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Lab report

Exothermic & endothermic reactions

Made by

Matvei Pirogov
The aim is to find out the difference between the reactions and the change of the temperatures
from the beginning to the end. We must find out which one is the exothermic and endothermic
reactions by measuring the temperatures. The measurements of the energy required and released to
surroundings by the reactions will also show the type of the reaction.

1. NaHCO3 + C₆H₈O₇ -> Na3C6H5O7 + 3CO2 + 3H2O
For the first reaction between the Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate solution and Citric acid
which produces Sodium citrate and Water with the Carbon Dioxide will be an endothermic
reaction. The reaction will release Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. And the product will be
Trisodium Citrate. But less energy required to break down the Sodium Bicarbonate and
Citric acid, which shows that the reaction is endothermic.

2. NaOH + HCl -> NaCl + H2O

The reaction between Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric acid will be an endothermic
reaction because the reaction considers the breaking down of NaOH and HCl, after which
Sodium Chloride bond and the Hydrogen gas will be formed and released. So, the reaction is
endothermic because the formation of new bonds will require more energy than the
breaking down the bonds.

3. Mg+CuSO4→MgSO4+Cu
The reaction between the Copper Sulfate and Magnesium powder where Copper is reduced,
and Magnesium oxidized. Magnesium Sulfate and Copper are formed. That will be an
endothermic reaction because the reaction is an exchange of Copper by Magnesium. Where
the reaction will be dependent on the amount of energy needed to break a bond between
Copper and Sulfate and forming of the bond between the Magnesium and Sulfate. So, my
expectation of the reaction’s result is that reaction is endothermic.

4. 2 CH 3 COOH + Na 2 CO 3 → 2 CH 3 COONa + CO 2 + H 2 O
The reaction between the Ethanoic acid and Sodium Carbonate, which form Sodium
ethanoate, Carbon dioxide and Water, is exothermic. Because the energy required to break
down the Ethanoic acid and Sodium Carbonate is larger than the energy required to form
Sodium Ethanoate, Carbon Dioxide and Water. The reaction is exothermic.
Methods and equipment
Mixing the reactants in the polystyrene cup with a lid closed and thermometer located through the
Polystyrene cup, beaker, thermometer, measuring cylinder, spatula, Copper Sulfate Solution,
Hydrochloric acid, Sodium Hydroxide, Citric acid, Magnesium powder, Sodium Carbonate, Ethanoic
Reaction Initial Final Difference in Type of the Reaction
Temperature Temperature Temperature
1 23°C 16°C -7°C Endothermic
2 22.4°C 23.2°C +0.8°C Exothermic
3 23.2°C 22.8°C -0.4°C Endothermic
4 21.3°C 21.7°C +0.4°C Exothermic


1st reaction
2nd reaction
3rd reaction

4th reaction

NaHCO3 + C₆H₈O₇ -> Na3C6H5O7 + 3CO2 + 3H2O

We can say that the reaction that absorbed the largest amount of energy is the first reaction
between Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate solution and Citric acid, because the temperature decrease is
the largest from all the reactions, which means that lots of energy absorbed in case to form the new
bonding. The reaction is endothermic. The more energy required to form the new bonds rather than
breaking them down. It is easier to from

NaOH + HCl -> NaCl + H2O

Second reaction between Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric acid is an Exothermic reaction which
releases the heat (energy) and increases the temperature by 0.8°C by forming the sodium citrate,
carbon dioxide and water. The energy required to break down the bonds NaOH and HCl is larger
than the force required to form NaCl and H2O which shows that this is exothermic reaction.

The reaction between Copper Sulfate and Magnesium powder which is an Endothermic reaction
and Oxidation reaction. The reaction shows that the change in temperatures is not as large as in the
previous reactions, because there are only two bonds that are supposed to be changed. Firstly,
Copper Sulfate supposed to get broken down, after the Magnesium Sulfate is formed and Copper is
released. The energy required to break them down is less than the energy required to form them. If
the energy required to form bonds is larger than the energy required to break them down, the
reaction is endothermic.

2CH3COOH + Na2CO3 → 2CH3COONa + CO2 + H2O

The reaction is exothermic with increase of the temperature. To break down the bonds such as
2CH3COOH and Na2CO3 they required is more than the energy required to form the bonds
2CH3COONa and CO2 with H2O. The Sodium is being displaced with Hydrogen in case to break
down Ethanoic acid and release the Oxygen and Carbon dioxide.

NaHCO3 + C₆H₈O₇ -> Na3C6H5O7 + 3CO2 + 3H2O

The hypothesis for this reaction is that the reaction will be endothermic, with Trisodium Citrate
formed and Sodium Bicarbonate and Citric acid broken down. Also, the hypothesis contained that
the energy required to break down the bonds is less than energy required to form the bonds. Which
was true, and the reaction is endothermic. So, hypothesis was right.

NaOH + HCl -> NaCl + H2O

The hypothesis for this reaction contained: the reaction is endothermic, because the energy
required to form the Sodium Chloride and Oxygen is larger than the energy required to break down
the Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric acid. Which was wrong because the reaction releases heat
which means that the energy is transformed to heat. So, the energy released, and the reaction is
exothermic. Hypothesis was wrong.

Hypothesis for this reaction said that the reaction is oxidation and exothermic reaction. The
experiment showed that the heat was released because the temperature increased which means
that the reaction is exothermic. So, the energy required to break down the bonds is larger than the
energy required to break them down, because the temperature increase. Magnesium exchanged
with Copper and was oxidized, Copper was reduced. Hypothesis was right.

2CH3COOH + Na2CO3 → 2CH3COONa + CO2 + H2O

Hypothesis for this reaction says that the reaction is exothermic. Because the energy, which is
required to form the bonds 2CH3COONa, CO2 and H2O is less than the energy required to form the
bonds 2CH3COOH and Na2CO3. That is also proven in experiment by temperature increase, which
means that the energy released is more than the energy absorbed. Hypothesis was right.

What could be improved?

The calculations could be added. But the calculations are too complicated and aren’t necessary,
because we have the results of the experiment.

The graphs were easy to make even though it took lots of time. The hypothesizes were easy, because
it is just your own expectations and thoughts about the experiment.

The table was one of the strengths, the same as the conclusion because it took lots of time to make
them, because of the amount of researches made was enormous so I am confident in them.

What if the environmental temperature is below zero degrees, when the endothermic reaction
The reaction rate will be slower, because the reactant molecules have lower kinetic energy, which
will provide less collisions. Also the reaction time will be extended.


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