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PGDM: Consumer Behaviour & CED

Project Report CEC - 3

Submitted by:
Name: Pratik Sharma
Roll No: 043
Batch: Beta (2nd Year)

Under the Guidance of Dr.

Shivangi Shukla
Ques.1 Explain in detail the cultural and sub-cultural influences in terms of consumption
pattern with reference to the above case

Ans.1 Certainly, let's break down the cultural and sub-cultural influences on consumption
patterns in India, particularly regarding fairness creams:

Cultural Influences:

Historical Beauty Ideals: In India, fair skin has been seen as beautiful and pure for centuries,
while darker skin has been looked down upon.

Marriage and Social Status: Fair skin is highly valued in the context of marriage, as it's often
considered an advantage when looking for a spouse.

Prestige and Social Approval: Fair skin is linked to higher social status, leading people
to use fairness creams to gain social recognition.

Gender Roles: Women are particularly pressured to conform to these cultural beauty
standards, as fairness creams are marketed to them to enhance their marriage prospects.

Sub-cultural Influences:

Regional Variation: India's diverse regions have different beauty standards, with South
India having a larger market for fairness creams due to its predominantly darker-skinned

Urban vs. Rural Divide: Urban areas, influenced by global trends, are more open to
trying various beauty products, while rural areas tend to stick to traditional fairness
Media and Entertainment: Bollywood and beauty pageants shape beauty ideals, but
there's a shift toward darker complexions in these industries, influencing sub-cultural

Educational Background: People with higher education levels may have diverse
perspectives and be less influenced by traditional beauty standards when making
consumption choices.
Q2. Is it possible to enter the foreign market with similar cultural analysis? Select any
one country of your choice (except India) and create the cross-cultural analysis
considering the fairness cream.

Cultural Influences:

Historical Beauty Standards: China boasts a rich history of beauty ideals that may
significantly differ from those found in India or other nations. While fair skin has been
traditionally admired, the definition of beauty can exhibit substantial regional and historical
variations. Understanding the depth of these historical roots is essential for crafting marketing
strategies that resonate with the Chinese audience.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): TCM represents a unique aspect of Chinese culture,
placing immense importance on holistic health and balance. In TCM, beauty is perceived as an
external manifestation of inner well-being. Unlike certain Western beauty ideals that equate
fairness with beauty, TCM may prioritize different aspects of skin health. Thus, it's imperative
to not only acknowledge but also incorporate TCM concepts into product marketing to align
with local skincare beliefs.

Consumer Behaviour: Cultural attitudes toward beauty and skincare routines are far from
uniform across China. Preferences, habits, and expectations concerning skincare products can
vary significantly. In light of this, a comprehensive research endeavour is indispensable. It
should aim to unveil the specific preferences and habits of Chinese consumers, providing
invaluable insights for product development and the formulation of marketing strategies tailored
to local sensibilities.

Sub-cultural Influences:

Regional Differences: China, as a vast and diverse country, exhibits pronounced regional
disparities in beauty ideals and skincare practices. What is considered attractive in one region
may not hold true in another. Thus, a nuanced understanding of sub-cultural differences within
China is fundamental. Crafting adaptable marketing strategies and product offerings that
account for these variations is pivotal for success.
Urban vs. Rural Divide: China's urban areas tend to be more exposed to global beauty trends
and may exhibit distinct expectations compared to rural regions, which often uphold traditional
beauty concepts more tenaciously. Recognizing and adapting your approach to accommodate
the urban-rural divide is essential for effectively targeting your desired audience.

Generational Shifts: Younger generations in China, influenced by global media, shifting

societal norms, and changing cultural dynamics, may hold different beauty ideals compared to
their older counterparts. This generational shift is a crucial factor to consider in product
development and marketing strategies. Understanding the evolving preferences of specific age
groups is vital for long-term success.

In conclusion, a comprehensive cross-cultural analysis encompassing both cultural and

subcultural influences is not just beneficial but imperative for a triumphant entry into the
Chinese fairness cream market. This profound understanding empowers you to customize your
product formulations, branding, and marketing approaches to harmonize with the values and
preferences of the local consumer base. By embracing the complexity and diversity of the
Chinese market, you enhance your prospects of thriving in this vibrant and ever-evolving

Sub-cultural Influences:

a. Regional Variation: China is a vast country with regional diversity. Market research
should identify regions with higher demand for fairness products and tailor marketing
strategies accordingly.

b. Urban vs. Rural Divide: Urbanization has led to greater exposure to international
beauty trends in China's cities. Urban consumers may have different preferences than those
in rural areas.

c. Influence of Media and Celebrities: Chinese celebrities and influencers play a

significant role in shaping beauty trends. Partnering with local influencers could be a key
marketing strategy.
d. Regulations and Compliance: Understanding Chinese regulations on skincare and
beauty products is crucial for market entry. Compliance with local standards and
certifications is necessary.

In conclusion, while the concept of fairness creams is not unique to India, cultural and sub-
cultural factors vary across countries. Entering the Chinese market with a fairness cream
product would require a thorough understanding of Chinese beauty ideals, regional
preferences, and compliance with local regulations, as well as a tailored marketing strategy
that respects and adapts to Chinese cultural norms.

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