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Name: Year 8:

UNIT (5)
L#2 Muhammad (S.A.W), a perfect man
Q1. Describe Rasullallah S.A.W as umm Ma’bad described to her husband?
A) Umm Ma’bad Al Khuzaiyyah describe Rasulllallh S.A.W to her husband as he was
openly bright and had a brood countenance. His manner were refined neither was his
belly protruding nor was his head deprived of hair. He had black attractive eyes,
finely arched by continuous eyebrows. His hair was glossy and black, inclined to curl
and rather long. His voice was extremely commanding. His heart was large, well
formed and set on slender neck. His expression was pensive and contemplative. Also,
he, was very fascinated to a distance but once becomes intimate, this fascination
would become attachment and respect. His speech was precise and his stare was
neither too large nor too small and he was bright and fresh. He was always surrounded
by his companions, who would listen and carry out all his commands. He always laid
truth with sincerity free from any kind of falsehood or lies.

Q2. Why was Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) considered as extra-ordinary?

A) Propher Muhammed (S.A.W) was considered an extraordinary man because he was
the truest, most beautiful and most benevolent of all creation. He was also the living
embodiment of truth, beauty and goodness. He was known as ‘Al Amin’ which
testifies his truthfulness and integrity of his characters. Also ‘us-watul-hasnah’
testifies to the beauty of his character and conduct. He was also given appellation
‘Rahmatun lil Alamin’ by Allah to confirm that he was a mercy and blessing for the
Q3. Mention a description of Rasullallah (S.A.W) made by his companions?
A) A description of Rasullallh (S.A.W) made by his companions Ali bin Abi Talib is as
follows: The messenger of Allah was not very tall nor short but was of medium
height. Also, his hair was neither curly nor straight but wavy. His face was not fleshy
but was fairly round. His mouth was wide. He had large black eyes with long
eyelashes. His bones and shoulder joints were rather large. He had a thin line of hair
extending from his chest down to his naval, but the rest of the body was mostly
hairless. He had wide palms and sizable fingers and toes. He was the most generous
and the bravest and reliable of everyone. He was also attentive to people’s due in full.
Also, he was most well-mannered and accommodation companion, also he would be
liked by his acquintance

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