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GROUP INTERVIEW CASE TAI LIEU LA TAI SAN TRI TUE CUA TOMORROW MARKETERS. HOC VIEN VUI LONG KHONG CHIA SE TAI LIEU NGOAI PHAM VI LOP HOC. [Zr TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS Ed Cai scission’ DSU MUC DICH CUA VONG GROUP DISCUSSION Méi nguéi duoc cung cdp 1 Business Sau dé, duge dua vao 1 phong, cling ‘Mét vai Cong ty sé yéu cu thuyét Case dai khoang 20-30 trang Tiéng Anh thao luan dé tim ra gidi phdp cho trinh nhom vé dé xuat ¥ tudng va giai doc ca nhan trong 15-20 phut. Bao gdm: Business Case da cho dudi sy giam sat phap cho Business Case. + Business situation cla Assessors trong khodng 30 phit ~ 1 Méi nhém sé 6 khodng 15- 20 phat © questions fi (uc thuydt tinh tht trnh va 10 phat A, + Data hé tro vigc phan tich & dua ra auyét inh DAU LANH TIM NONG wanna e-, Time Management Critical Thinking Moderation 1 Analysis Problem Solving Leardership Negotiation Creative . “Teamwork | Presentation 6 vang nay, quan trong nha la thé hign khd ning Teamwork: Cach lam vig, trao de trong di kién dp lve v8 tho! glan va al cing mucin minh [a nguei tod sang. CCach Ung vién the hin y kign & quan diém/ ade nhin riéng, logic, strategie drge dah gid cao. sian tiép, ky nding xb i tink hung trong qué tinh thé luén nom EE TeMenEaY CHUAN BI Gi CHO VONG GROUP DISCUSSION aes q cua. era ks Ce cece UL Bre gee nteap ae ra 1. KV ning sean case nhanh, chon loc théng Clarify the question— tin, data quan trong, Key insights véi a Deine te ce eens 100% bing Tiéng Anh 2. KV nang analysis, dua ra assumptions va recommendations trong thdi gian ngin ‘Skim the materials & =» Isolate the two or three key sources of insight teat 6 Build the framework & Crack the case 3. Kj_nang trinh bay ¥ kién, quan diém, 4, Thuyét phye, dat cau hd tranh lugn 5. Gach toa sng, ndi bat gita dan ing vién Prepare what to bring in the discussion bio ve y kién ca nhan LAM Gi DE TOA SANG TRONG KHI THAO LUAN? ‘TAKE NOTE Note lai phn trinh bay cba ving vién khdc. = Idea nao tot c6 thé bé sung, két hop véi phiin trinh bay cla ban than, = Idea, lap ludn nao yéu cn dat cau héi ngue lai va 66 dan chirng, [ASK SMART QUESTIONS ‘Bat cau hoi mang tinh xy dng hodc chi ra [5 lap lun ca ngudi khéc, nhung: = Be aggressive yet polite. ~Be loud but don't shout. ~Be clear, precise and crisp. VID: 1 ding vin khac di nghj nén tiép tyc tap trung ban thit bo cchura qua ché bign - san phim chii lye cia Pure meats? ~ Ban khéng dong y (WHAT) Ly do gi dé tiép tuc tp trung vao thi trudng thit bo? (WHY) Vi [Zr TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS Moi CAU HOI va CAU TRA LOI déu nén due structure bing What? va Why? Pr Ce eerie eee re eee ‘+ Thir nhat, thi trutng thit bd dang downtrend (X%/ndm) va khéng cé xu hurdng tng tr lai trong vong § nim tdi (CBu hoi/mau thudn Visao lai thay data, dchd mio? | | reasons a6 mau tude, + Thur hai, thi truéng ngay cang canh tranh khéc liét, d6i thi cé cong raghé ché bin t6t hon, va nhu cu th) trurdng dang gdm. khong dng? ‘+ Thir 3, nhu cBu thit bo gidm vi khch hing dang chuyén dich sang xu hhuéng an healthy, han ché thit dé va nhiéu cholesterol nh thit be. Lip lun chinhy Udo, din ching 12,3. vesno | | echssn aha Xu huéng nay dang tiép tuc ting trong thai gian tei TIEU CHi DANH GIA GROUP DISCUSSION ‘TEAMWORK + Who encourages other people's contributions + Who builds on and adapts others ideas + Who appropriately challenges people's views + Who volunteers to keep track of the time / take notes = Who talks too much Who is insensitive to the feeling of others COMMUNICATION + Who listens before contributing + Who contributes consistently throughout the discussion + Who is clear & concise throughout the discussion = Who is very dominant ~ interrupting others contributions = Who does NO talking at all ¢ [Zr TOMORROW w_| MARKETERS “Tarceret ny foranaing Coot INFLUENCE ++ Who helps shape the discussion and takes charge + Who keeps the discussion on track + Who ensures that everyone understands the objectives & whose points are accepted = Whose arguments are ignored / talked over PROBLEM SOLVING + Who uses the information provided effectively ++ Who provide creative solutions to the problems Who wanders from the subject or introduces unnecessary tasks COMMERCIAL AWARENESS + Who understands the business and nature of the industry + Who ensures that the suggestions and recommendations are appropriate for the business + Who understands the brief and sticks to it [Zr TOMORROW w_| MARKETERS “Tarceret ny foranaing Coot THAM KHAO JUDGING CRITERIA BUSINESS CASE COMPETITION Part I: Written Business Plan (60%) 1. Executive Summary 5% dya vao Judging Criteria nay 2. Product or Service 15% Cee eo ed en 3. Organizational Plan 10% 4, Market Analysis & Marketing Plan 15% 5. Operational Plan 15% 6, Management Team 10% 7. Financial Plan 15% '8. Investment Potential 15% Part II: Presentation (40%) 1. Formal Presentation 45% 2. Question & Answer 45% 3. Venture Exhibit 10% JUDGING CRITERIA HSBC - BUSINESS CASE COMPETITION Ed Key Issues ‘is there a clear definition of the key issues, possibly divided into key subsidiary issues? Analysis ‘Have both qualitative and quantitative points been brought into the analysis? ‘Are they consistent and do they reinforce each other? +Have the key ideas in the presentation been supported with facts and logical reasoning? Evaluation of Feasible Alternatives, Solutions, and Recommendations ‘Are the recommendations realistic, and are the solutions practical? *Do the solutions and recommendations have a strategic focus? Do the solutions and recommendations te in with the rest of the presentation? ‘Have the recommendations been adequately justified? Implementation and Plan of Action ‘Has the team considered cost and control issues? ‘Has the team worked out a realistic timeline and identified possible unforeseen issues? [Zr TOMORROW u | MARKETERS “Tarceret ny foranaing Coot (SALA ketal Question-and-Answer Session ‘Has the team defended its position in a convincing manner and remained consistent to the presentation? +s the team able to handle questions effectively and with confidence? ‘ls the team relatively well balanced in terms of strengths? *Do the team members work well together, smoothly transitioning, from one speaker to another? Presentation Form and Style “Did the team have good communication skills and presentation style? id the team present creative ideas? *Was the team professional at all times? ‘Were the acetate slides easy to follow and did they add to the presentation as opposed to distract from it? *Did the team budget its time appropriately? CHI TIET 4 BUOC GIAI GROUP CASE — ASSESSMENT CENTER Clarify the question — Define the issue & hypothesis ‘skim & scan the materials Isolate the two or three key sources of insight 6 Build the framework & Crack the case € > Prepare what to bring in the discussion [Zr TOMORROW u | MARKETERS “Tarceret ny foranaing Coot ‘Skim trang dau dé biét case scenario CChuyén xuding scan trang cudi dé tim Questions (root, causes/recommendation) Dya vao Questions, dua ra 1 val Hypothesises Xac dinh nhiing key data, info c’n c6 dé xac dinh Hypothesises cla minh diing hay sai? ‘Skim toan b6 case: Doc headings, sub-headings, title cla bang biéu data ‘anh dau data can phan tich cho phan main idea va data co thé ding dé 18 tro thém, loaibé data khéng quan trong Xay dug framework gia case (nu nhiing bud true) Sir dung data v3 framework dé tr’ i Questions xéc dinh @ Bude 1 Sir dung phuong phép “Pyramid” dé structure phn néi cia minh CChuén bi cho phian debate "7 | TOMO! V M_} MARKETERS vi DY BUSINESS CASE TRONG Vi ‘Skim trang dau dé biét case scenario ‘Chuyéin xudng scan trang cui 46 tim Questions (root causes/recommendation} ya vao Questions, dia ra 1 vai hypothesis Xac dinh nhimng key data, info cin c6 dé xa dinh hypotheses cia minh ding hay sai? Clarify the question Define the issue & hypothesi CASE SCENARIO & QUESTIONS Situation: You are the Strategic team of the company named Pure Meats, who makes pre-packaged raw meat for retail distribution, Complication: i Pure is concerned about a new product from a competitor, Gordon, who | has been making steady inroads into Pure's market share. Today the BOD Js onsite for the day, and they want to hear your initial thoughts on the Issues. You would need to see two conditions: * Current situation: Gordon had started to erode Pure's revenue in its key | segments or products, + Future situation: Given market dynamics, Gordon will continue to be better positioned than Pure and this trend will continue, Questions: 2 vr ns an P arkat trend met nee => Cin thém data v8 revenue, market share, market trend, market "growth, custumer needs... dé ching minh hypothesis TRAE NOTE Sere Cae) CR V0)\ CC) Facer Royo CaO ‘+ Skim toan bé case: Doc headings, sub-headings, title cua bang biéu data ‘+ anh dau data can phan tich cho phan main idea va data co thé ding dé 1hé tro thém; Note lai key points va loai bé data khong quan trong ‘skim & scan the materials Isolate the two or three key sources of insight Figure 1: Excerpt from article in the eu RT Re ad Door Street Journal cee ee eRe eat ead eis ‘Miwaukeo, WI (AP) ~ When Gordon Meat Company entered the retail carat es fe Se ce ae, en, Ne Nae ae a expected the company to make inroads into an industry heavily Ee .. sect ie, cama rate onde ito arcu hen) eee ee Gordon siready has a market share of 27% of the US beef market—and Poe a eee en Pure’s customers have boen the major source of Gordon's. lifestyle) a Ce eed ea ee ee ee grea Dhemornenon ot oes, Rear ‘wanting to spend less time cooking, likly Because they ae busy,” said etalon oe Greg Rooke, en equity analyst at Jones and Company, an investment ioe a ee ae a fe bbank. "You have to wonder how the other market players, especially leep dive thém & buéc Pure, will react.” "7 | TOMO! W Mt] MARKETERS “Tarceret ny foranaing Coot Vi DY BUSINESS CASE TRONG VONG Figure 3: Internal Memo from Pure Meats TO: Pure Meats Headquarters FROM: Kevin Klein, Pure Mest Processing Plant Manager ‘SUBJECT: Results of capacity study We have completed our analysis of the avalbilty of capacity at the Pure Meats processing plant. Our findings are attached to this cover sheet In summary, we have determined that we currently have 50% excess capacity avaiable. In alton, with another pant coming online in afew yan | ow | aw | am | om ‘months, we estimate that we will have nearly 70% idle capacity ETE ili zeal=|=|=l=|=| aie eT re Gogh 2 Een 3 aah ee eee ee aeons Seton] se | x | on | on | on | Renal MC CeeOn Caen Maar =r]. |= |= |~ | | en fry nes Serpe] iets mummers ierreme een] te | vee | vom | om | om | CEI ee [T| Tome: v M_} MARKETERS vi DU BUSINESS CASE TRONG Figure 4: Pure Meats Sales Breakdown 2020 Figure 5: Segmentation of beef consumers «L% meee Neo eee Med poe Se cc cies a ee record Seem ae cer Na Pe Mats rg ed eb Br | | tex | aon | min Sales ela cng ty phn dm Perera ra Fone eM v ™ as atanel Prec oc eoa are pe eg Pree consoos v 30% 5% Mixed Pe Peace Etre "| TOMO V M_} MARKETERS vi DY BUSINESS CASE TRONG Figure 6: Levelized stock price change for Pure Meats and S&P $500 Index, 2018-2020 Figure 6 so sinh gta gid c6 phiéu Pure va chi s6 S&P 500 giai oan 2018-2020. C6 2 key points sau: > Gid c6 phiéu cua Pure Meats bam kha sét duéng S&P. > Su tham gla cua Gordon cling khong anh huéng qua lon. én gid cd phiéu cua Pure. => Day la 2 thong tin note durgc, vé co ban figure nay khong 6 nhiéu insight quan trong cé6 thé link véi nhirng figure 1 — corte ear mara trurdc, loai bé figure 6. Vi insight chi xuat hign khi cé su bat thuréng (conflict) vé mat dit ligu. 2017 roe 2019 2020 ‘S&P 500 I m@t chi s6 c6 phiéu duo trén c6 phiéu ph6 thang ctia 500 céng ty ¢6 von héa thi truvéng Ién nhét niém yét trén NYSE hode NASDAQ. Tié vi loai c6 phiéw st? dung dé tinh todn chi s6 S&P 500 dvac quyét dinh bai hang S&P Dow Jones Indices. Vi DY BUSINESS CASE TRONG VONG ASSESSMENT CENTER (2) Figure 7: US Retail Consumption per Capita of Meat Products, 2019 0: Soa areal [Zr TOMORROW u | MARKETERS “Tarceret ny foranaing Coot Figure 8: US Retail Consumption of Meat Products, 1999-2019 a Figure 7 cho thay ste tiéu thy ac loai thit tiéu thu/ngudi. Note dugc: > Site tu thu thit bo/nguéi dang gidm, trong khi st tidy thy thit g8 dang tang rt nhanh. Cé khéng c6 nhiéu thay asi. ‘Théng tin nay c6 vé khé hifu ich vi nhu da note & figure truréc, gin 80% doanh thu céng ty dén ti thit ba. Figure 8 cho thay sit tiéu thy cia toan thj tru’ng MY theo Gon vj Pounds, s6 ligu nay hitu ich vi thay duige market size cia toan thi truzang theo Volume. (Figure 7 c6 sé ligu phu thuéc vao population growth). jure 8 nay c6 thé link véi Figure 2 vé Market shares. Va Figure nay 4a cover lun Figure 7 ri nén skip Figure 7. STU cee Came (CAVe)\ Figure 9: Article from Door Street Journal ‘Omaha, NE (AP) ~ Studies show that the US public has become more health conscious in recent years. In particular, the US public is mor ‘worried about saturated fet in beet. “Heart disease rates are on the rise,” says Dr. Hal E. Walker, a cardiology professor at Harbored Medical School. “When Lipitor, a cholesterol- lowering drug, is the top-seling drug in the country, you know that the public is highly aware of these issues Indeed, beet_consumption has been _on the decline in recent year ‘supplanted largely by chicken — which has considerably less saturated fat—and somewhat by fish. "7 | TOMO! v M_} MARKETERS. Pe eee Re ea a eka ee ee Dee ee ee Ce Una eee cao, vi vay thit ga la sy Iya chon thay thé phd Ae e} Pes ne ee Deer eects Teweneaw Vi DY BUSINESS CASE TRONG VONG ASSESSMENT CENTER (2) “Farcrcemen Toco Fer neang COO Figure 10: Consumer Perceptual Map for the Retail Beef @ ~ High quality Figure 10 la 1 perceptual map (chi vi tri clla thutong hiéu trén => C6 thé phan tich ky bang nay sau, nhung skim nhanh cé- thé thay: vao chat lugng san phdm thi Gordon Iai tap trung vao tinh tién Igi cla san phdm, dis chat long khong néi bat. => Figure nay quan trong viné thé hign chién luge ciia d8i thi va Pure. Low quality [Zr TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS Vi DY BUSINESS CASE TRONG VONG ASSESSMENT CENTER (2) Me ee + C6 4 figures can phan tich kj hon la: Figure 2, 5,8, 10. (Khéng nén git Iai qué nhiéu data aé phén tich, chi nén chon core data cin thiét nhat cé thé gidi quyét true tiép Big ‘questions va kiém tra hypothesis) 4 Ngodi ra, tir ning figure 43 foai Bd, €6 1 56 key points nnhu sau: + Gordon dang c6 sin phém tht ché bién sin hp dn 461 twong nhing ngvoi cé I6i séng ban ron (busy lifestyle), SOG nay ly truc tgp ti Pure. (Figure 1) + Pure Meats cé thé d8 dang tang gép d6i cong sust sn xudt, nén Supply Chain va Manufacturing khdng. phi r20 cin. (Figure 3) + Thi trudng lén ohdt cla Pure Meats 13 thit be. (Figure 4) + Khach hang dang quan tam dé sti kho nhiéu hon Va vi tit g8 chwa it cholesterol ham thit bo nén thit, ga dang ngay cng duoc ua chudng (cing v6 c). + Pure Meats c6 thé manh ve chat wang, trong Khi Gordon tap trung va sin phim c6 tinh tien li cao. EX] FRRRERY Vi DY BUSINESS CASE TRONG VONG ASSESSMENT CENTER (3) “Farcrcement odoy Fer Manamng Coees 6 + Xay dung framework gid case (nu nhiing bud truéc) Build the framework & Crack the case + St'dung data va framework dé tré loi Questions xic dinh & Bude 1 ered eee MU mele ase a ele — Rey | Deen Se DS Tu Ca + Market dynamics: Thi trudng * Recommendations cho Pure + KE hoach thyc thi céc phan dng thé nao véi su gia Meats? Prioritize ce recommendations thé nao nhap cia Gordon? Recommendations. (marketing plan)? + Competition: Gordon cé phai + kha nang v8 ngudn lye thye la méi de dog dén doanh thu hign céc recommendations nay va vi tri trén thi trudng cia cia cng ty? Pure dua vao data 3 co? | KRAnReTERS” Vi DY BUSINESS CASE TRONG VONG ASSESSMENT CENTER (3) “Farcrcement odoy Fer Manamng Coees — Ve Market dynamics, thi tréng phan tng kha tich eye voi pce ees |e a Tir Figure 2, co thé thay: sex | tam - sm > Market share cila Pure trong 2 nfm 2018 va 2019 khéng thay 446i (72%), nhung én nm 2020 market share clia Pure 6 Thit a es bd (Beef) giam 20% xudng con 52%. ® Scan sang cot cla Gordon cé thé thay, Gordon trong nam. o* ~ co aa én day, khéng nén vdi két ludn Gordon da an mat market share cia Pure Meats ma nén can nhac 2 TH sau: “ 13% ow 0% ‘TH1: Thi trwrdng ting trurgng qué nhanh dan dén di bj giém d&n 20% market share nhung revenue cla Pure Meats khéng bj +m ™ 2% 136 anh huéng. (Néu vay, cau hdi dat ra la: Thi trvéng can tang trudng bao nhiéu dé TH1 xay ra?) a on om TH2: Thi trureng khong co sy bign dong lon, va Gordon market share cuia Pure Meats. ~ =~ ~ ~ Vi DY BUSINESS CASE TRONG VONG ASSESSMENT CENTER (3) THA: Thi trurgng tang trang qué nhanh din dén du bi gidm dén 20% market share nhung revenue cua Pure Meats khéng bi nh hhuéng, (Néu vay, cu hdi d&t ra 18: Thi truéng cin t&ng truéng bao inhigu d8 TH2 xay ra?) TH2: Thi tru’ng khéng c6 sy bién déng lén, va Gordon dé market share cla Pure Meats. Nhu vay, d@ kiém tra TH nao dting, sai cin c6 théng tin vé Market Growth, Figure 8 cung cap théng tin vé mite d6 tiéu thy thit tai thi ‘rung US. Cé thé thay thi tru’ng Thit Bd co bign déng nhe nhung 1 rang nhing bién dong nay khong dit Ign dé nhan dinh thit bo ang tng truténg qué nhanh nhur THI (vi 20% thi trong la rat l6n), = Gordon (ho3c déi this khdc niga) chinh Ii nguyén nhan khién market share ciia Pure Meats bi gid. Ngoai ra, con c6 thé thay, thit ga dang cO mite tang truéng rat rnhanh. Trong khi thit bd gin nhw khong thay déi (remain flat) Nguyén nhan 48 duroc note lai tir nhiing data truéc la do lo ngai v8 site khod. el TOMORROW MARKETERS Figure 8: US Retall Consumption of Meat Products, 1999-2019 _ al Tiép tuc phan tich véi customer segmentation. > Cé thé thay key segment cla Gordon la phan khiic “busy mom”. Sin phém gidp khach hang tn it that gian hon 4& chun bi mét bita &n voi thit bo d& duoc ndu truréc, so voi thit b6 chura qua ché bién (ciia Pure Meats). > Phan khiic Busy mom hién tai chi chiém 15% nhu cau, hung duoc dy béo 6 mite tang trurdng trong 5 nim téi 13 20% (cao nhdt trong cc segment). Phan khdc traditional (key degment cia Pure) dang chiém phan Idn doanh thu nhung lai duge dy béo c6 mite tng truding Am trong 5 nam toi. => Hypothesis v8 viée Gordon dang lam tot trong viée nam dc market trend, consumer unmet need la hop W. S Vi DY BUSINESS CASE TRONG VONG ASSESSMENT CENTER (3) el TOMORROW MARKETERS cod Lage ghd eo ee on Pees ‘vow ea Viv 18% 20%, Gordon oe Vow | om | cordon — am | ow | nme 1. Gordon s@ la long-term threat di véi vi thé ciia Pure Meats trén thi trurang Thit ba. 2. Gordon éang chiém Iinh phan khie Busy mom, phan khic tiém ‘nang va dang c6 mite tang truéng nhanh nhat. (Lam 1 phép tinh inhé thi sau khodng 5 nam nia segment busy mom sé segment traditional grandmother eda Pure meats, véi dur bao -5%/ndm e&a traditional grandmother segment va +20%/ nam ca busy mom segment - xem céch tinh bén dui). 3. Sy thanh cng cia Gordon sé gay nhieu khé Khan cho Pure Meats vi céng ty dang tap trung rét lon vo Thit bo (gan 80% doanh thu). Pure Meats phai nhanh chéng ¢6 phan ting phit hop dé ngan chan vige tig tuc sut gidm doanh thu va mat thi phan vé tay Gordon. Cach tinh Segment Value sau 5 nm (X la gid tri thi treéng 2020) + Traditional mom =0.5% + Busy mom = 0.15X TOMO MARKETERS Vi DY BUSINESS CASE TRONG VONG ASSESSMENT CENTER (3) ena List nhanh céc recommendatio 1. Tung sin phim canh tranh: Pure hodn toan cé thé copy tinh tien loi cda Gordon va tan dung nhiing Igi thé sin c6 ve chat lang dé canh tranh try‘ tigp (head-to-head). 2. Mua Iai Gordon: Cn can nhac ngun lye vé ti chinh? 3. Partner véi Gordon: Bieu nay c6 thé xiy ravi sin phim 2.cong ty khong canh tranh truc tigp, va sé 6 Ioi néu Pure Meats Kinng cB ngun lye sin xudt sin phim ché bién tt (tin Io nhw Gordon, 4, ‘Tham gia vao thi trung tht g8 Gé kip tha’ phan Ging v6i sy di xuGng cla thi truimg thit bd. (Mt recommendation kh t6t nhung cin can nhc dén case market entry, nén ty tao sin phim mdi hay mua li cng ty kha?) 5. M@t val y tung Khéc: Hire CMO cia Gordon vi ho dang perform tt; Offer ban minh cho Gordon? [Zr TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS CAPACITY - Cong ty c6 di nang lve sin xuat néu cng ty mu6n tung san phdm méi? CASH SITUATION - Néu mun mua Iai Garden cong ‘ty c6 i kha nang tai chinh khong? Ngudn tién dé tir dau? MANAGEMENT & SHAREHOLDERS - Liéu ho co sn siang cho partnership, mua bin (M&A,..? OTHER RESOURSES - Nhan sy dang c6 cé sin sing cho cac ké hoach san xuat, sip nhap, hay tung méi cia cong ty? - Logistics thé nao néu céng ty M&A, ‘tung san phém thit g& hay thit bd ché bién? Pear) ae Recommendation => Dé priorize céc Recommendations cin thém data dé tr3 loi duvge nhting cau hai trén. Néu dé bai khdng cho, hay néu ra nhimng concern trén khi thao luan nhém, Trong nhigu truéng hap, cée ting vién sé dure cung cp théng tin khéng gldng nhau, cé thé la s6 ligu cia cac phong ban khdc nhau, phai ghép lai moi cé case hoan chinh. a é TARE tele RUE th a) 7 es Néu c6 qué nhiéu Solution, Idea trong nhém, céc thanh vién déu mudi bao vg Solution ciia minh, «dc bigt la c6 nhieu phong ban ciing tham gia thi lam thé nao dé giai quyét? SU DUNG DECISION MATRIX ANALYSIS vipy =| rr (= EE ears Solution 2 sl wor Pa’ a Solution 4 2, Tung sp thit ga 3 | TS ns Chim theo thang diém 1-3 ah ‘én Solution 1: Tung san phm thit bd ché bién. 1= Poor * Chuan bj Solution 2 cho ké hoach dai han hon: Relaunch san ham thit ga hién tai cla céng ty sau khi R&D KY hon dé kip thoi 3 = Excellent én dau market trend. [Zr TOMORROW u | MARKETERS Vi DY BUSINESS CASE TRONG VONG ASSESSMENT CENTER (4) FD Prepare what to bring in the discussion LAM SAO b€ TRINH BAY Y KIEN VA THUYET PHYC NGUOI KHAC? SU DUNG PHUONG PHAP PYRAMID CHO MOI LAP LUAN, CAU TRA LO1 CUA MINH + Sipdung phwzong phép “Pyramid” dé structure phn néi cia minh + Chuan bi cho phan debate Vidu: étugn di ten: = Gordon sé Ia long-term threat 46i viv thé cia Pure Meats trén th trréng Thit bb. Gordon dang chim fh phn Khe Busy mom, phan Kh tim ning va dang c6 mie ting trudng nhanh ahs. ich vi sao dra ra kt lan 48 “Market share cla Pure Meats glém gn bing wi mit tng lén marketshare cba Gordon (2020). Segment busy mom cia Gordon khoding 5 nam nia sé cd value bing segment traditional ‘grandmother ela Pure ‘Thi tring dang elim nhu cBu thit bo, chuyéh sang thit ga vil do strc khod => Canh tranh ngay «ng gay eit hon, Hypothesis, ‘or conclusion, central idea WHY? ‘The reasons, data to support GGiai phép 8 suit ag (2) Tung sin phim canh tranh tructiép vi Gordon — tht bo ché bin sBn, viol thé ve cong, suit sin wut (tng 50%), uy tn trén thi trating, ngudn hang thit dau vo c6 sin. (2) au teva sin phim tht ga dé glam bot rio danh mc dBu tu, mang portfolio sin [phim (phat rin sin phim thit ga sBn cé hodc cin nhc mua ll 1 cng ty thit g Kh) How? Elaborate on how you want to implement it "| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS BAI TAP THU'C HANH GROUP DISCUSSION Thyrc hanh gidl case sau theo huréng dan: 1. Ca lop doc va ty giai Case trong 20 phut 2. 1 nhém thyc hanh discuss trong 20 phut va cé 7 phut trinh bay Iai phan discussion cia minh true c lap 3. Cac hoc vign khdc trong lp nhn xét phin discussion va presentation cla nhém theo céc tiéu chi 43 gidi thiéu 4, Trainer nhan xét va chira bai CASE RAT DAI VA CHUA NHIEU DATA, CAN LOAI BO DATA KEM QUAN TRONG. GET READY! | | | | TOMORROW CASE BACKGROUND TOMORROW MARKETERS, “Tarecerer ny Foranaing Coot Bi OLE RPA a ee In 2002, domestic wine volumes were flat year on year (yoy) at 385m liters. Bottled wine (39% of all volume) was up 2.7% and softpacks (46%) grew 1.7% year on year. The domestic market is mature and competition remains fierce. While we expect a rebound in 2003, we believe that we are unlikely to see a material lft in domestic volumes going forward 2002 global export volumes reached 417m liters (AS2bn) and were up 23% yoy (24% by value). The key drivers were the US and ‘Canada, up 40% and 35% respectively The UK remains Australia’s largest export market (with 48% share) and grew 23% yoy in 2002 (2% by value). ‘The US continues to offer significant opportunity for Australia and recent AC Nielsen data confirms that growth remains robust. ‘Australia currently represents 7% of total US wine sales (by value), second only to Italy and is growing well ahead of allots major competitors. ‘The UK market also remains strong, with recent AC Nielsen data revealing that Australian wine remains the fastest growing impor. category, well ahead of France and italy its two nearest competitors. ‘Other European markets also offer opportunity, with Germany and Denmark flagged as two ofthe key destinations for increased focus. Retailer consolidation and increased competition is fuelling discounting in the UK. Pricing pressure has also emerged in the US, particularly in the lowend category. While we do not expect the US pricing environment will deteriorate to anywhere near that of the UK given the lack of retailer consoldation, recent company reports suggest that discounting has increased (albeit partly due to the general seasonal activity over Christmas). TOMORROW MARKETERS. Bi OLE RPA a ee DOMESTIC SALES OF AUSTRALIAN WINE AUSTRALIAN PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE 1980-99 Liters per capita ‘Ausvalan consumption of alesholic beverages has decined marginally over the past two decades to around 117 liters per capita solely dv to lower beer consumption. Bi OLE RPA a ee al TOMORROW TOTAL SHIPMENTS OF AUSTRALIAN WINE BY MARKET DESTINATION, F85-FOE ll “The relative maturity ofthe do Epon shipments detred Ct of 208 pa snce expor shipment growth €¢ 2%. Bi OLE RPA a ee GROWTH (YOY) IN AUSTRALIAN WINE EXPORT SHIPMENT VOLUME, F03 YTD oan ‘oy change, F03 YTO (ws pep) Denmark has the strongest export growth lbet ofa small base) The US remains the key river ‘of gronth and has overtaken the UK a the largest export destination by value C¥02 YTD, TOMORROW MARKETERS DENOTE: F03 YTD: Fiscal Year, 2003, Year to date FOSE: Fiscal year, 2005, Estimated C¥: Calendar year, thug bit dau tir Jan = Dec FC: Fiscal year thuréng theo quy dinh cua timg cng ty, vidu cé thé tir T4 nim nay t6i 13 nim sau, hoc T7 nm nay t6i T6 sang al TOMORROW Bi OLE RPA a ee AVERAGE PRICE PER LITER ACHIEVED, F93-FO3E meases ‘average price per er just 0.7% In Fo aOR a Ng EE) reMeRReW AVERAGE EXPORT PRICE PER LITRE ACHIEVED, BY KEY MARKET (F93-FO3E) per tiee “The average price per iter has atened due to a re-entry to lower price point ‘Yellowtail, Banrock Staton, Rothbury Estate). TOMORROW Bi OLE RPA a ee 1992 AUSTRALIAN WINE EXPORTS (VALUE), BY KEY MARKET “The UK has alway been the dominant market for Australian wine, but its significance grew ‘throughout te 19905, Bi OLE RPA a ee ‘The UK market remains the largest export destination with 43% share. The US isa clear #2 and ‘made significant inroads atthe expense of the UK. TOMORROW Bi OLE RPA a ee 2005E AUSTRALIAN WINE EXPORTS (VALUE), BY KEY MARKET ‘The US is expected to overtake the UK in FOSE and havea dominant 41% share of Oz exports in FOSE. TOMORROW MARKETERS “Tarecerer ny Foranaing Coot Bi OLE RPA a ee WINE PRODUCTION, EXPORTS AND CONSUMPTION (SELECTED COUNTRIES), 2002E pars share of scapopee wine | Percapita eo ec ae RE pe ee pee eee ey ge on omen o mt o om © = a = = Sal z a = ws ae 2 , x 2 a = vena = a im F i za a zi 7 = # 7 = 4 = I z = 5 = = er a rn a ua x a8 ne = i = na ‘Australia represents ust 4% of worldwide wine production. ‘Australia exports more than it consumes domestically however, the current oversupply mask it TOMORROW BUUREN WINE[PRODUCTION|BY COUNTRY : Se lesieele se Bi OLE RPA a ee WINE|\CONSUMPTION|BY COUNTRY TOMORROW MARKETERS ae Balk alale gee TOMORROW MARKETERS, “Tarecerer ny Foranaing Coot Bi OLE RPA a ee SELECTED WINE PRODUCING COUNTRY PROFILES = USA Key points = Strong domestic producer with rising demand for imports. ‘= Growth market with substantial trading up. "= Both listed and commercially minded private wine companies. ‘The US wine market i interesting because it combines strong domestic production with a growing import market. Overall, the US ‘sa net wine importer. Moreover, per capita consumption is ow. As a result, there i a significant opportunity for consumption to Increase. US wine companies tend to commit toa higher quality profile and to building brand awareness through advertising. While consumption is geographically diverse, production is concentrated in California—around 80% of US output in volume terms according o the Wine Institute. The US i the fourth largest wine producer Inthe world with total production of 1.96n liters— ‘equivalent to around 200m cases. US wine consumption recevered in the mid-1990s and continues to have high potential. Per capita consumption i ow for such a large wine producing country In 1997, the US was the number 31 in the world on this basis with a minuscule intake of 7.4 liters per annum. This is half ofthe UK level and a mere 10% ofthe levels enjoyed in Southern Europe. In the second half ofthe decade, volume grew ata brisk 4% compounded annual rat. Bi OLE RPA a ee SELECTED WINE PRODUCING COUNTRY PROFILES USA In addition tots positive underlying volume growth, the US market benefits significantly from trading up. According to data published by Allied Domecq, the high-premium segment (or them, >87 per bottle) in the pas four years grew a arate of 10-14% With the premium segment as a whole averaging 7%. There were markedly faster rates than for the industry as a whole. The shift to premium wines is positive both forthe domestic producers profitability outlook and for exporters to the US. ‘The top five US wine brands enjoy a30% share of the domestic premium market. While les concentrated in comparison with other US alcoholic beverages, this i relatively concentrate for premium wine brands when compared with other countries, and is consistent witha higher focus on advertising. Rbert Mondavi spends 4-5t of sales on advertising, which is more than the major ‘Australian Usted companies spendin their domestic market. In the 19905, Americans doubled their consumption of imported wine, which increased from 21.2m cases in 1990 to 43.8m cases in 2000. The import share rose from 3.8% to 18%. aly and France remain the largest exporters tothe US. However, Australia has been comfortably the fastest growing. Brand building and a commitment to advertising isa ertical component of success inthe US wine ‘market as a whole. The import sector is no different. TOMORROW MARKETERS, “Tarecerer ny Foranaing Coot Bi OLE RPA a ee SELECTED WINE PRODUCING COUNTRY PROFILES = USA ‘Australia's Rosemount and Lindeman's are both among the top five imported US wine brands despite the country's overall volume share of only 14.0%. Chile, with an overall share of 13.3%, boasts the number one seller—Concha Y Toro. France's lack of commitment to brands is telling —only one ofthe top brands is French despite an overall imported share of 22.9%. Italian brands fare much better, Wine production in the United States has increased dramatically in the past ten years, aided in many respects by technological Snnovations.A good example ofthis innovation isthe drip irigation system pioneered in California in the 70s and 80s. tis basically long pipe with micro jets inserted with the trellises that allow vines to grow roots deeper int the ground, ensuring higher quality ata given yield Additionally tis form of irrigation is more efficient in water and fertilizer use, thereby allowing more arid land areas to be used for grape growth, The use of different sols increases the spectrum of wine characteristics from the grape allowing sreater product differentiation and is also less stressful on the land, thereby ensuring yields in the long run. EU lgisiation however, prohibits Spanish allan and French producers from irrigating their lands, thereby crippling their ability to take advantage ofthis key development, which gives the US and countries like Australia an advantage in win production U.S. wine producers also benefit from a relative lack of regulations that sere to restrict their production efforts—they are free to use whatever technologies they deem worth itto further the competitiveness oftheir products. Their European competitors ae not s0 lucky TOMORROW MARKETERS, “Tarecerer ny Foranaing Coot Bi OLE RPA a ee US — SHARE OF TABLE WINE IMPORTS BY ORIGIN Sot ars et arts co) (4995) TOMORROW MARKETERS era en co) TOMORROW MARKETERS, “Tarecerer ny Foranaing Coot Bi OLE RPA a ee SELECTED WINE PRODUCING COUNTRY PROFILES aa AUSTRALIA Key points, ~ Export-rven growth—quality, increasingly marketing driven, and low-cast base. = Domestic market stable = Dominated by listed companies which look to consolidate domestically and internationally = Looking to add new success stories to US and UK. Dominance by listed companies that have access to equity capital, intelligent handling of distribution, a focus on quality and an "unusually weak currency explain the success ofthe Australian wine industry. Domestic consumption remains steady—lifted more by population growth than taste changes—and provides a firm financial platform for international expansion. “The Australian wine industry's growth is based on international expansion. Domestically, the industry i fart uninteresting. ‘Australians drink around 20 liters of wine per year on average and have done so fr the past two decades. The main barriers to ‘domestic volume growth are relatively high taxes and Australia's maturity (in all senses) as an alcohol market. Moreover, taxes in are levied onthe value ofthe product, which inhibits the growth ofthe premium segment. TOMORROW MARKETERS, “Tarecerer ny Foranaing Coot Bi OLE RPA a ee SELECTED WINE PRODUCING COUNTRY PROFILES aa AUSTRALIA ‘The export market i where Australian wines have been conspicuously successful. Not only has Australia grabbed the number two status n the UK but is now number three inthe US, having dislodged Chile. In the four years to 2000, Australian wine exports to “America increased ata 30% compound rate—significantly faster than any of ts main competitors. Australian exports tothe US are already as much as one third ofthe italians. Furthermore, Australian wine vintages refer tothe year in which the grapes are bottled —notto when they ae picked. Thus, ‘Australia can achieve greater consistency by blending grapes of different vintages. ‘Asthe above table shows, the UK and US absorb 65% of Australia's wine exports by volume. New Zealand, which relies on Australia to satiate its thirst for quality full-bodied red wines, takes up a further 36. ‘Australia's suecesses have so far been in English speaking markets, However, this is less important as a measure ofthe winemakers’ competence than the ability of Australia to sell into countries which ae strong domestic producers. The US success is arguably a more postive indicator than the UK. TOMORROW MARKETERS, “Tarecerer ny Foranaing Coot Bi OLE RPA a ee SELECTED WINE PRODUCING COUNTRY PROFILES og AUSTRALIA ‘Australia has a significant cost base advantage over other countries. In particular, when it competes in the US market it does so against companies whose land costs are massively higher. n terms of overall costs per case, Australian listed wine companies ‘average, about half their North American counterparts. From a technological standpoint, innovation in wine technology has helped the Australian wine industry launch itself upon the world. An example of innovation pioneered by the Australian producers isthe use of oak during the fermentation process. Aging in ‘oak barrels gives the wine its Navor (or bouquet), with the barrel size, age (newer is better) and oak type influencing the flavors ‘imparted into the wine. While the use of oak barrels cannot be circumvented forthe production of top-end wines, Australian wineries have adopted stainless steel vats to ferment their middle range wines in. By adding oak woodchips to the vats during fermentation, Australian wine producers add the desired oak flavors and gain a significant scale advantage over producers who adhere strictly to barrel fermentation. This practice i seriously outlawed in France, despite the significant cost advantage. TOMORROW MARKETERS Bi OLE RPA a ee AUSTRALIAN WINE EXPORTS BY DESTINATION aa eee arena ait TOMORROW MARKETERS, “Tarecerer ny Foranaing Coot Bi OLE RPA a ee KEY WINE MAKING METRICS — JULY 2002 ‘Super ultra Commodity Premium Premium Premium Gi nguéniiu: Pres for crushed and io delivered grapes (US$ / Ton) © Australia ss, 400 $1,500 $2,000 * Chile 38s $450 $2,000 $4000 * France sus $700 $5,000 ‘$12,500 + tay $95 $600 $3,500 $7500 * United States $150 $500 $3,600 $5,000 Cases per Tonne 8s n 3 5s Bottles per Case 2 2 2 2 ‘Average production & bottling $0.20 $0.90 su60 $220 cost per bottle (USS)* $150 $4.00 $8.00 $20.00 ‘Average wholesale price per bottle (uss) Freight cost (US to Australia $0.60 $0.0 $0.60 $0.60 cor Australia to US) (USS/bt)) TOMORROW MARKETERS 1, Is US the #1 priority market for Chateau Boomerang Wine? If yes, what makes US market attractive for them? 2. Which products have the highest chance of being profitable and competitive in the US? GO! Y GIAI =v | TOMORROW w_| MARKETERS 6 TOMORROW GO1 Y QUESTION 1 MARKETERS 1. Is US the #1 priority market for Chateau Boomerang Wine? | » aa If yes, what makes US market attractive for them? {86 tra loi cau hdi nay, tap trung vao phan tich thi truzing, bao gom: “lw + Market size? + Historical growth? ~ * Thi trudng cé profitable khong? + Tim nang phat trién trong tung lai? CChigng minh bang data sau: = Cac cOng ty ruigu vang & Uc nén tap trung vao xudt khau do thi ‘US IS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE MARKET IN BOTH VOLUMES & PRICES, trurgng trong nud khéng cé xu huréng phat trién hon nia, Prien nea eATOn = Sosénh git céc thi trudmg tiém ning (volume, growth, prices, | | aiSTSeP napa consumption...) => Thi truing MY hdp dn cé vé volume va — Oe oa price ~Thé hign market outlook kh3 quan: consumption dang ting & | ~ thi trudng US, gid ban cling cao (hon UK) va market penetration thap cia cac cOng ty ru vang Uc o. Ss : C6 thé trinh bay thém Threats khi tham gia thi truzéng US (vi US cd — - 3 hd nding tu sén xudt regu van) = 6 TOMORROW GO1 Y QUESTION 1 MARKETERS ‘GROWTH POTENTIAL IN THE US GIVEN LOW CONSUMPTION PER CAPITA, ESP. FOR AUSTRALIA THAT CURRENTLY HAS A LOW PENETRATION RATE Ching minh bing data sau: ~ Mite 66 tieu thy tai My dang rat thap so voi tai UK va Php. Biéu nay vira Ia diéu can cn trong, vira la cor hel vang vinéu educate & develop ‘market thanh cng, size cha thi tryéng My s® ‘ng lén rat ln, voi dan s6 khong 300 triéu gud, Ién hon rat nhiéu so véi UK va Php Th Go (nhdt fa khi consumption level san bang UK v3 . = gan voi Php). = = Thi phin audit khéu cia Ue van con kém xa so = vei ¥ va Phdp, dis dang c6 xu hung tang lén * 5 lién tue tir 1990 dén 2000. GOQ1Y QUESTION 2 TOMORROW MARKETERS 2. Which products have the highest chance of being profitable and competitive in the US? ‘+ Day 1 issues quan trong khi phan tich vi quyét dinh lién quan dén product marketing nay sé anh huéng dén ké hogch market entry thanh cng hay khong va sn phdm retu vang cé lead-time (that gian cher dé hoan thanh mot viéc gi d6) dai + Cau hdi nay s® yeu cBu tinh todn , cAch don gidn nhat la lp bing so sdnh gia gitra rurgu cua Uc va US (ca cOng ty ndi dia US duge cho la d6i thi canh tran Ién nat) Data ciin xir ly ai turd ba ‘WINE PRODUCTION, EXPORTS AND CONSUMPTION (SELECTED COUNTRIES), 20026 |CHATEAU BOOMERANG SHOULD FOCUS ON HIGH RANGE |SEGMENTS, AND ESPECIALLY ON SUPER PREMIUM CATEGORY Data due cung cép trong dé bei THANK YOU! "7 | TOMORROW M_| MARKETERS

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