Poisonous Plants Free Preview I

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Tom Miskey (Order #42231707)

Designer: L.J. Ogre
Editor: Heather Clift
Art Director: Arthur T. Aufseher
Graphic Designer: Ken Eisenberg
Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura
Illustrators: Basilius Besler, Pancrace Bessa, Karl Ludwig
von Blume, D.G.J.M. Bois, Brian Brinlee, Étienne Denisse, Mary
Emily Eaton, Walter Hood Fitch, W.J. Hooker, Otto Müller,
Marianne North, Pieter de Pannemaeker, Pierre
Joseph Redouté, Margarette Schrödter, and Nicolas Robert

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Subject to the Product Identity designation above, the following portions of Poisonous Plants are
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Tom Miskey (Order #42231707)

INTRODUCTION These rules are also for anyone adventuring in the
wilderness. Anyone playing a druid will find these rules
Welcome to this Free Preview of Poisonous Plants! This
useful and interesting. Any party without a druid will find
preview contains just one of the plants found in the
these rules dangerous and deadly. Wizards with herbalism
Poisonous Plants PDF. You can get the all the great
or alchemy kit proficiency can make good use of these
content in this Top Selling, Five Star PDF right here!
rules. Characters with Medicine or Nature skills will also
find these rules helpful.
Poisonous Plants features 5th edition D20 rules for
sixty-six deadly plants and one ooze from our own world
Are your friends charred and burned? Acid, fire, or
including hemlock, nightshade, and hellebore.
radiation - it doesn’t matter! With the Medicine skill, an
herbalism kit, and some foxgloves, you can heal them
Each plant is presented with a stat-block outlining its
habitat, size, frequency, medical uses, damage, saving
throws, and challenge rating. Most entries feature
Are all your healing spells and potions spent, but you
additional rules for creating herbal, alchemical, and
can’t rest? Brew a poultice from snowberry and keep
magical substances.
With this supplement you can:
Feeling exhausted? Worn out? Disadvantaged on
• Craft insecticide from white cedar!
your ability checks? Try moonseed tonic and wake the
• Brew healing balm from nightshade!
[bleep] up!
• Extract weapon poison from bush rope!
• Empower your necromancy with baneberry! Are you frequently attacked? Do you suffer from
• Fight oozes with myoporum! pain? Could you use some temporary hit points? Ask your
• Enhance your protection spells with oleander! druid today about Elixir of Monkshood, the #1 physician-
• Use jimsonweed to target objects with fly spells! recommended supplement for active adventurers. (Side
• Use bay laurel to enhance your augury spells! effects may include malaise, weakness, clumsiness, and paralysis).
• Brew a sleep potion from black locust!
• Create dozens of other herbal and alchemical Are your friends insane? Or merely confused? Or is it
concoctions! you? Either way, an herbal decoction made from
• This material is heavily researched and the mistletoe can cure mental illness and remove confusion.
effects of these poisons mirror reality. Some
cause paralysis, blindness, or terrifying Do you have secrets to pass along? Make an
hallucinations. Some cause psychic damage. A Intelligence (Nature) check to know which plant’s leaves
few contain acid. A couple cause creatures to can be inscribed with hidden messages!
take radiant damage from the sun (known as
phototoxicity). Expecting necromancy? Add cassava to protection
from energy and save your life!
All types of poisons exist in the plant kingdom;
ingested, inhaled, injury, and touch. Some are only toxic Using necromancy?? Add baneberry to your spells
under certain conditions. Others are only toxic to certain for enhanced potency!
creatures. Many can be mistaken for something else. A
few are consumed deliberately. Those that affect herd Paralyzed? No worries! Get your herbalism kit, grind
animals can precipitate a famine. When famine strikes, up some caper spurge and use it! You’ll be fine! (As long
characters are even more likely to eat toxic plants. as you make the Medicine check…)

These and many other astounding uses for deadly

WHO ARE THESE RULES FOR? vegetation are covered in Poisonous Plants.
These rules are primarily for DMs who want to bring a
higher level of verisimilitude to their campaigns. DMs can Enhance your games today with this collection of
use these plants to challenge PCs who forage, eat at a deadly poisons, herbal remedies, foods, alchemical
tavern, or partake in a banquet. PCs might also overdose substances, magical creations, and DM inspiration!
when using these plants for medicinal or religious
purposes. Just $5.99!


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Tom Miskey (Order #42231707)

The bleeding heart is a delicate, flowering plant that
blooms in the late spring. The bloom is often rosy, pink, or
white and resembles a heart. Bleeding hearts are easy to
grow and domesticated for their beauty. Dogs and horses
are the most commonly affected creatures.

Ingestion. Creatures that ingest a bleeding heart

must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
take 7 (2d6) poison damage and be poisoned for 6 hours.
On a successful saving throw, the creature takes half as
much damage and is poisoned for 3 hours. The poisoned
creature must repeat the saving throw every hour, taking
3 (1d6) poison damage on a failed save or half as much on
a successful one. After two failed saving throws, the
creature becomes clumsy for 12 hours. After three failed
saving throws, the creature becomes weakened for 1d4
days. After four failed saving throws, the creature
becomes incapacitated with seizures for 1d4 hours. After
three successful saving throws, the damage of this poison
ends, but any conditions persist for their duration.

Analgesic. Characters proficient with alchemy Kits

and Arcana can make a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check
craft a numbing salve from this plant. Characters that use
a dose of this salve gain 3d4 temporary hit points, which
fade after 1 hour. This extract also removes the pained
condition for 2 hours.

Industrial Use. The toxins in the bleeding heart are BLEEDING HEART
used in dyes, paints, and solvents. Tiny plant (herb)

Terrain Forest, urban

Insecticide. Characters proficient with alchemy kits Frequency Uncommon
and Arcana can make a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check ID DC 14 (Corydalis [healing])
craft an insecticide from this plant. Any insects or insect- Type Ingestion DC 13
like creatures (including giant insects) that touch this Ingestion Onset 5d12 minutes
substance must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw Protection from Poison Advantage and resistance only
with disadvantage, taking 7 (2d6) poison damage on a Medications Syphilis, blood disorders, tremors
failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Poisoned Symptoms Vomiting, tremors, drooling, diarrhea, and respiratory
insects must repeat the saving throw at the end of each of distress.
Traits Analgesic, industrial use, false facts, insecticide
their turns. After three successful saving throws, the
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
poison ends.

False Facts. Characters that fail the Intelligence

(Nature) check regarding this plant by 5 or more believe it
is corydalis, which is rumored to have healing properties.
This is not true. Instead, corydalis is mildly poisonous. If a
corydalis were found and consumed, the exposed
creature would make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
or take 3 (1d6) poison damage. Characters must make a
DC 24 Intelligence (Nature) check regarding corydalis to
know that it is toxic, rather than curative.

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Tom Miskey (Order #42231707)

• A clumsy creature has disadvantage on Dexterity
• The creature has disadvantage with weapon
attacks that use Dexterity.

• A creature suffering from debilitating pain has its
speed reduced by half.
• The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and
ability checks.
• The creature cannot sleep

• A weakened creature deals only half damage
with weapon attacks that use Strength.
• The creature has disadvantage on Strength

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Tom Miskey (Order #42231707)


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Tom Miskey (Order #42231707)

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
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Tom Miskey (Order #42231707)

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