America and Me - X 01 Aflevering

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Cecilje Mønsted Rasmussen Brøndby Gymnasium 1.

Engelsk X01 10/01-2023

America and

In the song “Party in the U.S.A“, released on August 4, 2009, by Hollywood Records, the author
shows, how it can feel to come to a new country with a dream and uncertainty about if you will fit
in with all those famous people around. The author supports the main idea by using her own story
and words, like adjectives, to describe what she feels.
The song is a pop song, with lyrics reflecting her relocating to Hollywood, California in USA, form
Nashville. In the song the author describes that it’s so nice to in the U.S.A, because it feels like a
party compared to where she came from.


The song “Party in the U.S.A” by the popular American acter and singer, Miley Cyrus, is a song with
nation love. Though this essay I will examine what the deep meaning in the song is, how I can
relate to it and discuss how much American culture influences the life of a Danish Teenager today.

So, first. What is the song about? In the song she describes how nice it is to be in U.S.A, because it
feels like a party. In the beginning of the lyrics, she writes that she hopped off plane at LAX airport,
with only a dream and her cardigan. By the quote: “Am I gonna fit in” in line four, I can tell that
she is nervous because that is her first time in Hollywood, U.S.A.
By the word “U.S.A” I think she means “the big and famous city” compared to the city she came
from, Nashville, that is more like the land. To her, Hollywood seems very nice and like a party
compared to the place she came from. The under-need information about this song, is that Miley
used to live in Nashville, and now she’s moved to Hollywood, California in U.S.A, where all the
famous people live. By using her own story, she supports the main idea of the lyrics.

Cecilje Mønsted Rasmussen Brøndby Gymnasium 1.x
Engelsk X01 10/01-2023

The setting of the song is in Hollywood, California in U.S.A, which is described in the lyrics, by the
quote: “Look to my right, and I see the Hollywood sign” in line six. Miley thinks that going to
Hollywood is a scary, but also incredible, thing for her and her career. The song really reveals all of
Miley’s feelings. By the lyrics we can tell that she loves Hollywood, and the way it feels like a party
to live there, which is also referenced in the title: “Party in the U.S.A”.

The theme of the song is insecurities about new things. The song is about feeling out of place in a
new environment, but finding common ground and fitting in.

The main character in the song is Miley Cyrus because we hear the story told from her perspective,
telling her own story within her own feelings. As a character Miley develop though the song. In the
beginning she is nervous about moving to Hollywood, where all the famous people live. She fears
she is not going to fit in, and she really describes her feelings in a good understanding way in the
quotes: “My tummy’s turnin’ and I’m feelin’ kinda homesick” and “Too much pressure and I’m
nervous” in line nine and ten.

At some point in her journey, she wants to hop on a flight, back home for her hometown, but
there is one thing there’s holding her back. “The DJ plays my song and I feel alright” in line forty-
eight. By this quote she means that, when the DJ plays her song, she feels alright again, after
feeling homesick, and then she wants to stay in Hollywood, nevertheless.

How can I relate to the song? I can relate to the song, in the way, that I know how it can feel to
come to a new place, with many new people, and being scared. When I first started at Brøndby
Gymnasium, I was so nervous and scared. I was scared that I wouldn’t fit in, just like Miley is, when
she moves to Hollywood. Am I’m going to make any friends? Am I going to be lonely? Are people
going to like me? And much more reflective questions, that I asked myself. But just like Miley I
hopped into it, and figured out that it was so nice, and never want to go back to the place I came
from before.

Cecilje Mønsted Rasmussen Brøndby Gymnasium 1.x
Engelsk X01 10/01-2023

Overall, I think that Danish Teenagers is influenced by the American culture in a high degree. But,
in what way? Referred to my own story, I think that many young people are scared, when they
first start at a new school, or any other place. They start a new chapter in their lives, like Miley
does in the song, by moving to a new place. But if we keep the focus on moving to a new school, I
think that many young people compare and have an expectation that moving to a new school is
like in the movies, where the main character moves to a new school. Many of these movies is from
America. And by that I can say that the American culture influences’ the life of a Danish teenager
very much. And that is not just, about moving to a new school, but many things in our out every
day is something that we do because we have been influenced by the American culture.

To answer my introduction the deep meaning in the song is, that Miley left her home and arrives
in Hollywood, seeking success. She misses her old life, but the music saves her every time she feels
homesick. And though the music she loves, she feels at home again. The story of the song is a
story that I can relate to, just in my own situation, which I think that many another young people
can too. Overall, I think that Danish Teenagers today are influenced in a high degree by the
American culture, but I don’t think that is a bad thing. Do you?

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