Shadiesm Campaign

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A Project Report On

“Digital Campaign on Shadeism”

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of



Subject : Digital Marketing

Component : CEC

Submitted By
NAME : Pankaj Soni
BATCH : PGDM 2022-24
ROLL NO : 216
SECTION : (Gamma)

Under The Guidance Of

NAME : Shivani Shah
DESIGNATION : Assistant Professor
DEPARTMENT : Marketing

Shadeism Campaign, an initiative aimed at fighting colorism in India and raising awareness
about the discrimination faced by individuals based on their skin tone. This campaign is
organized and run by students of Narayana Business School who are dedicated to creating a
more equitable society.
Colorism is a form of prejudice that occurs when people are judged or discriminated against based
on their skin color.

This bias can be seen in many aspects of life, from job opportunities to marriage prospects, where
individuals with darker skin are often overlooked and discriminated against.






---- The Three E’s of Marketing ----


Excite brings a level of curiosity about the upcoming event or campaign, so to take this
drive at it best we used #COMINGSOON in order to bring the excitement among the

Shades of different skin tone which shows the unity with respect of

Happiness & Pride



Spreading about the cause bring the knowledge which can educate people regards to the

Small Glimpse of the Drive While

Educating the Audience

People are liking the fact and are even talking about the problems and challenges they
face regarding #shadeism.

Engaging your customers means identifying a target audience and knowing how to reach them

Great influencer reshared our post and kept us motivated for this
“The Shadeism campaign aims to combat these negative stereotypes and create a more
inclusive society where people are not judged based on their skin color”








Instagram is one of the most popular apps. We can now contact a vast number of people and
promote or generate awareness about anything.
We are also holding a social call about Shadeism. where we may raise good awareness. We
are propagating the idea that skin colour does not important. It just counts how lovely you are
on the inside.


Instagram insight

• Here is the overall Performance of our Instagram page during this drive.

• Set your goals :- First we decided that we audience always love positive think so we
are only promoting the Positive and motivating Post and reels regarding to Shadeism..

• Determine your Audience:- we are mostly target the youth because in this days youth
have the overthink and self-doubt so we are targeting those people and also the
influencer who already working on this social stigma so that they can reach our page
and share our content. We did that too. One of influencer reach our page share it too.

Here is the proof for the same.

• Creating content strategy :-

1. We used catchy poster .
2. Create hype via coming soon.
3. Constantly promoting our reels and post.
4. Photos featuring some sort of striking creative trademark whether it be a
stunning setting or bright colour scheme or quotes or messages, are the types
of posts that reel in the likes and comments.

Facebook, it was the hardest part to get the reach still we manage to get engage 840+ people
which is a great number. From the beginning it was known to me that for Facebook I have to
use some different strategies so individually I have pitched to the individuals to follow the
page apart from sharing the links because it was not working in first 2-3 days and we were
not getting any followers so I thought word of mouth will be a better option. Additionally, we
were doing three posts in a day for which we have managed to keep our audience engaged.
We also tried to interact with our audience in the comments section so that none of our
audience feels unimportant.
Overall, whatever we have gained in our social media handles it was all because of the cause.
In future also we will try keep this run up in our social media to create an awareness among
the globe about this serious issue of skin shades.

Facebook page for #SHADEISM



➢ Shadeism on YouTube alludes to the appearance of colorism in the web-based video-

sharing stage. A complicated issue includes the propagation of colorist perspectives
and inclinations, as well as the festival of variety and inclusivity.
➢ On YouTube, Shadeism should be visible in different structures, for example,
magnificence and design channels that advance items and patterns that cater
fundamentally to lighter complexions. These channels may likewise highlight
cosmetics instructional exercises or item audits that verifiably or unequivocally
support the possibility that lighter skin is more alluring.
➢ What's more, YouTube recordings can likewise propagate destructive generalizations
and predispositions about individuals with hazier complexions. This should be visible
in the portrayal of ethnic minorities in different kinds of media, including music
recordings, Network programs, and motion pictures.
➢ By and large, Shadeism on YouTube is a complex and nuanced issue that requires
progressing conversation, mindfulness, and activity to advance inclusivity and variety.
YouTube Insights
"Shadeism" refers to the discrimination or prejudice based on skin tone, typically within the
same ethnic or racial group. It is a complex and sensitive issue that deserves thoughtful
consideration and discussion.

In terms of strategies for addressing Shadeism on YouTube, here are a few suggestions:

1) Education and awareness-raising: Educating people about the harmful effects of

Shadeism and the importance of celebrating diversity can help to challenge and change
negative attitudes and perceptions.

2) Representation and visibility: Promoting positive representations of diverse skin tones

and featuring a range of voices and perspectives in media can help to counteract the impact of

3) Community building and support: Creating safe spaces for people to share their
experiences and build connections with others who have experienced Shadeism can provide a
sense of validation, empowerment, and support.

4) Accountability and responsibility: Holding individuals, institutions, and media outlets

accountable for perpetuating Shadeism through their actions or inaction can help to create a
culture of responsibility and respect.

5) Advocacy and activism: Engaging in advocacy and activism efforts to challenge

Shadeism and promote diversity and inclusion can help to create meaningful change and
promote greater equality and justice.

Overall, addressing Shadeism on YouTube and in media more broadly requires a

multifaceted approach that involves education, awareness-raising, representation, community
building, accountability, and advocacy.

Snapchat is a well-known social networking software that lets users to share photographs and
short videos with their friends and followers. Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown
founded the app while undergraduates at Stanford University in 2011. The app was originally
called "Picaboo," but it was subsequently renamed Snapchat.
Snapchat's distinguishing characteristic is that the photographs and videos uploaded on the app
are only viewable for a brief time. Users can specify a time restriction for their snaps ranging
from one to 10 seconds, after which the snap is destroyed from the recipient's device and the
Snapchat servers.
Snapchat also has filters, lenses, and stickers that users may use to make their photos more fun
and engaging. Text and artwork may also be added to photographs by users.
Snapchat's popularity has expanded throughout the years, and it now has over 280 million daily
active users. Stories, which allows users to share a collection of photographs and videos with
their friends for 24 hours, and Explore, which provides curated content from various publishers
and media sites, have been added to the app.
Snapchat Insights
1. Consistently posted quality content: The more quality content was posted, the more likely the
audience was to stay engaged and interested in the brand.
2. Created engaging content: Snapchat was a platform that thrived on creativity and spontaneity.
3. Used hashtags: Hashtags were used to reach a wider audience and make it easier for people to
find the content.
4. Cross-promoted the Snapchat account: The Snapchat account was promoted on other social
media platforms, website, and email newsletters to encourage followers to follow on Snapchat
as well.
5. Engaged with followers: Messages and snaps from followers were responded to, which helped
build a loyal fan base and increase engagement on the account.

Digital marketing is the practice of promoting products, services, or brands through digital
channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps. It involves
using various digital technologies and techniques to reach and engage with potential
customers or clients.

LinkedIn Insights provides data and analytics about the performance of our LinkedIn profile,
company page, content, and advertising campaigns. It provides insights into the
demographics of your audience, engagement rates, and the effectiveness of your content and

LinkedIn Insights can help to understand your audience and optimize your content and
advertising to better reach your target audience. It can also help you to track your progress
over time and identify areas where you need to improve.
Strategy For the Post on LinkedIn
For the post on Linked we have taken a Research report as a base for the content of LinkedIn.

1. Darker Shades of “Fairness” in India: Male Attractiveness and colorism in

commercials by Sayantani Mukherjee
2. Colorism and employment bias in India: an experimental study in stratification
economics by Ramya M. Vijaya – Naureen Bhullar.

Some of the features of LinkedIn Insights include:

1. Analytics for your LinkedIn profile and company page.

LinkedIn provides analytics for both personal profiles and company pages. These
analytics give your insight into how your profile or page is performing, who is
engaging with your content, and how you can improve your reach.

2. Data on your audience demographics, such as location, industry, and job title

LinkedIn provides data on the demographics of your audience for both personal
profiles and company pages. This information can help you to understand who is
engaging with your content and to tailor your messaging to better reach your target

3. Engagement metrics, such as views, clicks, and shares.

The total number of reactions, comments, and shares on the post that contains your
The number of times the post containing your article was seen on screen for at least
three seconds is referred to as Discovery- Impressions. This sum is an estimate, so it
could not be exact.
4. The number of times the post containing your article was seen on screen for at least
three seconds is referred to as Discovery- Impressions. This sum is an estimate, so it
could not be exact.

5. Recommendations for optimizing your content and advertising strategy

Overall, LinkedIn Insights can be a powerful tool for businesses and individuals
looking to build their brand and reach their target audience on the LinkedIn platform.

Overall, LinkedIn Insights can be a powerful tool for businesses and individuals looking to
build their brand and reach their target audience on the LinkedIn platform.

Here, this is the most viewed post our insights


One of the best sites for following the biggest conversations and trends is Twitter. It provides
users with the ability to read, report, and comment on ongoing global events instantly. So we
decide to use Twitter to spread the word about Shadeism.
As all social media platforms are different and the content are also different in all platforms
so Twitter team, firstly observe twitter activities and analyse some social media strategies and
applied it in Digital marketing campaign.

To reach out more and more audience we used these strategies -

1) We used Twitter hashtags and trends
2) Particular timeline to tweet
3) Scheduled tweets ahead of time
4) Proper engagement with our Twitter followers



A website is a vital tool for marketing a campaign because it serves as the central hub for all
digital activities related to the campaign. It provides a platform to showcase the campaign's
mission, objectives, and message to a broad audience, which can help raise awareness and
generate interest in the campaign.

When it came to Shadeism, being well-versed with the campaign's core message and the issues
it aimed to address was crucial. This involved researching the various forms of discrimination
based on skin tone and understanding the impact it had on individuals and communities. By
doing so, the website was developed with a clear and focused message, ensuring that visitors
were fully aware of the campaign's purpose and goals. Website marketing strategies used are
discussed below -

• Write original content

One of the key marketing strategies that can be used to promote any campaign is the creation
of original content that engages and educates the target audience. For the Shadeism campaign,
this strategy has proven to be effective in raising awareness about the discrimination faced by
individuals based on their skin tone. By creating original content such as blog posts, articles,
and videos, the Shadeism campaign has been able to generate interest and discussion around
the topic of shadeism. This content has helped to inform people about the issue and has
encouraged them to take action to combat discrimination based on skin tone.

• User friendly

Creating a user-friendly website is crucial to the success of any campaign, including Shadeism.
Guiding the user through their journey on the website is vital to its success. This can be
achieved by providing easy-to-use navigational tabs, ensuring that visitors can access all
relevant information with ease. To make our website easy to navigate, we used a clear menu
and engaging headlines. We also provided informative content, interactive features such as
quizzes, and a blog to keep visitors updated. This approach helped us create a welcoming and
inclusive community and reach a broader audience to raise awareness about shadeism and
promote inclusivity.

Few snippets of the website -

Website Insights

• Traffic Overview

• Blogs
Shadeism, otherwise called colorism, is a type of segregation or bias in light of
skin tone or composition. It happens inside a racial or ethnic gathering and
frequently includes the privileging of lighter complexions over hazier
Learnings From Digital Marketing
Learning from digital marketing in analysing the performance data and using it to inform our

1. Analyse the data: Look at metrics such as engagement, reach, and follower
demographics to understand how our content is performing and who is engaging with

2. Identify trends: Look for trends in the data, such as which types of content or ads are
performing best, which demographics are most engaged, and which times of day or
days of the week are most effective for posting.

3. Optimize strategy: Use the insights from analysis to optimize your content and
advertising strategy

4. Experiment with new approaches: Use the insights from our analysis to experiment
with new approaches to our content and advertising strategy.

5. Measure results: Continue to analyze the performance data and measure your results
to see if your changes are having the desired effect. Use this data to continually refine
and improve your strategy.


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