Abstract The Use of Positive Emotions To Counteract The After Effects of Communication-Induced Negative Emotions Felt by Participants in Intercultural Situations.

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In the context of strongly progressing globalisation in business and in private lives,

intercultural situations are increasingly present. At the same time, intercultural
situations may cause negative feelings such as frustration, stress and anxiety.
For the purpose of counteracting and eliminating these negative feelings, this study
examines the effects of positive emotions on intercultural situations and
Therefore, theories from the areas of emotion psychology and intercultural business
communication have been combined in a bi-disciplinary approach.

Within a mono-method qualitative study, 11 semi-standardised one-to-one

interviews comprising predetermined and open questions with participants from
different cultural backgrounds were conducted which enabled the researcher to
investigate the conscious part of the participants’ emotions through introspection.

The bi-disciplinary approach indicated that the ‘Broaden-and-Build Theory of

Positive Emotions’ from the field of emotion psychology can be successfully applied
to intercultural situations. Most commonly, social interaction, happy people and
relationships were named as positive stimuli by participants.
Some interview participants showed that a certain mindset could potentially prevent
negative emotions in intercultural situations. In particular, it became noticeable that
these participants attached great importance to positive thinking, empathy and

The research showed that it is important and useful firstly to counteract negative
emotions in intercultural situations and secondly to place emphasis on positive
thinking, self-awareness and empathy in order to maintain the right mindset and to
develop intercultural competence.

Word count: 16,013


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