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Course Syllabus Fall 2021

BIOL 150 – Principles of Biology 1

Montgomery College – GT Campus – Chemical and Biological Sciences Dept.

I. Instructor Information:
Name: Hankyel Timothy Park, PhD

Office Hours: M, W: 9:30 to 10:00 am (email me to make a Blackboard-Zoom appointment)

II. Course Information:

Lecture (25786): M: 10:00 am to 12:55 am Credits: 4
Lab (25787): W: 10:00 am to 12:55 am

Last Day to Withdraw: Nov 16, 2021

Due to the ongoing pandemic, this course is “structured remote instruction”.

MC Coronavirus information:

Instruction and assessment for this course including the labs will only be offered remotely during
scheduled times via Blackboard (Bb). There will be no on-campus meetings or activities for this course.
You will need to check Bb and email regularly. To ensure easy access and use of Bb and Zoom, and a
positive online learning experience, navigate through the Learning Modules in the course Blackboard

All assessments will be taken, and all assignments will be submitted, through our Bb course site.
Assessments should not be taken on a cell phone.

Course description:
 First in a two-semester sequence intended for natural science majors.
 This course covers the molecular and cellular basis of life, enzymes, photosynthesis, cell
respiration, genetics, reproduction, and development.
 (NSLD) Assessment levels: ENGL 101/ENGL 101A, MATH 117 or higher, READ 120. May not be
taken concurrently with MATH 017 or MATH 020.
 Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory each week. Formerly BI 107.

General Education Statement:

 BIOL 150 fulfills a General Education Program Natural Science Distribution with Laboratory
requirement (NSLD).
 This course provides multiple opportunities to develop:
o scientific and quantitative reasoning,
o critical analysis and reasoning, and
o written and oral communication.
 For more information, see

III. Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Analyze and interpret experimental results to reinforce biological principles
2. Apply basic mechanisms of heredity to predict inheritance of traits
3. Describe the basic principles of chemistry that are important to biology and identify the
structure and functions of macromolecules important to living things
4. Describe the basic processes of cellular metabolism including cell respiration and photosynthesis
5. Describe the processes of reproduction and development
6. Explain the cellular and molecular basis of inheritance
7. Identify basic cell types, cellular structures and describe their functions

Lecture Textbook : Principles of Biology I, Fourth Custom Edition for Montgomery College from
Campbell 11th edition by Pearson. (You may use an older edition.)

Essential Supplies
1. Calculator for simple calculations, Graph papers, ruler
2. Computer/Laptop/Tablet
3. Internet Access: This course is entirely online, you must have reliable internet access.
The minimum requirements in the link below were developed by the Office of Information

Please click on the link below to check for free outdoor wifi if needed.
Free Outdoor Public Wi-Fi Available at 10 Montgomery County Library Branches | Montgomery
Community Media (

V. Course Requirements:
Evaluation Methods: The final course grade is based on the following (expected) distribution of 620

Four Exams = 400 pts.

Two Exams = 200 pts.
One Lab Report = 20 pts.

 To determine your grade in the course, add your accumulated points, divide by the total points
possible (620), and then multiply your answer by 100 to get the final percentage points. Final
grades will be assigned using the following scale: A = 90-100, B = 80-89, C = 70-79, D = 60-69 and
F = below 60.
 Students must earn a “C” or better on at least two lecture exams in order to earn a “C” or higher
in the course, a “B” or better on at least two lecture exams in order to earn a “B” or higher in
the course, and an “A” on at least one lecture exam in order to earn an “A” in the course.
 Lecture and laboratory exams are not cumulative.
 No extra credit assignments will be considered.

VI. Attendance Policy:
 Attendance is essential to your success in lecture and in laboratory. Please note: as a student
enrolled in this course, you are expected to attend the synchronous class session at the
indicated times for lecture and lab. You are expected to be present in the remote classroom for
at least 75 % of the time to be marked present.
 Because of the fast pace of this course, there is little time to catch up on missed work if you miss
more than one class period. It is to your benefit to attend all classes (please remember, your
instructor is here to help you and it is a good idea to talk to the instructor if you are experiencing
any difficulties with technology or any other concerns you may have) - please refer to the IT help
links posted in the syllabus for computer related problems.
 Attendance will be taken in lecture and lab and the instructor has the option to give you a failing
grade if repeated absences are observed.
 In the event of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain all missed assignments,
handouts, lab data, and any schedule changes. Absences do not alter any due dates.

VII. Make-up Policy:

 All lecture and lab assignments are due on time at the beginning of class. Late assignments will
not receive credit toward the course grade.
 I will take 10% off for each calendar day that an assignment is late.
 If you miss an exam for whatever reason, there will be a 20 point deduction from your raw score
on the makeup exam if taken on the very next day. For each additional day delayed for the
makeup exam, an additional 10 points will be deducted from your raw score. No electronic
devices (calculators, smartphones, smartwatches etc.) are allowed during exams. Please email
me one day before the exam date if you will be absent for the exam. Please, don’t get sick on
the day of the exams. Every semester, students have tendency to get sick on the exam dates.
 A student my not take more than one make-up exam during the semester. No make-ups are
allowed for finals.

VIII. Requirements / Hints for Success

 Although your instructor is more than willing to help you, you are responsible for your own
learning. Ultimately, your success will be determined largely by the choices you make regarding
your approach to this course.
 Choose to attend class on Blackboard and complete assignments!
 Regular attendance in lecture and lab is the key to successfully completing this course. You are
responsible for all material covered in lecture and lab.
 Choose to study!
o In order to be successful in this course, you must read, prepare, and study (at least three
hours of study for every lecture).
 Lecture: It is best to preview the chapter before class. Whenever possible, you will find a
prerecorded lecture on Blackboard.
 Lab: It is important to preview the lab exercises and complete pre-lab and post lab homework
as assigned. Lab exams will be based on the knowledge you acquire as you obtain results and
make observations.
 Choose to seek help! If you are struggling with this class or having problems understanding
some material, seek help ASAP! I am more than happy to assist you—visit my office hours or
schedule an appointment (virtually of course)! The Science Learning Center provides tutoring
and additional assistance by appointment.

IX. Student Code of Conduct:
 Students are responsible for their own actions and are expected to treat classmates and faculty
with respect at all times. Procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct can be found at:
 Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Giving or receiving help during exams or quizzes, is
considered cheating. Plagiarizing written assignments, including failure to cite references
properly in-text, is also considered cheating. Click on this link to access the required plagiarism
tutorial on the college library site. Plagiarism tutorial
 Those found to be cheating will receive a failing grade for that assignment or exam and possibly
the course. Cheating and plagiarized assignments are required to be reported to the Dean of
Student Services. Additional information on academic dishonesty can be found under College
Policies and Procedures at:

X. Collegewide Policies and Procedures:

 Disability and Support Services (DSS): A student who may need an accommodation due to a
disability should make an appointment to see me during my office hours. A letter from DSS
authorizing your accommodation(s) will be needed. Click on this link DSS for more information.
o No accommodation will be made without clearance from DSS. IF THE STUDENT
 Communication: Students are expected to check their MC email frequently for College and class
information – Students should install the Outlook/ MC email on their mobile phones for easier
 Audit Policy: Students who choose to audit the class will not take any lecture or laboratory
exams or quizzes. They must adhere to all attendance and other instructor policies.
 Withdrawal and Refund dates
o If you wish to withdraw from the course, you must do so officially.
o It is your responsibility to complete all necessary paperwork to remove your name
from the class roster. Failure to do so could result in a grade of “F” for the semester.
 Sexual Misconduct
Montgomery College’s Sexual Misconduct Policy & Procedure (31001-CP) and Federal Title IX
law prohibit discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex in College programs and
activities. Any student who is impacted by sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and
domestic violence, stalking, gender discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, gender-based
harassment or retaliation should contact the College’s Title IX Coordinator to make a report
and or/access supportive measures and resources. College Title IX webpage: Title IX |
Montgomery College, Maryland
 Pregnancy
 Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including pregnancy and related
conditions. The College must give all students who might be, are, or have been pregnant the
same access to school programs and educational opportunities as other students. See College
Title IX webpage for more information.
 Important Student Information Link:
o In addition to course requirements and objectives that are in this syllabus, Montgomery
College has information on its web site (see link below) to assist you in having a

successful experience both inside and outside of the classroom. It is important that you
read and understand this information.
o The link below provides information and other resources to areas that pertain to the
 student behavior (student code of conduct),
 student e-mail,
 the tobacco free policy,
 withdraw and refund dates,
 disability support services,
 veteran services,
 how to access information on delayed openings and closings,
 how to register for the Montgomery College Alert System, and finally,
 how closings and delays can impact your classes.
o If you have any questions, please bring them to your professor. As rules and regulations
change, they will be updated, and you will be able to access them through the link. If any
student would like a written copy of these policies and procedures, the professor would
be happy to provide them. By registering for this class and staying in this class, you are
indicating that you acknowledge and accept these policies.


 The Germantown (GT) Science Learning Center (SLC), in BE 244, offers free tutoring, weekly
review sessions, and access to computers, textbooks, microscopes, and other course- related
resources. Watch your email and the SLC bulletin board and video screen for important
workshops held throughout the semester.
o Link to SLC -
 The Writing, Reading and Language Center (WRL), in HS 150, is a resource for reading, writing
and language tutoring, citation information, writing lab reports, and developing PPT
o Link to WRL -
 The BIOL 150 MC Library Course Page
o ( is a resource for research and
citation information, including how-to videos. The Raptor search engine can also be
accessed from this link.
 For more information on academic advising and planning, visit
 If you need Emergency Assistance (food, housing, course materials, technology, etc.) due to
Covid-19, visit
 For Technical Support: Montgomery College’s IT Help (240-567-7222;
 Blackboard support
o (

XII. COVID Health and Safety Guidelines
We all want to maintain the health and safety of our classroom and college community. Here are some
guidelines we can follow to help keep each other safe.

1. Every day, please complete the Daily COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment. If you are
experiencing any of the following symptoms, STAY HOME, contact a healthcare provider, and
get tested. You may go to one of the testing facilities in Montgomery County. COVID-19 testing
is free and no ID or doctor’s prescription is required to get tested.

 cough  headache
 shortness of breath or difficulty  sore throat
breathing  fatigue
 fever or chills  diarrhea, vomiting, or stomach pain
 sinus congestion  new loss of taste or smell
 muscle pain or body aches

2. If you believe you have been exposed to COVID-19 or are waiting for the results of a COVID-19
test, stay home and follow CDC guidelines.
3. Keep in contact with me if you need to stay home. I am happy to work with you to make up any
missed work.
4. When coming to campus, you are required to follow MC’s current health and safety guidelines
about mask wearing, social distancing, and other measures designed to prevent the spread of
the disease to your family, friends, and members of the campus community.
5. To maintain classroom health and safety, a student may be asked to leave the classroom for
failing to adhere to the MC health and safety guidelines.
6. Assistance may be requested if you or any student seems in distress or displays symptoms in
class. For more information, see the Student Code of Conduct.
7. Report to MC Public Safety at 240-567-3333 or if you
experience a positive COVID-19 test result, possible exposure, or other concern. All reports are
8. In the event of possible classroom exposure to COVID-19, the College will contact students in
the class via email; check your MC email often. If you receive a call from 240-466-4488 or MD
COVID, please, answer the call.
9. In an emergency situation, we may temporarily return to remote teaching. If this happens, I will
keep you informed of emergency instruction procedures through MC email and Blackboard.

Thank you so much for helping us protect all members of our classroom and college community.

Fall 2021
Class Lecture Topic(s) Text Chapter(s)

8/30 Course Intro; Themes of Life; Evolution and Scientific 1

Method; Basic Chemical Principles 2
9/6 Labor Day (NO CLASS)
9/13 Basic Chemical Principles 2
Properties of Water 3
Carbon and Organic Chemistry 4
9/20 Structure and Function of Macromolecules 5
Properties of Enzymes and Review 8 (8.4, 8.5)
9/27 Exam 1 (First Hour) Chapters 1-5; 8.4; 8.5
Cell Structure and Organelles (Remaining Hours) 6
10/4 Cell Membrane Structure and Function 7
Introduction to Metabolism 8 (8.1-3)
Cellular Respiration 9
10/11 Cellular Respiration 9
Photosynthesis 10
10/18 Photosynthesis and Review 10
10/25 Exam 2 (First Hour) Chapters 6-7; 8.1-3; 9-10
Cell Cycle and Mitosis (Remaining Hours) 12
11/1 Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles 13
Mendel and Genetic Patterns of Inheritance 14
11/8 The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance and Review 15
11/15 Exam 3 (First Hour) Chapters 12-15
DNA Structure and Replication (Remaining Hours) 16
11/22 DNA Structure and Replication 16
Protein Synthesis: Transcription 17
11/29 Protein Synthesis: Translation; Mutations 17
12/6 Regulation of gene expression; lac operon and Review 18.1; 18.5
12/13 Exam 4 Chapters16-17; 18.1; 18.5

Fall 2021 Tentative* Lab Schedule Blackboard Zoom
Please go over the material for each Lab Exercise that has been posted on Blackboard
under the Lab Folder. Each Lab Component will have the Lab Exercise handout, prelabs
and post lab homework, activities, related videos and links to resources where needed.
After each lab exercise, you will also be taking a lab quiz.
Date Topic Readings and Materials needed/ to save What is Due?
and if possible print out
9/1 Introduction to the Lab Lab Safety Sheets,
Metric system; Measuring Introduction to the Scientific Process,
Volume of a Liquid (Part I)
Using a Spectrophotometer Pre-assessment to be completed in class
9/8 The Scientific Process Introduction to the Scientific Process, Metric system HW
Activities 1 to 5 (Part II) Prelab for Week 2
Data Analysis – Post-assessment to be completed in class
9/15 Amylase Enzyme Lab Enzyme Lab Handout Prelab for Prelab for Enzymes due on
9/22 Amylase Enzyme Lab Enzyme Lab Handout (contd) Lab Maltose standard curve due
(Lab Report on Enzymes) Report Information
9/29 Osmosis Osmosis handout Prelab Questions due
Osmosis home assignment information
10/6 Fermentation Fementation handout Osmosis Home lab report
Lab Exam Review and Homework for Osmosis
10/13 Lab Exam 1 Exam on Intro lab including safety Enzyme lab Report due
Enzymes, Osmosis, Fermentation
10/20 Photosynthesis Photosynthesis lab handout Prelab completed

10/27 Microscopy Microscopy Handout Microscopy Prelab due

11/3 Mitosis Mitosis lab handout Prelab Mitosis
Pre and post lab questions for Mitosis
11/10 Genetic Patterns of Inheritance Genetic patterns lab Microscopy and Mitosis post
lab due
11/17 PCR PCR handout Genetics HW; Prelab PCR 1
12/1 Electrophoresis PCR handout contd PCR Prelab 2
Review for Lab exam 2 Lab exam 2 review packet
12/8 Lab Exam 2 Microscopy, Mitosis, Unfinished work to be
Photosynthesis, PCR, turned in.

*Schedule is subject to change. (Pay attention to email and announcements on blackboard)

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