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English Exam – Third Level
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Section I
Jobs and Professions
As has been the case for many years, jobs, or forms of employment wherein employees
perform a service or duty in exchange for financial compensation, play a prominent role in
society. Furthermore, all jobs—even those of seemingly little significance—are important, as
they simply wouldn't exist if their specific responsibilities weren't of value to employers
(companies or people that pay others for their work), customers (individuals who pay money
for a product or service), and the economy generally. Teachers, or educational professionals
tasked with helping students understand certain subjects and topics, are especially crucial
today. In short, teachers help their students to become qualified for their future careers.
Doctors, or medical professionals who specialize in providing health-related assistance to
patients, are some of the most respected individuals in America and the world. It's the
responsibility of doctors to help those who feel less-than-stellar to determine the underlying
health issue(s) and recommend an effective treatment (or remedy to a disease, disorder, or
condition). There are quite a few types of specialty doctors in America (besides MD, which
simply means "medical doctor"), all of whom can be referred to simply as "Doctor (Name)."
Dentists (mouth/teeth doctors), dermatologists (skin doctors), and psychiatrists (mental-
health doctors) are just a few examples of the many different types of doctors. Additionally,
nurses are medical professionals who help to administer doctor-ordered treatments to
patients. Police officers are law enforcement professionals whose job it is to protect citizens,
solve crimes, and assure that rules and regulations are followed. Similarly, firefighters serve
the public by responding to fires (and other emergency situations) and using high-tech
equipment to extinguish these fires, while bringing any individuals who're in danger to
safety. Farmers maintain fields of crops (or vegetable/fruit plants) and/or collections of
animals with the intention of selling these products as food. Chefs/cooks prepare meals in
professional settings, including restaurants, cafeterias, and other venues wherein food and
drink are sold, for customers. Chefs are generally experienced in cooking and managing
kitchens. Waiters bring menus, beverages, meals, and ultimately, the check (or a bill of the
foods and drinks purchased in a transaction) to tables in restaurants and other establishments
that serve food. Artists produce art, or works of creative significance, including music,
paintings, drawings, poetry, writing, and more.
1. What is the key distinction made between employers and customers in the context of jobs?

2. Explain the importance of jobs that may seem insignificant, as stated in the passage

It is what you do now, that determines where you end up.

English Exam – Third Level

3. According to the passage, what is the primary responsibility of teachers?

4. Describe the role of doctors and the types of tasks they perform, as outlined in the text.

5. Differentiate between the various types of specialty doctors mentioned, such as dentists,
dermatologists, and psychiatrists.

6. How do nurses contribute to the medical profession, based on the information provided?

7. Compare and contrast the duties of police officers and firefighters, as described in the passage.

8. Explain the difference between chefs and waiters in terms of their roles in the food service

9. Analyze the broad definition of artists provided in the text and give examples of different
forms of art mentioned.

10. Based on the information given, how would you summarize the importance of the various
professions discussed in the passage to society as a whole?

It is what you do now, that determines where you end up.

English Exam – Third Level
1. How does the speaker feel about gossip in their office?
a) They enjoy participating in gossip.
b) They find it irritating and nerve-wracking.
c) They believe it fosters a positive work environment.
d) They consider it a necessary part of office culture.
2. Why does the speaker dislike gossip?
a) Because it often involves false information.
b) Because it helps build stronger relationships.
c) Because it enhances productivity in the workplace.
d) Because it provides valuable information about colleagues.
3. What does the speaker believe are the consequences of gossiping?
a) It strengthens trust among coworkers.
b) It improves communication within the office.
c) It can damage people’s reputations.
d) It encourages teamwork and collaboration.
4. How does the speaker handle people who try to share gossip with them?
a) They eagerly listen and engage in gossip.
b) They politely decline and express disinterest.
c) They encourage others to continue sharing gossip.
d) They actively seek out gossip to share with others.
5. What distinction does the speaker make between office gossip and celebrity gossip?
a) Office gossip is more reliable than celebrity gossip.
b) Celebrity gossip is more relevant to daily life than office gossip.
c) Office gossip involves people known to the speaker, whereas celebrity gossip
does not.

1. What excuse does the driver give for not realizing they were speeding?

a) Their car’s odometer is broken.

b) They were distracted by something in the car.
c) They were in a hurry to get somewhere.
a) They didn’t see the speed limit sign.

2. According to the officer, how fast was the driver going in the school zone?

a) 30 miles per hour

b) 40 miles per hour
c) 50 miles per hour
b) 60 miles per hour

It is what you do now, that determines where you end up.

English Exam – Third Level

3. What traffic violation did the driver commit at the intersection?

a) Failing to yield
b) Running a red light
c) Speeding
d) Not using a turn signal

4. What issue did the officer find with the driver’s vehicle?

a) A broken windshield
b) A malfunctioning air conditioner
c) A missing license plate
d) A defective brake light

5. How does the officer respond to the driver’s attempt at familiarity?

a) By becoming friendlier and more lenient

b) By issuing a warning instead of a ticket
c) By ignoring the driver’s attempts at small talk
d) By becoming more stern and reminding the driver of their infractions

It is what you do now, that determines where you end up.

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