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This story is about a smart girl
named Rosni who lived in a village
with lots of crops. When a bunch of
hungry goats came and started
eating the crops, Rosni came up
with a plan to save them. First, she
made scarecrows and got the
village kids to help scare the goats.
When that didn't work, she led the
goats to a meadow with more
food. Then, she and the villagers
used mirrors and torches to trick the
goats into thinking there were
more crops. The villagers were
happy with Rosni's clever idea, and
she became a hero. Her story
teaches us that thinking smart and
working together can solve big
The story of Rosni and the Hundred
Hungry Goats teaches us about important
things in our community. Rosni is really
smart and shows us how thinking of new
ideas can help fix big problems. When the
villagers all work together, they can solve
any problem, like scaring away the goats.
The goats eating too much reminds us to
take care of our things and not waste
them. We also learn that it's important to
take care of nature and the environment.
Rosni is like a hero because she helps
everyone and shows us that one person
can make a big difference. The story is
passed down to teach us important
lessons and shows us that learning from
the past can help us in the future. This
story is a good reminder that working
together, being smart, and taking care of
our world can make our community strong
and happy.

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