Reviewer in Science

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Reviewer in Science

1. Pressure is a property of gas define as unit of force per unit area. What is the unit
of pressure?
2. What disaccharides are the components of Lactose?
3. Which of the following is TRUE about carbohydrates?
A. It builds up muscle and bones.
B. Act as a mechanical support for internal organs.
C. It serves as an energy source for organisms.
D. Serves as a hereditary molecule of an organism.
4. John gets his brown eyes from his father and his tanned skin from his great
grandmother. What biomolecule is responsible for this?
5. Which of the following experiments will BEST test Kamote Kahoy (Cassava)
positive for starch?
(Biuret Test, Iodine Test, Ethanol Emulsion, Benedicts Test)
6. The temperature of nitrogen gas contained in a not rigid vessel is reduced from
100°C to 5.0°C. Which of the following describes the resulting behavior of nitrogen
gas molecules?
I. The average kinetic energy suddenly increases.
II. The average kinetic energy suddenly decreases.
III. The volume occupied by the gas molecules suddenly increases, thus the
container expand
IV. The volume occupied by the gas molecules suddenly decreases, thus the
container shrinks.

A. I & III B. II & IV C. I & IV D. II & II

7. What are the elements present in protein?
8. What are examples of polysaccharides?
9. Which of the following is an example of carbohydrate? (amylase, helicase,
galactose, hemoglobin)
10. Which of the following examples best illustrate Charles’ Law?
(Cooking of dough with yeast, Use of bicycle pump or inflate the tire., Pressure in
an oxygen tank., Use of oven to reheat food.)
11. What polysaccharides are present in the cell wall of the plants?
12. Disaccharide is formed by combining 2 monosaccharides. What do you call the
process of combining 2 or more simple sugars in which 1 water molecule is LOST?
13.Which of the following is a Protein?
( C6H2O6, C6H13NO2, C2H5COOH, C10H15N2O8P)
14.Which of the following is a CORRECT pair??
(Monosaccharide: protein, Nucleotides: carbohydrates, Amino acid: Nucleic Acid,
Fatty Acid: Lipid)
15. Records show that the incident of tire explosions is high during the summer
season. Which of the following gives the best explanation for this observation?
A. there are more travelers during summer vacation.
B. high temperatures during the summer season cause the air inside the tire to
C. vehicles’ tires are not well maintained.
D. there is too much air inside the tires.
16. Carlo can still pump air in the party balloon even though it is already inflated.
What explains this phenomenon?
17. Which of the following is a characteristic of saturated fat?
A. It is also known as HDL or High-Density Lipoprotein
B. It is solid at room temperature.
C. Also known as a “good cholesterol”
D. Common in vegetable oil and liquid at room temperature.
18. What is the building block or monomer of a protein?
19. As the volume of confined gas decreases at a constant temperature, the pressure
exerted by the gas ___?
20. In Charles’ Law, what relationship exists between volume and temperature at
constant pressure?
21.Which of the following phenomena DOES NOT involve the application of Boyle’s
A. Action of Syringe C. Spray paint
B. Rising hot air balloon D. Breathing
22. On hot day, a party balloon is filled with helium. The following day was much
colder, but the air pressure was the same. If no helium escapes from the balloon
in that time, what will happen to the volume of the balloon compared to the other
23.A gas that is confined in a rigid container is heated. Which of the following
statements is TRUE?
A. The volume will increase C. The number of moles of gas will increase.
The pressure will increase D. The kinetic energy of gas will decrease.
24.Which of the following samples will TEST POSITIVE for Biuret Test?
A. Potato B. Coconut Oil C. Chicken breast D. Cracker
25. Each of these flasks below contains the same number of molecules. In which
container is the pressure highest?

A. Flask 1 B. Flask 2 C. Flask 3 D. Flask 4

26.If the gas temperature remains constant, how can you increase the pressure of a
A. Increase the container volume C. Decreases the container volume.
B. Add more molecules of the gas D. Increase its temperature.
27.Which of the following is TRUE about chitin?
I. In animals, it stores in the liver and muscles when the body doesn’t need
II. It is the energy storage among plants.
III. It is commonly found in fiber rich foods.
IV. Found in the exoskeleton among insects.

A. I,II B. II, III, IV C. III only D. IV only

28.Which of the following is TRUE about Lipids?
I. It is hydrophobic or cannot be dissolved in water.
II. It stores more energy than carbohydrates and proteins.
III. It speeds up the chemical reaction.
IV. It serves as a waxy covering among plants.

A. I, IV B. I, II, IV C. II, III D. I, II

29.Complete the analogy:
__________ : NUCLEOTIDES
30. Which of the following statement is TRUE to happen to the volume of a gas if its
pressure is doubled and its temperature is reduced to half?
(Its volume will increase, Its volume will decrease., Its volume doubled
,Its volume remains unchanged.)
31. If a gas at 25 ◦C occupies 3.60 liters at a 1.00 atm, what will be its volume at a
pressure of 2.50 atm under the same temperature?
32. In Boyle’s Law, if the pressure of a certain amount of gas is reduce into 1/4th of
its initial pressure at a fixed temperature, then what would be its final volume?

 Study the situation: Sample A turns light violet upon contact with Iodine solution
while sample B turns black upon contact with the same solution.
33. What will be your conclusion to the result of this experiment?
I. Sample A and B both contains starch.
II. Sample A and B both contains glucose.
III. Sample B contains more starch than Sample A.
IV. Sample B contains more glucose than Sample A.

A. I, III B. I only C. II, IV D. II only

34. Predict the possible sample that has been used for sample A during the
( Uncooked corn , cooked rice , cracker, flour)
35. Predict the possible sample that has been used for sample B during the
(Sugar, Bread, Rice grain, Processed cheese)
36.What will happen to the volume of a confined gas as the pressure decreases.
37.What unit temperature must be used when applying Charles’ law?
38.What is the relationship between the volume of the gas and its pressure?
39.What is the constant quantity of Boyle’s Law?
40.It is the three-dimensional space occupied by the gas.

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