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In a power station, coal can be used to generate electricity.


(a) Use words from the box to answer the questions below.

chemical electrical gravitational potential

kinetic light sound thermal
1 mark

(i) What is the useful energy transfer when coal is burnt?

............................... energy is transferred to ............................. energy

1 mark

(ii) Some of the energy stored in coal is wasted when it is burnt.

Give the name of one type of energy released that is not useful.

1 mark

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(b) Wind turbines are also used to generate electricity.
The wind turns the turbine blades and the turbine
blades turn a generator.

Use words from the box opposite. Complete the sentence to show the useful energy
transfer in a wind turbine and generator.

............................... energy is transferred to ............................. energy

1 mark

(c) Suggest one disadvantage of using wind to generate electricity.


1 mark

(d) Sugar cane is a plant.

The sugar from the cane is used to make alcohol.
Alcohol is a fuel.

(i) Which energy source do plants use to produce sugar?

1 mark

(ii) Is sugar cane a renewable or non-renewable source of energy?

Tick one box.

renewable source non-renewable source

Give a reason for your answer.

1 mark
maximum 7 marks

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(a) The diagrams below show how much heat is lost from different parts of a house every
2. second.

Through which part of the house above is most heat lost?

1 mark

(b) Part of the house is insulated to reduce the loss of heat.

This is shown below.

(i) Which part of the house has been insulated?

1 mark

(ii) Explain your answer.


1 mark

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(c) The table below gives information about three fossil fuels that can be used to heat a house.

energy Does the fuel produce these

fuel physical released substances when burned?
state when 1g is
burned (J) water

coal solid 25000 yes yes

oil liquid 42000 yes yes

methane gas 55000 yes no

(i) Which fuel in the table releases the least energy when 1 g is burned?

1 mark

(ii) Methane can be compressed.

Which information in the table shows that methane can be compressed?

1 mark

(iii) Sulphur dioxide causes acid rain.

Use the table to explain why burning methane does not produce acid rain.


1 mark
maximum 6 marks

The drawing below shows a space buggy on the surface of Mars.


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(a) The distance between Earth and Mars is 192 000 000 km.

It took a spacecraft 200 days to take the buggy from Earth to Mars.

Calculate the speed at which the spacecraft travelled.

Give the unit.


2 marks

(b) The weight of the buggy was 105 N on Earth and 40 N on Mars.

Why was the weight of the buggy less on Mars than on Earth?


1 mark

(c) The buggy uses solar panels to generate electrical energy.

The solar panels generate less electrical energy on Mars than on Earth.

Give a reason why.


1 mark

(d) The weight of the buggy was 40 N on Mars.

When the buggy landed on Mars it rested on an area of 0.025 m .

Calculate the pressure exerted by the buggy on the surface of Mars.

Give the unit.


2 marks
maximum 6 marks

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The drawing below shows a garden water feature. It is solar-powered.

The solar cell absorbs energy from the Sun.

The solar cell is connected to a motor in the bowl.
The motor drives a pump.
Water is pumped up to the jug and it flows back down to the bowl.

(a) Use the information above to help you to complete the following sentences.
Choose words from the list.

(i) The useful energy change in the solar cell is from

light to .................................... energy.
1 mark

(ii) The useful energy change in the motor is from

electrical energy to .................................... energy.
1 mark

(iii) As the water flows from the jug to the bowl .......................................
energy is changed into .................................... energy.
2 marks

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(b) Give one advantage and one disadvantage of using a solar cell to power the
water feature.

advantage ....................................................................................................

1 mark

disadvantage ................................................................................................

1 mark
maximum 6 marks

(a) The diagrams below show the patterns produced on an oscilloscope by three
5. different sound waves.

(i) Which two waves have the same loudness?

Write the letters.

............ and ............

How do the diagrams show this?


1 mark

(ii) Which two waves have the same pitch?

Write the letters.

............ and ............

How do the diagrams show this?


1 mark

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(iii) Shuli is listening to a sound that produces the pattern below.

Describe how the sound that Shuli hears changes between X and Y.

1 mark

(b) The table below shows the maximum time a person can listen to music at
different sound levels without damage to the ear.

sound level (decibels) maximum time (hours)

86 8

88 4

90 2

92 1

94 0.5

Estimate the maximum time a person could listen to a sound of 87 decibels.

............ hours
1 mark

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(c) The diagram below shows part of the human ear.

What happens to the ear drum as a sound gets louder?


1 mark
maximum 5 marks

Three pupils watched a firework display.

(a) A man lit the fireworks. He wore ear defenders.

Why should he wear ear defenders when he is close to loud fireworks?


1 mark

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(b) A rocket exploded making a loud sound and a bright flash.
Peter, Sabrina and Jan were standing at different distances from the rocket.

When the rocket exploded, Jan heard the quietest sound.

Why did Jan hear the quietest sound?


1 mark

(c) Jan saw the flash before she heard the sound.

What does this tell you about the speed of light and the speed of sound?


1 mark

(d) Complete the sentences below using words from the list.

chemical electrical heat light sound

(i) Jan, Sabrina and Peter could see the rocket explode because it

gave out ................................... energy.

1 mark

(ii) They could hear the rocket explode because it gave out

........................................... energy.
1 mark

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(e) When the rocket stopped burning it fell to the ground.
What force caused it to fall to the ground?

1 mark
maximum 6 marks

John investigated which material would be best for sound-proofing.

7. He put a bell inside a box.
He covered the bell with each material in turn.
He put a sound sensor outside the box to record the sound level.

He tested different materials and got the following results.

material sound level (decibels)

no material added 65

A 40

B 58

C 50

D 35

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(a) On the chart below, draw the bar for material A.

1 mark

(b) How many types of material did John test?

1 mark

(c) Which material was best at stopping the sound going through?
Give the correct letter.

1 mark

(d) Which two things should John have done to make his test fair?
Tick the two correct boxes.

2 marks
maximum 5 marks

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Ultrasound waves are very high frequency sound waves. They cannot be heard by humans.
(a) Ultrasound waves can be used to clean jewellery.

The jewellery is put into a container of cleaning fluid.

Complete each sentence to explain how ultrasound can clean jewellery.

The ultrasound generator makes the molecules of the cleaning fluid

............................... . The molecules knock particles of ................................

from the surface of the jewellery.


(b) Give a medical use for ultrasound.


(c) Ultrasound waves can be represented on the screen of a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO).

The diagrams show three ultrasound waves.

Each wave is represented on an identical CRO screen, A, B and C.

Screen A Screen B Screen C

(i) How many complete waves are shown on screen B? ..........................


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(ii) Which screen shows the waves with the highest frequency?

Screen ..............................
(Total 5 marks)

(a) An early type of echo sounder for a boat produces a sound of frequency 2000 Hz.
(i) The wavelength of this sound in water is 0.75 m. What is the speed of the
sound in water? Give the unit.


1 mark

(ii) This sound is heard by the operator as a brief ‘ping’. The speed of sound in air
is 330 m/s. What is the wavelength of the sound in air? Give the unit.


1 mark

(iii) Modern echo sounders use higher frequencies than the early type. Complete
the sentence below to describe how the wavelength produced by a modern
echo sounder compares with that produced by the early type.

The wavelength produced by a modern echo sounder is

1 mark

(b) The diagram shows a wave in a ‘slinky’ spring.

The frequency of the waves is 5 pulses per second and the wavelength is 80 cm.

What is the wave speed? Give the unit.

1 mark
Maximum 4 marks

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(a) The diagram below shows the positions of the Sun, Moon and Earth during a solar eclipse.
Write numbers (1–4) on the diagram below to label the features during an eclipse.

1. the Earth
2. the Moon
3. the Sun
4. a region where the total eclipse of the Sun is taking place

not to scale
2 marks

(b) Scientists discovered a regular cycle of eclipses. It is called the Saros cycle.
The table below shows the dates of some eclipses in this cycle.

Complete the table by predicting the date of the next eclipse in the Saros cycle.

eclipse date

eclipse 1 20th July 1963

eclipse 2 31st July 1981

eclipse 3 11th August 1999

eclipse 4
2 marks
maximum 4 marks

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The table below shows information about four planets.
time taken to orbit the Sun distance from the
(Earth years) Sun (million km)

Mercury 0.25 60

Venus 0.5 108

Earth 1.0 150

Mars 2.0 228

The diagram below shows the orbits of the Earth, Mercury, Venus and Mars, and their position at
one particular time.
The arrows show the direction in which the planets move.

not to scale

(a) Show the position of each planet six months later by drawing a letter X on the orbit of each
2 marks

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(b) Use the information in the table to calculate the largest and smallest distance between the
Earth and Venus.

closest ............................................ million km

1 mark

furthest ............................................ million km

1 mark

(c) The speed of light is 300 000 km/second.

Calculate how long light takes to reach the Earth from the Sun.


..................................................................................................................... s
1 mark

(d) The diagram below shows the path of an asteroid around the Sun.

not to scale

(i) On the path of the asteroid, draw a letter S to show the position where the asteroid
is travelling the slowest.

On the path of the asteroid, draw a letter F to show the position where the asteroid
is travelling the fastest.
1 mark

(ii) Explain why the speed of the asteroid changes.


1 mark
maximum 7 marks

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(a) The diagram below shows part of the solar system.

Look at the diagram.

Give the names of X and Y.


2 marks

(b) It takes Jupiter much longer than Mars to complete one orbit.
Give two reasons for this.

1 ......................................................................................................................


2 ......................................................................................................................

2 marks

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(c) The diagram also shows the orbit of a comet.

In 1531, 1607 and 1683 scientists recorded that had seen a comet in the sky.

(i) Edmund Halley looked at these dates and suggested the scientists had all
seen the same comet.

Explain how he worked out that it was the same comet each time.


1 mark

(ii) The comet was last seen in 1986.

Predict when it will be seen next.

1 mark
maximum 6 marks

Each of the observations shown below has one explanation.

Draw a line from each observation to the correct explanation.

maximum 4 marks

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The drawings show the mass and weight of four objects on different planets.

(a) On which of the four planets is the object with the largest mass?

1 mark

(b) How can you tell, from the drawings, that gravity is greater on Earth than on


1 mark

(c) Gravity is less on the Moon than on the Earth.

Complete the sentences below to compare the weight and mass of an astronaut
on the Moon and on the Earth.

The weight of an astronaut on the Moon is ................................. the weight of

an astronaut on the Earth.
1 mark

The mass of an astronaut on the Moon is ................................. the mass of the

astronaut on the Earth.
1 mark

(d) The table below gives information about five planets.

planet distance from the time for planet to orbit

Sun (million km) the Sun (Earth-years)
Venus 110 0.6

Earth 150 1.0

Mars 230

Jupiter 780 12.0

Saturn 1400 30.0

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(i) Look at the information in the table.

How does the time for a planet to orbit the Sun change with its distance
from the Sun?


1 mark

(ii) Use information in the table to estimate the time for Mars to orbit the Sun.

............. Earth-years
1 mark

(e) The diagram below shows the path of a comet around the Sun.

On the path of the comet below, place a letter X to show the position where
the comet is travelling the fastest.

not to scale
1 mark
maximum 7 marks

On 11th August 1999 there will be an eclipse. The shadow of the Moon will pass over part of the
15. Earth.

(a) The diagram below shows the Moon, the Moon’s shadow and the Earth.

not to scale

On the diagram, draw an arrow pointing towards where the Sun must be.
1 mark

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(b) At about midday the Moon’s shadow will pass over Cornwall in England.
Where, in the sky, is the Sun at midday?
Tick the correct box.

towards the North

towards the West

towards the East

towards the South

1 mark

(c) The map shows the shape of the Moon’s shadow and the path it will take across Cornwall.

The Moon’s shadow will take about 2 minutes to move across a house in Falmouth. It will
take less than 2 minutes to move across a house in Padstow.

Explain why it will take less time for the Moon’s shadow to move across a house in
Padstow than to move across one in Falmouth.


1 mark

(d) Why does the Moon’s shadow move over the surface of the Earth?


1 mark
Maximum 4 marks

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David lives in Britain. He sees that the Sun seems to move across the sky.
(a) Where does the Sun rise in the morning?
Tick the correct box.

in the north in the south

in the west in the east

1 mark

(b) (i) At what time of day is the Sun highest in the sky?

1 mark

(ii) In which direction will David see the Sun when it is highest in the sky?
Tick the correct box.

towards the north towards the south

towards the west towards the east

1 mark

(c) Where does the Sun set in the evening?

Tick the correct box.

in the north in the south

in the west in the east

1 mark

(d) Explain why the Sun seems to move across the sky.


1 mark

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(e) Light from the Sun takes about 8 minutes to get to the Earth.

How long does light from other stars take to get to the Earth?
Tick the correct box.

more than 8 minutes

8 minutes

less than 8 minutes

zero minutes
1 mark
Maximum 6 marks

A gannet is a type of sea bird.


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(a) When a gannet flies at a constant height above the sea, there is a downward force of 30N
on the gannet.

What is the size of the upward force on the gannet?

Tick the correct box.

less than 30N

exactly 30N

more than 30N

need more information

1 mark

(b) To catch food, the gannet dives down into the sea.
What is the useful energy transfer when the gannet dives?
Choose words from the box below.

thermal gravitational potential sound kinetic light

When the gannet dives, ................................................................. energy is

transferred to ........................................................................ energy.

2 marks

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(c) Label the arrows to show the names of the forces acting on the gannet as it dives.

2 marks

(d) Gannets have pockets of air between their muscles and their skin.
Suggest how this is a good adaptation for gannets when they hit the water at fast speeds.


1 mark

(e) The gannet releases energy through respiration.

An aeroplane also releases energy when fossil fuels burn.

Write two other ways that respiration and burning are similar.

1 ...................................................................................................................

2 ...................................................................................................................
2 marks
maximum 8 marks

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