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Definition of terms.

Video – The recording reproducing or broadcasting of visual images.

Sustainability – the capacity to endure, which can have environmental, economic and social
dimensions. It can be considered in the following ways.
- Green and Eco-design
- Sustainable consumption
- Sustainable design
- Sustainable development
- Sustainable innovation
- Sustainable production
Systems – a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or interconnected
network. It can also be a set of principles or procedures according to which something is
done; an organised method or scheme.
Innovation – creatively thinking and coming up with new ideas to support or improve an
already existing product. Its main function is to address a certain problem that the previous
product does not through the improvement (update) made to the previous product.
Function – The function refers to what the solution has been designed to do and how
effective it is at enabling that action to be performed.
Form – concerns the overall shape and configuration of a product. It relates to aspects such
as aesthetics, shape, colour, and texture.
Resources – relate to the supply of a commodity. These commodities can be classified as
information, materials and equipment.
Client – an individual, a company or organisation that commissions a designer to develop a
solution to a personal or a particular design problem.
Reduce – making it lesser and lesser in amounts.
Recycle – converting into reusable products e.g. plastics and polythene paper.

STRAND (i): Explain and justify the need for a solution to a problem for a client/target

Deforestation has been a major problem in human life. More wood is being cut down
and the forests are at risk of completely getting destroyed. According to Rain Forest Action
Network, 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees are cut down every year. (Rainforest Action Network,
2018). This research shows how great this problem is and how fast a call to action is needed.
The research also shows that Food and Agriculture Organisation’s 2016 report states that 7
million hectares of land are lost annually while agricultural land expands by 6 million.
(Rainforest Action Network, 2018). This is not only a problem that goes to the trees and
forest only, but the humans and the ecological system/environment is also involved. These
also mount up to destroying/killing the future dream of sustainability.
Below is a graph picture from;
content/uploads/sites/20/2021/03/31001751/global-tree-cover-loss-aggregated-2020.jpg at (Mongabay, 2023)

The problem affects the human health and well-being, ecological system
(Ecosystem)and affects the climate. Human health is affected through not being able to get
oxygen and having a lot of carbon emissions in the air. This can lead to respiratory diseases,
breathing problems and lung failures. We all know that plants and trees act a vital role in
gaseous exchange in our environment. They take in the Carbon Four Oxide that we emit and
give out Oxygen that we use for breathing and so many things like respiration. If these plants,
we cut off the exchange cycle will be affected and there will be more Carbon emissions in the
air compared to Oxygen that is mostly needed by human beings. The ecological system
(Ecosystem) covers all fields in our environment e.g. air, soil, animals, water, and plants. All
these Ecosystem rely on each other to survive. Therefore, if the trees (plants) are taken away
from the system then the others like the animals will not survive since there are animals that
feed on plants and there are those that are known as predators who feed on the herbivores

The problem occurs in most parts of the Earth. Research from 8 billion Trees shows
that deforestation mainly occurs in the tropics (countries that are near to the Equator or the
middle of the globe). The research says that the rate of deforestation in the tropics is at over
97 percent of total global deforestation from human-led causes of tree loss. It states that in
2021, the tropics bid farewell to approximately 11.1 million hectares of tree cover. (Kilgore,
2023). It can therefore be stated the problem occurs in all parts of the Earth and is therefore a
vital/spread problem that needs immediate action.

The causes of deforestation are so many such that I cannot be able to explain all of
them in writing. According to Earth Observatory, direct causes of deforestation are
agricultural expansion, wood extraction and infrastructure expansion such as road building
and urbanisation. (Przyborski, 2007). These causes are greatly leading to forest break down
and destruction causing world environment issues such as climate change, which do not make
us sustainable.

I need to design a product that addresses the problem well and brings in
direct/immediate call to action. The product will focus on the reduction of deforestation and
reduce climate change. The product needs to be designed so as to provide awareness on the
importance of trees and give out ways in which we can take care of the trees we have. I need
to design a product so as to save our world from extinction and make it have an Eco-friendly
environment that all living things can live in.

I can create various products for the solution through variety of ways. An efficient
way will be through the digital product designing since the world we live in nowadays run on
digital electrical appliances. A lot of people surf the internet and therefore a website would be
one of the products that I can design to spread out the call to action. The website can be
accessed by a lot of people, but it will not be an appropriate product since some people do not
like reading so much. Therefore, I can also create a video that tutors people and make them
aware of the importance of trees and forests.

STRAND (ii): Identify and prioritise primary and secondary research needed to develop
a solution to the problem.

Research Importance Priority Sources of data Types of

questions research

What is Getting to know High I will use Secondary,

deforestation? deforestation will websites from the Primary
help me carry out internet since research.
my project precisely they contain a lot
and it will help me of information
into getting to more and use books,
about deforestation. journals, and
It will help me magazines to
analyse how severe provide me with
the problem is and the data findings
what can be done as that I require. I
soon as possible. It will also
will also broaden my interview my
understanding of classmates to get
deforestation and to know what
make me more they think that
learned and more deforestation is.
knowledgeable on
the same theme.
What views do This will help me to High I will interview Primary
different people get the my peers in research
have on statistics/number of school and
deforestation? people who are classmates to get
either supporting to know the
deforestation or perspectives they
opposing it. It will have on
broaden my deforestation and
knowledge and get to understand
understanding since their standings.
I will be able to get
different views from
different people and
get to analyse them
to get the best out of
them. It will help me
get different
perspectives of
different people and
help me figure out
ways of fighting
What are the Knowing the effects High I will use books Primary
effects of of deforestation journals research
deforestation? makes it easier to get magazines and Secondary
to make a plan out even conduct research
on how to carry out/ interviews with
create your solution few people to get
which will be to understand
addressing the well the effects of
effects and getting to deforestation.
work on how to
make these solutions
work better through
giving out the
implications caused
by the effects of
Who are the main Knowing those who Medium I will interview Primary
people who are are affected by students in my research
affected by deforestation will school to get to
deforestation? give me a clear view know those who
on those to approach are affected by
with my solution and deforestation.
makes it easy for me
to get to know how
to approach them in
an appropriate way.
What are the This will help me Medium I will use books, Secondary
social, understand how magazine, research
environmental, deforestation affect journals, and
and economic different areas either websites to get
impacts that are negatively and and analyse the
brought about by positively and will information
deforestation? help come up with needed for my
new ways and ideas product.
of addressing the
social, economic,
political, and
implications brought
about by
Why do people This will help me Medium I will carry out Primary and
carry out get to the reasons interviews with Secondary
deforestation? why people cut my peers and do research.
down trees and help some research
me think of ways in online on
which these reasons websites to get
can be curbed or the information I
stopped. It will also need.
help me out in
coming up with
alternative ways of
getting new
materials that can be
used instead of trees
things like paper.
How can This will help me Medium. I will interview Primary and
deforestation be out in getting ideas my peers in secondary
stopped or of how I can curb school and try to research.
curbed? the problem. It will find out more
help me know the from web pages.
exact areas am
supposed to focus on
while creating the
product and it will
help me in creating a
valuable product in
terms of
functionality which
is the key aspect of
the design
Who are the This will help me Low I will use web Secondary and
people who carry out in knowing those pages from the Primary
out deforestation? who am supposed to internet and research.
approach directly interview my
since they are the peers who might
main causes of the be knowing those
problem. It will also who get involved
help me know the in cutting down
reasons why they cut of trees.
down the trees and I
will try to look for
alternative ways
they can use
different resources
that do not have
impacts as cutting
down of trees have.
What type of This will help me Low I will use the Secondary
materials am I out in earlier internet to find research.
supposed to use planning and make the perfect
while creating my my work easier since materials I need
product? I will be well for the creation
prepared when the for my solution.
time comes for me
to create the product.
It will give me all
the necessities I need
to use when creating
my product.
STRAND (iii): Analyse a range of existing products that inspire a solution to the

1. Brochures

The brochure below was created by Wordpress company. It was published in 2023 this year.
It contains information on deforestation and was created to speak to people and educate them
about deforestation. The product gives out the meaning of deforestation and some
information about it. Below is the product.

Aesthetics – The product is aesthetically appealing. The colours used blend well together and
bring in an artistic feel. It inspires the creation to my solution on the aesthetics part of it and it
gives me a challenge to create a quality product in terms of aesthetics. The background
objects in the product also challenges me to create a quality product with a beautifully
designated background.
Environment – The product is an online so it will therefore have no negative environmental
implications like pollution. It is environmentally friendly since it also emphasises on stopping
the cut down of trees which lead to deforestation. This inspires my solution for it has the
content that my product is supposed to have. It speaks of stopping the cutting down of trees
which is also what I am working on stopping but now as deforestation which holds it as
Function – The product’s functionality comes out well for it tells people what deforestation
is really is. It holds the function of giving out information about deforestation which is
seemingly the main idea I have for my product. It therefore inspires the creation of my
solution through identifying the functionality it should entail in it. This is also a key part of
the design specification.
Size – The product’s size is definitely amazing. It has got a medium size which makes it look
appealing to the eyes. The size inspires the creation to my solution to be at medium size not
too large nor too small but just moderate.

2. Websites (Panda (Deforestation Fonts))

The website speaks of environmental issues like pollution. It encourages to take care of the
environment and it also helps out convey messages on how we can take care of our wildlife. Below
are a few screenshots of how the website looks.
Aesthetics – Although a lot of aesthetical colours have not been used to create the product,
the lay out of the colours are laid out well. They seem pleasing to the eyes which catches the
attention of the viewer. The content laid out on the website also inspires the creation of my
solution since it is in the same content as the product I will be creating. The website is well
organised which makes it easy for the viewer to understand the content pretty fast. It also
inspires the creation to my solution because I also have to organize my solution well.
Customer – The product also relates well with the customers due to the language being use.
The use of difficult terminology and terms is also avoided on the website above so that it is
inclusive where everyone can read it and understand it well. This inspires the creation to my
solution for the language I will definitely matter. I need to use language that is inclusive
where everyone can read it and understand it easily without struggling.
Environment – Just like the brochure the website above will not have any negative
environmental implications since it is an online tool on the internet/web. It also advocates for
the protection of the environment hence inspiring my solution to also do the same. It inspires
me to create an online platform so that I do take care of the environment instead of making a
hardcopy or real product like road posters.
Safety – The product is a hundred percent safe since it is an online tool with content that is
suitable for everyone of any age. It has got no abusive language and the content in it is also
well managed in such a way that it does not lay out illegal and abusive content. This inspires
me to create a solution that is safe for everyone and can be accessed by people of all ages
without being abused in any way.
Function – The website also performs its function well in such a way that the content is
direct and clear. This makes it pass out its information well and it makes the viewer
understand the information that it is putting across. This inspires my solution in a way that I
need to have content that is clear to the point and is easier for the viewer to understand. I will
therefore create a product that is clear to the point and is easy to understand so that it meets
its functionality well.

The following product was created by Bright Education organisation in Australia. It was
posted/published in google to educate people on deforestation. It has got essential
information which encourages the growing of trees and the preservation of the environment
through stopping the cutting down if trees and get to keep on planting more and more.

Aesthetics – The product is aesthetically pleasing and appealing to the eyes of the targeted
audience. It uses assorted colours which blend in through the colour purple as a background
colour. This inspires my solution in terms of my aesthetics. It shows me how I could make
my product aesthetically appealing and make it more appealing to the eyes of the targeted
Customer – The product relates with the customers since it uses nice terminology which is
easy to comprehend. It also gives the customers a well organised lay out that makes the
customers want to take more time on it. It inspires my creation of solution by giving out ways
in which I could make my product inclusive and engaging to my targeted audience.
Environment – Just like the other products above, the product is an online product which
will only be available on the internet, so it will have no negative environmental implications.
It also advocates for the stop of deforestation which is one of the ways in which it is taking
care of the environment. It therefore inspires my solution to also advocate for environmental
conversation so as to promote a better and greener world.

STRAND (iv): Develop a detailed design brief which summarizes the analysis of
relevant research.

Question Research findings Source of your

What is deforestation? This is purposely
clearing forested tionalgeographic.or
lands by cutting g/resource/deforesta
down trees. tion/
What views do different Deforestation is one Google forms filled
people have on of the major pressing after the interview.
deforestation? environmental
problems that lead to
a severe drought
which causes hunger
as well as lack of
What are the effects of • Climate change
deforestation? • Desertification
• Soil erosion
• Fewer crops
• Flooding
• Increase in
greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere
Who are the main people • Indigenous
who are affected by communities
deforestation? • Local population
• Wildlife
• The broader global
What are the social, Deforestation affects the
environmental, and environment through climate download/article-
economic impacts that are change, water loss, file/2112021#:~:text=Defor
brought about by decreased biodiversity, estation%20affects%20the
deforestation? habitat loss, and conflicts. %20environment%20thro
(Njora & Yilmaz, 2022) ugh,down%20the%20rate
With reduced forests, people %20of%20deforestation.
are less able to benefit from
the natural resources these
ecosystems provide. (WWF, over/knowledge_hub/wher
2020) e_we_work/amazon/amazo
Why do people carry out • Agriculture
deforestation? expansion
• Wood extraction by
• Infrastructure
• Urbanisation

How can deforestation be • Plant more trees

stopped or curbed? • Stop cutting down
more trees
• Go paperless
• Educate others on
the importance of
• Recycle and buy
recycled products
Who are the people who Manufacturers of products
carry out deforestation? like papers, pencils, tissues,
are the main people who
carry out deforestation.
What type of materials am I • Moovly https://www.elegantthemes
supposed to use while • Powtoon .com/blog/marketing/creat
creating my product? • Biteable e-video-online
• WeVideo
• Adobe spark
• Animaker
• Clipchamp

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