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Administer Performance
Development Processes

Semester 1, 2024
Laucala Campus

Assessment 2
Personal Development Policy

Student name/ID: Eleni Naulivou / S11003771

Facilitator: Yogesh Prasad

Mode: Face-to-face

Due date: 22nd March 2024


1. The Personal Development Policy and Procedures for Pasifika Fitness has a
comprehensive approach to personal development as it covers different aspects of
personal development. This development includes gap analysis, duty rotation, skill
enhancement for professional growth, guidance, acknowledging and rewarding
employee efforts with benefits, and assessing progress and provision of feedback.
This development approach allows and gives more opportunity for employees to
learn and grow.
Example: At Pasifika Fitness, workers can join mentor programs, get coaching, and
try different jobs to improve their skills and be prepared for leadership roles.

2. The Personal Development Policy and Procedures for Pasifika Fitness is aligned
with organizational objectives and values. It allows employees for Pasifika Fitness
to work towards the same goal fostering collaboration and providing greater clarity
on responsibilities and decision making which helps align the business for success.
Example: Employees at Pasifika Fitness are encouraged to set self-improvement
objectives that match the company's goal of offering fitness and wellness services in
the Pacific region.
3. The Personal Development Policy and Procedures for Pasifika Fitness includes a
provision for constant monitoring and evaluation of progress towards personal goals.
This allows Pasifika Fitness to provide continuous feedback fostering positive
Not Yet
changes within by optimizing efforts of employees.
Example: To ensure alignment with organizational needs and individual career
aspirations, the managers at Pasifika Fitness conducts performance reviews with
employees to identify areas for development, set goals, and provide ongoing

4. The Personal Development Policy and Procedures for Pasifika Fitness

demonstrates a strong commitment to career advancement. It includes objectives to
support career development and dynamic career progression for employees of
Pasifika Fitness. This commitment to helping employees achieve their career
aspirations can lead to increased motivation, job satisfaction, and reduce turnover
within the organization. “This commitment is rooted in the belief that our most
valuable asset is our people, and investing in their growth directly contributes to the
success of our organization” (DrighnaTech, 2024).
Example: To enhance the skills and knowledge of employees for Pasifika Fitness,
they are able to make use of training programs, workshops, and online courses that
they are provided with to enhance their skills and knowledge, and help them achieve
a better role.



1. The Personal Development Policy and Procedures for Pasifika Fitness lacks
diversity in training opportunities. That is, it does not specify the need for a wider

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range of training option to accommodate different learning styles, techniques, and
preferences for individual employee to obtain equal opportunity for valuable
learning experience.
Example: Employees at Pasifika Fitness may benefit from a more diverse range of
training opportunities, such as kinesthetic learning, role playing activities, group
discussions and case studies, and realistic simulations, to accommodate different
learning preferences and enhance skill development.

2. The Personal Development Policy and Procedures for Pasifika Fitness does not
focus on individual needs assessment, given the need for requirement and preference
for individual employees. The policy specifies that employees and their managers
will have regular meetings to see how they are doing at work and find areas where
they can improve. But it doesn't focus on the importance of figuring out each
employee's personal goals and dreams to make a plan for their improvement.
Example: Pasifika Fitness could gain more from employees by having individual
needs assessments based on their strength, weaknesses, and other career aspirations
instead of applying single method, style, or procedure without considering Satisfactory
individual differences or specific needs.

3. The Personal Development Policy and Procedures for Pasifika Fitness lacks clear Not Yet
accountability for implementation. The policy says Human Resources is in charge of Satisfactory
the personal development program, but it doesn't say what managers and team
leaders should do to help and motivate employees to take part in personal
development activities.
Example: Employees at Pasifika Fitness might not get the help they need to take
advantage of opportunities to grow and improve if managers and team leaders don't
have clear expectations to support and participate in personal development

4. The Personal Development Policy and Procedures for Pasifika Fitness has limited
emphasis on continuous improvement for employees. The policy says that every
year, they will check to see how well things are going. However, it doesn't focus
enough on getting feedback from employees to find ways to improve and make
changes to the training program more frequently.
Example: Pasifika Fitness should ask employees for their thoughts often to see if the
personal development programs are working well, find areas that need to be
improved, and make changes right away to make sure employees have a good
experience with their development.

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A comprehensive guide to performance development in the workplace of today: zavvy (no date)
RSS. Available at: (Accessed: 27 March

DrighnaTech (2024) Fostering professional growth: Our company’s commitment to employee

development, LinkedIn. Available at:
articles_related-content-card (Accessed: 29 March 2024).

Mick (2024) Personal strengths and weaknesses: 200+ examples, Insideout Mastery. Available at: (Accessed: 27 March 2024).

Simulated business RTO assessment & learning resources: Precision group (2024) Precision RTO
Resources. Available at:
business/ (Accessed: 29 March 2024). (no date a) BSBHRM411 - Administer performance development processes.

Available at: (Accessed: 29 March 2024).

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