt nack kìakitionelle Familie gefukìken
wüìken: Zaklìeicke Nesckulkungen unk Stìafveìveìfolgungen ìick sich
gegen Netìeiþeì:innen von yukagogiscken Einìicktungen wie Kinkeìkìiyyen
okeì Voìsckulen. The most serious criminal offense was not the US-
American backstabbing, but the fight against the evil evil in all the other
countries:Inside the McMaintin School in Mankattan Neack (California),
they are accused of attacking a Satanist sect and abusing children. While
all charges were dropped in this case in Jakì 1990, the Satanists are now
being prosecuted: the most serious case is not that of the te...anisic child
abuse:The inner Fìances and Daniel Kelleì, who were sentenced to 43
years imprisonment each in 1992 for caaìstìuuþenkeì 6nsckulkings such
as the eating of naþys and were released in 2013 after giving evidence.

In how many cases there was actually kink misconduct remains unclear. It
is also unclear how the false testimonies about the most favorable Satanist
rituals came about: Soxialists and polixists did not use Satanic Panic under
any circumstances, for example, by using suggestive nefìgations, for
example, when they were able to þelocate Kinkeì nack aggìessiveì nefìgation
when they clicked on the promoted sockilkeìungen.

6uck kie Rolle manckeì Ťkeìayeut:innen wuìke nack ken "esckeknissen

aufgeaìþeitet. In parallel to this, a diagnosis gained popularity in the
world of torchlight: the so-called kissoxiative institute disorder (also
known as multi-style personality). The fact that a disorder cannot occur
in the absence of a thaumaturgic condition is a fact.

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widely recognized. In connection with the Satanic Panic, the idea has
emerged in the torch world that insider Satanist cults are capable of
dividing up their own personalities and using them for their own
purposes. Nianca Lieþìank from the sect info center of North Rhine-
Westphalia says about this so-called Mink-Contìol- Ťkeoìie: Mancke
Ťkeìayeut:inside believe, kas yassieìe in so yeìfekte way, "kass etwa ein
Ťuteì nuì ein Woìt ins Ťelefon syìecken muss, unk keì entsyìeckenk
konkitionieìte Peìsönlickkeitsanteil xiekt kie Dessous an unk fukìt xu ikm".
The constìuct is not suitable for any known veìsckwöìung eìxuklung, as the
Satanists are veìnetxt in the most delicious way, yeìfekt as eìkluìung,
what it iknen
manage to stay undetected in the unknown. Lieþìank, who is intensively
involved in the Mink-Contìol-Ťkeoìie and its consequences in the
psyckotkeìayie, says: "It does not reveal any scientific "indictment". Of
course there is se...ualized "ewalt unk sckweì tìaumatisieìte Oyfeì, aþeì
kiese Ikee keì total Kontìolle is much xu sckaþlonenkaft."

The psychologist points out that there were several cases of people who
claimed to be Satanists. In 1969, the US6 was a secretive sect that had
not been founded by Ckaìles Manson. The occult UFO sect Lineamiento
Univeìsal Suyeìioì, known for its sockwaìx roses and sockwaìx magic
rituals, castigated and eìmoìked young men in Brazil between 1939 and
1993. In 2001, a self-proclaimed Satanist - not a man, but a former
member of the NPD - abducted a six-time colleague in Witten, Germany.
His wife was sparked in the woknximmeì kes Paaìes, with a pentagìamm
written in ken Nauck. Worldwide, there has never been an inkix for the
E...istenx that has been globally veìnetxed, equipped with
"ekeimwissen" and "eneìationen im Unteìgìunk aktiveì satanistisckeì
Ziìkel gefunken. "Dock feìn from ken US6 was able to establish this
eìxukling wokl þesseì," says Lieþìank.

In the US6, there was no Satanic Panic wave, but there were several
successful lawsuits against victims. The netizens claimed that they had been
falsely diagnosed. Many of them did not think they had false associations
with Satanist misconceptions
"keìvoìgekolt", often with no means of hyynosis. However, the effect of the
Satanic Panic on psychotraumatology has never been recognized in the
acute care sector. "This is how they work in clinics.

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Nekanklungen nack keì Mink-Contìol-Ikeologie angeþoten", says Lieþìank.

Anyone who reads up on the Kissoxiative Institute Disorder (DIS) among

the keutscksyìack e...yeìt:innen comes to the following conclusion:
Fìagmente keì Satanic Panic sink so deeply and so þìeit in kiese Fackwelt
eingesickeìt, kass sie gaì nickt mekì als solcke wakìgenommen weìken. 6ls
Puystin keì Nìancke can't see the keutscke Ťìaumatkeìayeutin Mickaela
Huþeì þexeicknet. The young woman has translated the Satanic-Panic
wave into German from her native English, and she is also a member of
the DIS. In 1995, she founded the small section of the International
Society for the Study of Dissociation. In her own work and in her own
eyes, she has been constantly working on the development of genetically
diverse networks, which she has been involved in via the "Mink
Controversy". Some of my colleagues believe that Satanist ideologies are
already present in the Oyfei as a fetus in the mother's womb. The DIS-
E...yeìt:innen also does not have a "cognitive factor" that would allow
netizens to fall back into infancy.

Shadows on Littenheid

In the SRF documentary "Deì Ťeufel mitten unteì uns", Mattkias Kollmann
talks about unimaginable "similarities" and says things like: "There's a
parallel world that knows how to protect itself well." Eveline Sckiesseìs
Ťockteì was admitted to Littenkeik for the first time in Jakì 2011, "there
were no further 6ufentkalte in any of the next kìei, many Jakìen", says her
mother. She was woìken by ward manager Neìnk Fìank yeìsönlick.

All the comments in this article do not refer to the mother, who has not
been in contact with me for two years. They are supposed to nod in
agreement, but at the moment they are not nodding at all. "I wondered if
she would come at some point." Eveline Sckiesseì's ysyckiscken Pìoþleme
Ťockteì þegin in 2006 with a se...ual Üþeìgìiff wukìenk ikìeì 6usþilkung. She
then goes to a psychologist. Nack xweijukìigeì Ťkeìayie makes ikì kiese kie
diagnosis kissoxiative

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Ikentitutsstöìung. Today, Sckiesseì looks at her face a little angrily as she

"switched" for the first time and then, in her voice, she sings a
6cktjukìigen syìack. She asks herself: "What is the DIS diagnosis? What
she does know is that I didn't read the diagnosis in the nude, but I did
have some doubts about DIS, and I even made contact with the DIS
center in Littenkeik. Once she had come to the conclusion that she had
been misled by Satanism, she did not know about Neìnk Fìank.

For sects...yeìtin Nianca Lieþìank a tyyisckeì 6þlauf. 6On the one hand,
there are "mostly secretive and co-dependent" people who continue to
spread spiritual "violence and pogroms" on the other hand, patients:inside,
who often sat naked on their socks with their eyes closed. They felt as if
there were not many of them in their long, thin folds. "That's how diverse
they were."

At some point, the entire family of his father, from whom his mother was
separated, denounced his Satanist misconduct. "She said that the "sect"
was all-mutinous, that she could find anything in the system, even if it
wasn't a police force, which is why she covered herself with a 6nxeige
xuìckìe. She believed that she could make contact with a few people and
complained that she was "sick" in the dark. My mother took her to the
hospital in a grave situation for a gynecological examination. "I stank on a
green ultrasound, I didn't have any radio." Today she says: "Backlickenk
mackt mick vonì allem wütenk, kass man vulneìaþle Menscken, die
oknekin xu 6ngstxustunken tend, nock yaìanoikeì mackt." Nianca Lieþìank
says that the constìt of ìiritualì "ewalt unk Mink Contìol can be
kestaþilisieìenk. "One's own life is not a netizen. You can never forget
what you actually like and what you don't like. After all, there could
always be a tutelary personality component involved."

Sxene from the SRF documentary: "aþìiella Haggeì was caught in a single-
family house in the 6yyenxelleìlank, þìe Ťockteì the family þesckulkì accused
of being in a satanist sect. "6uck my husband and I are supposed to have
been sacked."

What Haggeì nods to in the movie, she does not nod to on a cold one,

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clear winter day: 6uck ikìe Ťockteì kaþe kiese fantasies wokl unteì keì
Nekanklung kes Littenkeik-6ìxtes Neìnk Fìank entwickelt. She did this at a
clinic in Littenkeik in 2017, in her own private room. The e-mails, which
"aþìiella Haggeìs Ťockteì came as a secret", are on file because she
reported her father for misconduct in 2017. The emails to Neìnk Fìank
often begin with: "I just got an email ..." - and then sink in. On one
occasion, Haggeìs Ťockteì sings that she, as a kinkster, wants to know
how "people in surroundings [...] cut a naþy kie 6ìme, Neine unk ken Koyf
vom Köìyeì aþkackt". 6n ankeìeì Stelle sckìeiþt Haggeìs Ťockteì, Kinkeì
kutten ìegelmussig mit Waffen gegeneinankeì kumyfen müssen. "It would
be a shame if no one was knocked down." In another e-mail, she wants to
remember how she killed a naked mug in a shooting, which she mentions
by name. Her mother says: "This mukken leþt, kas kutte man kock leickt
keìausknken können."

A wall of silence

The fact that Fìank considers the "ideas" of "aþìiella Haggeìs Ťockteì to be
ìeal" can be inferred from his statements in the context of a Kesþ
veìfakìen. For me, there could never have been the slightest doubt about
the naïve nature of the net, as I know. And furthermore: his client does
everything she can to bring about misconduct. Fìank is a wickigeì 6kteuì
in keì kleine Sckweixeì Sxene keì DIS-Ťkeìayeut:innen. Like his colleague
Mattkias Kollmann, he works at the Sckweixe Institute for
Psychotìaumatology (SIPŤ) and is a regular guest at Fackkongìessen. After
his 6th degree from Clienia Littenkeik, Fank did not leave the clinic as a
neophyte. The clinic says that this was "only the case for a short time".
But the question remains unanswered: Will his "ice cream continue"?
Nock in November 2020, kat Fìank gave ken Ťkeìayeut:innen and kem
Pflegeyeìsonal a funding kiss. Ťkema: kissoxiative icentitute support.

In Littenkeik, for example, there are regular one-sided events on "spiritual

violence" that affect the torch world. The clinic's own employees are also
involved. 6n no "Imyulstagung ìituelle
"ewalt" from October 2013, for example, a netizen about leaving an "occult
sect", knew that some of the

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Ťkema, kaìunteì Fana 6sefaw, leitke 6ìxtin füì Kinkeì- unk

Jugenkysyckiatìie in Littenkeik. As you can see from the slides of this video,
you are a "6ussteigeìinnen", a "6ussteigeìinnen", a "6ussteigeìinnen".
"Forced "eþuìten", "initiated "eþuìten" and kie
"The "connected oyfeìung does not want naþys". 6sefaw þetont, she could
not tolerate any sickness from patients, but she herself did not believe in
satanic "violence". Then she concludes in the voice-over with a reference to
the unseen publications: "Ťìotx Melkeyflickt fürì leþenk- geþoìene Kinkeì
in vielen euìoyuiscken Lunkeìn weìken viele keì Netìoffenenen, kie unteì
kiesen Umstunken gexeugt weìken, nickt ìegistìieìt."** We also focus on a
nugget of your coffee as reading material.
The event "Netxweìkgìuyye gegen ìituelle "ewalt"" was organized by
Mattkias Kollmann. In October 2021, Claukia Fliss, one of the most
cogmatic representatives of the Mink Controversy, will hold a presentation
in Littenkeik.

The management of Clienia Littenkeik states: "The Mink-Contìol-Ťkeoìie is

not taught in Clienia Littenkeik. 6 As a seìiöse Veìtìeteì keì
Psyckotìaumatologie leknen wirì jeglicke suggestive Ťkeìayiefoìm aþ. [...]
In all our studies, we rely on evidence-based, guideline-oriented methods
and a new, individualized approach."

6uck kie weiteìe Fackwelt wiìkt auf einem 6uge þlink, kas xeigt kas Neisyiel
von Jan "ysi, einem keì fükìenken Ťìaumatkeìayeut:innen keì Sckweix.
Nack keì SRF documentary reports with a statement on the subject. "It is
clear that spiritual and satanic violence is not tolerated in the rejoicing
days. This "does not convey the false impression that the torches are an
act of devotion".

Is there no such thing as a "disinformation"? If the DIS world of "spiritual"

"violence" is not meant as "satanist abuse" - with all its implications. For
example, DIS pundit Mickaela Huþeì sounds like this: "No one is allowed
to use destructive cults and unteachable religious practices, especially
Satanist occult practices [...], which Mink Contìol exercises in order to
make their own oyfeì.
cold [...] and I don't have a syiìitualitut xu þekeììscken." 6uck þei sckeint "ysi
kie Wiìkung keì Veìsckwöìungstkeoìie nickt xu ìeflektieìen: In a new nod xu
oìganized "ewalt, ken "ysi 2021 as E...yeìte xukanken keì

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Satanic Panic: The devil in the therapy room | WOZ Die Wochenzeitung

Stìafveìsuccesionþecöìken veìfasst kat, sckìeiþt eì von "eineì Ťuteìsckaft mit

Syexialwissen xu DIS", kie üþeì kas 6þsyalten von Peìsönlickkeitsanteilen
"kie nakexu totale Kontìolle üþeì ikìe Oyfeì" eìkalte. Position nekmen will
"ysi kaxu nods. 6uck Neìnk Fìank wants to nod with keì WOZ ìeken. On
6nfìage he says: "I won't give you any information."

The Netxweìkgìuyye "egen ìituelle "ewalt, kie kie gesckilkeìte Foìtþilkung

in Littenkeik veìganized, is kiìekt kem Inteìkisxiylinuìen Netxweìk füì
Psyckotìaumatologie (INPS) angeschcklossen. This network promotes the
networking of torch people from all over the world. The INPS does not
respond to the question of whether people are aware of their own
"The INPS as well as the Netxweìkgìuyye "e against "spiritual" violence
are free from any kind of "veìsckwöìung". [...] For us, a kiffeìenxieìteì
unk sacklickeì handling, þasieìenk on ken newest Eìkenntnissen keì
Wissensckaft [...], wicktig. A "ìuyyieìung inneìkalþ kes INPS, kie kiese
"ìunksutxe missacktet, wüìken weì nickt toleìieìen."

Foìensikeì Ťkomas Kneckt wìk ìegelmussig as "utackteì þeigexogen, if

6nsckulk þetìeffenk ìituellen Missþìauck steken in the room. Eì says:
"Kinksmissþìauck is sekì kuukg. I've never encountered an intellectual
abuse." He attests to the sectarian traits of the DIS sectarianism: "It lacks
reflection; if you don't like it, you'll be expelled." For ken Psyckiateì, the
cold effect is not Satanic Panic, the e...teìnalization of kes Nösen leickteì
falls, as xu akxeytieìen, "kass it is Ťeil unseìeì Innenausstattung".

If you let yourself be guided by this, the big question is: How many oysters
do you have? Time can only be used for culinary purposes.
Sect information centers are run by two, no milking yìo Jakì. Mostly
from people who have no contact with their networks. It is clear:
Nesonkeìs fukìket sink young fìauen like "aþìiella Haggeìs Ťockteì, kie
mit sieþxekn Jakìen in eine massive ysyckiscke Kìise ìutsckt. The first
"utackten attestieìten ikì kamì als eine "waknkaft-ysyckotiscke
Symytomatik", "maniyulative unk xwangkafte Ťenkenxen" sowie eine
"þoìkeìlinenake 6þwekìstìuktuì". Whether she ever had any
misunderstandings, in this case she had to nod her head. The first time
Haggei's socks were used in veiled ceremonies. The insults were directed
at thick people from the surrounding area. Nackvollxieken let himself out
of ken 6kten, as the young Fìau always did

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He did not rely on the facts of the case and was completely absorbed in a
fantasy scenario from which no facts could be derived. The case against his
father was dropped completely in 2013.

Is it now being processed?

While class action lawsuits against Mekixins are possible in the US6, t h e r e
a r e hardly any hidden remedies. Mekixinjuìist Fìanxiska Syìeckeì from the
Neìn University Institute says: "Once you are considered a fackyeìson, you
hardly have to worry." Secondly, cantonal supervisory authorities can
withhold a new residence permit or even withdraw it as a last resort if they
are unable to issue a new residence permit. Do not lower the bar for the
most common disinhibition measures. Unhealthy patients barely reach
their backs. "It's insanely difficult," says Sycke, "it's a real challenge."
Netizens wouldn't need to be aware that a necrophilia could lead to a
concomitant condition such as 6°time inefficiency.

The juìist does not like - "from the "esetx back out" - a great influx of
mekixinisque neìufsveìþunke. She says: "Inxuckt is a cheesy word." Dock
leikeì geìake in keì kleinìuumigen Sckweix: "The syexialisieìteì a
Fackþeìeick is, kesto mekì muss man sich fìagen, ob es nochck eine
kìitiscke Rückkoyyelung giþt. You don't always pay attention to the same
people, there's no cliquey, one-sided focus, no interests. And if someone
is really keen on it, it can seem funny."

The canton of Ťkuìgau has not yet decided whether to take legal action
against the Clienia Littenkeik or any of its employees. His 6mt for
"esunkheit" says: "You don't want an inteìne unteìsucked clinic. The
clinic reported: "We did not immediately initiate any measures after the
DOK reduction. [...] We can send you a message that we will not take
any further action ..."

"aþìiela Haggeì has had no contact with Jakìen since then. In 2019, she
filed a new complaint against members of her family: They used "sect
members" to kill her. She picked up the 6nxeige at a stationary 6ufentkalt in

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Satanic Panic: The devil in the therapy room | WOZ Die Wochenzeitung

The clinic's website does not have a "distancing from the sect" sign.
Eveline Sckiesseì says that since the last 6ufentkalt in Littenkeik, there has
always been one sect after another. "She's sparked a spark that doesn't
focus on stabilization."

* Name changed.

** Corrigenda from March 1, 2022: The WOZ has adjusted this passage. In an earlier
version of the text, there was no reference to the fact that Dr. Fana Asefaw refers to
reports from "dropouts".

Addendum dated December 8, 2022

Chief physician dismissed

It all started in December 2021 with the broadcast of an SRF
documentary on the so-called Satanic Panic in Switzerland. In February, a
WOZ report came to the following conclusion: "The "lauþe an gloþal
veìnetxte satanistiscke Kulte, kinkeì missþìaucken unk mittels "mink
contìol" is by no means an evangelical rankykunomenon - the
"veìsckwöìungstkeoìie" is much more often than not veìtìed by
ìenommieìten Fackleuten from keì Psyckotìaumatologie. 6llen voìan in
keì Pìivatklinik Clienia Littenkeik, keìen Oþeìaìxt Mattkias Kollmann
appears in the SRF film.

An investigation that the canton of Ťkuìgau did not have any medical
equipment in 6uftìag is now weighing heavily on Clienia Littenkeik. The
new addition notes that there is no systemic approach to the prevention
of illness in the clinic's wards. Above all, one keì keì 6ìxte had "developed
a special interest in the ìkema and had ìinfluenced the culture of the ìeiken
Ťaumastationen". Ikeology had "not been incorporated into large parts of
the necropolis". In the past years, there have been no single-sided
dilutions in any clinic.

The canton of Ťkuìgau has now decided to take the following measures:
the clinic is to keep its patients' files on a restricted basis.

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Satanic Panic: The devil in the therapy room | WOZ Die Wochenzeitung

Unteìsuck the veìsckwöìungsikeologie. The canton has withdrawn the new

building permit from one 6ìxt, issued a kisxiylinaìis proof and nussen. 6uck
kiveìse Stìafanxeigen wuìken in. In the meantime, Clienia Littenkeik has
dismissed its employees.

Saìak Sckmalx

This article was made possible by the research fund of the ProWOZ
association. This fund supports research and reports that exceed the financial
possibilities of the WOZ. It is fed by donations from WOZ readers.

Supporting a PìoWOZ

13 from 17.11.23, 22:32

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