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Internet Marketing Traditional focus groups can allow customers to touch, smell

We explore Internet marketing campaign components and experience products or services

Marketing research, advertising, promotions, public
relations, search-engine registration Online focus groups
 Web-site traffic generation  Conducted to allow current or potential consumers to
 Keeping user profiles present their opinions about products, services or ideas
 Recording visits  Comfortable setting for participants
 Analyzing promotional and advertising results  Leader of the focus group cannot interpret a participant’s
Target market is the group of people toward whom it is most body language as a form of communication
profitable to aim your marketing  SurveySite
Use Internet marketing with traditional marketing. Online surveys
 Conducted from Web site or through e-mail
Branding ,GoGlobal Technologies and
Brand QuickTake
 Typically defined as a name, logo or symbol that helps  Test your site and marketing campaign on a smaller scale
one identify a company’s products or services with focus groups and trials
 Customers’ experience can be considered part of its
brand Data collected from a company’s Web site
Brand equity
 Includes the value of tangible and intangible items, such Internet Marketing Research Evaluate campaign results
as a brand and its monetary value over time, customer Measure costs and benefits of campaign
perceptions and customer loyalty to a company and its  Helps with development of a budget for marketing
products or services activities
 Identify growing and most profitable segments
Internet-only businesses must develop a brand that customers Marketing-research firms
trust and value.  Forrester Research, Adknowledge, Jupiter
Brand uniformity will increase brand recognition. Communications and Media Metrix
Freeware and shareware
The Internet makes it difficult to protect a brand from misuse  Both are no cost software distribution; however,
 Rumors and customer dissatisfaction can spread quickly shareware is distributed with the expectation of
 It is not difficult for people to use other companies’ donations in return
logos on their sites or products illegally Pricing
Companies can attempt to protect their brands  Some products priced to reflect competition
 Hiring people to surf the Web and look for news, rumors  High pricing to influence perception of high-value
and other instances of brand abuse  Can use prices to position products and services on the
 Brand monitoring activities can be outsourced to Internet
companies such as eWatch and NetCurrents  Positioning includes affecting consumers’ overall
views of a company and its products and services as
Internet Marketing Research compared to the way those customers view
Marketing mix includes (4Ps): competitors’ products or services
 Product or service details and development  Positioning strategies can be based on price, quality,
 Effective pricing use and competitors’ positions in the market
 Promotion
 Distribution Distribution cost and time contributes to success or failure
Traditional marketing research
 Consists of focus groups, interviews, paper and Fulfillment
telephone surveys, questionnaires and secondary  Execute orders correctly and ship products promptly
 Findings based on previously collected data E-mail Marketing
Online marketing research Fast, cheap, far-reaching
 Faster option for finding and analyzing industry,
customer and competitor information Define the reach
 Provides relaxed and anonymous setting to hold focus-  The span of people you would like to target, including
group discussions and distribute questionnaires geographic locations and demographic profiles

Demographics Determine the level of personalization

 Statistics on human population, including age, sex,  Personalized direct e-mail targets consumers with
marital status and income specific information and offers by using customer names,
Psychographics offering the right products at the right time and sending
 Can include family lifestyle, cultural differences and promotions
Segmentation Response rate
 Can be based on age, income, gender, culture and  Shows campaign success or failure by measuring the
common needs and wants percentage of responses generated from the target market

Global businesses send translated e-mails

 Logos and AltaVista
Outsourcing Online and offline e-business promotions
 Parts of a company’s operations are performed by other  Attract visitors to sites and may influence purchasing
companies  Besure customers are loyal to company, not reward
 Used when unmanageable e-mail volume and inadequate program
staff or technical support  Give away items that display company logo
 Messagemedia, Digital Impact , iLux ,
, 24/7 Media and e-Contacts
Frequent-flyer miles
Audio, video and graphics  Offered to consumers for making online purchases
 MindArrow, inChorus and MediaRing .com  Increase brand loyalty, offers a reason return visits
 Customize based on receivers’ preferences and their  ClickRewards allows customers to accumulate
readers’ ClickMiles

A plug-in is a small application designed to extend the Points-based promotion

capabilities of another product, such as a Web browser  Customer performs a prespecified action and receives
points to be redeemed for products, services, rebates,
Improve customer service discounts, etc.
 Add an e-mail link to Web site  MyPoints
 E-mail systems set up so that incoming e-mails will be
sorted automatically and directed to the appropriate
people Promotions
 Track location of orders, inform customers of when to  Offer discounts when purchases are made online
expect delivery and possible delays and providing  Offer free trials
information such as the carrier’s name
Online coupons for online shopping
Permission-based marketing  Place coupons on sites to bring visitors to your site
 A company can market its products and services to  Sites that advertise coupons include DirectCoupons ,
people who have granted permission and
 Internet mailing lists include contact information for  Offer free promotional items:, free2try. com
people who have expressed interest in receiving and freeshop .com
information on certain topics Online promotional tutorial containing information on ways to
 Opt-in e-mails are sent to people who "opt-in" to receive promote your site found at Promotion World
offers, information and promotions by e-mail
 will send your e-mail E-business Advertising
campaign to those on a list who have expressed Traditional
interest in your business category  Television, movies, newspapers and magazines
 and create lists of
people who have opted-in to receive information Prime-time television slots most expensive times to air
about a certain subject commercials
 (monster.comadvertisement)
 Mass e-mailing to customers who have not expressed Establish and continually strengthen branding
interest  Brand is a symbol or name that distinguishes a company
 Can give your company a poor reputation and its products or services from its competitors and
should be unique, recognizable and easy to remember
Traditional direct marketing
 Includes sending information by mail and using Publicize URL on direct mailings and business cards
telemarketers to contact prospective customers
 Used in conjunction with e-mailing to reach largest Online advertising
audience  Place links on other sites, register with search engines
 Direct mailing
 often more expensive, more difficult to analyze and Banner Advertising
has lower response rate than direct e-mailing Banner ads
 Direct mail specialists: Eletter and  Located on Web pages, act like small billboards, usually
MBS/Multimode contain graphics and
 an advertising message
E-mail can arrive if recipients are busy or away, receivers can  Benefits include:
read e-mails at their convenience  Increased brand recognition, exposure and possible
Telemarketing  Side panel ads or skyscraper banners
 Can be more expensive than e-mailing  Advertisements that lie vertically on Web sites
 Offers benefit of being interactive  Banner advertisements are losing their effectiveness
 People likely to answer phone whereas can ignore e-  Industry has calculated click-through rates at around
mail .5 percent
 Place logo on banners, enhancing brand recognition  There is a substantial build up of content at the receiving
end, causing a video to appear smoother
Inventive color schemes and movement 
 Flashing, scrolling text, pop-up boxes and color changes
 Pop-up box is a window containing an Cross-media advertising or hybrid advertising
advertisement that appears separate from the screen  Involves using a combination of rich media (such as
the user is viewing, pops up randomly or as a result audio, video, images and animations) and traditional
of user actions (can have a negative effect due to advertising forms (such as print, television and radio
their intrusive nature) advertisements) to execute an advertising campaign
 Involve consumers in the advertising process
Determine the best position on sites for a banner  Nike
 Web sites cluttered with ads annoy visitors  WebRIOT, a game show on MTV
 H2O Design and Lot21
Space can be more expensive during high traffic Exchanging
banners with another site Interactive television advertising
Adbility and BannerTips  Allows people viewing television to interact with what
they are seeing on the screen
Buying and Selling Banner Advertising  Consumers have the ability to choose to learn more
 Buy advertising space on sites that receive a large about an offer, make a purchase or even request that
number of hits and target a similar market customer service representatives contact them
 Selling ad space provides additional income  RespondTV
 Monthly charges for online advertising rarely used
 CPM(cost per thousand) Wireless Advertising
 Adesignated fee for every one thousand people who Wireless Internet in early stages
view the site on which your advertisement is located  Advertising companies are preparing to take advantage
of this medium
Unique visitors versus total number of hits SkyGo
 Visiting any site registers one unique visit  Wireless advertising company offering real-time
 Hits are recorded for each object that is downloaded wireless delivery and tracking of permission-based
 To determine the value of a Web site for advertising campaigns
purposes, use the number of unique visitors, not total hits Adbroadcast
 Pays people who opt in to receive advertisements on cell
Advertising payment options phones
 Pay-per-click: you pay the host according to the number GeePS
of click-throughs to your site  Offers brick-and-mortar stores wireless advertising
 Pay-per-lead: you pay the host for every lead generated targeted toward specific markets
from the advertisement  Sends relevant wireless ads to customers as they enter
 Pay-per-sale: you pay the host for every sale resulting the proximity of a store
from a click-through
e-Business Public Relations
Selling advertising space Public relations (PR)
 Provide appropriate contact information on your Web  Keeps customers and company current on latest
site information about products, services and internal and
 Register with organizations that will sell your space for external issues such as company promotions and
you consumer reactions
 These companies typically charge a percentage of Methods
the revenue you receive from the advertisements  Chat sessions
placed on your site  Bulletin board
 ValueClick, DoubleClick , AdSmart and  Special events or functions on Web site
LinkExchange  Trade shows and exhibitions
 Press releases (can be delivered over Web, PR Web
Media-Rich Advertising  Printing and distribution, MediaMap
Webcasting  Add link that connects to all press releases
 Involves using streaming media to broadcast an event  Video clips
over the Web  PR Newswire and Business Wire
 Streaming video simulates television, streaming delivers
a flow of data in real time. Crisis management
 Resource Marketing, Clear Digital Macromedia,  Another responsibility of PR, is conducted in response to
Navisite, Cyber-Logics, problems the company is having
 Many people have relatively slow Internet access  Bridgestore/Firestone, Inc.
 The slower the connection, the more disconnected
the video appears Outsourcing public relations
 Victoria’s Secret Webcast most popular ever held on
Web Business-to-Business (B2B) Marketing on the Web
(B2B) marketing
Bursting  Consider distributors, resellers, retailers and partners
 Selling to someone who is not the direct user add them to AltaVista’s index. The crawler follows links from
 Usually more than one person involved in purchasing other pages it finds, and that is how AltaVista adds more
process URLs to its index. So, if many pages are linked to your site,
 Businesses making large purchases depend on suppliers your site is more likely to be found. If not, it will never be
and expect reliability and delivery of quality products found.
and services on time To register, enter your URL in the form located at
 Personalization /cgibin/query?pg=addurl. After this
process is complete, AltaVista sends out crawlers to find the
Intranets and extranets site, learn what is included in the content and add the URL to
the index. Submission is free.
Industry marketplaces
, Lycos
 Connect Inc , Concur Technologiesand Ariba
Lycos requires you to submit a URL for each page of
Search Engines your site, as well as your e-mail address. Lycos then sends a
Search-engine ranking important to bring consumers to a site spider to your site. Inapproximately two to three weeks, your
 Method used by search engines to rank your Web site site will be entered into Lycos’s catalog. Registration is free.
will determine how "high" your site appears in search If your site is not live for a certain amount of time, the spider
results cannot connect to it. Your site then
gets deleted from the catalog.
Make sure all Web pages have been published on the Web and
linked correctly Ask Jeeves
By registering with search engines a company will increase To submit a URL to Ask Jeeves’ knowledge base,
traffic to its site you send an e-mail including your URL and a short
description of your site to Ask Jeeves. Human editors then
META Tags review your request by visiting your site and checking if your
METAtag site matches certain guidelines including quick loading time,
 An HTMLtagthat contains information about a Web regular updating of content and free features without the
page requirement of user registration.
 Does not change howWeb page is displayed Ask Jeeves also uses its patented popularity search
 Can contain description of page, keywords and title of technology to determine which sites have provided the best
page answers to Ask Jeeves users. In addition to the previous
Most search engines rank your site by sending out a spider to guidelines, e-commerce sites should meet additional
inspect the site guidelines including
 The spider reads the META tags, determines the security requirements, customer service and credibility as an
relevance of the Web page’s information and keywords e-commerce site.
and ranks the site according to that visit’s findings
Examine competitors’ sites to see what META tags they are
using Before registering with Yahoo!, you should first
Top ten results check if your site is already in Yahoo!’s database. It is
possible that your site has been suggested to Yahoo! by
Search-Engine Registration another user. If your site is in a foreign language, it may be
 Submit keywords and a description of business located in an
 Search engine will add information to its database International Yahoo!. If it is in an International Yahoo! it will
 Registering will increase the possibility that a site will not be added to
make an appearance in search-engine results Once you have determined that your site is not in
 Many search engines do not charge a fee for registering Yahoo!, you should find an appropriate category in the
 AltaVista, Yahoo!, Lycos, Excite, Google and Ask Yahoo! directory to list your site. You can do this by going to
Jeeves the bottom of the category page and clicking on the link for
 Ask Jeeves uses natural-language technology that suggesting a site. Yahoo! provides suggestions to help you
allows people to enter their search subjects in the determine where your site should be
form of questions placed. Suggesting sites is free. To suggest a site using the
normal process, you are only required to provide the name,
Metasearch engines URL and short description of the site. When using the
 Aggregate results from a variety of search engines Business Express you are required to pay a fee, guaranteeing
 Metacrawler and that your site
will be reviewed within seven business days.
Search Engine & Registration Requirements and Details
AltaVista Visit to add a URL to
In theory, you should not have to register with Google. This search engine requests your URL and comments
AltaVista. The search engine should be able to find your site about your site (for Google’s information), however it does
on its own, because it sends out crawlers that find sites and not use the comments submitted for indexing purposes.
Google does not index every site submitted. The engine only  Sites that depend on advertising rates use this model to
requires the submission of a site’s main page because its increase traffic
crawler, Googlebot, will be able to find the rest of your pages  GoTo and Lycos
as it searches all possible links.
Google ranks pages by the number of connections Pay-Per-Lead Model
between Web sites, with the theory that the more connections Pay-per-lead model
to a site, the more popular and useful the site.This is different  Rewards affiliates based on the number of qualified leads
compared to other search engines that use META tags and site generated
descriptions as a method of ranking.  Potential customers that have expressed interest in a
product or service and meet requirements
Affiliate Program determined by the company
Affiliate program  Can include new customer registrations and having
 A form of partnership in which a company pays affiliates visitors sign up to receive a newsletter or use a free
(other companies or individuals) for prespecified actions demo
taken by visitors who click-through from an affiliate site 
to a merchant site
In this chapter, we discuss: Pay-Per-Sale Model
 Costs Pay-per-sale model
 Benefits  Also known as the commission-based model
 Program reward structures  Compensates its affiliates for each sale resulting from
 Program-building options affiliate-hosted advertisements
 Tracking and affiliate solution providers  Rewards to the affiliates based on sales are typically
 Directories and search engines that provide affiliate- and larger
partnering program resources 
 Virtual store
How an Affiliate Program Works  Allows affiliates to sell merchant’s products without
 New income streams requiring visitor to leave the affiliate’s site
 The company that advertises on another company’s site Multi-Tiered Model
Multi-tiered model
Affiliate  Also known as the multi-level model
 The company hosting the advertising in return for a  New affiliates are recruited by current affiliates,
reward based on predetermined terms who are then rewarded with a percentage of the new
 Affiliates act as an extended sales force affiliates’ revenues
 Two-tiered model involves only the original affiliate and
How it works its recruits, also known as subaffiliates
 Merchant places banner on affiliate’s Web site  ValueClick
 When a person clicks through to the merchant’s site via
the advertisement on the affiliate’s site and makes a Hybrid Model
purchase, a commission on the sale is typically awarded Hybrid model
to the affiliate  Combines features of multiple models
 Can make an affiliate program more competitive
“Win-win" situation  Can increase the cost for the merchant
Selecting an Affiliate-Program Reward Structure
Program reward structures CPM (Cost-Per-Thousand) Model
 Pay-per-click CPM (cost-per-thousand) model
 Pay-per-lead  Requires the merchant to pay the affiliate a fee for every
 Pay-per-sale 1000 visitors that simply view the merchant’s banner on
 CPM (cost-per-thousand) the affiliate site
 Multi-level, or multi-tiered  Not used as often as the other models because merchants
 Hybrid model prefer to pay for actions
 CPM is often used to price traditional advertising
Implementation of appropriate reward structure(s) depends on methods
the type of site and its product mix
Web-site “Stickiness”
Pay-Per-Click Model Stickiness of a site
Pay-per-click model  The ability to keep people at a site and interested in its
 Rewards an affiliate for each click-through that is content
generated from a banner ad hosted by the affiliate Update content frequently, carefully organize a site, provide
 A click-through is when a person clicks on the quality customer service to keep visitors browsing
banner advertisement on the affiliate site and is
taken to the merchant site Merchants can offer virtual stores to affiliates
 Easy for affiliates to generate dishonest click-throughs to  Offer e-commerce capabilities to sites that want to
“run up the numbers” participate in affiliate programs, but also want to keep
visitors at their sites
 Nexchange and CrossCommerce  Losing visitors through affiliate links
 Can control their brands’ presentation on affiliate sites  Developing and implementing the program

Becoming an Affiliate Internet affiliate program taxation

Some programs have requirements to become an affiliate  Commissions collected by affiliates are considered
 Site statistics, information about visitors and a tax income and will be taxed
identification number  State taxation on sales made through affiliates in states
Hidden fees and restrictions in some affiliate contracts other than the state where the merchant is located has not
been settled.
Note the reputation of the merchant

Most affiliate programs require a person or company to have a

Web site to participate

Some programs allow individuals to join by placing affiliate

links on their personal sites

Examples of Affiliate Programs Associate Program
 Pioneer in affiliate marketing
 Sites will be rejected if they contain “amazon” or
variations of the word in the domain names, promote
violence, are or contain sexual
 material or other content deemed inappropriate
Associates Central
 provides graphics, links, earnings and traffic
 Affiliates can provide an search box on its
site or link to the home page or recommended books
 Joining is free and pays up to 15 percent in referral fees

BabyCenter offers a commission-based affiliate program

Pays members for all sales originating from their sites

Pays affiliates for their own personal shopping through the

links on their sites

Affiliates are paid on a quarterly basis

BabyCenter Affiliate Gateway provides earning reports,

images and links that can be downloaded to connect to the
merchant site

Barnes & Noble Feature

Barnes & Noble offers Affiliate Network
 Potential affiliates must complete online application
 Gives options for links, banners and virtual storefronts
 provides affiliate performance reports
 Sends a commission check to affiliates every three

MyB&NLink program allows people to earn commissions by

placing a
link to the Web site in their e-mails
 Restrictions include spamming, pornography, hate mail
and illegal activities

Costs and Taxation of Affiliate Programs

 Merchant is required to pay the affiliate, with the amount
depending on the respecified terms of the program
 Costs can rise with increases in the number of click-
throughs, purchases or other specified actions

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