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臺北市大同區雙蓮國民小學 111 學年度第二學期六年級英語領域期中評量

口試:_____ 筆試:_____六年 班 號 姓名: 家長簽名:_______

請將答案書寫於第 4 頁的答案卷上
A. Listen and Choose 16% C. Listen and Choose 14%

1. t___n A au
○ Bu
○ C ur
○ 1. ○
A He will go skiing in February.
B He will go skiing in Japan.

2. ch___p Ai
○ B ir
○ Co

C Yes, he will. He will go skiing.

3. f___m A or
○ B ir
○ C ar

2. ○
A Yes, we’ll visit Australia next
4. gr__ll Ae
○ Bi
○ Ca
○ week.
5. cl____n A ur
○ B ea
○ C ow
○ B Yes, we did. We visited Australia

6. m____l A ea
○ B ai
○ C au
○ last week.
C No, we won’t visit the USA next

7. c____se Aa
○ B au
○ C ur

8. l____n A aw ○
○ B ai C ar
○ 3. ○
A The hotel is on Sun Road.
B You can take the MRT.

B. Listen and Choose 10%
仔細聽,選出正確的圖片。 C You can go camping there.

4. ○
A I will go to the shopping mall on
1. ○ B
○ C
○ Sunday.
B Go straight for two blocks.

C I’m going to the shopping mall.

2. ○
○ C
○ 5. ○
A Yes, she will visit a night market.
B The night market is across from the

C She will visit a night market this

3. ○
○ C

6. ○
A The food is delicious in Taipei 101.
B I’ll go mountain climbing and

4. ○
○ C

enjoy the view.
C It is next to the MRT station.

7. ○
A Yes, they went to Japan last year.
5. ○ ○ ○
B No, they won’t go surfing.

C Yes, they will go camping in


D. Read and Choose 20% E. Look and Write 14%
讀一讀,選出正確的答案。 請根據圖片,填入字詞完成句子。
1. A: _____ will you visit Australia? 1.
B: I will visit Australia in February. Go __(1)__ and turn __(2)__.
○1 What ○2 Where ○3 When The hotel is on your __(3)__.
2. 2.
I will visit Singapore ____ May. The shopping mall is __(4)__
○1 at ○2 in ○3 on __(5)__ the temple.
3. 3.
____ you go skiing in Japan next month? The library is __(6)__ to the
○1 Are ○2 Do . ○3 Will museum.
4. 4. A: Will you visit Singapore
1 A:______ is the supermarket? 1next year?
2 B:It’s on Park Road. B: No, I __(7)__. I will visit
○1 When ○2 How ○3 Where
the USA next year.
A:______ can I get to the museum? F. Read and Choose 26%
B:You can walk there.
○1 When ○2 How ○3 Where
Ben: Do you have any plans this summer
6. …..vacation?
We went to the museum ____ foot. Mary:Yes, I will visit Taiwan with my
○ 1 at ○2 on ○3 in family.
7. Ben: Great! When will you visit there?

It’s a good place to learn _______ Mary:Next month.

1Chinese culture. Ben: Will you visit temples? There are

○1 about ○2 but ○3 out .some famous temples.

Mary: Yes, and we will go mountain
…..climbing and enjoy beautiful scenery
A:Look! This is my new _____.
B:Sounds cool. Ben: That sounds like fun.
A:Let me show you. Mary: I will go camping with my friends at
○1 national ○ 2 invention ○ 3 wonderful
……a park,too.
9. 1. When will Mary visit Taiwan?
You can get to the library ___ bus. A Next year.

○1 of ○2 by ○3 off B Next month.

10. C Next week.

Go out of the station through Exit 1.
Then ______ the street at the traffic light. 2. Mary won’t go ______.
A mountain climbing.

○1 turn ○2 across ○3 cross
B camping.

C skiing.

Ted: What are you __(1)__, Ann? 1. Mia is in _______.
Ann: I’m packing for a trip. I will visit ○A the USA ○ B Japan ○C Taiwan
..Korea. 2. Mia is looking for the __________.
Ted: Cool! When __(2)__ you visit Korea? ○A bus stop ○ B mall ○C park

Ann: I’ll visit there __(3)__. 3. Mia will get to the mall by ____.
A MRT B train C bus
Ted: Will you go shopping there? ○ ○ ○
Ann: No. I will __(4)__ my uncle and work 4. It takes ____ minutes to get to the mall.
○A fifty ○B twenty ○C thirty
…..on his farm.

1. (D)
A did
○ B do
○ C doing
○ Subway is not just the name of a
2. sandwich. Subway is also the name of a
A did
○ B do
○ C will
○ __(1)__. You can see subways underground
3. or overhead in big cities. There __(2)__
A next week ○
○ B yesterday ○
C last week
many ways to see a city. You can see a
A visiting B visit C visited
city by bus. You can see a city on foot.
○ ○ ○
You can also see a city in another fast and
easy way ---by subway. You can visit
(C) most famous __(3)__ by subway.
Mia and her family are in the USA.
They are at a bus stop now. They are 1.
looking for the shopping mall. A train
○ B try
○ C tree

Mia: Excuse me. Where is the shopping 2.
A am
○ B is
○ C are

.mall? Can we walk there?
A man: No. It’s really far away. You can
A plan
○ B play
○ C places

.take bus number 33 and get off the
.bus at Central Park. Then cross the
..street at the traffic light. The mall is in front of you. It
..may take about thirty minutes to
..get to the shopping mall.
…Mia: OK. Thanks for your help.

六年 班 號 姓名:
A. Listen and Choose 16% E. Look and Write 14%
.仔細聽,選出聽到的發音字組。 請根據圖片,填入字詞完成句子。

1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( )

5.( ) 6.( ) 7.( ) 8.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( )
7.( )
B. Listen and Choose 10%

F.Read and Choose 26%

1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 讀一讀,選出正確的答案。
5.( )
(A) 1.( ) 2.( )
C. Listen and Choose 14% (B) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( )
4.( )

1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) (C) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( )

5.( ) 6.( ) 7.( ) 4.( )
(D) 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( )
D. Read and Choose 20%

1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 100 99-90 89-80 79-70 69-60 59-0

5.( ) 6.( ) 7.( ) 8.( )

9.( ) 10( )

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