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Reg. No.

Question Paper Code : BS2115


Second Semester


(Common to Health Services Management/Hospitality and Tourism Management)

(Regulations 2013)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.

PART A — (10  2 = 20 marks)

1. What are the elements in policy statements?

2. What is service quality?

3. What are the consequences if SEIKETSU is not practised in a production


4. What is Quality circle?

5. Define Six Sigma concept.

6. What are the benefits of re-engineering?

7. What are the objectives of QFD?

8. What are the benefits of Poka-Yoke?

9. What are the pillars of TQM?

10. List down the objectives of internal audits.

PART B — (5  13 = 65 marks)

11. (a) Discuss the customer perception of quality, customer feedback and
customer retention.

(b) Describe the dimensions of product involved in service quality.
12. (a) What is Taguchi Loss function? Explain in detail the Quality Loss
Function for various Quality characteristics.
(b) Discuss the contributions of Deming and Juran in Quality Management.

13. (a) Explain the procedure for constructing control charts for attributes.
(b) Discuss the applications of SPC and acceptance sampling in Quality

14. (a) Write a step by step procedure for implementing FMEA for a product of
your choice.
(b) What is House of Quality? Explain in detail how it can be used in a
two-wheeler company.

15. (a) Explain purpose and role of the Quality Council in detail.
(b) Explain the steps involved in getting ISO 9000 certification for an
educational institute.

PART C — (1  15 = 15 marks)
(Case Study)
16. (a) When an organization’s vision and purpose is publicized as being the
most admired corporation for service excellence by local citizens,
maintaining a high customer retention rate must be a priority. While
attracting new business is a critical component to long-term success,
organizations will not reach maximum profitability when failing to retain
large number of its own customers.
In the insurance industry, some customer policies will inevitably lapse, or
expire, without payment. If sales agents lack the requisite drive to
recover the business from these individuals, the organization’s retention
rate will suffer. So when agents for one India-based life insurance
company became more focused on attracting new customers than keeping
old ones-retaining less than 1 percent of all lapsed policyholders-company
leaders initiated a year-long quality project to identify why customers
were not renewing, and how best to regain their business.
Achieving quality success from such a project would mean gaining
millions of dollars in what would be lost revenue.
Draft a Quality Project Plan for the life-insurance company that will help
in identifying the reasons for its problems.

(b) Draw the fish-bone diagram detailing the causes of poor performance of
students in the University Examination. Identify the seven tools of
quality that can be used to make analysis to improve the performance.

2 BS2115

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