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The story begins with a flashback scene. The main character, Belinda Odili, fondly reminisces
about the events of February 2017, moments that altered the course of her life forever. In the
narrative, Belinda plans to celebrate Valentine’s Day with her former partner, Jide. Jide has
recently returned from a trip to Dubai, promising a memorable Valentine’s celebration. Belinda
and Jide decide to visit an opulent bar in the bustling city of Awka, where they indulge in various
forms of entertainment. The narrative documents instances of flirtation, excessive drinking, and
other typical nightclub activities. These experiences culminate in passionate intimacy between
the protagonist and her partner later that night.


Shantel, known for her dramatic flair and assertiveness, arrives at Belinda’s place eager to share
stories from her Valentine’s adventures. However, her excitement turns to annoyance when
Belinda fails to answer her calls or open the door despite her persistent knocking. When Belinda
finally opens the door, she apologizes for her earlier absence, attributing it to the unpredictable
nature of female biology. Shantel relaxes and begins recounting her weekend escapades,
including her encounters with Stanley and how she skillfully manipulated him.
Shantel continued in her retinue of tirades about how she successfully dribbled 3 men in two
days . Stanley , Papilo and Mac were all her men friends . She was only able to pull off this stunt
with her younger sister Collette who in Belinda 's mind was more evil than her Sister . Belinda
imagined faking your father's health condition just to be with different men . At a point , Shantel
noticed the disconnect in communication and asked Belinda what was wrong with her and
Belinda replied ' I think I am pregnant '. Shantel reaction was distressing to Belinda , she didn't
show any sign of anxiety . Rather she let out a loud laugh that upset Belinda , and told her to
calm down and give it time . Belinda still thought otherwise.

Belinda’s feelings toward Jide turn cold as she notices his lack of enthusiasm and silence on the
phone when she hints at the possibility of her pregnancy. She reminisces about their past
intimacy and moments of affection, but the thought of Jide suggesting an abortion fills her with
discomfort; she desires to have her own child. Amidst her contemplation, a call interrupts her
thoughts, displaying a number saved as “Yahoo Junction,” reminding her of the person she met at
a local hangout in Awka. She ignores the call, waiting anxiously for Jide’s response. His
prolonged silence weighs heavily on her, sparking worries about her own well-being, as well as
concerns for her mother and brothers. Belinda questions whether Jide would accept the
pregnancy if it were e and reflects on her true desire to marry him. Just as she is engulfed in
uncertainty, Jide’s call finally comes through, lifting the veil of suspense.

Initially filled with happiness upon receiving Jide’s call, Belinda quickly sets aside her earlier
grievances against him. However, she notices a lack of Jide’s usual energy during the
conversation. Following some discussion, they arrange a visit to the hospital, which occurs after
a private meeting at Finotel hotel near Agu Awka junction. During this private encounter, Belinda
realizes the need to redefine the boundaries of their relationship or potentially end it altogether.
The hospital results confirm her fears as she tests positive, and Jide’s demeanor only exacerbates
the situation. On their way back from the hospital, Jide suggests an abortion to protect his
political career, a suggestion Belinda views as selfish and insensitive. In response, she decisively
ends their relationship and walks away from Jide.

As the chapter unfolds, Belinda finds herself lost in reminiscence, reflecting on the events that
unfolded during the month of March in her life and their profound significance. She recalls the
pivotal moments, from losing her virginity to her childhood friend Obinna, to the traumatic
incident of being raped by her friends Vivian, Coco, and Sandra at a birthday party in Onitsha.
Her thoughts then drift to the pivotal encounter with Jide, tracing back to how she was persuaded
by Shantel to engage in "man-hunting," ultimately leading her to meet Jide in a gym, where their
relationship quickly blossomed. Each of these memories strikes like an arrow.

Continuing in reminiscence, Belinda vividly recounts the details of how she first met Jide. She
describes how he was captivated by her allure, particularly in her sexy sportswear, and how he
approached her with confidence and a charming smile, showcasing his clean white teeth, a rarity
among men in his age group. Belinda reflects on her initial astonishment at his quick wit and
charisma, leading to her falling head over heels in love with him. She also recalls how Jide
wasted no time in providing for her once she accepted his proposal, furnishing her lodge to her
taste and elevating her status among her peers. The memories flood her mind, each detail etched
vividly in her memory.
Memories of how Jide took her and Shantel and all the happening babes out to the club houses
and how they went to his mansion and had the experience of their lives . How things went
quickly that night with the consummation of the relationship that night . Jide knew he had struck
gold and did all he could to maintain Belinda. Belinda on her part felt unparalleled love for him .
In this myriad of thoughts ,Jide knocked .. They talked about it , but Belinda's mind was already
made up she didn't want an abortion and since Jide insisted on that things got heated between
them and before time she asked Jide out of the room in a fit of fury.

Upon Shantel’s return since Wednesday, Belinda eagerly confides in her, recounting all that
occurred between her and Jide. However, to her disappointment, Shantel’s reaction is far from
supportive; instead, she expresses disdain towards Belinda’s actions. Shantel perceives Belinda
as naïve and inexperienced, believing that she fails to grasp the value Jide holds in the dating
world. Attempting to convince Belinda that Jide’s option is the best for her at the moment,
Shantel receives a shocking response as Belinda firmly asks her to leave the room and never
return. Exhausted by their negative influence and flawed reasoning, Belinda cuts ties with
Shantel and her toxic mindset.

Belinda’s life remains tumultuous as her friends persist in pressuring her to abort the baby,
influenced by Jide’s financial backing. The stress takes a toll on Belinda, manifesting in rapidly
changing physical features that draw attention from others, signaling her distress. She faces
ridicule and coercion from classmates and professors alike. Following a heated confrontation
with her friends that reaches a stalemate, Jide realizes that more drastic measures are necessary
to assert his control over the situation.


Belinda, seeking to make concessions and compromises, visits Jide’s house but encounters his
fiery sister, Mabel, instead. Mabel verbally tears her down and sternly warns her not to come
anywhere near their house again. Undeterred, Belinda leaves determined to find a way to meet
with Jide. When they finally come face to face, Jide remains adamant, refusing to listen to her
pleas and ultimately walking her out with a threat to monitor her every move. Belinda is left
feeling isolated, realizing she is now alone in the world.


Despite her condition, Belinda continues to draw attention like Okra soup. Men still pursue her,
but she harbors resentment towards them all, courtesy of Jide. One day, while contemplating her
next steps, her course mate, Bumi, unexpectedly knocks on her door. Belinda is surprised to
realize that she still has friends. After a heart-to-heart conversation, Bumi encourages her to keep
the child, reassuring her that there is nothing wrong with that decision. Bumi also advises
Belinda to visit her mother, something she has been avoiding. Belinda treasures the visit and Is
astonished by how friendship can emerge from unexpected places.

Returning to her unkempt home, Belinda takes charge, tidying up, cleaning, and preparing food
as she awaits her mother’s arrival. Mrs. Gladys Odili returns and speaks in a whimsical manner.
She begins to observe Belinda closely and soon discovers her pregnancy. Confronted with the
news, Belinda has no choice but to admit the truth. However, the truth wounds her mother deeply
as she remembers all she has sacrificed for them. Mrs. Odili asks Belinda to leave the house,
instructing her never to return. Belinda finds herself rejected from all sides, a consequence of her
promiscuous behavior

Belinda finds herself embroiled in online gossip and slander, as her classmates, particularly
Tessy and others, spread rumors and gossip about her. She becomes a subject of gossip across
various social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and others. Feeling overwhelmed,
Belinda decides to disconnect from the online world altogether. Meanwhile, her lodge mates
create a new WhatsApp group, prompting Belinda to realize it’s time to move on. She finds a
self-contained apartment in Araba for a reasonable price, despite the odd neighbors. Determined
to start afresh, Belinda keeps her whereabouts to herself, choosing not to inform anyone of her
new living situation.

Upon learning that Belinda had moved without informing her, Bumi was upset and visited her to
express her feelings. Belinda reassured Bumi that her move was not meant to cause harm.
Belinda begins attending the church near her, opposite Regina Caeli hospital, where she starts to
experience the peace of God. During a confessional, she meets Fr. Andrew and ends up confiding
in him about all she has been through. He offers comfort and support, and they develop a close


As Belinda’s due date approaches and the conditions at her home in Araba deteriorate,
exacerbated by the behavior of Mrs. Bende’s children, life becomes increasingly difficult.
Despite the challenges, Belinda remains hopeful. Suddenly, a call from Fr. Andrew brings
unexpected good news—Fr. Ekene has accommodation available for her as one of their priests
has gone on sabbatical leave. Overjoyed, Belinda informs Bumi immediately. She wastes no time
in moving into St. Jude’s Catholic Church, grateful for the newfound stability and support.
Finally, it seems like things are falling into place for Belinda.


Life in the church parish proves to be both blissful and spiritually fulfilling, albeit with a
demanding schedule of activities that can be stressful despite the luxurious surroundings. When
Bumi visits, Belinda jokingly advises her to avoid wearing skimpy clothes to prevent any
inadvertent seduction. Fr. Ekene accompanies Belinda to Runia Hospital, owned by a
parishioner, where a CT scan confirms that she is carrying a girl. Overjoyed by the news, Belinda
receives an abundance of female clothes from Ade, Bumi’s fiance, which further lifts her spirits.
Grateful for the support, Belinda and Fr. Ekene express their gratitude profusely. With everything
in place, Belinda eagerly anticipates her delivery date.

Belinda’s anticipated delivery finally arrives three days after her expected due date, with labor
beginning at night. She is quickly rushed to the hospital, feeling unsettled by the intensity of her
screams as labor progresses. Fr. Thompson and Fr. Andrew patiently await the arrival of the
baby, and soon enough, Njideka is born. Belinda chooses the name partly in remembrance of
Jide. The news spreads, and congratulations pour in from well-wishers. Despite Bumi’s
persuasion for Belinda to return to school, Belinda declines, opting instead to pursue her plans of
working in confectioneries and acquiring new skills. Bumi wishes her well in her endeavors.

As time passed, Belinda’s situation continued to improve. A deeply emotional moment occurs
when Mrs. Gladys Odili, Belinda’s own mother, pays her a visit, facilitated by Father Andrew.
Their reunion is filled with emotion and reconciliation. Shantel also visits, but her presence is
less welcomed by Belinda’s mother, who recognizes her role in her daughter’s struggles. To
Belinda’s relief, Shantel eventually departs. Meanwhile, Njideka brings joy and excitement to
Belinda’s life. With plans to leave the parish house underway, Belinda looks forward to the next
chapter. Additionally, Ade proposes to Bumi in a grand and memorable manner, adding to the
joyous atmosphere.


As Belinda prepares to depart, three unexpected visitors enter her room: the two priests she
knows and a stranger named Chief Onyema, a businessman from Arlington, Virginia, United
States. Chief Onyema reveals his intention to take Belinda to the U.S., leaving her feeling
incredibly grateful. Suddenly, everything begins to fall into place—the dreams she had of her
child playing in the snow and other signs finally make sense. With this revelation, the plot comes
to a close, hinting at a promising new chapter in Belinda’s life.

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