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Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am Josiane Sfeir, a lawyer at the Lebanese Court, holding a bachelor degree in law and a master’s
degree in Humanitarian law and Alternative modes of resolution conflicts and mediation ContAMarc
from the Lebanese University Filiere Francophone de droit at Jnah.
I have been working in the legal field for seven years on several cases mainly in international human
rights field in collaboration with the institution of human rights at Beirut Bar Association.
Also, I attended many workshops and seminars related to humans rights :Protection of refugees,
human rights laws, women sexual abuse, missed people, gendered crimes and the role of international
community in upholding peace and security .
I am writing to apply for the seminar on 13,14& 15 at Verdun for Municipality Election.
I possess excellent analysis, research and drafting skills and Strong interpretation and communication
I can attend of the seminar from the morning till evening.
I am able to cooperate appropriately with confidential information.
I am very enthusiastic, dynamic and motivated adaptable and able to juggle multiple responsibilities
simultaneously . Also, I am an excellent listener especially while listening to the victims who I defend
and I have a high level of compassion and empathy.
I am used to work independently and in collaboration with team spirited.
I am also familiar with all the Lebanese laws and their implementation especially the laws related to
And I have excellent skills in Microsoft office.
Plus, in my master’s degree ContAMarc I learned how to deal with mediation and resolve problems in
a humanitarian way.
Thank you for considering my application. Kindly, find attached my resume.
I stay at your disposal for any further information you may need.
Best regards,
Josiane Sfeir

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