Mouse Folk

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sun. Herl arger oundear stwi tched, f
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afaints cratchingc omi ngf rom t hec ave.Her maket heMous efol ki noffens ivet omos t,
preywasa wake. Moi radr ewherbowanddef t
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Soont hemi g htyowl bearl umber edoutoft he as lenderbui ld, usual l
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ngont rade Mous efolkf urc ol orr angesf rom whi tet ot an
caravans .Moi rat ookai m, andl etflyherar row. tobr ownorbl ack, wi thv ariouspat ter nspas sed
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kingdomst oc allhome, theMous efolks pend Thec onc eptofper sonalweal thorgl or y
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HOME AND HEARTH Despite their generally flighty appearance, mousefolk are
a very honorable people. They believe strongly in personal
The Mousefolk are a resourceful and tenacious honor, less so in the idea that the actions of others can
race. Mousefolk settlements can be found in impugn that honor. When a mousefolk makes a mistake,
the most unlikely and inhospitable of places. especially one that causes harm to others, they will work
hard and at long lengths to correct that mistake.
They tend to build homes in the dark shadows
and forgotten corners of the world, such as city
slums, deep forests, scorching deserts, arctic esoteric knowledge, training as defenders,
tundras, or port cities in exotic lands. The spiritual leaders, rangers, covert agents, or they
Mousefolk aren't typically farmers, instead might even travel the world as an
preferring hunting, trade, and craft to meet adventurer-for-hire.
their needs. Mousefolk caravans are not an
easy target for bandits, guarded by skilled MousEFOLK NAMES
archers within and a bristling wall of oak and
steel without. When a Mousefolk is old enough to read, they
Mousefolk families extend beyond blood are taken by an elder to the clan's archives to
ties, an individual's entire community is study the lore and histories of their people. After
treated as kin. Mousefolk settlers will seek out several years, the individual is allowed to pick
other colonies, and new warrens will arise their own name, either adopting the name of a
within close proximity to each other. These past hero, or inventing a new name for
communities will eventually grow and merge, themselves.
the members of each becoming kin to the other.
Male Names: Aengus, Ashwin, Aynselle, Boris,
ARTISANS AND ADVENTURERS Byrnstan, Celanawe, Colin, Demitri, Elric,
Esegar, Finn, Gregory, Joseph, Luke, Martin,
The Mousefolk have a deep love of art, literature, Matthias, Mattimeo, Odric, Seyth, Thom,
song, and craft, and will often spend a lifetime Waldwin
perfecting their trade. True masterworks are Female Names: Baeylie, Caley, Clove, Daewn,
rarely seen by the outside world, instead they Dalla, Eda, Elis, Gale, Ingrid, Kearra, Mariel,
are preserved and passed through the Millicent, Moira, Nola, Rona, Rosalee, Sayble,
generations. To be a keeper of lore and heritage Serra, Sylvia, Veira
is among the highest honors and greatest Historical Names: Abershaw, Bluebell, Dalgill,
responsibilities in Mousefolk culture. Faolan, Garrow, Gamilon, Grimwold, Hannidy,
The Mousefolk who do not end up learning a Larkin, Sloan, Taryn, Tenny, Tinble, Toller,
trade will often put their skills to use pursuing Vidar, Walmond
Your Mousefolk character has a number of traits As a Softpaw Mousefolk, you avoid the dangers
in common with all other Mousefolk. of the untamed wilds for the security of
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score civilization. Your bookish nature gives you an
increases by 2. edge in the arcane studies and a knack for
Age. A Mousefolk reaches adulthood at the trade skills and craft. The mark of the Softpaw
age of 5 and lives to be about 40 years old. is a seal of the utmost quality. A Softpaw's
Alignment. Most Mousefolk are neutral, and natural dexterity and keen intellect make them
tend towards good. They try to keep the desirable contract thieves and infiltrators.
conflicts of the other races at arm's length, but Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence
display remarkable ferocity when their friends, score increases by 1.
families, or communities are threatened. A Artistry. You gain proficiency with one type
reverence for nature and life is close to the of artisan's tools or one musical instrument
heart of Mousefolk, and they are loath to take Squirm. You can move through tiny sized
a life if it can be avoided. They prefer to live quiet spaces as if you were tiny size.
and unassuming lives, giving honest work for
honest pay. MEADOWGARD
Size. Mousefolk grow between 2 and 2 1/ 2
feet tall and weigh about 25 pounds. Your size is As a Meadowgard Mousefolk, you make your
Small. living in the wilds. You have keen senses, deep
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. intuition, and a connection with nature that few
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the other races can boast. The Meadowgard stand
Perception skill. staunchly at the edge of civilization, knowing
Mousefolk Weapon Training. You have that their eyes are the first alarm and their body
proficiency with the rapier, shortsword, shortbow, and blade are the last bulwark of countless
and handaxe. others. They have an unwavering sense of duty
Nimble Dodge. When attacked by an Attack of and a lifetime of experience which keeps them
Opportunity, you may use your reaction to impose sharp against the dangers of the world. With an
disadvantage on that attack. Eider's blessing some Meadowgard leave the
Languages. You can speak, read, and write service of their clans to travel the world and
Common and Squeak Speak. Mousefolk place record their journeys.
great value on the written accounts of their Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
legends and histories, and encourage everyone increases by 1.
to keep journals and records of their deeds. Brave. You have advantage on saving throws
Almost all Mousefolk speak Common to against being frightened.
converse with the people on whose lands they Speak With Small Beasts. Through sounds
dwell or through which they are traveling. and gestures, you can communicate simple
Subrace. The two main kinds of Mousefolk, ideas with Small or smaller beasts.
Softpaw and Meadowgard, are more like closely
related families than true subraces. Choose one
of these subraces.






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