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NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH KHI NAO CAN TUNG SAN PHAM MOI? “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS: ‘Tung san phém méi la dong lyre phat trién khi doanh nghiép nhin thay m6t co’ hdi kinh doanh hay mot van dé de dog, gay nh huéng dén tinh hinh kinh doanh cia doanh nghigp. Nhu cau cila khach hang thay déi (xu huéng, nhu cau moi) Su thay doi ca moi truéng kinh doanh (Widy: Céc sn phém bén online trong mia dich) ‘Su'canh tranh gay git cla cdc déi tht Nhin thay tiém nang ngubn doanh thu moi ‘BOng lye tng truéng va phat trién doanh nghiép Vige tai tung hod cai tién sn phém ctl nhin chung ciing di theo Nguyén ly cila Tung san pham méi, vi day la dang phitc tap hon ca. “| TOMORROW A 2 2g M_} MARKETERS: CAC BU'OC TUNG MOT SAN PHAM MO1 Beare bar oO Conn tung SP khong? eg * Unmet Need or Pain point: Van dé cla khach hang can san pham giai quyét fort + Market size; market growth: Tiém nang thi tru’ng + Competitors: Cac d6i thi/san pham dang cé trén thi trudng, SP sé gidi quyét van dé gi cita KH bang cach nao? Product concept + Proposition: Binh vi sin phém? + Product design: Sin phim gisi quyét vén d@ cia khach hang bang tinh nang/dac diém gi? + USP - win over competitors: Sin phim cé diém khéc bigt nao so véi céc d6i thi? Ptas Dead Ké hoch tung san pham ra thi trong Price: Ban & gid nao? Sem Promotion: Quang ba san pham ra sao? Place/ Physical evidence/ People: Ban & nhiing kénh nao, khéng gian ra sao, dich vi Packaging; Bao bi cla san pham c6 gi dac biét? (FMCG) Financial Goals & Risk Management Gare Ur + Doanh thu, Chi phi & Loi nhuan dy kién + Quan tririiro “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS CAC BUOC TUNG MOT SAN PHAM MO} C6 nén tung SP khong? + Unmet Need or Painpoint: Vin d@ ca khch hang c&n sin phdm gidi quyét SCQ . Market size; market growth: Tiém nang thi trudng + Competitors: Céc di thi/sin phim dang c6 trén thi trudng SP sé gidi quyét van dé cita KH bing cach nao? Product concept + Proposition: Binh vi sin phdm? + Product design : San phdm giai quyét van @@ cua khdch hang bing tinh nang/dc diém gi? + USP - win over competitors: Sin pham cé diém khdc biét nao so véi céc di thi? Pe tos Dead Ké hogch tung sén pham ra thi trang. Price: Ban & gid nao? Semen Promotion: Quang ba san phim ra sao? Place/ Physical evidence/ People: Ban & nhiing kénh nao, khéng gian ra sao, dich vi Packaging; Bao bi cla san pham c6 gi dac biét? (FMCG) Loi nhuan sin phém mang lat Profitability + Chiphi& Lgi nhuan dy kién + Tim nang phat trign trong tuong lai XAC DINH ISSUES & OPPORTUNITIES 8 Xac dinh Issues & Opportunities bang cach nao? ac Situation: {Thang nutéc giai khat KooIDrink 56 hitu mét lurgng I6n cdc sin phim nuréc gidi khdt c6 ga va khOng cé ga. Cé 5 nha may lén va hé thong phan phdi rong khdp c8 nude. KoolDrink dang cé ¥ dinh tung 1 sin ham mdi, nude uéng dién gidl (sport drink) ~ PocaSport. Nude dién giai nay sé gldp b6 sung Nang long (Carbs dang duéng - sugars) va ign gia (Salts) cho co thé. Complication: Sy khdc biét cla PocaSport so véi current portfolio: Céng thitc tap trung vao bu chat Bién gidi va giém it Oudng trong thanh phan hon cic loai dd ubng dang cé mat wen thi trudne. KoolDrink khéng ré PocaSport cé thé tn dung xu huréng méi - chudng cc sn pham it duémg, va ngudi ding cé thich hay khéng? Question: KoolDrink 6 nén tung PocaSport ra thi truémg khOng, khi nao, tiém ning vé loi ai thé no? “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS: Bai tap nho: Dat céc cau hdl dé tim hiéu Théch thiéc va Co héi khi tung PocaSport? Goi: ‘Unmet Need or Painpoint: Vin dé cla khéch hang cn san phdm giai quyét Market size; market growth: Tim nang thi truong Competitors: Céc déi thi/sin phdm dang cé tren th trung. "¥| TOMORROW A | MARKETERS XAC BINH ISSUES & OPPORTUNITIES “Far aero Nemoroe + Market size: Thi truréng Energy Drinks va Electrolyte Drinks e6 dui I6n dé tham gia vao khong? + Market growth: Tiém nang phat trién, més rong thi trurong trong tuong lai? + Competitors: Cc d6i this la ai? Ai la key players? Biém manh & diém yéu (SWOT)? Tinh hinh kinh doanh? Sn ee Rc a do nhu clu tap luyén thé thao tng: See ‘Growth demand or Energy Ornks eee 2020-2024 Sena a) De eek nC Dene ae Pen UR cad eer arty eee aU Dee ne T) Ketkeeen” pene Cele) MUN TLS Sees Unmet Need or Painpoint: Nuréc giai khat dién gidi it durdng Xu hung sit dung nutéc giai khat it durémg phat trién thé nao? Q Béi tugng khach hang tiém nang la ai? Vn dB cia ho a gi? Vi sao vn chura gidi quyét dug van d&? Nhu cau gidi quyét v4n d cé cp bach khong? a : Pa oS ren na A ’ Ree ae ae ue eee ski i Po a ca Pree ert Rrreetroets 4 Ca a al (eee Parte | 1 Peart ip enna thiét o6 thé anh hung dén két qua Po ec htc) “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS CAC BUOC TUNG MOT SAN PHAM MO} Cé nén tung SP khéng? oe + Unmet Need or Painpoint: Van dé cila khach hang can sin pham giai quyét (oer + Market size; market growth: Tiém nang thi tru’ng + Competitors: Cac d6i thi/san pham dang cé trén thi trudng, ‘SP sé gidi quyét van a cita KH bang cach nao? Product concept + Proposition: Binh vi sin ph&m? + Product design: Sin phim gisi quyét vén d@ cia khach hang bang tinh nang/dac diém gi? + _USP - win over competitors: Sin phim cé diém khdc biét ndo so véi céc di thi? Ptas Dead Ké hogch tung sén pham ra thi trang. Price: Ban & gid nao? Semen Promotion: Quang ba san phim ra sao? Place/ Physical evidence/ People: Ban & nhiing kénh nao, khéng gian ra sao, dich vi Packaging; Bao bi cla san pham c6 gi dac biét? (FMCG) Financial Goals & Risk Management Garner Ur + Doanh thu, Chi phi & Loi nhuan dy kién + Quan tririiro “| TOMORROW Ms MARKETERS, 8 ‘Tir Nghién ctu, xéc dinh Issues & Opportunities sang Product Concept thé nao? Product Concept Issues & Opportunities ning (Proposition) + Proposition + Market Segmentation — Target + Product de: + Competitor + usp + Consumer el coed Positioning (Proposition) Ge eka ay Renee Aa cee aa a5 ee a [7 reeneey SEGMENTATION - PHAN KHUC TH! TRUONG ocr bar rere \Vidy MOT S6 CACH phan khtic thi truréng Sport Drink ieaakarcad e c B c A Loal sAN PHAM NHOMNHU CRU KENH TEU THU F + Hypotonic Sports Drink + Athletes + Ontrade + Isotonie Sports Drink + Casual Consumers. + Offtrade + Hypertonic Sports Drink + Lifestyle User C6 nhigu céch phan khiie thi truréng khéc nhau elena dl : + Nhan khéu hoc + Tamiy + Bialy + Hanh Vi + Nhém nhu cu + Mite dé tiéu thy, Tuy myc dich ma chon tiéu chi phén khuic turong ting “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS TARGETING - CHON THI TRU'ONG MUC TIEU ed Cach Targeting ~ Chon thi trurong myc tieu: ea Trong céc phn khde, chon ra 1 nhém phi hop nhit phil hop véi chién luge sin phém va Ong ty 6 1 thet diém cy thé. Diy [a nhém khéch hang myc tiéu, c6 kha nang mang lai: + Loi nhuan tét © e + C6 kha ndng phat trién lau dai > CHON SAI LA HONG HET BAI! © + Phi hop véi chién luge va loi thé Trong cac phan khiic, chon mot G in dung nhém khéch han, : nhém khach hang muc tiéu ee + Who: Target description: 6 tui, gi tinh, neh nghiép, thu nhép. + When/ Where: Hanh vi mua sim: mua é'du, vio dip nao, vi sao mus, mm titi Li thc 4. Una eds points lagi? + How: Tiép cin ho théndo? PHAN KHUC XYZ + Nhém A + Nhém 8 + _Nhém ¢ Phan tich nhém khach hang muc tiéu cia PocaSport theo Phan khtic ty chon “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS: TARGETING - CHON THI TRU'ONG MUC TIEU a Ggiy tham khdo: + Young Millennials (age 25-32), s6ng 6 thanh thi + Social cass AB, 8c than ‘+ Retive lifestyle" yu thich thé thao chuyén nghiép va thong xuyén tp lyn thé thao nhur mat cich ren luyén co thé i c6 thi au hay khong + Thin tua efe VBV,d6t thé thao nditgng. Col dé la hinh mB i tuding ‘+ Tinh céch can tran, thich thi du thé thao va tan hung cim gid dat duge thanh tyu khivan 66ng @ 1am the nao tim ra Unmet needs/ Pain point ca Khéch hang myc tu? = = + Nghién ciru 3Cs. + Quan sat + Viet xudng ning van d cia khach hang. + Phéng vn + Ho glai quyét doc nhiing vin dé a6 chura? + Test + Gidi quyét bang cach nao? Néu khong gidi quyét dugc vin d& 46 thi 0? San sang chi tra thé no? => Pain point [-*| TOMORROW w_| MARKETERS. PYXST ON Cee) NAV Be exon Coe] ERIE «Tung 1 thong higu méi can lam Positioning. Tung 1 sin phém méi cin lam Proposition. EMME - Proposition Ia dinh vi cua 1 dong sén phim, phai nhét quan véi 1 Positioning duy nhdt cia Brand. C Positioning gilp sin phém cia cng ty khac biét v6" san phim cla €6i thi trong tém ti nhm Khach hang myc teu 'Bé lim duro au a6, dinh vi thizong higu/sin phim cin: Bac tung I @ Shae b + Céthé bdo vé duce (C6 thé chia lam 3 log Positioning: See) Piece Pee! + Binh vi sin phim gidp KH x2y dung + Binh vi sin phdm tap trung tap trung __* inh vi SP tap trung tap trung vio tra hinh nh 4 nhan, thé hign sy sé how vao chat lugng, céng dung nghigm cda khéch hang v6ithuong higu va cai tol + Thudng 13 sin phim tiu ding Low. + Thurdmgla sin phm dich wy + Thuong ld cde SP High-involvement involvement “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS: KET HOP STP — WHERE & HOW TO PLAY? Whitespace ~ Unmet needs cia khach hang va Biém manh cia san phém dé tim ra USP ‘More tasty Diém manh White space to join \ nha cua ben) Customer lUnmet needs/Painpoints Who cares? pear ? Prete eee ost mann ) \ cia d61 en / Crd oun: Less tasty Ding creative execution Vidu:PocaSport Iva chon USP a sin phim nue dign gilt €utng nhung vn git ‘ur hz vi tha ngon vai thin phn tir nue ta cy tu nig, ahh en eco TRAE” PROPOSITION — BINH VI SAN PHAM =e BRAND POSITIONING | PROPOSITION STATEMENT Provide what need ~ To whom — Differentiated by ~ RTB (Reason to believe) Provide what need + San pham gi? Cung cép gii phap nao cho van dé ciia khach hang? - Benefit Towhom? — + _Khdch hang myc tiéu cla sin phém Ia ai? - Consumer Target Differentiated by + Diém khign sin phdm khdc biét gl? - USP Re Be ol Reason to believe + Ly do dé tin tung sn phdm c6 thé cung cap nhiing gi da htta? ~ Supporting points [| romenzew PROPOSITION — BINH VI SAN PHAM =e PROPOSITION STATEMENT Provide what need ~ To whom ~ Differentiated by ~ RTB (Reason to believe) Vidy: Binh vj thong higu cia sén phd banh it Calories (Provide what need) Gray Cookie la bénh quy &n nhe it béo (To whom) danh cho ngudi tir 25-40 tudi tim kiém sin phim nap nang lang it béo v8 ¢6 Iai cho site khoe (Differentiated by) v6i thanh phn tir ng céc nhung thom gon nhu bénh quy thuténg (Reason to believe) durgt lam 100% tir nguyén ligu thién nhién va chi c6 100 calories trong méi sin phém. Bai tap nhi Tho lugn va viét positioning statement cho san phim PocaSport “| TOMORROW | MARKETERS PRODUCT CONCEPT ‘Thiét ké sn phdm — Product Concept Nhan dign thong hiéu v TensP ¥ Binh vi san phim Y Thiét ké hinh nh (mau sé, biéu twgng, cam xtic..) + Cac tinh nang sin phim, lam néi bat USP + Size (khdi lvong/dung tich) + chat ligu + Huong vi + Cong nghé Trong bai thi, nén demo inh anh sén phdm trén thyc té sé trong nhur thé ndo dé bai lam thuyét phue hon, “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS CAC BUOC TUNG MOT SAN PHAM MO} Cé nén tung SP khéng? oe + Unmet Need or Painpoint: Van dé cila khach hang can sin pham giai quyét (oer + Market size; market growth: Tiém nang thi tru’ng + Competitors: Cac d6i thi/san pham dang cé trén thi trudng, SP sé gidi quyét van dé cita KH bing cach nao? Product concept + Proposition: Binh vi sin ph&m? + Product design: Sin phim gisi quyét vén d@ cia khach hang bang tinh nang/dac diém gi? + USP - win over competitors: Sin phim cé diém khdc biét nao so véi céc dé thi? Pe tos Dead K@ hogch tung san pham ra thi truong. + Price: Ban & gié nao? + Promotion: Quang ba san phim ra sao? + Place/ Physical evidence/ People: Ban & nhiing kénh nao, khéng gian ra sao, dich vi Packaging: Bao bi cla san pham c6 gi dac biét? (FMCG) Financial Goals & Risk Management Garner Ur + Doanh thu, Chi phi & Loi nhuan dy kién + Quan tririiro Phai cé goc nhin toan dién vé thiét ké san pham, sau dé dén viéc mang san phdm dén “serve” khach hang thé nao? HELICOPTER/ HOLISTIC VIEW [-*| TOMORROW w_| MARKETERS. a Apple i epiy investing n Siemens neem / cconytem of services tat Q) mes ‘pnd on te back ofthe product user base, ~ [7 reeneey XAY DU'NG KE HOACH MARKETING MIX Se Marketing Mix la ké hoach thy thi dé tung mét sén pham ra thi trurding sau khi 4 xong buéc phat trign Sén phim [Nganh hang FMCG sir dung Marketing Mix 6Ps Packaging Promotion Gis bani Kénh ban hang | “Instore” hero uang céo + Gidbankhuyén |+ Cra hang + Mau sée + PR penile mai + Céchtrangtri | + Hinh dang + Chung tinh iém ban + chatty Khuyén mal Getesas + Khong gian + Céch van chuyén hang Caan “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS: ST VA NUN CHA a ear Caincn ine Cac Ps trong Marketing Mix 6Ps cé mdi lién hé thé nao? Ce Proposition Corts > Key note: Quan trong nhat trong phian chién luge dura sin phém ra thi trudng thutong [a 2P: Promotion va Place. Con 2P: Price va Packaging xem 6 doc thém, [-*| TOMORROW w_| MARKETER: MARKETING MIX - PLACE Lae aT ee Urea e > Xéc dinh di twang khéch hang muc tiéu + Hola ai? + Thdi quen? Hanh vi mua sim? => Lua chon va uu tién kénh phan phéi phii hop > Xay dung ké hoach hoat dong cho kénh Cataloas (C6 thé demo hinh anh trong bai lam) => ¥ tenn Mt rong snp se + Kénh MT: Trung bay sin phim trén * — quay ké; Khuyén mai; Chutong trinh + hoat ndo; P ' j + Kénh GT: San phim c6 mat tai cite Soneumer Consumer business business hang, goi ¥ tir ngudi ban, khuyén mai. ome somes seamen seoperts Key note: Phai vé duoc Mapping hé théng kénh phan a ' A ree _ } i pphéi cia nganh va céng ty ra. Phai demo cac hoat dng. Trade Marketing ra (hinh anh trung bay, khuyén mai.) : TOMORROW MARKETERS MARKETING MIX - PROMOTION ‘Seer TO Co Pci ue week ka Key note: ears Trong bai thi an trinh bay Can vé durge Customer Journey, xem timng diém © 2 model nay. cham la gl tip cn véi ho qua kénh m0? Phan Budget va Tiép theo vé dutgc Mapping cic kénh truyén KPI ciing cin théng, phdi hop véi nhau nhur thé nao dé dat trinh bay theo duoc muc dich cudi la tang nhan biét hay Ia phn Channel chuyén déi mapping hoac Customer Voi New product launch, muc tiéu t6i quan journey 68 chi trong la Nh&n biét. Cac nganh Making money 18.c6 bao nhiéu online cin chii¥ lin két chat véi higu qua tin, ding lam chuyén ai. Bi, dat duoc gi 6 mai giai ign thiic Digital va Media sé rét quan trong & F doan/ kénh day. 2 STAGES OF NEW LAUNCH CAMPAIGN Xe Sear Ucar] Objective: Muc tiéu quan trong nhat la reach nnhiéu khach hang nhdt c6 thé, c6 doanh thu dau +ién, gitip sin phdm méi tung “sng sét” va tiép ‘tye durge trumg bay tal cac diém ban, Target: Cac hoat dong truyén thong khong cin target d6i tung Heavy buyer, vi theo Ié ty nhién ho la nhdng ngurdi du tien tim dén va ding thir sn phim mdi. Tuy nhién déi tugng nay sé dé mua hang, va giip cng ty cO ngudn thu dé tai dau tu cho Stage 2. Vi v8y, cBn Iva chon nhng théng digp truyén théng c6 kha nang tuong tée ‘di Heavy buyer. Xe PEs ag) “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS: Objective: Muc tiéu chinh van la awareness va tip tuc reach dén khach hang mdi Target: Nhung déi tugng chinh cia giai doan nay lai la Medium va Light buyer. Communication: Stage 2 cin lign tue 06 cic hoat dng “on air” ca ATL va BTL c6 thong diép phi hop voi 2 déi tuong Medium va Light buyer, s® hoi khéc so véi thong diép truyén théng 6 Stage 1. + Communication: Chon céc hoat déng truyén théng ATL va BTL cé 46 phi cao, tiép can nhiéu neudi. ~_- Heavy Buyer ‘Medium Buyer Light Buyer “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS CAC BUOC TUNG MOT SAN PHAM MO} Cé nén tung SP khéng? oe + Unmet Need or Painpoint: Van dé cila khach hang can sin pham giai quyét (oer + Market size; market growth: Tiém nang thi tru’ng + Competitors: Cac d6i thi/san pham dang cé trén thi trudng, SP sé gidi quyét van dé cita KH bing cach nao? Product concept + Proposition: Binh vi sin ph&m? + Product design: Sin phim gisi quyét vén d@ cia khach hang bang tinh nang/dac diém gi? + USP - win over competitors: Sin phim cé diém khdc biét nao so véi céc dé thi? Pe tos Dead Ké hogch tung sén pham ra thi trang. Price: Ban & gid nao? Semen Promotion: Quang ba san phim ra sao? Place/ Physical evidence/ People: Ban & nhiing kénh no, khong gian ra sao, Packaging; Bao bi cla san pham c6 gi dac biét? (FMCG) Financial Goals & Risk Management Gare Ur + Doanh thu, Chi phi & Loi nhuan dy kién + Quan tririiro GOAL SETTING — DAT MYC ‘Thong thyéng, sé chon 1 trong 3 cach dé dat myc tiéu, tuy vao nganh hang, ri chon muc tiéu kha thi nhat Ngoai ra d bai cling hay cho sén Target ri. Mot sé nganh hang dac thu khong phai mass category s@ ding cach khac. Cire Market size/market value (Gidtrthi rung) [ Value share target (Myc teu th) phn) ¥% ‘Market growth assumption in launch year (Mae |Z ting tring dy kin ta th rung) Project VALUE = XxY96x2 Eriniorucealaenciein Seu) Total # households (S60 ga dinhsteaungSP)_—_| x Penetration (i tng/elam tham nig ‘Volume by buyer (Luong mua trung binh cua tho |Z sia dinh) Project Volume = XxY96x2 “Tatal GT (Téng #6 diém ban kénh GT) a Poet Distribution target (D5 phi = S6 diém ban cd mat Tong «8 diém ban ca kénh) Ys Assumption ‘ol/store/year (Luong hang ban tai cre hing trong 1 nam) % ‘mbtion enh MT |fotalMistores(f6has6 lem ban Kenn Mi) % Fost Distribution target (D9 phi = S6 diém ban co mat/ Tong «6 diém bn cia kénh) ¥,% ‘Assumption \olstore/year (turang hang ban tal era hang trong 4 nam) % ‘aoton Project Volume = 0% x ¥,% 2) + 0 XY, 96x23) [-*| TOMORROW MARKETERS P&L — LOI NHUAN VA CHI PHi DU’ KIEN | cach tinh P&L— Loi nhugn va chi phi dy kién 1, Doanh thu: Turnover Vidy: Turnover= Price per uit Volume Trade Gxpenses) _ er + tower hm ts me 350 "ero Oh sn roe Te unitpne 22 + sen in bn eg ee ao "nad Bor eh i ik) es = 2. gt nhusn gop (e)coos 2150 Gross Profit = Tumover= COS Gros Pri 7480 065: Givin ng beh ph sin at COGS» COGS per product «products sold) | (+) Marketing Expenses 2128 necebsindngentte eta cnos nec frnee 38 ta + Advertising 1540 3. Loi nhugn rong (chwa tinh thué va cac chi phi cé dinh) +Promotion 588 [Net profit = Gross Profit ~ Marketing expenses = Net Profit (Before Overheads) 5362) + Marketing Expenses: Chi phi Marketing gin sch Marketing dco trac hoe esc hegng dé do zee Doanh bu macy, cin ci bao nhieu cho Marken) [-*| TOMORROW w_| MARKETER: RISK MANAGEMENT — QUAN TRI RUI RO. ‘rong qua trinh tung san pham mdi, can dy tinh truée nhiing rbi ro cé thé gap phai nhus + Market related risk (Vi du: Mic d6 tng truéng cia thi trvong, cdc d6i thi truc tiép va gin tiép...) Brand cannibalization risk (San phdm méi “in doanh thu ca céc sn phém khéc clung cong ty) Ss Vi dy Brand Cannibalization risk [Mot ng ty tung ra mot Brand méi cing v6i 3 Brand 4 c6 mat teen thi | ‘trutng, Brand moi durge kj vong st thu vP thém $150%, tuy nin Ign | v0 chinh brand cd, nén Net Net gain = 0 BB xuat chién luge dé han ché céc rii ro C6 thé duva ra céc 68 xudt ve: tinh toan vi cin nhiu sé ligu ndi b6. Tuy nhién khi di ‘=> Cé thé thy sau kh Brand méi duge tung ra da lam thy té thi ndi dung nay rét quan trong. sso aa to aoe + Binh vi sin phim 15 rang, khdc biét so véi sin phdm a ae a cing loai . 5 some + Thong diép truyén théng r6 rang, théng nhat 5 2am + Thi diém tung san phdm phi hop. po noone + Thi nghiém san phém vi mot nhom déi tugng myc a a | ieu trade kh tung chinh thie a eee a ! | Nhin chung phan kién thirc nay thudng khdng xudt sewers | $3500 ase } | hién trong yéu cau Case competition vi kha khé dé Brand A so v6i dy tinh ban du, NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH Case practice HOC VIEN DUOC KHUYEN KHICH THU HIEN THEM DESK RESEARCH. TOMORROW MARKETERS P&G ORAL CARE PRODUCT PORTFOLIO Or Dental care Denture Adhensives ‘Toothbrushes & Dental Floss eo eb og 8) Procter & Gamble is a pioneer in the oral care market over the world. P&G Oral Care offers a wide range of trusted and effective oral care products. From toothpaste for most patient types, toothbrushes for most brushing needs, mouth wash to specific oral needs like denture adhensives. P&G's flagship products in the oral care market include Crest and Oral-B toothpaste and toothbrushes which feature flosses, whitening products, rinses, and more to provide complete coral care. The brands’ efforts will focus on enabling access to dental products and services, ‘education, and product innovation that deliver better outcomes for people and the planet. However, P&G Vietnam just launched Oral-B toothbrush and dental floss, and not yet step-into the toothpaste market “| TOMORROW Ms MARKETERS, ‘Mouth wash 3 CORE AREAS OF CREST & ORAL-B TO KEEP HEALTHY SMILE [-*| TOMORROW w_| MARKETERS. MARKET OVERVIEW gure Growth nd of Vitam Figure 2: Forecast Gromth (im Consumer Expenditure by PHM"9: COWS outreak FG's toking pt totam! population 2000" 2030 ego 209-80 Assocking up ist es es ni ————- ——— asta See Vietnam's population and GDP growth have significantly increased local spending power, with an increase in the expenditure for both urban and rural consumers. Due to Covid-19, people spend more on categories that offered personal and family hygiene to remain clean and kill germs. And for those reasons, Personal care in general, Toothpaste sub-cate in particular are potential to step into. “7 | TOMORROV M_} MARKETERS: Vietnamese consumers are willing to pay more for high-end products with unique functions such as relief for acute pain, whitening and gum health. Whitening and sensitive tooth products were among the newly added value trends in oral care. This was mainly due to higher living standards, brighter economic performance and greater demand for oral care products. Moreover, due to dynamic marketing activities by leading players, most consumers believe that using these sophisticated products will help to protect and repair their oral issues. Gen Z obsesses more over their appearance than previous generations. Therefore, Whitening are becoming the largest need among these young consumers with 4/10 people asked seeking for Whitening oral care products. MARKET OVERVIEW Vietnam’s Toothpaste Market Share Brands 10% ‘90% of Vietnam’s toothpaste market share are dominated by Unilever and Colgate, Unilever with 2 leading players are P/S & CloseUp Colgate with 2 wide range of product serving different consumer needs. P/Sis associated with “Prevent tooth decay” Colgate: “Expertise’s advice” CloseUp: “A cool & fresh feeling” Sensodyne: "Reduce frostbitten” “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS: ed Top of mind Toothpaste Brands a 'P/S w Colgate wCloseUp mSensnoyme « Gleter «Aqufresh = Dade other TOMORROW MARKETERS CUSTOMER’S ORAL CARE DEMAND CONCERNS ABOUT TEETH BY GENDER 0% fe Bea 50% 2, am Pz 20% 10% a ewefteeth Gastreth Decyed Carat Pevenal TerarHagswhen Others tea toe) bss singe “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS: ed CUSTOMER’S ORAL CARE DEMAND CONCERNS ABOUT TEETH BY AGE | al j er 125 2650 onr30 secth ln yeaa backmenndcazat Tenth de taltethiael—wrrsientech ngs thers | don't have problem TOMORROW MARKETERS ‘lea HIGH DEMAND FOR WHITENING = Mave 6 4° 4 over 10 people have whitening need. [-*| TOMORROW w_| MARKETERS. TOOTHPASTE SEGMENTATION =r Whitening P/S, Colgate CloseUp, Colgate CloseUP, Colgate, — ‘Aquafresh, P/S PS, PS, SENSODYNE "it () "| TOMO! v M_} MARKETERS: Cho ny cust PUS) ssnscrusnsnnisn Unilever (Vietnam Leader) Unilever (Vietnam Leader) Colgate (Global Leader) Crest is the leader in China and US market (the 2 largest markets in the world but not yet entered Vietnam). Crest is the most famous for Whitening benefits 3-13) Sbe a <7 O i wa Cr Brean = TON Lu] MARKETERS Crest is an oral care brand of P&G and proud of being the market leader of 2 largest markets, China & U.S. Crest invented bioavailable Stannous Fluoride toothpaste technology, which offers an important array of benefits (gum health, cavities, breath, sensitivity, and erosion) that other fluoride technologies. do not. Toothpaste formulation and Stannous Fluoride delivery are very important to optimizing the benefits you can achieve with your toothpaste. Crest continues to lead the way in toothpaste innovation. Crest has a wide range of product in its portfolio for different needs to choose from. [-*| TOMORROW w_| MARKETERS. CREST POTENTIAL PRODUCTS TO LAUNCH Crest 3D White Whitening Therapy with Charcoal and Tea Tree Oil The formula with charcoal brightens teeth by removing surface stains ina gentle way ‘= Toothpaste with Tea Tree Oil to deep cleanse your teeth «+ Strengthens teeth and protects enamel + Contains Fluoride to fight cavities + Long lasting cooling sensation with refreshing mint flavour Retail price: 90,000vnd Crest Complete Baking Soda & Peroxide ‘Not only gently removes surface stains te help whiten your teeth. Italso includes Sugar Shield technology, to help strengthen areas weakened by sugar’. * Protects from sugar’s cavity causing effects Protects against damaging plaque acid attack Targets weak spots preventing further damage Fights cavities and tartar Gently removes surface stains for whiter teeth Strengthens enamel Leaves mouth & breath feeling refreshed Retail price: 45.000vnd 2 7 PANGENE 7 | TOMORROW eee P&G DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM [| RARE foncaad! Co Conon Family Market wr (Horeca, é momerop | MAN | ornes | super | Hyper | minimart | ME | ecom | ores Salon) Value Contribution | 20% 30% 10% 1% 12% 10% 2% 1% vm 2% % Growth 10% 2% 2% 15% 10% 15% 2% 50% 55% 70% Gj @2EFGih ee & tm & S Ma [r| TOMORROW & | MARKETERS HANH TRINH MUA HANG CUA SHOPPER PHONG CACH SONG VA SUY NGHI CUA GEN Z en 2 tng rg a ding wang 86 tu 1425, dn AO tS 6 ng ane, 170% Gan 2d2ah ttn vi ce sin ahm lam dep, bao gdm c ce sin phim cham sée te {Gen Zthich hg snp ig ie, mango eh ca thay bgt nid thi {en zthch ia pret han i ia neo qua nn tne. 160% gen 26 hc c20 v8 ang vn ton Cu, 50 305 cathe he Milena Sen 2 vong ce ah nh cng ghd got sin phim rng che cia King, tn {ho quench msi co. {Genz toe sin ong dng 6p 80 qu trnh pt i sn phim. NE ed co A 45 ing dong a5 y tong the Ia sin phn 94 mush tam ia vo host ng rei sn phim, 42% mugn ua nghem game onine (Gen Z mus hang 6 du? oe LT nce EE TSE <2 oS 29 TST «= ‘e001 1 cnvoung a TH boing a Pinion vo 7 | TON La} MARKETERS Tra Idi cdc cau héi sau: . ) Pe ase al om cola THANK YOU! XEM DQC THEM BEN DUO! VA QC TRUGC/ LAM TRUGC CASE STUDY BUG! SAU! TOMORROW KETERS PYXST ON Cee) NAV Be exon Coe] Eee) + Binh vi s8n phém giip KH xay dung hinh nh cé nhan, thé hién sy sé how va cai t6i = cn nhac KY true khi mua + Thvong ding cho céc SP High- involvement + Binh vj sin phdm tap trung tap trung, vvao chat lung, cng dung + Thuong ding cho sén pham tiéu ding Low-involvement igh uaty “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS: Sed + Dinh vi SP tap trung tp trung vao trai ‘nghigm cia khdch hang v6i thong higu ‘+ Thurdng ding cho san phdm dich vu ig price ia Sporty Low pice EE tichovie concord igh ence = at |i 7 = m Low qutty tow pre “| TOMORROW M_} MARKETERS: MARKETING MIX - PRICE Price Perception High Medium Low ae Teer ee err 1 Premium Penetration Superb Value Phy thude vio cb yéu 8: § (crease Price) (Drop Price) (trop Pres) Gis tri sin phidm mang lai cho Khach hang o 8 nhay cim ve gia (gid d6i, hanh vi mua hang | cca khach hang thay d@i thé no?) § Optimized Profit Fair Value Good Value Ce mite gid hign cé trén thi trubng a (ee ee ee Giam gia (discounts g canna sid so width 3 High Reward Cream-Skimming Bargain $s (Very High Pree) \tnerease Price) (Seostantay ‘rop Price) i Iya chon la gi, mite Key note: 8 bai thurdng it yéu cau set price. Tuy nhién néu c6 yéu cu, chi cin n6i co’ bin ve chiéin Iu Bié trén 1 sn phém so v6i turong quan thi truzng va d6i thi thé nao? ‘Trén thyc té Set Price la viéc rt phitc tap va can nhiéu théng tin v8 chi phi sin xust, dau tu’ va myc tiéu bién lei nhuan, nén di thi giai Case thurong khOng yéu cau ‘B6i v6i nganh hing FMCG, bao bi sin phim rit quan trong ‘San phim thuéc nganh hang Low-involvement, khdch hang khOng can nhac nhiéu khi mua mot sin pha. Gia hrang loat san phim duoc trung bay trén quiy ké, bao bi la yéu t6 gay chai y va anh hung En quyét dinh mua hang cla khach hang, Ngoai yéu t6 bat mat, bao bi cn cé cc yeu t6 tin loi, bao vé mai truéng,..phi: hop véi nhu Gu va hanh vi cua nhém khach hang myc tiéu Nén demo thiét ké sin phdm ra, chi trong vao tinh “new” & “unique’ [=| Tomo La] MARKETERS

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