Herner 1984

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Brief History of Information Science

Saul Herner
President, Herner and Company, 1700 North Moore
Street, Arlington, V A 22209

Information science is the product of convergences of ti. of World War I1 and to the significance of information in
brary science, computer and punched card science, R 81D a continuing and expanding R & D environment. He sug-
documentation, abstracting and indexing, communi. gested, some 35 years before the fact, the availability of
cations science, behavioral science, micro- and macro-
publishing, video and optical science, and various other highly compact, cheap, and dependable devices which
fields and disciplines. The role and contribution of each would give rise to vast storage and switching capabilities
participating segment is reflected in certain basic and that would help foster effective use of the available infor-
seminal writings, in the work of “major actors” in the mation store. He predicted, among other things, the fu-
field, and in major events or developments. These con. ture significance in library and information processes of
tributing sources are reviewed, analyzed, and related, as
a means of tracing the history of the field, from its pre “dry photography,” microfilm, artificial intelligence,
and post-World War II beginnings to the early 1980s, to cathode-ray displays, and logical selection from combina-
the near-termfuture. tions of codes representing subjects or other descriptive
attributes of documents. He also described “Memex,” his
hypothetical device for storing and searching document
It is difficult to place an exact date on the beginning of images by subjects and other desired attributes, storing
what we have come to call information science. The field is search results, and showing attribute or content associa-
the product of convergences of various disparate disci- tions among searches. Perhaps most important, by the
plines and activities: library science, computer science very writing of his article, he conveyed importance and
(and its antecedent punched-card technology), docunien- prestige to this nascent, dimly appreciated field.
tation of research and development, abstracting, indexing, Royal Society Conference (1948). Another prinior-
communications science, behavioral science, micro- and dial publication was the proceedings of the Royal Society
macro-publishing, and video and optical science, among Scientific Information Conference 121. Among the topics
others. The specific contributions of these seminal com- dealt with in the reports produced by the conference were:
ponents are reflected in the publications in which they the Format of Scientific Publications: Editorial Policy,
were first analyzed, codified, or predicted; in the people Distribution, and the Length of Scientific Communica-
responsible for bringing them to light; and in major events tions; Subject Grouping of Periodicals; General Organi-
or developments that give rise to them. zation of Scientific Publications; Delays in Publication
and Availability of Information; Scope and Quality of Ab-
stracts; Techniques of Abstracting: Cooperation Among
Abstracting Organizations; Classification of Docunients
Some Basic Writings
and Their Contents: Methods of Reproduction; Mechani-
As We May Think (1945). One of the earliest state- cal Indexing; Training and Employment in Information
ments of the problems and opportunities that brought the Work; Guides to Information: Translations; and Review
inadvertent founders of information science together is Publications. The Royal Society Conference brought to-
contained in Vannevar Bush’s “As We May Think” [ l ] . gether, for the first time, some of the world’s most eminent
In this evocative article, Bush, a highly imaginative and scientists (primarily United Kingdom and Common-
innovative technical planner and administrator, first called wealth) to discuss what was perceived as the full spectrum
attention to the important role of information in the mas- of library and information issues as they related to the sci-
sive research and development effort mobilized in support ence and technology of the time. Two immediate products
of the conference were the establishment of the need for
author abstracts in scientific and technical papers and a
study, by J. D. Bernal, of how scientists seek and obtain
0 1984 by John Wiley Sr Sons. Inc. information and how (and whether) they use the tools and

JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE. 35(3): 157-163; 1984 CCC 0002-82311841030157-07$04.00
resources available to them. A third, implied product was tabulator and sorter, developed in 1880 for the U.S. Cen-
a new type of information professional: the scientist steeped sus Bureau, to other marginal and interior punched cards,
in information and library techniques. The ramifications and beyond into primitive computers. A paragraph from
of these early developments are still very much with us. the preface to the second edition in 1958 is illustrative:
Bibliographic Organization (1951). Edited by Jesse
Some idea of the rapidity with which the field has
Shera and Margaret Egan, this thin volume brought to-
grown may be gained from the fact that the bibliog-
gether in anthologicalform the thoughts of a group of “con-
raphy of uses [of punched cards and related devices]
ventional” and “new-wave” librarians regarding coming
contains 400 entries, compared with 276 entries in
trends in classification, indexing, forms of publication,
the first edition [ 19511. This great increase is rcflect-
and searching [3]. Bibliographic Orgariizatiori included
ed in the extension of the Practical Applications
two classic and prophetic papers by Mortimer Taube and
Section. . .. Here the reader will find a broad survey
Ralph Shaw.
of such important and unique uses as the Peek-A-
Taube’s paper, “Functional Approach to Bibliographic
Boo System; the Uniterm System; mechanized cod-
Organization,” dealt, inter aliu, with the then-awakening
ing and searching techniques applied to metallurgi-
recognition of the need for special information collections
cal literature; the Zato-coding System; and . . . the
to serve the needs of increasingly specialized bodies of
use of punched cards in linguistic analysis as ap-
users. It described the growing interrelationships and
plied to ancient texts such as the Dead Sea Scrolls. 14,
schisms among research libraries (large libraries of rec-
p. iii]
ord), special libraries, information clearinghouses, and
information analysis centers located in centers of subject Another brief passage further reveals the thrust and impact
expertise and manned by subject experts. Taube dealt of the book:
with the emerging significance of the unpublished research
report, theretofore largely ignored by the library com-
. . . some general principles are discussed which
may apply to types of mechanical devices not yet in-
munity, as a vehicle of information. He also described what
vented. [4, p. vl
he called “bibliographic coordination,” the precursor of
coordinate indexing, which led to the universally applied Indeed they did.
notion of inverted indexing, now the basis of most com- Studies in Coordinate Indexing (1953-1959). This
puterized index and text searching systems. five-volume work, edited by Mortimer Taube and Associ-
Shaw’s paper was entitled “Management, Machines, ates, is made up largely of reports of early basic and ap-
and the Bibliographic Problems of the Twentieth Cen- plied research projects in information science conducted
tury.” Contrasted with the length and presumption of his by Documentation Incorporated, one of the first coninier-
title, his basic points were few, but nevertheless important cial f i i s dedicated to library and information consulting
and insightful. Shaw examined the importance of the and research [S].While the full five volumes provide an
compression of distances in the elements of memory and excellent review of early developments in information
control units (at that time, punched cards, coded micro- science as they were happening, the first volume (1953) is
film frames-such as in his prototype Rapid Selector- probably the most significant. In it, Taube elaborated and
microcards, catalog cards, etc.). He showed that none of explained the notion of the coordinate index and intro-
the devices and mechanisms then available could support duced its proprietary manifestation, Uniterm indexing.
bibliographic searching until they became much more Aside from providing an efficient, low-cost desk-top tool
compressed and speedier. In developing his thesis, he for storing and searching inverted index entries, the Uni-
helped dash the hopes of many who looked upon comput- term system, based on document numbers posted on sub-
ers as an imminent panacea. It took some 15 years after ject (or other attribute) cards, did much at the tinie to help
his paper before computers began to have significant im- librarians and other disseminators and users of informa-
pacts on bibliographic organization and searching, and tion media to understand the principles and workings of
another 10 years before they could be considered com- information retrieval outside of the traditional printed
monly applied tools. index and multiple filing of catalog cards. The Uniterni
Punched Cards: Their Applications to Science and In- system, based on “free” index terms drawn from the texts
dustry (1951, 1958). The first edition of this book was being indexed, was also a precursor to text searching by
edited by Robert Casey and James Perry, the second edi- computer .
tion by Casey and Perry, joined by Madeline Berry and Proceedings of the International Conference on Scien-
Allen Kent [4]. For many long-time workers in informa- tifk Infomation (1958). Ten years following the 1948
tion science-including the writer-Punched Cards, in its Royal Society Conference, the International Conference
first and second editions, provided the first cohesive, per- on Scientific Information (ICSI) took place in Washing-
spective view of the applications of nonmanual, precom- ton, DC [6].The 82 papers presented at ICSI by many of
puter processes to the field. It took us from Joseph Jac- the library and information luminaries of the tinie were
quard’s control card for textile looms in 1780, to Charles divided into seven broad areas: Literature and Reference
Babbage’s statistical punched cards, ca. 1840, to Herman Needs of Scientists: Knowledge Now Available and Meth-
Hollerith’s pantograph punch and electric accounting ods of Ascertaining Requirements: Function and Ef-


fectiveness of Abstracting and Indexing Services; Effec- field as it existed in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Witness
tiveness of Monographs, Compendia. and Specialized its major contents: the Librarian and Recorded Knowl-
Centers: Present Trends and New and Proposed Tech- edge; the Documentalist and the Development of New
niques and Types of Services; Organization of Informa- Techniques; the Information Framework and the User;
tion for Storage and Search: Comparative Characteristics Printed Data and the Creation of a Machine Language;
of Existing Systems; Organization of Information for Stor- Analysis, Logical Processing, and the Computer; Indexes,
age and Retrospective Search: Intellectual Problems and Documents, and the Storage of Data; Interdisciplinary
Equipment Considerations in the Design of New Systems; Character of Information Systems; Elements of Usage;
Organization of Information for Storage and Retrospec- Elementary Organization; Elementary Equipment; Pa-
tive Search: Possibility for a General Theory; Responsibili- rameters and Implementation; Role of Theory; Theories
ties of Government. Professional Societies, Universities, of File Organization; Theories of System Design. In its
and Industry for Improved Services and Research. treatment of these topics, Znformation Storuge und Re-
In addition to being broadly international in atten- trievuf is, for its time, an excellent summarization or his-
dance and representation, ICSI, in common with the tory of the field.
Royal Society Conference, looked into evolving develop- Science, Government, and Momration (1963). Known
ments in the intellectual and mechanical aspects of infor- in the information community as the “Weinberg Report,”
mation organization and dissemination, us well us the Science, Government, and Znformution was conimis-
needs, roles, w i d intermtiom of users. Regarding users, sioned by the President’s Science Advisory Committee
one thing that was missing in the ICSI program, and con- (PSAC) [8]. It had considerable impact at the time, relat-
tinues to be missing, is the concept of training to make the ing and synthesizing the thinking of information leaders
most effective use of the available resources, mechanisms, in government and the private sector. Its heart consisted
and techniques. Thus, the subject of “responsibilities,” of two sets of suggestions, one from (and for) the “techni-
was touched upon but not brought to its logical conclusion cal community” and one from (and for) agencies of the
by ICSI. It is perhaps reflective of the complexity of federal government. The main points of the suggestions
system-user interface and the limited comprehension of relating to the “technical community” were, and remain,
the fact that the user is an integral part of the overall infor- illuminating, technically and historically:
mation mechanism.
An interesting sidelight characteristic of ICSI was its (1) Authors must accept more responsibility for infor-
tacit preoccupation with Soviet scientific and technical in- mation retrieval (by their use of “retrieval” words in the
formation apparati and processes. Not only did it take texts, titles, and the abstracts they write). (2) Unnecessary
place one year after the launching of Sputnik I by the publication should be eliminated. (3) Technical books
Soviet Union in 1957 (to the deep embarrassment of the must be improved (and gifted authors must be enticed and
United States), but it had on its program some key mem- rewarded financially). (4) Higher status should be given to
bers of the much-vaunted All-Union Institute of Scientific writers of review articles. (5) The best methods and media
and Technical Information. The prevailing wariness with of communication should be studied, identified, and ex-
the Soviet Union was a strong factor in an accelerating ploited. (6) Scientists and engineers should be trained to
emphasis and support at the time of information pro- express themselves more effectively. (7) The workings and
grams by such agencies as the National Science Founda- methods of information retrieval should be made familiar
tion, the Office of Naval Research, and the Air Force Of- to working scientists and engineers. (8) Greater and more
fice of Scientific Research. In a very real sense, Sputnik effective effort should be made to enlist and train able sci-
helped launch information science in the United States entists and engineers as professionals in information sci-
and elsewhere. ence. (9) New steps and techniques must be developed and
Information Storage and Retrieval: Tools, Elements, used to improve the “information transfer chain.” (Exam-
Theories (1%3). This work. by Joseph Becker and Robert ples cited include citation indexing, scientific newspapers.
Hayes, is distinctive in several respects 171. First, it was, to permuted title indexes, and “data and information cen-
my knowledge at least, the first textbook that treated in- ters.”) ( 10) Subject- and mission-oriented depositories of
formation science as a discrete discipline (or amalgama- publications should be promoted. ( I I ) Specialized infor-
tion of disciplines), and covered it in all its aspects, techni- mation centers (information analysis centers) should be
cal and behavioral. Second, it was based on one of the first promoted. (12) “Mechanization can be important but not
full courses on the subject, given over a period of years at all important.” (Here, the futility, in the early 1960s, of
UCLA, and thus “field tested.” Third. it apparently em- trying to capture, for example, the Library of Congress
boldened and stimulated ninny aspiring book authors, card catalog in machine-readable form, because of the
giving rise to an ensuing array (flood?) of titles covering cost of input, limited storage capacities, and slowness of
most major aspects of the field. searching was recognized. But the probability of reason-
Itlforniutiorr Slorrigr tirid Ketsievul, through its au- ably near-term remedies of these problems was given as a
thors-one an engineer and librarian and the other a sound reason for pursuing small- and large-scale mecha-
mathematician and computer systems specialist-reflects nization effort and support.) (13) Citation indexing (par-
the variegated character of the field. It also defines the ticularly in combination with permutation indexing)


should be pursued. (14) Compatibility in indexing lan- the approaching maturity of on-linc access (in addition to
guage, formats, processes, and conventions are impor- its increasingly aggressive marketing and broadening use)
tant, particularly where mechanization is a factor. (15) was the publication of Lancaster and Fayen's Ii!foritziitioii
Government support of private-sector technical publica- Retrieval On-Line [lo]. For its time, Iifi~riii(itiviiRrtric.vtii
tion is necessary. (Page charges are seen as a means of On-Line was tantamount to a handbook or brief encyclo-
meeting the cost of private-sector publishing, but are not pedia on the subject, detailing the following: basic charac-
considered ultimately viable, given strong objections from teristics, equipment used, search methods and cotiveii-
the scientific and technical community.) tions, file designs, descriptions of then-extant systems,
performance-evaluation criteria and methods, applicable
One outgrowth of the Weinberg Report was the estab-
indexing and vocabulary control, on-line applications,
lishment of the Committee on Scientific and Technical In-
and other considerations.
formation (COSATI), which exerted major influence over
Progress between 1973 and now (1983) is indicated in
federal information policies and programs during the
part by the fact that on-line searches were then based al-
1960s and 1970s.
most exclusively on index terms or descriptors. A few sys-
Scientific and Technical Communication (1969).
tems offered text-searching capabilities. but these were
Published by the National Academy of Sciences/National
primarily experimental and generally limited to Lvords in
Academy of Engineering and edited by a staff working
under the NAS/NAE Committee on Scientific and Techni-
In the course of comparing manual searching and that
cal Information (SATCOM), this volume and its under-
based on batched-mode punched-card and coniputer
lying studies and deliberations were structured somewhat
searches, Lancaster and Fayen suggested. but did not
like the 1948 Royal Society Conference [9]. They were a
quite articulate, an interesting irony: Aside from speed.
partial update of that conference and ICSI, and somewhat
perceived physical convenience, and single-stcp niulti-
complementary to the Weinberg Report. Among the sub-
variable combinations (which are required in a minority of
jects dealt with, and about which recommendations were
cases), on-line searches offer exactly the sanic advantages
framed, were the following: Primary Communications
as manual searches of card catalogs and printed indexes.
(forms and growth, originators and users, meetings, pre-
Both permit direct access to desired search attributes; both
prints and technical reports, serials, translations); the
provide interaction, browsing, and heuristics in searching
Basic Access Services (document access, bibliographic
(through cross references and other devices); both can be
control, abstracting and indexing); Consolidation and Pre-
invoked by multiple users at the same time (by all who
processing (synthesis, review, data compilation, informa-
have copies in the case of printed indexes); both can be in-
tion analysis centers, industrial information services, spe-
voked directly by the user (albeit sometimes with expert
cialized or tailored services, networks); New Technologies
guidance); and both involve niininial delay of access.
and Their Impact (document production and reproduc-
One other useful "by-product" of Ii!fhritzu/iori Rt~tri~ivil
tion, document dissemination, processing of machine-
On-Line is a delineation of five eras in retrieval systems.
readable records, on-line interactive systems, other sys-
ending in 1973. Pre-1940: printed indexes and card cata-
tems approaches): Copyright Problems and Implications.
logs; 1940-1949: semi-mechanized systems such as edged-
While SATCOM delved extensively into matters of
notch and peek-a-boo (optical coincidcncc) cards or
national and international policy, its analyses of new in-
matrices and microfilm searching; 1950- 1959: interior
formation technologies were most significant, historically
punched cards for data processing and limited retrieval.
and predictively. Two sections, on machine-readable rec-
early computer systems. and additional microimage sys-
ords and on-line interactive systems, were among the first
tems (e.g., Minicard, Filmorex. FMA): 1960-1969: batch-
summarizations of the proliferation of databases and
processing computer-retrieval systems, experimental and
their impending broad on-line accessibility. Interestingly,
primitive operating on-line systems, and more advanccd
at the time of the SATCOM report (1969), there were
microimage systems (e.g.. WALNUT); 1970-1973: dini-
around 35 nationally available computerized databases
inution of batch-mode and expansion of on-line systems.*
(and they were usually not called databases but machine-
Libraries and Librarians in an Age of Electronics
readable bibliographic records). They were searched in
(1982). Lancaster helps bring matters up to date in this
the batched mode. On-line systems were almost exclu-
volume, which summarizes and synthesizes his and other
sively experimental. Only the System Development Cor-
writings on the near-term implications of advances in
poration offered a small variety of commercially accessible
computer and communications technology [ 1 11. The book
databases, which were mounted and searched via various
goes far beyond the "Libraries and Librarians" in its title.
types of software, of which ORBIT was one. The number
of on-line databases and the number of vendors making
them available have since proliferated. On-line software, *One might interpolate, with respect to the pre-1940 era. t h a t the
most significant development of the 19.30s WIS the waikibility 0 1 riich
on the other hand, has diminished in variety and become
publications as the New York Times on inicrofilni. 'l'his had a very pro-
more-or-less standardized (although their names or acro- found effect on the retrospective use of the 7imc.s and other proiiiiiiciit
nyms seem to accelerate constantly). publications of rccord, particularly it1 public i i i i d large rc\c;irch
Information Retrieval On-Line (1973). One sign of libraries.


A sampling of the chapters making up the book is provoc- any item to be communicated to a user terminal or
ative: Computers and Publishing; A Paperless Communi- in microform.
cation System; the Disembodiment of the Library; Does Document files are interfaced with “computation”
the Library Have a Future? As its title implies, it is made programs so that data can be extracted from text
up of well-reasoned and documented conjecture and ex- and manipulated in various ways.
trapolation. Their underlying bases provide rich insight as Analysts compose intelligence reports on-line with
to the recent and earlier past of information science. the aid of text-editing facilities and disseminate
Continuing his discussion of on-line systems, Lan- these reports, as appropriate, over the on-line net-
caster shows, via his own statistics and those of others, work.
that such systems have arrived with a vengeance. Batch-
In short, for those who can comprehend, abide. and af-
mode searches have all but disappeared; an increasing
ford them, paperless publishing, communications. and
number of libraries and information centers are dropping
libraries are already upon us.
their subscriptions to ink print abstracting and indexing
services in favor of on-line versions, taking into account
the fact that most users go back five years or less when Some Main Actors
making a search (a very old but generally ignored finding); Mention has already been made, in discussions of their
and the cost of purchasing and storing massive collections writings, of some of the primary chroniclers. innovators,
of sporadically used printed matter is becoming less and and prognosticators of information science. There are
less justifiable.* others who are better known by their “monuments” than
We are now entering an era of new forms of publication by what they have written.
and communication between the information apparatus Calvin Mooers, in company with Taube, Perry, Casey,
and the user. Video and optical disks containing primary Kent, Berry, Shaw, Shera, and others, is surely one of the
and secondary information are coming on the market, founders of information science. He is generally credited,
and their availability and use are likely to accelerate rap- among other accomplishments, with coining the terms
idly, as mechanisms for production and reading become “information retrieval” and “descriptors,” and was one
cheaper and more broadly available. Newer specialized of the first to rationalize the retrieval and system design
reference and abstracting and indexing services are al- processes. Mooers was an early experimenter in the use of
ready beginning to bypass ink print, disseminating di- marginal punched cards with superimposed random
rectly from the computer to the user’s terminal and print- number codes in retrieval. He helped crystallize the notion
ing off-line only on request. The computer has long since and causes of “false drops” or false coordinations in
replaced the teletype as the preferred form of rapid com- search products and advanced means of preventing them.
munication of information products and services. The fol- He was one of the earliest proponents of what he called
lowing scenario, already tested, refined, and being imple- “reactive typewriters.” now known as word processors
mented by the Central Intelligence Agency, according to and on-line terminals [ 13,141.
Lancaster. tells the story and brings us up to 1983: Hans Peter Liihti is probably the closest thing we have
(1) Messages coming into a central computer are dis- to a Thomas Edison in this field. Among his inventions
seminated directly to the terminals of analysts with are: self-demarcating code words. auto-encoding (indes-
no intermediate paper copy. Dissemination is con- ing based on statistical associations), auto-abstracting,
tinuous for some messages, based on analyst interest multiple-attribute searching via IBM cards and card sort-
profiles, and one-time or limited-time for others. ers, selective dissemination of information (SDI) systems,
(2) Analysts read incoming messages on-line and then Keyword-in-Context (KWIC) indexing. thesauri of inclex-
(a) dispose of them, (b) reroute them to other ana- ing and retrieval terms, automatic production of “tree”
lysts, or (c) store them in personal electronic files. relationships among classes of index terms. and machine-
( 3 ) Analysts communicate with one another on-line in readable book catalog records [ 151. Many of his ideas,
one-to-one or conference mode. developed in the era of punched cards, have carried over
(4) On-line terminals give analysts access to their own to computers and are still fundamental in the applications
information files, those of their parent branches, of computers to information and library science.
agency-wide files, and a wide variety of external Eugene Gutjield, another of our great inventors, is bcst
databases. known for Cirrrerit Contents. the Scic~ricc.Cittrtiori Itidrs.
(5) Files of documents are accessible for searching via and the Sociul Science Citcitivti Itidex. * He was onc of the
descriptors or in full-text.
*Innate modesty precludes niy nientioning that. in addition to his
(6) A docitment-delivery system allows the full text of own fertile imagination, S h c p i r d i Ci/t/fifJ//.s.
and othcr influence\. one
of the sources of the ideas that led to the Scicvrct. Ci/u/io/i / / r t / r s and all
that followed was a finding from a sttidy I conducted ;it thc John\ Hop-
*Supplementing tmcastcr’s \tati\tics. in 1979 there were 528 na- kins University (while a colleague there of 111..Garficld) that ;I priniary
tionally acce\sihlc cimiputcrircd databases, the bulk of which were coni- means by ushich scientists bccaine awarc of useful puhlicatiori~i\ tlinwgh
niercially available on-line. More than 60% of these were being pro- cited references. This is a rare exoniple of an applic:ition of ii rc\~iItBI’
duced by for-profit private sector orgmiiations [ 121. user studies. which usually lead only to niorc i w r \ludic\ 1161.


earliest experimenters in the automatic manipulation of science, and one of the first and few to distinguish among
indexes through punched card techniques. He was also codes, words, messages, and information-concepts that
one of the earliest, and most successful, proponents of the are still constantly confused; E. J. Crane, who shepherded
“spin-off,” producing dozens of new secondary services Chemical Abstracts for 43 years, during which it became
froni the Citation Index databases. In many respects, he is the most prominent information tool of science and tech-
responsible for the existing information industry, based as nology and a model for existing and ensuing secondary
it is primarily on the repackaging and redissemination of services and databases in other fields; Melvin Duy, who
existing files. Through the structure of the Citation Index, solidified the notion of the integrated information clear-
which shows citation relationships among similar and dis- inghouse and helped establish the first working examples;
parate publications, he helped revitalize the somewhat G. S. Simpson, who gave life (and early documentation) to
dormant field of bibliometrics. the concept of the information analysis center combining
Roger Sumtizit can be reasonably called the “Father of information sources and interpretive talents: Cyril Clever-
On-Line Systems.” While there certainly were many early don, who, through the Cranfield experiment and preci-
efforts in the direction of remote searching of computer- sion and recall, introduced and demonstrated the qualita-
readable files (such as MIT’s Project MAC and SDC’s tive and quantitative evaluation of indexes: Donald Kitig,
ORBIT), it remained for Summit and his colleagues at an early (and current) evaluator and statistical historian
Lockheed to bring them to broadly accessible, commer- and prognosticator; Gerard Salton, developer (ca. 1961)
cially viable fruition. This development took place in two of SMART (System for the Mechanical Analysis and Re-
stages. The first was the installation of a DIALOG on-line trieval of Text), which extended Luhn’s notion of indexes
system in 1967 at the NASA Ames Research Center, to and searches based on the computer manipulation of
search some 300,000 records stored at the Lockheed Palo natural-language texts; John Muuchley , co-designer and
Alto Research Laboratory. This was followed by addi- developer during World War I1 of ENIAC, the first elec-
tional installations in other parts of NASA, as well as tronic full-scale computer, and a major force in the ini-
other agencies in the United States and Europe. The sec- tial application of computers to information problems:
ond stage was the mounting of a broadened range of Thomas Allen, who, perhaps more than anyone, demon-
computer-readable databases and the founding of Lock- strated via his “gatekeeper” concept that (1) the behav-
heed’s DIALOG, which helped make commonplace the ioral and societal aspects of information communication
on-line searching and storing of computer-readable refer- are critical and (2) that the user is indeed a vital part of the
ence and bibliographic resources by libraries and infor- information mechanism; Frederick Kilgour, who devel-
mation centers throughout the United States and the re- oped and implemented the Ohio College Library Center
mainder of the industrialized world [17]. (OCLC),now the Online Computer Library Center, the
Frutik B. Rogers, physician and librarian, did much to first operational national computer-based interlibrary net-
bring to reality many of the possibilities of the 1940s, work: Henriette Avram, who brought computer technology
1950s, and 1960s. At his operating base, the National Li- to bear in the rationalization, preparation, and use of the
brary of Medicine, which he directed from 1949 to 1964, traditionally art-bound library catalog card: and Ctirfos
he oversaw the development of MEDLARS (Medical Liter- Cuadra, who helped bring information science maturity,
ature Analysis and Retrieval System), the first computer- perspective, and recognition through the Atitiirul Review q /
based system combining page composition and the stor- Information Science and Technology, and continues to
age and retrieval of literature references; he put into place probe the impact and significance of on-line databases
the first national and regional library network: and with from the user viewpoint.
MEDLARS, he laid the groundwork for the nationally ac- My main solace and redemption for what I have left out
cessible MEDLINE and its various specialized offshoots of this article is that, given the dynamics of the field, 1, or
1181. Perhaps as a fitting gift, MEDLARS became opera- someone else, will undoubtedly be performing this task
tional in 1964, at the time of his retirement from the Na- again, and covering much the same territory. One endur-
tional Library of Medicine. ing characteristic of information science is its circularity.
Consider, for instance, Taube’s “free indexing” of the
1950s which many conservatives in the field viewed as
Epilogue and Apologia tantamount to free love. Now, in the 1980s, both are ac-
cepted and embraced with rising enthusiasm.
This short attempt at a historical summary of a field as The computer terminal, the key to “high technology”
complex and amorphous as information science is perhaps in information science and other fields, is now giving rine
presumptuous. There is no question that in my coverage of to new cottage industries. Abstractors, indexers, editors,
the main writings of the field I have left out much more and others like them, are, with increasing frequency, do-
than I have included. The same can be said of pivotal ing their daily work in their homes on terminals attachcd
events and developments. With respect to “main actors,” to their employers’ computers.
many omitted names immediately come to mind (and To complete the circle, we at Herner and Company are
these are only a partial list): Robert Fairthorne, one of the experimenting with a method of beating the high cost of
earliest and most astute analysts of modern information terminals installed in operators’ homes and of conimuni-


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