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Matvei (with Keichii’s help)


Elongation lab report

The goal of the experiment is to find how the independent variable, which
is mass/g causes the changes in the dependent variable which it
elongation/cm. Concluding the systematic errors and random errors. One
of the goals is actually to find the differences between particular weights
that pull the spring to the ground with the force of gravity. To find the
elongation on the graph we are going to use the raise as mass/g and a run
as elongation/cm.

Elongation is the amount that a material permanently stretches when
experiencing a tensile force. The elongation is the difference between the
initial length of the subject and the final one with using the weights. For
the weight that are fixed to the spring are pulling it down and as the
weights are increasing the elongation increasing too. To find the
elongation we use some equipment (ruler, spring, some weights, bar and
stand), because we must find the length of the spring without the weights
(initial length), after we fix to it the weights and measure the length of the
spring again (final length). Then we subtract the initial length of the spring
from the final one, that’s how we find the elongation. The results also
contain the systematic errors and random errors.


-Weights (100 grams each)
-Bar and stand


Independent variable: Mass (which is measured in grams)

Dependent variable: Elongation (which is measured in centimeters)

Safety precautions: to wear the safety glasses in case the spring can jump
out from the hook.
1. Take the spring and fix it to the hook which is on the bra.
2. Fix the ruler to the bra or stand.
3. Measure the length of the spring without the weights (initial length)
From the beginning of the spring until the end of it.
4. Take the weight and attach it to the spring.
5. Measure the length of the spring after attaching the weights (final
length) Also from the beginning of the spring until the end.
6. Subtract the initial length from the final length in order to find the
7. Do it with many times with different weights each time.
8. Make a graph to find the gradient of the elongation and to find the
systematic and random errors.

m/g Xo/cm X/cm Δ=X-Xo

100 41 56 12

200 41 69 28

300 41 81 40

400 41 94 53

500 41 109 68
Gradient = rise/run ; ∆x(cm) / ∆m(g) = 53cm / 400g = 0.1325 cm/g
0.1325cm/g = 0.001299N/cm
Calculation analysis:
Rise / Run = Gradient

Data and Graph analysis:

So as we said in the begging, the elongation increases as the weights
increase too, so the more weights used the more the spring will pull so
more elongation there will be. So the result was measured by finding the
gradient using dependent (mass/g) and independent (elongation/cm)

Error Type of error How it affected Method of

Ruler Systematic error, The inaccuracy To measure
inaccuracy the lengths of the lengths lengths with
were measured would cause different rulers
in cm by ruler different with the
that could be answers or decimals.
bent. results.
Weight error Random error, The weights Do not touch
weights weight weight more, the weights with
either more because it has your bare
either the same molecules of hands, only with
as it’s said. human fat, so the gloves.
the spring
pulled more.
Spring error Systematic error, The spring that Change the
Already pulled got pulled equipment,
spring with before and which is a
different length doesn’t come spring.
Gives us back to the
different length it used to
measurements be, affects on
accuracy of the
which affects on
the elongation
in the end.

By the change of mass that the spring is getting pulled by us can find that
elongation changes too, that’s why they are called dependent and
independent variables. We can see that we have systematic errors, which
makes the graph less accurate. While we measure all three lengths,
masses, elongations there are 3 mistakes occurred, Ruler inaccuracy
which means that ruler has different decimals as it is supposed, that
effects on accuracy of the measurements. Weight error which also causes
the inaccuracy in measurement by pulling spring constantly to much
because of the people’s cells of fat on them that we leave on weights
when we touch them with bare hands. The last error is Spring error which
could be pulled already from previous experiences and will be constantly
larger than it is supposed to. Also we faced the small problem that can
occur in the final measurements and elongation that we didn’t have the
ruler that was long enough so we used another ruler to continue the
measurements. These errors occur while we measure the length of the
spring while fixing different weights to it, the difference between the final
and the initial length is called elongation. Finally, to get the graph we
measure the elongation of the spring with different weights, also we can
get the errors from the graph while finding the gradient. So now we
confirm that the elongation is the dependent variable and mass is the
dependent variable. Now we also can say that there are systematic errors
in the graph which means that our measures weren’t right.

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