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MDDC -· 372





T. D. Price
R. E. Telford

University of California
University of Chicago

This document consists of 1 pages .

Date Declassified : September 30 , 1946

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By T. D. Price* and R. E. Telfordt


Copper is frequently determined in uranium and thorium ores , solutions ,

and refined products . In the electromagnetic process for uranium isotope
separation , copper is dissolved from calutron structural materials . Macro
analytical methods are usually suitable for analysis of ores and solutions ,
but refined products such as uranium tetrafluoride , uranium metal , and plu-
tonium metal usually require micro methods or spectrochemical methods .

Since the analytical chemistry of copper has been well summarized in

standard reference books , 1,2,3,4,5 the present treatment is designed to cover
only analytical improvements and new applications of copper analysis as used
on the Manhattan Project .


The classic acid sulfide precipitation of copper has been used on the
project primarily for the purpose of separating copper in the course of a rare
earth analysis . It is a well known fact , however , that copper can be quantita-
tively separated from all cations not in the acid hydrogen sulfide group by
this method . Addition of oxalic or hydrofluoric acid to the sulfide solution
prevents precipitation of any tin or germanium with the copper . A sodium sulfide-
sodium hydroxide precipitation following the acid sulfide precipitation has been
used on the project to separate copper from molybdenum .

Certain organic reagents such as -nitroso B- naphthol , a -benzoinoxime ,

and salicylaldoxime have been used on the project to precipitate copper .
Palladium and gold are the only interferences in the precipitation of copper
with salicylaldoxime.5 A project method using this reagent is reported for
the determination of copper in uranium tetrafluoride.7 Gravimetric and turbi-
dimetric variations are described .

Copper , in the form of its dithizone complex , can be separated from many
other elements by chloroform and carbon tetrachloride extractions using appro-
priate variations of the acidity , complex - ion content , etc. of the aqueous
solution . A British report has shown that copper ( also vanadium and iron ) can
be quantitatively separated from nickel , zinc , and manganese by chloroform ex-
tractions of cupric cupferrate at a pH of 0.7-0.8 in nitric acid . Ammonium ion
in the form of ammonium sulphate was added to assure complete extraction . The
British followed this separation by application of the dithizone extraction and
a photometric copper determination .
Deposition in a mercury cathode , initiated at Princeton University, has
been found useful for separating small amounts of copper preliminary to polar-
ographic determination.9,10,11,12,13,14

* University of California Radiation Laboratory , Berkeley , California , and

Clinton Engineer Works — Tennessee Eastman Corporation , Oak Ridge , Tennessee .
† Metallurgical Laboratories , The University of Chicago , Chicago , Illinois .

MDDC - 372 1
2 MDDC - 372


Gravimetric methods for analysis of copper have not been widely used on
the Manhattan Project . Standard procedures involving electrolytic deposition
have been satisfactorily applied at the Metallurgical Laboratory , Clinton
Engineer Works , Tennessee Eastman Corporation , and National Bureau of Standards .
Bricker has suggested the salicylaldoxime precipitation method for determina-
tion of copper in uranium tetrafluoride . Wilder¹15 used the alpha benzoinoxime
precipitation in an ammoniacal citrate solution as a qualitative copper test
in the presence of uranium , nickel , chromium, manganese , and iron .

Larson and Price have developed a modification of the iodometric method3

which accomplishes removal of uranium and nitrite interference and complexing
of the iron . 16,19

Although there are a large number of reagents which react to give col-
ored substances with copper and are useful for its colorimetric determination ,
the two most satisfactorily employed on the project are diphenyldithiocarbazone
( dithizone ) and sodium diethyldithiocarbamate . The dithizone method is more
sensitive and has the additional advantage that the extraction may be carried
out in acid solution . At a pH less than three , the dithizonates of gold ,
platinum , palladium, silver , mercury , bismuth, stannous tiny and copper are
extracted into the chloroform layer . The dithizonates of silver , gold , mercury ,
bismuth , and tin may be destroyed by shaking the extract with 2% potassium iodide
in 0.01 N hydrochloric acid . Large amounts of iron interfere .

Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate gives a golden yellow compound with copper

in alkaline solution . This compound may be extracted with isoamyl alcohol ,
isoamyl acetate or carbon tetrachloride . Several other elements form colored
precipitates which interfere , but steps may be taken to prevent interference .
Manganese and uranium do not react when complexed with citric acid . Sodium
pyrophosphate prevents iron interference . Nickel and cobalt interference are
prevented by adding dimethylglyoxime before making the solution alkaline and
centrifuging off the nickel precipitate . Bismuth must also be removed.7

British reports17,18 describe a procedure for precipitating the copper

with H2S from weak sulfuric acid solutions containing uranium . The sulfide
precipitate is separated , dissolved with hot dilute nitric acid , and the copper
determined colorimetrically as the copper -ammonia complex .

Table 1. Methods for determination of copper .

Type of method Reagent or technique Range Accuracy

Gravimetric Electrolytic deposition 0.01 - 5 g ± 0.2 mg

Volumetric Iodometric titration 0.01 - 0.2 g ± 0.2%
Colorimetric Dithizone 1-57
5 ml volume
Colorimetric Na diethyldithiocarbamate 1 - 40 Y ± 5%
5 ml volume
Spectrographic Carrier distillation 0.3 p.p.m. limit
Polarographic Electrolysis - distillation 5 limit
MDDC - 372 3

Salicylaldoxime Method for Copper in Uranium Tetrafluoride7

Procedure : One gram of sample is decomposed by igniting it with 2 g of

boric acid in a platinum crucible . The residue is treated with 15 ml of 6 N
nitric acid and taken to dryness with 0.5 ml of sulfuric acid . After dilution ,
2 N sodium hydroxide solution is added until a permanent precipitate forms ,
and then acetic acid until the precipitate dissolves . The copper is then pre-
cipitated with 1 ml of 1 per cent salicylaldoxime ( 1 g reagent in 5 ml alcohol
diluted to 100 ml with water ) . If the copper content is small , i.e. , between
10 and 100 micrograms , the sample should be estimated turbidimetrically . If
the amount of copper is larger , filter off the precipitate on a tared sintered
glass crucible , wash , dry the precipitate for one hour at 105°C , then reweigh
the crucible .

Iodometric Method for Copper in Process Solutions and Process Solids 16,19
This volumetric method is a modification of the standard iodometric
method3 and has been used primarily where a complete analysis of solution or
solid samples from the electromagnetic process is desired . Copper , preferably
in 20 to 40 mg amounts , can be determined in such products as steel , uranium
halides , and process solutions with an accuracy of ± 0.2 per cent .

Procedure : The sample , if solid , is dissolved in water , nitric acid or

a hydrochloric acid -- hydrogen peroxide mixture . Five ml of urea solution is
added and the solution is boiled 1 to 2 minutes . Ammonium hydroxide solution
is added until the first permanent appearance of a precipitate , and the latter
is dissolved by addition of 5 ml of glacial acetic acid . Ten ml of 20% ammonium
bifluoride is then added . ( If the iron plus uranium content of the sample is sus-
pected to be greater than 1.1 g , more bifluoride should be added ) . Five g of
potassium iodide is added , the sample is allowed to stand two minutes with occa-
sional stirring , and is then titrated rapidly with 0.02 N sodium thiosulfate . When
within about 1 ml of the endpoint , five ml of 40% ammonium thiocyanate and 2 ml of
1% starch solution are added . If insufficient fluoride has been added , a red
ferric thiocyanate color will momentarily result when the thiocyanate is added
and a rerun will be necessary .

Colorimetric Methods

With Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate

Many project reports describe the use of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate

for the determination of small amounts of copper . 20,21,22,23,24 When a solu-
tion of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate is added to a solution containing small
amounts of copper , the golden yellow compound formed can be extracted with
isoamyl alcohol and the transmittancy measured spectrophotometrically30 ( Figure 1 ) .
The copper concentration is found from a standard curve ( Figure 2 ) .

Iron , nickel , cobalt , bismuth , and uranium give colored salts with " carba-
mate " soluble in isoamyl alcohol . Uranium is complexed with citric acid and
Fe ( III ) is complexed with sodium pyrophosphate to prevent their interference .
Nickel , if present , may be separated by adding dimethylglyoxime , and filtering .
Dimethylglyoxime also prevents cobalt interference . Bismuth may be separated
from the sample solution by precipitation with excess ammonia .

The accuracy of this method is about 5 per cent and a precision of 2 per
cent may be attained . The useful range is 2 to 50 micrograms of copper .
MDDC -· 372

Procedure : 20 An acidic aliquot containing 2 to 50 Y of copper is trans-

ferred to a 25 ml glass - stoppered graduated cylinder . Concentrated ammonium
hydroxide is added until the appearance of a precipitate , then 4 ml of 50%
citric acid , followed by ammonium hydroxide to pH9 . To complex iron , 5 ml of
5% sodium pyrophosphate is added . One ml of 2% aqueous sodium diethyldithiocarba-
mate ( prepared fresh every few days ) is added and the solution is extracted
with 5 ml of isoamyl alcohol . The solution is extracted with two more five ml
portions of isoamyl alcohol , each portion being removed with a pipet and trans-
ferred to a 25 ml volumetric flask . The combined extracts are made up to volume
and thoroughly mixed , and filtered if necessary . The transmittancy is then
measured at 430 mu against a blank of the reagents . The concentration is found
from a standard concentration - transmittancy curve prepared by carrying known
amounts of copper through the entire procedure (Figure 2 ) .

With Dithizone

This standard method30 has found considerable application on the proj-

ect25,26,27,28 in the analysis of uranium, UF , and UF6 . Transmittancy meas-
urements at 540 m is used for less than 20 micrograms of copper . Ten times
as much nickel , cobalt , zinc or molybdate as copper does not interfere . Chro-
mate interferes , but can be reduced to chromic ion by addition of ethanol dur-
ing the fuming operation . Cr ( III ) does not interfere when present in tenfold
excess over the copper . The described procedure is that used by Linde Air
Products .

Procedure : Prepare a sulfate solution of one g UF6 , or one g of the

metal , by fuming off excess sulfuric acid . For each 10 ml of the solution
there should be added 2 ml of 10 per cent sulfuric acid . Add dithizone ( 4 mg
per 100 ml CC14 ) in 1 to 2 ml portions and shake in separatory funnel . Draw
off the carbon tetrachloride layer . Continue to extract with fresh 1 to 2
ml portions of dithizone solution until a pure green extract is obtained , then
wash the aqueous layer with 2 ml of pure carbon tetrachloride . The combined
extracts are washed with 10 ml of the 1 : 200 ammonia . The carbon tetrachloride
layer is then drained into a 25 ml volumetric flask . The ammonia layer is
washed with 3 to 5 ml of carbon tetrachloride . The combined carbon tetra-
chloride layers are diluted to 25:00 ml with carbon tetrachloride and the trans-
mittancy of the solution is read at 540 mu, The color is fairly stable but
reading of transmissions should be done within 30 minutes . A calibration curve
is prepared in a similar fashion .

Polarographic Method

The polarographic method for analysis of microgram quantities of copper35

has been used on the project at Princeton.12,13 Copper was determined in pyri-
dine -buffered ( pH 5.15 ) and ammoniacal solutions after electrolysis into mercury ,
distillation of the mercury , and dissolution of the residual metal in hydro-
chloric acid . Polarographic procedures are described in detail in the chapter
on Systematic Analysis Schemes .

Spectrographic Method

The carrier distillation technique of spectrographic analysis has been

widely used on the project for determination of trace amounts of copper and
is treated in chapters on Spectrochemical Methods and Systematic Analysis
Schemes .
MDDC - 372 5


Although silver metal has been widely used on the project , analytical
development work has been done only on spectrographic methods for silver .
The spectrochemical procedures for silver analysis are provided in other
chapters .

Table 2. Methods for determination of silver .

Method Reagent Range Accuracy

Colorimetric Dithizone 1-15 γ

5 ml solution
Colorimetric p-dimethylaminobenzilidene- 1-40 y
rhodanine 25 ml solution
Spectrographic Carrier -distillation 0.05 p.p.m.

A British report29 describes an unsuccessful attempt to precipitate

50 to 300 microgram amounts of silver metal in alkaline carbonate solutions
containing 1 g of uranium . Formaldehyde was used as a reducing agent and
mercury as a carrier . Less than 25% of the silver was recovered by this
method .

The same British report describes a successful application of the dithi-

zone separation followed by spectrographic determination of the silver . The
details of this procedure are summarized as follows : The aqueous sample con-
taining 0.5 to 10 micrograms of silver ( also uranium and other elements ) is
diluted to 15 ml . Two ml of dilute nitric acid is then added and the mixture
extracted with 5 ml portions of .01% dithizone solution ( in carbon tetrachlo-
ride ) until the organic layer is no longer red on separation . The solvent
extracts are then combined , washed with a few ml of very weak nitric acid ,
and filtered through a small cotton plug . The combined extract is now evapo-
rated to a small volume , further taken to dryness on a copper electrode ,
treated with a few drops of HCl , reevaporated , cautiously flamed with a bunsen
burner and examined spectrographically for silver .

It was demonstrated that care must be taken to avoid long contact be-
tween silver solutions and glassware due to adsorption of silver on the latter .
Loss of silver by combination with platinum at high temperatures was also demon-
strated in this report .


Ores and refined products have been analyzed for gold on the project .
Ores are analyzed because of the value of gold as a by - product , and some re-
fined products are checked for gold because equipment made from this metal is
used in refining processes . The final determination is usually done spectro-
graphically .
6 MDDC - 372


Although many separation methods have been described in the analytical

literature , 3,5,30 project work has been confined to the mineral acid leaching
procedure , the dithizone extraction , and the precipitation separation wherein
metallic tellurium is used as a carrier for metallic gold . Procedures utilizing
these separations are included in the following section .


In America , gold has been determined either by direct spectrographic

examination of solid or liquid samples , or by partial purification , ending
with a spectrographic determination . Two British procedures are also briefly
presented .

Table 3. Methods for determination of gold .

Method Reagent Range Accuracy

Colorimetric Reduction by SnCl2 10-100

25 ml volume
Colorimetric p - dimethylaminobenzilidene- 1-25 Y
rhodanine 25 ml volume
Spectrographic Carrier distillation 0.3 p.p.m. limit
Copper spark 0.02 limit

Analysis of Gold in Ores and By -products6,31

In this procedure the uranium is removed by hydroxide precipitation , and

the gold and platinum are co - precipitated with tellurium . They are then deter-
mined spectrographically .

Special Reagents

Stannous Chloride . Twenty g of stannous chloride is dissolved in seven-

teen ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid and diluted to 100 ml . Tellurium
solution , 10 mg/ml . Exactly 5.000 g of tellurium powder is dissolved in 15
ml of hydrochloric acid ( 1 + 19 ) and 5 ml conc . nitric acid , and evaporated to
dryness . The solid is dissolved in hydrochloric acid ( 1 + 19 ) and again evapo-
rated to dryness . These operations are repeated twice . The final residue is
dissolved in 2 N hydrochloric acid , filtered through No. 42 paper which is well
washed with water , and the filtrate is diluted to 500 ml with 2 N hydrochloric
acid .

Procedure : To a 1 g sample is added 350 ml of water and 10 ml of hydro-

chloric acid ( 1 +19 ) . The sample is heated to boiling , 10 ml of 10% sodíum
bromate is added , and digestion on a steam bath continued for one hour .

After digestion , the sample is again heated to boiling , an additional 5

ml of bromate solution is added and the sample is cooled . Ten per cent sodium
hydroxide is slowly added until a pH of 10 is obtained . The solution is then
brought to a boil to coagulate the uranium precipitate . The precipitate is
filtered off on No. 42 Whatman filter paper and discarded .

Twenty ml of hydrochloric acid ( 1 + 19 ) is added to the filtrate , which

is then evaporated to dryness on the steam bath . The dry residue is dissolved
MDDC - 372 7

in 2 N hydrochloric acid and again evaporated to dryness . This dissolving

and evaporation step is then repeated . The final residue is dissolved in 30
ml of hot 2 N hydrochloric acid until the filtrate is approximately 50 ml .
Ten ml of the tellurium solution is added to the sample and the gold and tel-
lurium are precipitated together by adding slowly and with constant stirring ,
10 ml of 20% stannous chloride solution . The precipitate is coagulated by
heating and stirring , and is then allowed to stand overnight .

The supernatant liquid is tested for completeness of precipitation by

addition of a little more stannous chloride solution . If the test is negative ,
the precipitate is filtered on a tared 30 ml , fine porosity sintered glass
crucible . The precipitate is washed several times with cold 2 N hydrochloric
acid , then once with alcohol and finally with ether . The precipitate is then
dried for one hour at 100°C , cooled and weighed .

Fifteen milligram portions of the dry precipitate , which should , in all ,

weigh between 90 to 100 mg , is mixed with 5 mg of graphite and completely burned
on a graphite electrode using a DC arc . The gold lines are compared either with
the lines from a set of standards containing .001 - .100 mg of gold or with a tel-
lurium line as internal standard . The 2675.95 and 2748.26 gold A lines are used ,
and the 2967.2 tellurium line is used .


The first English report29 on the analysis of gold is designed for trace
constituents and involves carbon tetrachloride ( or chloroform ) extraction of
the gold dithizonate from an acid medium , Vevaporation of the extract to dryness
on a copper electrode and spectrographic evaluation of the gold content . The
procedure is the same as that given for silver except that the spectrogram
is compared with a set of gold standards using the 2675.95 A gold line .

A second procedure described in the British literature32is a volumetric

method designed for accurate analysis of 5 mg quantities of gold in 1 g uranium
alloy samples .

In this procedure the alloy is readily attacked by nitric acid ( 1.2 )

yielding a solution containing only a very small amount of the gold ( 0.05 mg )
and a residue containing nearly all of the gold and some tin and uranium . The
soluble portion of gold can be recovered by carrying with tellurium in a hydro-
chloric acid solution as described earlier , but is , in general , regarded as a
negligible constituent .

The determination of gold in the insoluble residue is made in general ac-

cordance with the earlier work of Pollard33 and Jamieson and Watson.34

The residue is dissolved in bromine water to which has been added a little
concentrated hydrochloric acid , the excess bromine is removed by aeration , and
the resulting solution treated with potassium acid fluoride buffer reagent .

The solution is then titrated with standard hydroquinone solution using

o - toline ( or o - dianisidine ) , added towards the end of the titration , as the
indicator . The endpoint is the disappearance of the intense yellow color formed
by the oxidation of the indicator with chlorauric acid . The hydroquinone re-
duction of chlorauric acid proceeds according to the following equation :

2HAUC1 + 3C6H602 2Au + 306402 + 8HC1

Tests showed that small amounts of uranium do not interfere with this reaction .
8 MDDC - 372


1. Latimer , W. M. and J. H. Hildebrand , " Reference Book of Inorganic Chemis-

try , " pp . 98-124 , Macmillan Co. , New York , 1940 .

2. Parkes , G. D. , and J. W. Mellor , " Mellor's Modern Inorganic Chemistry , "

pp . 582-611, Longmans , Green & Co. , New York , 1939 .

3. Scott , W. W. , " Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis , " Vol . I. D. Van

Nostrand , New York , 1939 .

4. Hillebrand , W. F. , and G. E. F. Lundell , "Applied Inorganic Analysis , "

pp . 161-166 and 193-302 , John Wiley and Sons , New York , 1929 .

5. Treadwell , F. P. , and W. T. Hall , " Analytical Chemistry , " Vol . I. pp . 99-103 ,

129-138 and 516-519 , John Wiley and Sons , New York , 1937 .

6. Bassett , L. G. , D. J. Pflaum , R. J. Rutman , C. J. Rodden , and N. H. Furman ,

" Manual of Analytical Methods , " MSA , A - 2912 , Vol . I ( January 1946 ) .

7. Bricker , C. E. , " A Provisional Method for Determining Copper in the Tetra-

fluoride , " A - 1002 ( June 1943 ) .

8. Short , H. G. , Br - 216 ( May 1943 ) .

9. Safranski , L. , " Development of Polarographic Analytical Procedures , " CC - 523

(March 1943 ) .

10. Bricker , C. E. , and N. H. Furman , " A Supplementary Report to the Electrolytic-

Polarographic Method of Analysis , " CC - 1706 ( April 1943 ) .

11 . Safranski , L. , " Polarographic Analysis , " CC - 581 ( April 1943 ) .

12 . Furman , N. H. , G. P. Haight , Jr. , and B. McDuffie , "Further Studies of the

Electrolytic - Polarographic Method , " A - 1054 (August 1944 ) .

13. Bricker , C. E. , and N. H. Furman , " A Method for the Determination of Minute
Traces of Metals , " A - 1928 ( also in CC - 73 ) ( ca. September 1944 ) .

14. Nyitrai ,J. A. and B. McDuffie , " A Study of the Distillation of Dilute
Amalgams , " A - 1076 ( March 1945 ) .

15. Wilder , C. D. , " Experiments Using the Carbonate Procedure in the Recovery
of Uranium , " Chem S - 313 ( August 1943 ) .

16. Larson , C. E. , and T. D. Price , " Determination of Copper , Iodometric Method

Using Urea and Ammonium Bifluoride , " RL 4.6.150 ( Chem S - 150 ) ( June 1943 ) .

17. Bradley , I. L. , " The Analysis of and Determination of Major Impurities in

UF4 and UF6 , " Br - 243 ( July 1943 ) .

18. Jones , A. G. , " Some Standard Colorimetric Methods , " AM- 2168 ( April 1945 ) .

19. Price , T. D. , L. E. West , A. V. Henrickson , R. H. Smellie , and W. M. Salminen ,

" CEW-TEC Manual of Standard Analytical Methods , " CD - 3801 ( 1945 ) .
20 . Grossi , A. , " Colorimetric Microdetermination of Copper Using Sodium Diethyl-
dithiocarbamate , " MUC - JIW - 594 ( 1944 ) .

21. . Anderson , E. C. , and R. A. Gustison , " Preliminary Report on the Colorimetric

Determination of Copper in Uranium, " CC - 417 ( June 1943 ) .

22. Curtis , R. E. , and Group , " Standard Analytical Procedures , " CC - 1189 .
MDDC - 372 9

23. Boyd , C. E. , R. E. Curtis , and W. H. Johnson , " Graphite Purity Research

Program, " CC - 976 ( December 1943 ) .

24. Gustison , R. A. , E. J. Frederick, E. F. Story , and J. E. Draley , " The

Determination of Small Amounts of Impurities in Water , " CC - 3019 ( April
1945) .

25. Bricker , C. E. , " Dithizone Procedure for Small Amounts of Copper , " A - 1003
(June 1943 ) .
Linde Air Products , Ceramics Plant , " Analysis of Green Salt , " A - 1-13 , Section
2c , p. 4 , Tonawanda , N. Y.

27. * Petretic , G. J. and C. J. Rodden , A - 2912 , Vol . III , p . 128 ( 1946 ) .

28. Haddock , L. A. , " Some Standard Analytical Operations - First Series , "
British , R /GC /905 .

29. Jones , A. G. , Br - 146 ( March 1943 ) .

30. Sandell , E. B. , " Colorimetric Determination of Traces of Metals , " pp . 214-225 ,

247-255 and 394-403 , Interscience Publishing Co. , New York , 1944 .

31 . ibid 6. Vol . II , Part 2 .

32. Haslam, J. , and J. Beeley , " The Determination of Gold in Gold - uranium
Alloys , " British , Br - 476 , Imperial Chemical Industries , Ltd. , Northwich
(August 1944 ) .

33. Pallard , W. B. , Analyst , 62 , 597 ( 1937 ) .

34. Jamieson , A. R. , and R. S. Watson , Analyst , 63 , 702 ( 1938 ) .

35. Kalthoff , I. M. , and J. J. Lingane , " Polarography , " pp . 279 et . seq.,

Interscience Publishers , Inc. , New York , 1944 .
10 MDDC - 372




0 20 40 60 80 100 420
Y Cu/25 ML

Figure 1. Spectral transmission curve of copper diethyldithiocarbamate

in isoamyl alcohol 100 y Cu/25 ml , measured in a 1.00 cm cell with a
Beckman spectrophotometer against isoamyl alcohol as reference . ( 28)
MDDC · 372 11









375 400 425 450 475 500

Figure 2. Standard curve for determination of copper as diethyldithio-

carbamate in isoamyl alcohol , measured at 430 mµ with a Coleman model
10-S spectrophotometer . (13 )







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