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From the following list of companies you will have to prepare a suite (SW pack). Tke the needed SW
from the theory document we have seen in class. Once you make a choice, justify your answer. The
activity does not need to be explored in depth, but it is important to justify correctly your answer.
If you come up with any posible idea, feel free tu use it as well.

- GAME, CARREFOUR & FNAC: These companies would benefit from general-purpose software
such as word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation editors for general administrative
tasks. Although it is not mentioned in the document, I think they would benefit from software
that manages inventory and warehouse aspects. I have included FNAC as it seems to have
exactly the same needs.

- GABINETE JURÍDICO HERNÁNDEZ VICENTE: For a law firm, I would focus the software on a
horizontal one that serves to manage documentation, resources, and accounting.

- COL·LEGI CULTURAL: Being a school institution, I would focus the Software on something
similar to that of law firms but more focused on administrative and organizational tasks.

- COROMINAS: Considering that the company's activity is the manufacturing and distribution of
potato chips, I would focus the Software on something similar to "Sage 200". This is a
horizontal Software that allows establishing review routes, a digitalized inventory, and more
organizational tasks of commerce.

- MUSEU DE BADALONA: A museum would benefit from office software for administrative tasks
and specific applications for the management of collections and exhibitions.

- BDN SERVEIS GRÀFICS: As a graphic services company, they would need generic design
software like image editors and 3D design applications.

- CLUB JUVENTUT BADALONA & CLUB ESPORTIU MAS RAM: These clubs would benefit from
membership and event management software.

- HOSPITAL MUNICIPAL DE BADALONA: I would propose Software similar to that of Corominas

but instead of focusing it on commerce, focusing it on health and medical records.

1. From the 10 advices about security in backup copies, develop the ones you consider the most
relevant ones.

1. Backing up at least the data files: This involves the need to regularly back up essential
files for the operation of the business, such as databases, important documents, and
configuration files. The idea is to ensure that in the event of system failure or data loss,
critical information can be quickly recovered for business continuity.

2. Backups must be checked to see if they work: After making a backup, it is crucial to verify
that the data has been correctly saved and is recoverable. This may involve performing
data restoration tests to ensure that the backups are effective and not corrupted.

3. Keep backups in different locations from where the data is located: It is essential to store
backups in a physical location different from where the original data is stored. This
protects against total data loss in case of natural disasters, theft, or damage at the main
site. Remote or cloud storage are viable options.

4. Automate backups: Automating backups ensures that they are performed regularly and
consistently, eliminating the possibility of forgetfulness or human error. Data
synchronization tools, like Conduit on Linux, can be useful for this purpose.

5. Backups must be protected: The security of backups is essential. This includes measures
such as data encryption to protect information against unauthorized access and ensure
that only people with the right keys can access it. In addition, it's important to physically
protect the storage media of backups, like external hard drives or tapes, against damage
or theft.

2. Explain the differences between a low level format and a high level format.
The main difference between low-level formatting and high-level formatting lies in their focus and
purpose. Low-level formatting, or physical formatting, is a thorough check of the disk surface that
ensures all bytes can be read and written correctly, marking defective sectors to avoid their future use.
This type of formatting is generally done at the factory. On the other hand, high-level formatting, or
logical formatting, is carried out when creating partitions on a disk and involves formatting these
partitions to establish a file system, which implies the loss of the information previously stored on the

3. Explain what “cloning is” and the different elements which must be taken into account. Develop
its advantages and disadvantages too.
Cloning is the process of making an exact copy of a disk or a partition. This process is carried out using
applications such as Norton Ghost for Windows or PartedMagic for Linux. Cloning involves creating an
image file, similar to an ISO image of a CD or DVD, which is an exact replica of the original disk or
partition. If you wish to clone a boot disk, it is necessary to clone the entire disk to include the boot
sector and ensure that the system operates correctly when the disks are replaced. Additionally, it is
important to ensure that the hardware (HW) is the same when cloning a system.

Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of cloning, one of the main advantages is the relatively
short recovery time from the cloned image. A complete replica of the system, including the boot
sector, can be made, which is especially useful in the event of a disk failure, as it allows for the
complete recovery of the system.

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